4_InquiringMinds ago

Thank you for your post. I gave up here but still lurk.

But after a closer look, that "bombing" was a pre called in and nothing of value was there. There were 5 people killed however, but that bombing was severely over-hyped.

The value of course was innocent people. I watched the video of one young widow, heartbreaking. Tell her nothing of value/tell his child.

This sub is controlled opposition. When reddit went on a binge deleting subs w/o notice for some unexplained reason pg was given 2 hours to migrate. Not difficult to figure out.

From gatekeeper Noam...

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum – even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.

Anyway, thanks again for your post.

Oh, ps...notice how Q refers to 5 years from now? It's being locked in for trump second term.

A war criminal is a war criminal and there is no gray area. Bombing ppl is murder...doesn't get much simpler than that.

djklbd ago

Damn... One of the rare ones. Thank you brotherr. Peace.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Ah, you are most welcome.

love, sis (but you can still call me bro lol)

pimpinainteasy ago

Of course, there is also the little matter of Trump and the RNC continuing to support Roy Moore for the Senate race, despite allegations that he sexually abused a 14 girl:


How does this benefit the Pizzagate narrative???

Lovethelight ago

Yes, would sure love to know more about those meetings with Kissenger.... i also wonder about Trump's moves on net neutrality....won't that just give the big $ more power and make it harder to research topics like pizzagate?

tyfdt ago

LOL Roseanne Barr‏Verified account @therealroseanne 11h11 hours ago More trump is james bond and q i get it now

manfredmustermann ago

I passively followed pizzagate from the beginning and think it has much credibility but got less enthusiastic about it when trump seemed to be more and more naively interpreted as undercover savior. I never understood how one could heavily rely on such a narcissistic clown now even showing to be supporting Zionism. I got really concerned about this democrat/republican split that became quite prevalent. As most movements lose momentum through inclusivity issues and creating a strong in- and outgroup identity I think it is unfortunate how this very relevant issue of systematic pedophilia and sexism gets sometimes even rhetorically gobbled up in i.e. conservative rhetoric by frequently using it to legitimate homo/transphobia/xenophobia sometimes giving me a hard time to stand behind pizzagate when words like ‘faggot’ appear to be a no brainer in many threads here. Thank you from Germany as I think this post is very important and relevant, directly speaking to my latest concerns with pizzagate losing its focus of being an inclusive movement against the corrupt-elite-pedophilia that can make a difference by fighting together instead of politicizing it for other means. For those interested, I share a recent podcast on SoundCloud by Abby and Robbie Martins that is directly related to this thread: https://soundcloud.com/media-roots/us-saudi-kills-yemen-fake-news-fail-ousting-sex-predators

pimpinainteasy ago

Excellent post, especially now that Trump is going to be declaring Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel.

A country which is a MAJOR human trafficking hub, just FYI...

SocialistActivist ago

I made post a long time ago and out of no where, not even related to the topic i was scolded because im the only leftist on voat it seems, not a leftist in the same ways antifa or Sanders is but we are largely discrediting ourselves and not focusing on the real issues because everyone is against pedos besides pedos themselves.

mrnobu ago

What i will say about the CIA and other complexes is that not ALL are bad, most are good.

Votescam ago

Fact that he's so experienced in business - bankruptcy, his humility, his respect for women...

his willingness to expose himself as a "pussy grabber." -- and his innocent adoration of his daughter.


party1981 ago

There is a strong case for Trump being corrupt. I wrote an entire post about it here.


My post was titled:

"Here, Let Me Crush the Last Hope You Had That Trump Will End Pizzagate Child Trafficking"

However, there are a lot of different clues that Trump will do something big with #pizzagate. Here are some of the clues I know about.

  1. Trump literally kicked Epstein out of Mar-A-Lago for inappropriate behavior.
  2. Trump told Sean Hannity that he expects Bill Clinton to have a "lot of problems" with Epstein's island.
  3. The first thing Trump did after swearing in Jeff Sessions was sign an executive order about human trafficking.
  4. Trump hired, and relied on, General Flynn during the campaign. Flynn and his son explicitly tweeted about #pizzagate.
  5. Trump relies on Blackwater CEO Erik Prince. Prince gave an explosive interview, covered by Breitbart, that vindicated #pizzagate and stated that the Weiner laptop includes child abuse content.
  6. Dan Bongino, former Secret Service agent and current political pundit, explicitly warned a HRC clerk "don't poke the bear," and "people know" about HRC and Epstein, because not all of the blackberries were destroyed. This fits with what Erik Prince said about Weiner's laptop revealing that HRC visited Epstein's island.
  7. The first comment on VOAT to one of my recent posts was by an anonymous user who confirmed that (1) military intelligence recruited Trump and (2) when Trump was propositioned by Epstein's operation with a child, he replied something like "she doesn't even have tits."
  8. FBIanon said that if Trump wins, he is confident that Trump will put HRC in jail. FBIanon predicted pizzagate four months in advance of Podesta's email and the "#pizzagate" trending on Twitter.
  9. Erik Prince's Blackwater mercenaries are, right now, torturing the Saudi princes arrested in Saudi Arabia. These are arguably the same princes who donated $40 million to the Clinton Foundation. According to the DailyMail, the current leader MBS is torturing them to learn about foreign officials who accepted bribes from Saudi princes, which sounds exactly like the CF donations, and fits with the description of HRC selling children to Saudi Arabia.
  10. Everyone from Sean Hannity to George Webb predicts that the Awan brothers scandal will explode open and embarrass the Democratic party, and it arguably leads back to some #pizzagate content on the data the Awans were transferring/stealing.

And so on. There are other reasons to suspect that Trump will do the right thing. Qanon on 4chan gained credibility with me when he predicted that Trump's twitter account would go down hours before it actually did.

But there are lots of other reasons to doubt Trump. He was friends with Jeff Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Roy Cohn, all associated with child trafficking and sex blackmail operations. His name is circled in Epstein's black book, indicating that he knew about the operation. He's friends with Lucky Larry Silverstein. For a comprehensive overview, read my article above about crushing hope in Trump.

