srayzie ago

This is interesting. Especially for anyone who’s been following this story. I don’t know if there’s a way to archive YouTube videos. But streamable lets you save 10 minutes of a video. So I saved it but it’s in 3 parts...

Seeking The Leadership Path with guest Jeff Kasky
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Tanngrisnir ago

Thank you for saving those, srayzie!

srayzie ago

You are welcome!

septimasexta ago

Why do you think they produced this crappy video? The lady looks sto*ned. It only had 2 views. The format is ready to embed. Are they sending code?

BeTidy ago

Apologies if I'm breaking rules, as I've posted this comment on a related thread. I'll change it if this is the wrong thing to do. But it directly answers your question as to why this strange video was made. ( A video that would put anyone off but the desperate or suckers, from dealing with these people. But that is their target audience. Its a kind of filtering system. )

The interview is an example of NLP/Success marketing. Those into that "market themselves" by writing books and appearing in "Summits". For someone unacquainted with those techniques, it sounds very impressive. However, in reality, its a mutual marketing scam utilizing techniques that in some ways relate to PizzaGate.

Dirty Tricks - He quotes Tony Robbins in the interview. "Self help" gurus like Tony Robbins used Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP to make millions in the 1980s. NLP is a collection of techniques commonly employed by stage hypnotists, cults, and... military intelligence agents. [significant for Pizzagate]

NLP - Best article I've seen about it, very insightful overview, and humorous. Particularly note the link about half way down - "Scamworld: Get rich quick schemes mutate into an online monster". It explains the purpose behind this bizarre interview

In my view, the very jarring and over the top intro from the interviewer made use of hypnotic techniques, typical of NLP.

Don't Judge - He is concerned about people "judging" him. Particular categories of people are famous for crying, "don't judge". [Sodom & Gomorah - the original PizzaGate]

Medical Malpractice - Kasky co hosted a show on Autism with medical malpractice lawyer Mark Rosen. A malpractice lawyer would be very valuable if caught "Programming to Kill" via hypnosis. (the interview is on Roku) Presumably this Mark L Rosen?

Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan - Superb book that explains how serial/spree killers are made. A difficult topic handled without gore, and with great black humour. There are two court cases I've seen crop up where CIA Psychiatrists have been sued (successfully) for programming patients to kill. Both in the USA. (follows on from Medical malpractice connection & NLP above) Look up the book "Programmed to Kill" by Dave McGowan on Amazon, or the author's web site. [I don't think I'm allowed to post the link here]

The NLP movement thrives on people writing books (of any quality) to give themselves a profile in a field. A book makes someone an "expert", which is good for business, or at least appearing in interviews and "summits". Which again are good marketing for business. Kasky lists a number of books he has written on adoption, including, "Consumers Guide to Adopting". A revealing choice of words.

Excessive, sickening mutual praise. A key part of NLP brainwashing. Katsky and his interviewer over do it. I nearly threw up. He closes with "... and I know that if we had communications with other planets [pause for effect], they would all know you... you're just a great person, and its an honour to know you".

He says he's all about charities, values and he's not in it for the money. What a guy. He's also following the pattern of the "NLP" crowd, where every charitable act, summit, book, and carefully chosen word and movement, is about deceptive marketing, and hypnotic techniques. Is this the sort of cover one would expect for PizzaGate operations? Well... yes. It fits the profile.

Bizarre NLP / Marketing scam style interview here...

srayzie ago

I have no clue. I just saved the videos before YouTube deleted them

think- ago

The firefox browser has an add-on that allows you to archive YT vids.

srayzie ago

Oh do you know what it’s called?

think- ago

@srayzie, have you seen this post?

srayzie ago

No. Thank You!

think- ago

You're welcome!

think- ago

Thank you for your post, @Tanngrisnir.

Since many people here don't know who Jeff Kasky is, and also don't know JAFCO, I would like to ask you to edit the headline and include this information.

Please point out that Jeff Kasky is the father of the Florida school shooting survivor Cameron Kasky, and that JAFCO is an adoption agency you think we should look into as there have been allegations that kids were molested in one of their shelters.

Please see Rule 3 in sidebar (please switch to desktop view when on mobile)

3: Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate.

Also, please point out in the body of your post who Cameron Kasky is - you might want to link to his Wikipedia article:

In the first sentence of your post, linking to the interview with Jeff Kasky, please give a time stamp for the moment when he talks about JAFCO, this was at 15:00, so that people won't have to watch the whole video. Please also link to one of the recent posts on v/pizzagate about the Florida shooting, and please explain why the people connected to the shooting (e.g. as survivors or the relatives) would be worthwhile researching.