My best guess is:

  1. 50/50 that Trump will do something really big and good
  2. If he does something good, he will probably try to pin Vegas, 9/11, and part of #pizzagate on the Saudi princes who were arrested and are being tortured by Blackwater. He will not say a single word about Israel, Mossad, Silverstein, neoconservatives, dancing Israelis on 9/11, the Yinon Plan, or the connection between Maxwell and Epstein to Mossad. You see this when Trump's children are all married to connected to Jews (for the most part), and when Trump shakes Netanyehu's hands with a big grin on his face, when Trump declares Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel, and when Trump stokes further tensions with Iran.

Baddabing ago

I don't know enough to answer your specific questions, but I hope someone does. I'll give it a shot though.

As very much NOT a Trump supporter (and also as someone who believes that "Pizzagate" is credible and SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED PUBLICLY), I do wonder sometimes if he's playing with blackmail. If he ever indicts any actual people of significance, my first thought would be that it would be to seize power for him and for his family. If you have an understanding of history, you might notice that this isn't a new phenomenon. But God help us in this technological era. God. Help. Us. All.

dtneslo ago

Compare pedo arrests before and after Trump....those are REAL and evidence of intent....I/we all could be mistaken but the way he thrashed the Clintons and Bushes makes me like him...psy/op who knows but I like the play just fine....

pray4theinnocent ago

Whoa, hold on. Is this a pizzagate thread or a bash President Trump thread?

dustyr ago

Not getting sucked into your obvious hate-for-Trump debate. He was the much-better-than-the-opposition choice for me. Non-establishment. The only possibility to stop the blatant widespread corruption & perversion of the gov't. You weren't expecting perfection I hope. I would like to see your list of faults on Hillary, but I know you're not getting paid to do that.

pray4theinnocent ago

Agreed 1000%. President Trump going after the "pervs". This is just the beginning

new4now ago

Just want to say Golfing is a controlled environment thats damn hard to bug

A lot of business is done there

Also want to point out, that Trump seems to have almost surrounded himself with guilty people

Is this because he part of it or wants to keep close eyes on them and play with them as a cat with a mouse?

I seriously think Hillary thought she would win no matter

Was this a ploy by the powers that be because Trump is more malleable then Hillary?

She was promised it when Obama won the DNC ticket. Did they pull the rug out from under her?

I doubt it, there was too much at stake and these people wanted to carry on their merry way to taking control of everything

Who really thought Trump would win?

I didn't, and I voted for him

Only the 2 parties are really in the race for president and I despise Hillary

Obama seems to be always out of the Country

Is he waiting for boom to come down?

"He's a good guy" " they are great" seems to be a default answer for Trump, so who knows

I just know at this time I have to have a lot of Faith

Trump a savior? Haha no, but I have faith he will lance the carbunkle we have been living under

I listen to what you are saying, but I am part of the population that was quiet and came out in droves to vote Trump in

Time will tell, we have been screwed over so many times by our government

Still and will always think he was the lesser of evils if he turns into a puppet

Until then, I will hold to my faith

Are_we_sure ago

Just want to say Golfing is a controlled environment thats damn hard to bug.

This is silly. You could certainly do surveillance on a golf course. And who would be buggin him?

I can believe the fantasizing extends excusing Trump's constant and hypocritical playing of golf

new4now ago

Alot of business is done on a golf course

As for bugging, it would be difficult on certain holes

I was not making a Trump excuse

Alot of presidents and buisness people make tentative proposals on a golf course

zoeozbird ago

They have listening devices that can hear conversations a mile away.

new4now ago

You would think by now they would have counter for that, some sort of scrambler

Amazing the stuff they have come up with

And scary for the stuff we know nothing about

Narcissism ago

Some of the things you have listed Trump has done for expediency purposes, doesn't mean he believes in everything he had to carry out. Time will tell if its 4d chess or just votes.

PonderProverbs2 ago

So you would’ve rather “her” been elected?

ESOTERICshade ago

So you would’ve rather “her” been elected?

Nobody is implying that. A republican president who is obviously better than here is still no reason the trust any political party in D.C.

mooteensy ago

He hi-jacked a political party that was out of touch with the general population. It was genius, imo.

ESOTERICshade ago

He hi-jacked a political party

It appears that he did do that. Now if we could rid of trash like Paul Ryan et:al...:)

sentryseven ago


Hortance ago

Youre obviously just trying to staple Trump to the Globalist bastards we're all learning to hate. That means your side is losing.

For everyone else.... 1. Trump has all the right enemies. 2. Trump is trying to bring back Glass-Stegall, which Bill Clinton ended....allowing the big banks to merge with the big brokerages. It only took them 8 years (2008 crash) to destroy the dollar. Since 2008 they've been making a mint and buying more and more politicians ....Trump wants to break them up....They HATE him. Trump has actively pursued policy that the Globalists hate....tightening borders, stopping the "levelling" of the US economy with the world with new trade deals and ending NAFTA....and preaching to the world on the biggest stages of his international trip about the virtues of Nationalism, maintaining their own sovereignty and being patriotic about their countries.

The suggestion that Trump is a globalist is laughable. Doesn't mean he's perf3ect. Far from it. This thread is an attempted con.

mooteensy ago

Agreed. How is this even in this forum? What about v/AskPizzagate? Clogging up the front page with shit about Trump seems like a good way to distract people.

Hortance ago

Right. Highly political thread, with an OP that dishonestly says, to start, "I'm just a country farm boy, I'm just trying to understand why y'all like Trump", then begins pouring arguments out to suggest Trump is an elite globalists.

"Trump is one of THEM" ......The Left uses this strategy when trashing their opponent is failing, and some of their pols are getting in trouble...."Everybody is doing it, the new guy isn't any different than us"....Its always their SECONDARY argument, used when they are losing.

djklbd ago

You literally have yet to address any of my questions about him. Can you not come up with a rebuttal other than attacking my character?

Maybe not everybody here is deepthroating your precious populist president...

Hortance ago

"Maybe not everybody here is deepthroating your precious populist president"? LOL. You were just a simple country boy, lookin fer some answers.....and then you dumped a page of Left-Globalist propaganda attacking Trump.
You're just pissed that you aren't nearly as clever as you thought, and that "everyone" could see through your dishonest attempt to con them.

I answered every bit of your dishonest post by exposing your bogus agenda and destroying the narrative you were trying to suggest..."Trump an elite Globalist." If you don't want your character to be "attacked", don't lie so much.

mooteensy ago

@djklbd Why don't you post this on one of the other forums that is intended for this type of dialogue. You will find people with many different opinions on Trump, but not many in this sub with incredibly different opinions on Podesta, Alefantis, Marina Abrovamic (Spirit Cooking), Hillary, Soros, Laura Silsby (now Laura Gayler), etc.

djklbd ago

Because TPTB (the ruling class, the NWO) are trying to prop up Trump's reputation on all conspiracy related forums, and many people here are crediting Trump directly with these human trafficking arrests.

But I think it's pretty obvious that not all of us have blind faith in him, and we need to divorce ourselves from him being associated with this investigation.

Particularly because he is implicated, as his relationship with Jeffery Epstein would prove.

I find this relevant.

mooteensy ago

I think you just don't like Trump and wish he was one of the people takin a ton of heat right now, instead of Roy Moore or Epstein. That doesn't make this relevant. Sorry

djklbd ago

I think you just don't like Trump and wish he was one of the people taking a ton of heat right now, instead of Roy Moore or Epstein. That doesn't make this relevant. Sorry

Why?I don't understand your logic. This just seems lazy. All I did was point out my skepticism for Trump.

Can you respond to any of the shit I posted? Only one fucking guy actually did (which I appreciate, even if I disagree), but cmon man you have to do better than just attacking my character. I'm not the one putting blind faith into a demagogue like you are..

mooteensy ago

I assure you there is nothing lazy about my logic, and your lack of understanding stems from your inability to have faith. When it comes to Trump, only time will tell!

SoldierofLight ago

Great questions. Here's a visual for people to follow along with: https://minutepeople.press/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/1-34.jpg

My father would have chewed off his own arm before ever posing like that with my sister. And there are a LOT of photos like this of Trump and his daughter.

When he makes statements about how we have to leave the Israelis alone, I get nervous. You also named quite a few other reasons why he makes me nervous. I'm still glad he won instead of HRC, but that's not good enough.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm still glad he won instead of HRC, but that's not good enough.

No kidding. Its like the twilight zone. Its like "hey I have a good idea, the republicans have a new president, lets trust them."


SoldierofLight ago

Exactly. One of the ways in which they've successfully dumbed down the human populace is making us believe we only ever have two choices. Sports fan here, but notice how it's always one team against one other team? It's true of almost everything. Spicy or sweet. Good or bad. Up or down. Here or there. Dem or Repub.

We need to collectively remember that reality is constructed from INFINITE choices. In fact, there are infinite realities occurring simultaneously and we are each a part of all of them.

The other thing they've successfully brainwashed the majority of us with is the need for instant gratification. This is why Q is so popular. Not only does he promise instant and complete results, he's telling us he represents The Good Guys (versus the only other team out there which is The Bad Guys) and never mind that he says the NSA are also the good guys because... the paradigm. If Q is a Good Guy and supports the NSA then the NSA must be the good guys too and if Trump is a good guy and is aligned with the Zionists then the Zionists must also be The Good Guys and then, whoa, we're right back where we started.

As you said-- NOPE. That paradigm just doesn't work for me.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is why Q is so popular. Not only does he promise instant and complete results, he's telling us he represents The Good Guys

Q is dopamine hit and more fun than actually fighting against pedophilia. So what if he is in the government? That makes me trust him less, not more.

If Q is a Good Guy and supports the NSA then the NSA must be the good guys too and if Trump is a good guy and is aligned with the Zionists then the Zionists must also be The Good Guys

It has me mystified that so many people have suddenly forgotten about the Zionist agenda. Its like it vanished for some pizzagaters. Puzzles me.

SoldierofLight ago

It has me mystified that so many people have suddenly forgotten about the Zionist agenda. Its like it vanished for some pizzagaters. Puzzles me.

Right? It's like they got a huge hit of scopolomine or something.

ESOTERICshade ago

Right? It's like they got a huge hit of scopolomine or something.

You think there are shills in here pushing this? Seems like there are usernames I wasn't used to seeing that are driving this. I have not been able to decide if its just people that have become interested again that were laying on the sidelines or if its a package deal from the "factory."

SoldierofLight ago

Yeah, I've noticed all the new names too, and a surprisingly large number of them were created around a year ago. It's crossed my mind several times that (((they))) created the profiles back when this subverse first took off and banked them for future use, which seems to be now.

But there's an additional momentum I can't quite source, though the icon is Q. Where is this collective mania coming from re: Q (and Trump)? It's not just middle Americans who recently woke up. I also see SAR survivors and many others falling in step with this as well. And the quotes... You've seen them. "Well, Q confirmed it so it must be true." But who the f is Q??? The thick layers of suppositions built on suppositions make me nauseous.

You've spoken more than once about the power plays going on but few seem able or willing to digest that nugget.

ESOTERICshade ago

"Well, Q confirmed it so it must be true."

I'm glad i'm not the only one that noticed that.

SoldierofLight ago

Nope. Might be just us though, lol.

thewebofslime ago

I'm skeptical, because Aya Hegazi and her MK Ultra camp for kids in Egypt was exposed, numerous people were arrested, they found a kid chained up, videos and pictures and Hillary Clinton was trying to get this woman freed. The news paints Aya Hegazi as a good person. They leave out the part about the transcripts. Hegazi's accomplices, including her husband, are still sitting in jail, last I heard.

Trump did free this woman, though, and planted her butt in a seat at the White House.


Are_we_sure ago

I didn't know that. Good for Trump.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago


lopus ago

I also have my doubts about Trump and I sometimes have to shake my head, when I see some people adoring him like a saviour. I also read that he flew on the Lolita express... etc.. and all the other stuff you mentioned.