You might want to link to this post by @MolochHunter:

Please also point out why you think there could be indeed child trafficking going on at shelters of the organization, or why you think that some of their foster parents might be involved in such crimes. (There might be a possibility that children were molested - which is horrible enough - but actually not trafficked for this purpose.)

Rule 2: If you ask a question: Explain what led to your question and provide sources. If you present opinion/argument, connect your dots and provide sources for them. Avoid baseless speculation.

Thank you!

I will flair the post with an 24 hours 'Edit Warning'. Unfortunately, headlines can't be edited on Voat, so please self-delete within 24 hours, edit headline and the body of your post, and re-submit.

If the post won't be edited within 24 hours, I will unfortunately have to remove it.

septimasexta ago


Great post. This guy should be researched. He has connections all over. Foreign connections? In my opinion, he's using his son and some other teens from the high school to front a new GUN CONTROL FOUNDATION. Shades of the Clinton Foundation which was started off of charity donations after the Haiti earthquake:

"Parkland Students Have Raised $3.5M for Gun Control"

"To help fund a national gun-control movement, a small group of South Florida students who survived the worst high school shooting in U.S. history set up a modest website Sunday and created a GoFundMe account to pursue an ambitious goal: raise $1 million."

"The money has poured in from all over the country, escalating to seven figures before the young organizers could even set up a foundation to fund.

By Tuesday, the pot was nearing $1.5 million. And then four celebrities committed a half-million dollars each.

With $3.5 million suddenly at their disposal, this core group of roughly 20 teenagers — still grieving the loss of 17 classmates and school mentors — has enough money to fund a national march and a revolution. They’re now beginning to consider the long game: a lasting movement to keep the pressure on pro-gun politicians and the National Rifle Association."

"Teenagers like Cameron Kasky, Emma Gonzalez, Alex Wind and David Hogg — all of whom have received enormous media attention since the shooting — seized a moment when the country was mesmerized in horror and called for action."

“That’s where the money is going,” Jeff Kasky said. “They’re being directed by people with knowledge of how to responsibly spend this money and it’s going to be very transparent. Every penny is going to be accounted for.”

"With the help of a celebrity, Kasky said the group has brought in some attorneys, some administrative help and a public relations firm, 42 West. This week, they expect to establish the March for Our Lives Foundation in order to deposit all donations to the cause."

septimasexta ago

Cameron Kasky's GOfundme: "Half of the funds raised on this GoFundMe will go toward the March For Our Lives Action Fund, a 501c4 that will cover expenses associated with the march taking place in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, March 24th."

"The other half of the funding raised on this GoFundMe will provide relief and financial support to the victims and families of the horrific shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School via the Broward Education Foundation ." MY COMMENT: The victims were teens. What kind of "relief" will this money buy? Were the victims financially supporting their families? What kind of "financial support" is needed? The state of Florida is paying for the victim's funerals. WHY ARE THEY MONETIZING THIS TRAGEDY? SICK SICK SICK!

"With the emergence of celebrity benefactors, the march has suddenly developed Hollywood ties. But despite conspiracy theories fostered by far-right blogs and pundits that liberal gun control groups are using Parkland survivors as pawns for their cause, the #NeverEnough movement has so far been an organic, loosely organized phenomenon."$3-5-million-here-s-how-they-re-going-to-spend-it-15759000 LOL! They know we are on to them. Alternative media is a bit*h.

septimasexta ago

JTA pulls out the "antisemitecard" on the NRA. All the world is a coincidence.....

septimasexta ago

PR firm 42 West:

"Amanda Silverman of 42 West represents Rihanna, Lady Gaga and many others."

CAN YOU SAY SPIRIT COOKING????? The elite have no new game plan!

septimasexta ago

“Look at me and tell me that guns were the factor in the hunting of our kids in this school this week." Fred Guttenberg


Tanngrisnir ago

No problem, think-. I will try to make the needed changes.

Vindicator ago

Also, ping me or @think- when you've edited and reposted, and one of us will give you a "Potential Lead" flair. :-)

Vindicator ago

Glad to see you posting, @Tanngrisnir. :-) Thanks for helping us administer the submission rules.

Also, since you are closely following the proposed pizzagate connection to the Florida school shooting, I'd love to hear your take on the pattern I just highlighted in this thread:

Tanngrisnir ago

Maybe I'm wrong but there have always been a lot of "OMG a swirl!" type posts. I am going to assume that it probably not intentional shilling, but who knows?

Vindicator ago

There haven't been many in quite a while. Then, all of a sudden, a whole pack of them. Wierd. Also, we had someone post CP today -- first time that has happened in this year plus I've been modding. Hentai yes, actual CP, no.