There is one thing that makes me "trust" him a little bit (at least more than Hillary) that is, that the whole establishment hates him so much. I am living in Germany. And we Germans are used to, that our mainstream media is always pro-USA. Obama and Clinton always were presented to us with a gloriole - and again and again we get that Kennedy quote "Ich bin ein Berliner" and every new president used to be compared to Kennedy. Super brainwash. German mainstream media is obsessed with US-presidents. Even George W. Bush... ok, he did not get the "Kennedy-appeal", but he still was presented to us as the "leader of the western world"... and if he did something stupid they did not talk much about it - or maybe joked a little bit... but there was never that hate I can see now!

In 2016 there was the US-election and all of our mainstream media were already celebrating Hillary Clinton as next president... and they were full of disgust and hate against Trump! ALL media! Our big TV-stations and the big newspapers - All of them! (except the small papers and websites from the far right and far left). And when he finally was elected, they were all going "oops! this should not have happened....!!" (it was fun to watch their faces).

Ok, I thought, let's wait for a while... I was sure, that, after a few weeks our media will start brown-nosing in the White House again, and soon we will get kitschy stories about "Trump's German ancestors" in the papers and things like that... - as they always did.... But, well, surprise, surprise - NO! All German media still hates Trump. I am really surprised! And, honestly, that is the main reason why I tend to trust Trump a little bit!

But, maybe I have to add, that in general I do not believe, that any politician who is in a powerful position (and does not get murdered) , is someone who is a "saviour" for us, the "normal people". There are always powerful people wo choose and control the politicians, so that the politicians control us, the "normal people". For decades it was what we call the "Deep State", who controlled the politicians (by pedocracy), media and the whole administrative apparatus. At least it looked like that. But now we can see, that the "Deep State" is not the real puppet master.

The "Deep State" probably just is a power cabal who was "employed" by these real puppet masters - guess, because it was comfortable for them. But it seems that the puppet masters now have decided that the Deep State has to go. They have started to get rid of their "old management" - that's how I would call it. And they have hired Trump for that. And maybe that's why all these disgusting pedo-crimes are now getting exposed.
The puppet masters have decided that it's time to "change the horses" - and the system. Why? Guess, because the system is bankrupt, as everybody knows.

So I think we are maybe just witnessing the historical event of a "change of administrative elites". But the "real elites" (the puppet masters) will remain the same (guess it's the Rothschilds or old aristocracy or similar people). And, although I like to watch the Deep State going down, I also know that the puppet masters are not our friends. There will be a lot of "collateral damage". And all of these people don't give a shit on us normal human beings.

And, will it be better after that change? Honestly, I don't know. Depends on, if the "satanist pedocracy" just was a tool to control the "upper management" - or if the real puppet masters also enjoy this kind of "pleasures"..

ESOTERICshade ago

or if the real puppet masters also enjoy this kind of "pleasures"..

They practically invented it.

lopus ago

yes, and probably they like these things themselves... Or are they just using it for "motivation and control purposes" of their "employees"? So, can there be a reason to think that it will stop? Will it maybe help, that all these things are now getting exposed? Because, when it's public knowledge, it will be harder to continue. But then we can ask, why do "they" allow that it's getting exposed? Is it the only way to bring the whole cabal down? Or do they maybe now have better ideas for controlling politicians and the masses? (maybe digital ones...?)

CSokolof ago

Shill . Trump is leading the resistance and giving us a voice

ESOTERICshade ago

Trump is leading the resistance and giving us a voice

WE are leading the resistance and give America a voice. We fought the Republican and Democrat party the whole way and we don't need to trust them now. D.C. is poisonous and we don't need to partner with them. We got here without them. We got this in the news. We just need to keep independent, decentralized, so that nobody can co-opt us.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

He looks more and more like PT Barnum.

If that's a fake out, it's the best one ever.

I keep looking for some slip up, some sign of Trumps common humanity. Nothing to date, he's as pastie as ever. If his eating nothing but Big Mac's to is true, I think we will have no choice but to down size this clown eventually. That oversize me film was frightening.

If I'm wrong and he turns out to be the best thing since sliced bread, I'll be first to say forgive me for doubting. A real story book hero knows to arrive after all hope is lost. We seem lost in a fairy tale.

It could be another standard bait and switch, look at pizzagate over here, while the rich folk steal everything not nailed down. We are the 99%, Don't forget.

mooteensy ago

Don't get lost in the nihilistic comments/threads by people who never liked Trump to begin with. Thank you for all your comments in this sub though, and I hope you know I only say this because I still have hope for Trump myself.

davemcgowanwasright ago

Most of these comments are pure b.s. The truth is that most white hats inside the alphabet agencies did not like or trust Trump at first. They tended to back Cruz. As Trump continued to run for office they came to believe he intended to not be a puppet of the globalists. When they realized this, they worked extremely hard in swing states to make sure that the uniparty couldn't steal the election for Hillary.

He is the only non-puppet president we have gad since JFK and the only one willing to expose the deep state. Yet, most people talk about his orange hair and that they find his tweets too confrontational. Iv'e got news for you, folks. If Trump really is a puppet too, we are all fucked.

ESOTERICshade ago

Most of these comments are pure b.s. The truth is that most white hats inside the alphabet agencies

I'll just use that. Anybody that trusts for there to be "white hats" in the intelligence community is asking for disappointment.

We got here by being unique and trusting nobody. We were loud. We refused to shut up. Trusting "white hats" is not a safe play.

Trump also has far less power than a lot of people realize. I think we need to stay loud, depend and trust nobody. If they have good intentions THEY WILL FOLLOW US as we redpill the rest of America.

mooteensy ago

Trump was not a politician before the election. Trump knows that if he doesn't deliver on his promises, the American people will turn on him the same way they did on Obama. I'm not saying he is a saint, but I believe he has A LOT of power as POTUS, and I think he will do right by the American people.

ESOTERICshade ago

Unfortunately POTUS doesn't run the government. More like he is at the mercy of it.

mooteensy ago

You're missing the point. He isn't compromised. The government, which is compromised, is now at the mercy of him and the "Republicans" that back him, probably to save face. He's using the Republican party, he is not working for them.

djklbd ago

If Trump really is a puppet too, we are all fucked.

Why? Seriously explain why to me.

kestrel9 ago

Shouldn't you be out hanging flyers?

MrrHandsome ago

Trump was my last hope for this satanic ritual abuse being brought to the surface for everyone to see. But thats all it was, blind hope. Everything that has come to light recently involving the sexual abuse in Hollywood has litwrally been forced into the media by random people , Trump and his team have not been involved in any red pilling. It's been a year and nothing has been done. We're fucked guys, its just too big for us.

ESOTERICshade ago

We're fucked guys, its just too big for us.

I disagree. We were strong enough to put it in the headlines and we are still here. We just have to keep being unique. We cannot let the Republican party co-opt us or we are dead.

We got here by singing our own tune. We trusted NOBODY. We just have to keep doing the same thing. It works. We don't need to change it.

djklbd ago

We're fucked guys, its just too big for us.

Not at all. Not even close. We forced them to make all these accommodations like "fake news" and all the pizzagate hit pieces, the staged false flag. That was US, not fucking Trump. WE did that together. We were fine before him and we'll be fine after him.

TinfoilCrown ago

The Corbett Report - How Trump Filled The Swamp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs0BfPDvUQg

Banned4Truth ago

I've had some questions but to answer the Saudi Arabia thing. Canada sells weapons to them too and they've used them to beat the shit out of Yemen. Media silent. Also, who benefits from these Middle east wars? Keep in mind, Saudi Arabia and Israel are allies. Which proxy factions are whose ally? Which Muslim country is being perpetrated in the news as "the enemy". What's really going on in Saudi Arabia with the arrest of billionaire princes and the purge of many others?

You would agree that the CIA is a globalist and evil intelligence agency, correct? Why Is trump saying that the CIA is "great" and "terrific"? Why did he say that he was behind them "1000%"?

Trump says everything is great and terrific. In the world of big business and government mafia you learn to not reveal your intentions. Saying "he's terrific" leaves enough plausible deniability that he could mean it when you really think he's full of shit. It's called being unpredictable. Nothing "telling" about someone who feigns diplomacy. I'm sure they all do it. But with a more elaborate vocabulary.

Why was his Bombing of Syria a strategic move for the betterment of US citizens? Was it not allowed to occur under false pretenses?

I didn't like that bombing neither. We all thought he fell for the sarin gas bs and many of his base were pissed off. But after a closer look, that "bombing" was a pre called in and nothing of value was there. There were 5 people killed however, but that bombing was severely over-hyped. The only people who liked it were Trumps enemies. John McCain was one of them.

Why did trump meet in private, and visited the home of known globalist Henry Kissinger?

Thee old adage. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Meeting with Kissinger is just keeping up with the status quo. What's he supposed to do? Announce to the world Kissinger admits to world global domination, is a master of war and genocide and should be tried for crimes against humanity? Then turf him out of the white house? MSM would love that! Could you imagine the spinning going on? They might even call Trump anti-Semitic. Oh wait...

Why is he pushing the fake terrorism boogey man to accelerate more illegal war?

What's so "fake:" about it? Maybe that purge in Saudi Arabia has something to do with radical sunni Islamic terrorism. It's certainly is not Shiite terrorism. Someone is funding Mosques like crazy to incite the youth and someone has opened the migration flood gates into Europe and convinced white people that their culture is meaningless and deserves more "diversity". Sounds like a concerted effort. Think Israel and Saudi Arabia again.

The Rothschild thing? There could be something to that, you're not the only one suspicious. But how did Trump get elected? Seriously, Clinton had the deck stacked so high no wonder she's delusional and jealous as fuck. She didn't even have a concession speech prepared. So, if the elite made Trump their puppet, why didn't they let Hillary at least know? They didn't even let the MSM in on it and they certainly didn't funnel so much money from foreign investors like Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal gave to Hillary. This also means, no Russian collusion. Not only did the elite back stab and double-cross it's own minions like Soros, it managed to rig the voting machines easier to help Trump win than it could have to help Hillary win. Imagine that! All along they could have just did what they did to get Trump elected but for Hillary! Why?

No, this is what happened. The American people decided to blow up the entire fucking system rather than have that cunt at the helm. So they elected Trump and he's blowing up the system. You can't claim Trump is for the establishment when the establishment wishes they could just jfk him on the spot. These are different times. Maybe go read the 48 laws of power or even a cursory glance online and maybe you'll understand why Trump was elected.

ESOTERICshade ago

What's so "fake:" about it? Maybe that purge in Saudi Arabia has something to do with radical sunni Islamic terrorism. It's certainly is not Shiite terrorism.

My guess is a 97 billion dollar budget deficit. A 2 Trillion dollar family oil company named Aramco that is getting ready to go to the stock market and make many people 100 billionaires in the process.

Not to mention that there is a scuffle over which branch of the Saud family gets to become the new King.

Splinterinyourmind ago

I think the reason people want to trust him is hope, and the fact that his administration is pretty much the only party that could feasibly be working to solve this problem. I don't necessarily trust him, but I certainly hope the people who do are right.

djklbd ago

I think the reason people want to trust him is hope, and the fact that his administration is pretty much the only party that could feasibly be working to solve this problem.

See, I never got drawn into this false hope idea, hoping he's working for us. I guess I just have way too much skepticism of the political system and I knew they would get someone who works for TPTB on their behalf in the white house. They always do.

HOWEVER, that doesn't mean all hope is lost. I truly believe a massive awakening is underway and will hit it's peak during the end of Trump's first term. We just need to keep waking people up, take things to the next level trying to reach the masses. I'm very optimistic.

Splinterinyourmind ago

And there's also the Q posts. The poster has been verified as in the administration in at least a couple of the posts. And the information corroborates directly with the past, present, and future. Idk, I think there is reason to hope.

edit: even if trump is no good, its pretty clear his administration is at odds with the powers that be.

ESOTERICshade ago

And there's also the Q posts. The poster has been verified as in the administration in at least a couple of the posts.

Just to play devils advocate lets say that is true, although i'm not convinced. The current Republican administration is still in lock step with the Zionist agenda. Nothing has changed about that.

It looks like we will get a break from the agonizing SJW agenda for the next 8 years though, than God.