Tanngrisnir ago

No, it looks like you are right. The forum is indeed under attack. My only thoughts on the matter is the Elites are currently terrified of the populace and that is why the Stoneman Douglas school shooting was immediately used to advance gun control by students whose parents were either former cops or former FBI. I'm sorry you have to deal with this since I know it is a heinous situation fraught with peril. I will try to be extra careful and clicking any links. The kids need us now more than ever though.

The truly strange thing is the info on Jeff Kasky and One World Adoptions still wouldn't be enough to convince the average CNN watcher. It looks like we are collectively really close to finding something big.

think- ago

Thank you, much appreciated! :-)

You can save your source by clicking 'edit', then transfer content into a new submission sheet.

Sorry that you'll have to remove the post, unfortunately headlines can't be edited.


Vindicator ago

Tanngrisnir is a great researcher. Let's make sure he gets a chance to copy his source markdown text before we remove if he runs out of time. In fact, if the 24 hours runs out, copypaste it into a DM to him before you remove.

Tanngrisnir ago

I have actually decided to not repost it. After reading the Reactionary Times article I trying really hard to try to see if I can verify some of the claims. The best I could come up with is that indeed the Boca Raton synagogue the post mentioned had a pedophile Rabbi. However, I could not find any evidence that it is actually affiliated with JAFCO. The rest of it I can't verify as it is simply unsourced claims in a opinion piece. Sure it is curious to see similar claims on two different sites, but there still isn't enough to go on. So in the name of caution it should probably be removed.

No worries, it isn't because of the mods. If additional information comes to light I can always repost it then.

think- ago

In fact, if the 24 hours runs out, copypaste it into a DM to him before you remove.

Yes, that's what I thought as well.

I'm also alerting the other mods, if someone else should take it down, to please save the source first.

@ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Blacksmith21: please see parent.

Vindicator ago

T self-deleted.

However, I really like this policy of saving and DMing the source text to the OP before removing posts where it might be an issue. Let's make that a standard operating procedure for removals involving heavy embedded formatting. Except for the inane amalek shitposts...just let those die -- and of course immortalize them in our tracking thread in v/pizzagatemods.

@ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Blacksmith21

Blacksmith21 ago

Wonder is Racine_Is_Corrupt saved his walls of text. LOL. The shills are really funny - they have no concept of human behavior.

think- ago


EricKaliberhall ago

saving and DMing the source text to the OP before removing posts where it might be an issue. Let's make that a standard operating procedure for removals involving heavy embedded formatting.

Sounds fair... Got it.

EricKaliberhall ago

Been following closely ^. Got it!

carmencita ago

The agency is also well know as one of the least pro-reunification agencies in Florida, meaning that they make it much harder for parents who have lost their children to regain custody, even in cases where the State or other agencies would support such a process. REALLY? Well we just had a post about how the police dept. of Bower County works in tandem with their CPS. So possibly Kasky is helping facilitate this process. They are all working hand in hand, imo.

carmencita ago

You have my UpVoat just for being this up and for doing your research. Thanks. Yes, he is dirty and this indeed needs looking into.

Tanngrisnir ago

No problem. Haven't posted a submission in a long time due to a mixture of internet issues and simply getting despondent and feeling powerless. But I have been keeping up all this time.

Kasky was actually a member of the Florida police department. So it is hardly surprising he is involved.

think- ago

Kasky was actually a member of the Florida police department. So it is hardly surprising he is involved.

Maybe you might want to include this in the body of your post? I think this would interesting for many users.

Thank you for submitting again! :-) Hope to see many more posts written by you in the future!

If you should have any questions re the editing requirements, please get back to me or @Vindicator anytime! :-)

Tanngrisnir ago

Here is the link where they mention his police work. Used the non-archived version as the archived version looks wonky for this page.

Thank you for the suggestions. I may have to complete the corrected version tomorrow though due to time constraints. I'm an old member so I try to do my best to follow the rules around here.

think- ago

I may have to complete the corrected version tomorrow though due to time constraints. I'm an old member so I try to do my best to follow the rules around here.

No worries, @Tanngrisnir, please take your time! :-) And thank you for cooperating! :-)

There are three archive sites you might want to use (there may be some more, though):

If the archive on one site looks bad, just try another one.

Vindicator ago

getting despondent and feeling powerless

Glad you are back! Hope the labyrinthine submission rules don't discourage you. We've made some changes around here in the last week, as outlined by the stickies. Hopefully you will find it much more encouraging. You are a good researcher. :-)

Tanngrisnir ago

Thanks Vindicator, I really appreciate it. I like the new changes.

carmencita ago

They are all in on it together, doing their part, whatever is needed to keep their filthy business going. It is always another Rabbit Hole.