If we start cheering for a political party pizzagate will disappear. We pizzagaters are THE force on the planet keeping the pedophile discussion alive and nothing else.

Its easier to cheer for our favorite football team than be a real football player. If we become cheerleaders instead of pedophile investigators pizzagate is over.

Pizzagate is at a more vulnerable junction right now than people realize. The majority of the Republican administration does not want to see pizzagate bust wide open in its face because they are trapped in it. They will not push it, but let it die.

Its up to us. Its always has been and it always will be. Trusting those fuckers made our world as screwed up as it is and I hope we have learned our lesson.

djklbd ago


djklbd ago

even if trump is no good, its pretty clear his administration is at odds with the powers that be.

What evidence is there to support this?

99% of trump supporters in the conspiracy realm (or any realm), support him because they think the media attacks on him add credibility to his anti establishment appeal. That, and a WHOLE lot of lip service. It's been a year, and he's looking like more of the same to me..

With southern accent "If the media is corrupt, and they're attackin' Trump, Trump must be'a good guy!!"

You don't think the social engineers could be staging this media onslaught to add credibility to him as an "outsider"?

Remember how the media dealt with ron paul? They just IGNORED him. That's how they deal with real outsiders. Trump got the most airtime of any candidate ever, and it thrusted him to the R nomination. They knew what they were doing...

Splinterinyourmind ago

In his first year, there have been more human trafficking related busts than under the entirety of president Obama's two terms. We have a verifiable anonymous leaker from within the administration helping paint the picture, its not imagined. Less congressmen than ever aren't seeking reelection, there are daily sexual scandal reports, and revelations in the mainstream media of tying some of these people to human trafficking rings. I'm not a trump supporter, I didn't vote for him. You're projecting your own partisan bullshit.

ESOTERICshade ago

In his first year, there have been more human trafficking related busts than under the entirety of president Obama's two terms.

Most of those were pimps and hos in routine busts. They put human trafficking in the headlines to fool us. Law enforcement is scared of us and they should be. Lots of them are willing to cooperate in these fake busts because a lot of their asses are going to jail if this splits wide open.

djklbd ago

You're projecting your own partisan bullshit.

I am entirely non-partisan. Thats part of the reason why i'm not drawn into the conservative trump fuck fest that has plagued the truth movement as of recently.

Has trump acknowledged anything about pizzagate? No. So why are you attributing all of these recent human trafficking arrests to him personally? Sounds like you have to do a LOT of reaching to make trump appear as a good guy. It's much easier to point out his corrupt NWO cabinet members and policies he's already carried out, which I did in my OP.

He has done nothing for me to give him the benefit of the doubt, and skepticism is a way smarter move than blind support of any politician. Especially the president for fuck's sake...These guys are selected in advance.

Splinterinyourmind ago

Blind support and hope are simply not the same thing. There's ample evidence to suggest its a complete shitshow behind the scenes right now. As citizens, there's little we can do but hope and gossip. I'm honestly not a "trump supporter", but the evidence is swaying me to believe something bigger is going on. I just tried to answer your question speaking for people, cause I'm a jerk; I hope I answered decently. Your responses seems like as much of a stretch as my answers.

EvaEverywhere ago

"Pizzagators" = Trump supporter

is a fallacy that is included in most of the reporting against pizzagate revelations... It is also part of all the articles written by people who have felt targetted by pizzagate investigators. I am not a Trump supporter. I do not trust Trump. I can believe that the military (JSOC) is organizing a cleanup of the Swamp but I do not believe Trump has enough brain cells left to do anything but go along.

ESOTERICshade ago

Good luck but the Hopium smoking is strong on this one.

If people would stop being lured into cheering for their favorite party IN A ONE PARTY SYSTEM and continue to focus on pedophilia instead of getting caught up in politics pizzagate might survive to be here another year.

If people keep getting lured into the Zionist trap of cheering for Zionist politics pizzagate will die from being diluted with delusions of progress that is not happening.

Pizzagate became strong because we trusted neither party and told them both to go fuck themselves and that we did not trust either of them. I like Trump better than Hillary but I know that the Republican party did not suddenly flip overnight to anti-pedo because it is still full of the same pedophiles.

What we see happening is Trump's ego giving the Clinton/Obama regime a bitch slap for being such nasty little fucks and showing them who is the new boss.

That depends on what you intend to win. It depends on if we believe the swamp in only inhabited by democrats.

Some people are not noticing that Pizzagate is morphing into the theatrics of Russiagate. The way we can see this is that Republicans associated with the pedophile network are not suffering the same unfortunate political fates as Democrats.

The Republican vs Democrat turfwar is not about taking out a pedophilia blackmail ring, it is about pigs jockeying for better positions at the taxpayer money trough. Pedophilia has yet to enter the equation because "The Storm" is not about taking out the pedophile blackmail ring. Its about Russiagate, Obamagate, etc....

Its dragging Pizzagate into the swamp and diluting our message of pedophiles.

Pedophiles, Republican and Democrat alike, are rejoicing. Suddenly pedophilia is only a Democrat problem, and no Democrats are going to jail for pedophilia. The subject of pedophilia will slowly slide off the map in this forum if people keep posting all these D.C. political turf war threads.

Until the most famous and powerful people in the world, politicians and billionaires, are publicly outed for pedophilia, all else is noise. They are still protecting themselves.

Its not lost on me that Republicans directly involved in Pizzagate are not suffering the same fate as democrats. The reason for that is obvious, its a turf war between two factions of the D.C. swamp.

I wish people would notice. If this keeps up EVERYTHING that happens in D.C. will be pizzagate related and this forum will look the front page of a political news site.

Just because some people have taken the bait that this political battle between the Republicans and the Democrats is all about pizzagate does not make it true.

I wish it was true but it isn't. We need to stay pedo focused on Republicans and Democrats alike.

Simply cheering for the demise of the Democrats does not accomplish our mission because the Republicans are neck deep in this problem too.

Lovethelight ago

FWIW, Q says that many paedophiles are being quietly taken from power , many simply agreeing not to run for reelection...that said, no idea how these numbers (of dropouts) compare to the normal numbers.... http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/republicans-not-running-for-re-election-in-2018/article/2634190

ESOTERICshade ago

FWIW, Q says that many paedophiles are being quietly taken from power , many simply agreeing not to run for reelection.

Thanx for the info. I have seen that theory too. I have mixed feelings about letting pedophiles walk silently into the night unscathed. That says to me that Trump is more interested in getting rid of political enemies than he is purging our country of pedophiles. Getting rid of pedophiles does not involve sending them away free to continue to participate in pedophile networks. It involves putting them in jail, getting info from them, and putting their accomplices in jail.

Bolux ago

Well said. There are a lot of smart people on the internet fighting the good fight but don't underestimate the opposition they hire the best ( and morally corrupt) minds in the country which makes them really dangerous.

djklbd ago

You nailed it.

I think the social engineers are trying to "merge" the conspiracy culture with right leaning conservative politics and "suck" us into the political spectrum.

We have a non partisan appeal that we need to maintain. Trump has done nothing for us to give him the benefit of the doubt, and either have any of these phony larpers like Q. They're taking us for a ride..

We don't need an insider in politics to take down the cabal. We just need to wake enough people up, and we can take them down ourselves.

2impendingdoom ago

I think they golf to prevent eavesdropping.

millennial_vulcan ago

How much are those caddies paid!

Corwintrails ago

Couldn't agree more. There's nothing more that compromises this forum than to think, of all fucking people, Donald fucking Trump is somehow supposed to be some savior of the children and the abuses against them. How about his many sexual predator comments? This post was a real relief for me, as I was beginning to really call into question the whole bias here. Getting pretty tired of people believing idiot pundits in the far-right who are supposed to represent the abused among us. The advantage here, in my opinion, is the emphasis on CITIZEN journalism, which is by definition not associated with anyone who claims allegiance to the establishment, and that most certainly includes our supreme clown of a president, Mr Trump

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Breath of fresh air here today. Thanks all. Having said anything at all defending Trump to friends and family has for me, like I'm guessing plenty of you thrown me into the "he's gone nuts, talks like a bloody republican object of ridicule. We paid a big price holding your hand Sir Highness Donald.

The fight against pedophilia will apparently need to outlast even his magnificent head of orange hair. Never has this couphure appeared before, he's truly unique.

If I were on a jury* with Trump on some trumped up charge but it was a serious capital offense;

and his friendship with Epstein plus the Lolita log evidence, combined with the grab 'em by the pussy....... (note that's in the plural)....... boasting on camera, were allowed as evidence of his character, I'd be struggling with my convictions,

ONLY IF Capital Punishment were in the offering. I got some qualms about that from the Bible. Most of yours didn't have that part but mine still does. Guilty wouldn't be the issue.

  • (Me being on any jury is not likely. After sitting many idle hours, I was summarily dismissed the one time called, by BOTH attorney's agreement. I appeared obviously independent, something like that. A goat among fat sheep. Serious faced crestfallen, I laughed to myself as I walked out feeling once again like a Free Man. Then whistled a happy tune walking down the courthouse hallway,

djklbd ago

Its crazy. The social engineers may have even planned for him to win in an "upset" to make him look more trustworthy and add credibility to his anti establishment character.

He still takes orders just like the fucking rest of them .

Piscina ago

I agree with everything you say. I think he's been chosen, like all before him. I don't see him attacking pizzagate issues, because too many of his buddies are satanist pesos.

djklbd ago

I agree with everything you say. I think he's been chosen, like all before him. I don't see him attacking pizzagate issues, because too many of his buddies are satanist pesos.

Nailed it. Thanks man.

SterlingJB ago

I'm an "I" who didn't vote for T, or H for that matter, and am quite aware of his background and affiliations. Trump defs picked right for VP tho in relation to peeps like me, which there are a lot of, since, despite not being fan, I sure as hell don't want the impeachment of T in exchange for a P. Mr P, IMO, is a swampcon droid/druid war machine play-thing that will never allow for light to shine on PG. (H-heads seem to think a redo election is possible: FFS Serenity Now!!!). I appreciate any and all research posted in relation to T though.

21yearsofdigging ago

So as the world can see, Pizzagate researchers are NOT all Republican supporters. No, for the most part, we just want the truth and to stop child pedophilia and ritual abuse. I personally have been holding my breath, blinding hoping Trumpo does something.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Establishment political class = pedo elite

The establishment political class hates Trump worse than ISIS or MS-13, so that signals there is a chance that he is uncontrollable and willing to take some scalps.

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” probably applies frequently with Trump.

djklbd ago

I just pointed out a myriad of pro establishment moves he has made. Can you explain them? Trump is just another installment of the elite, you're following "the beam"...Wake up.

bernitdown ago

Most people here are conservative morons who can't run two brain cells together. I liked your post but it will fall on deaf ears.

mooteensy ago

...And I hope he takes those scalps. Like, Inglorious Bastards style.

21yearsofdigging ago

Nice Have to agree “The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Psalm144-1 ago

Any credible pizzagate researcher is very troubled by Trumps "friendship" with Jefferey Epstein.

“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,’’ Trump told New York Magazine back in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

^ https://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/04/jeffrey-epstein-trump-lawsuit-sex-trafficking-237983

Oh_Well_ian ago

This quote has become worthless and appears to be the only shit you can come up with between Trump and Epstein.

This is not reasoned skepticism, it's claptrap retarded blather.

Psalm144-1 ago

I am just making a simple observation. In full objective investigative findings, here's a video of Trump on the 2016 campaing trail speaking about Epstien and the Clintons unusual relationship... we could look at this as evidence to defend Trumps position relating to Pizzagate.


Then again we can also look at these pieces of evidence which, in my opinion, are not favorable to Trump as it relates to Pizzagate...




I am just trying to remain objective and unbiased in this investigation. This is quite literally THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE OF OUR LIFETIME and i don't think it does us any good to have any level of blind trust in any political figures or political party allegiances. At the moment I still tend to trust Trump is good, but if things dont start to look up in the very near future my trust in him will fade rapidly...

Oh_Well_ian ago

In no way does Trump get a pass. Tell me this. Why are you ignoring all current events? Because current events look like Trump is targeted from multiple angles by very powerful people. Is that all fake? Why is Hollywood and DC melting down with scandal as they attack Trump? No.. this is too complicated to be an act. Big people are going down every day.

fogdryer ago

I’m not concerned ———- It’s strategy

djklbd ago

Lol "strategy"?

He admitted to being friends with him and flying on his plane. Epsteins Brother testified about this in court.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's not strategy, it's restraint. 15 years ago Trump knew what was up, but it served no purpose to disavow, comment, or otherwise. Neutral response.

boughdoy ago

What are you supposed to do when no law enforcement agency is handling it?

Blacksmith21 ago

Have a little faith. Far more is going on behind the scenes than any of us know.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

lol. Yea. please provide a single credible post whose user doubts trump. You worthless fuck.

djklbd ago

I should have also mentioned this in my OP.

Doesn't trump have several rape allegations against him?

Hortance ago

He had 16 or 17 accusers of various types a few weeks before the election, They evaporated shortly after.

Are_we_sure ago

They did not evaporate whatsoever.

Trump's lawyer was in court today trying to get a lawsuit quashed from one of the accusers.

Hortance ago

THAT is a lie. YOU were talking about sexual harassment.... but the lawsuit was filed by the whore that was on his TV show, who is suing him for DEFAMATION. You remember. She asked Trump to attend the opening of her new restaurant in California, in the middle of the CAMPAIGN. He said "No, I'm BUSY", so she then accused him of sexual harassment....LOL...literally a few WEEKS after begging him to help her open her business. She thinks he defamed her by pointing out what a craven ungrateful bitch she is, but she was smart enough NOT to accuse him of sexual harassment in court. Its a DEFAMATION SUIT. Go find a sexual harassment suit or accuser that hasn't disappeared.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

You win. I literally hate myself more than I hate you. I'm too fucking Hopeful. Shill. When ever I ask myself,

"Shill or retard" Its always shill... Starting now, I'm never going to reply to a retard, because they are always shills. Thank you, Retard/shill.

djklbd ago

How constructive to the conversation...

umpteenth ago

Not everyone here likes him. I sure don't. I think he is a clown and no better than any other puppet. Maybe people are hoping he will clean up the pedos, and are willing to put up with the fact he is just another globalist puppet if he would JUST DO THIS ONE RIGHT THING! I don't know...

Psalm144-1 ago

^ Agreed

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

ouf, Looks like you're a retard, Stand behind asdfhklf Or whatever the retards name was as he kills himself.

djklbd ago

Getting a shill vibe from ya pal...

Pretty entertaining to watch you melt down though

djklbd ago

It's like his image is based entirely on larps/anons, tweets, and little "coded" messages and "breadcrumbs" he leaves. I'm just not buying it. I don't see him as any different than any other NWO puppet. Especially with the things I listed.

fartyshorts ago

The jury is still out IMO, we'll see what happens in the next month or so. If nothing, then I'm right back to making bombs in the basement.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

What has trump been wrong about, retard? how do you explain all of trumps enemies? Don't fucking ask for answers that any half fucking wit can see... Are you are retard? You need help seeing the reality of the situation? What the fuck is wrong with you. You stupid fuck. Like... What the fuck. Are you just a worthless peice of shit? or whats going on man? HOw does one get the point where they are making posts like this? You're a fucking retarded, aren't you? Why? Why are you a retard? What do you base your retarded Reality on? Literally? Please tell me what lead you to this?

I tried... I literally typed this comment 5 different ways, The first 4, were nice... Because I truly want to give you the benefit of the doubt... But its like, you're a fucking retard, Or shill. I don't know how to deal with that. I hate being a dick, but I know at best, you're a fucking retard, you're worthless, you're hopeless, I don't know what to do with that. I'm sorry.

And at worst, you're a perfect shill.... Hence my comment... But if you're not a shill, Come the fuck on, retard. Get your shit together. You're presenting yourself like worthless fuck.

djklbd ago

Thanks for answering the questions I posed in my OP.

If anyone is coming off as a "retard" it's you and your blind support for puppet populist politicians like Trump lmao...

ESOTERICshade ago

That sort of gibberish mad all cappish reply is his cognitive dissonance coming unwound. The questions fucked up his brain.

djklbd ago

Apparently. Maybe he needs to watch a few episodes of Alex "gatekeepr" Jones and calm down...Sheesh.

Trump supporters are almost like religiously protective of his image....

ESOTERICshade ago

Trump supporters are almost like religiously protective of his image....

Its become like a cult that does not realize its cheering for Zionists. I fear for the future of pizzagate.

djklbd ago

I fear for the future of pizzagate.

Relax, friend! All is well. They will NEVER get that cat bag in the bag. We just can't let them sweet it back under the rug again like they're trying to do.

The whole point of "fake news" and the recent hit pieces and "debunked", is to "nip it in the bud". They wanna prevent the masses from awakening to it, before they can even research it themselves. How many people do you know who will research a debunked theory? It's a psychological tactic to prevent anyone else from waking up.

ESOTERICshade ago

Relax, friend! All is well.

It is not well to trust the Republican administration and that is what might happen if this Trump mania continues.

pray4theinnocent ago

If President Trump can't drain the swamp, we are lost. I support him. As does Q.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/XXHy3 :

Meet Wilbur Ross, who once bailed out Trump in Atlantic City and is now his pick for Commerce secretary - LA Times

https://archive.fo/cEW3f :

Donald Trump to meet with Henry Kissinger, GOP’s foreign-policy eminence - The Washington Post

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=aWejiXvd-P8 | https://hooktube.com/embed/aWejiXvd-P8 :

Donald Trump on ISIS - "I would bomb the SHIT out of 'em!" - YouTube

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=T4Ej4wXR7cM | https://hooktube.com/embed/T4Ej4wXR7cM :

'I am with you 1,000 percent' Trump to CIA. - YouTube

https://archive.fo/YUS1E :

Taxpayers pick up the tab for Trump’s pricey golf excursions - LA Times

This has been an automated message.

fogdryer ago

Ross did bail him out. Trump repaid Ross

I think maybe it’s a political favor or strategy