Marfa-Lights ago

Voater - EYEOFHORUS wrote the following, unfortunately I believe this could be very close to the truth.

Trump isn't a Rothschild asset at all, the Rothschild's are furious about Trump getting into power. What's going on is actually very simple, we have Gloablists Vs Zionists, the Globalists are the ones who prioritize setting up a UN world government funded by climate taxes - Rockefeller, Rothschild, Soros are key players, Hillary, Obama etc work for them. UN and EU is all part of this agenda. The Zionists are the ones who prioritize Israel-first, protecting Israel and taking control of the countries surrounding them . As long as you leave these guys alone, they won't bother you, unless you are a neighbor. Some of the top ones aren't very visible, the more visible players are Rupert Murdoch, Breitbart, Infowars, WikiLeaks, Trump, Brexit campaign etc. These guys all used to work together, but now that the globalist plan is in it's advanced stages, Soros and Co had decided that a firm hand would be needed with Israel, as otherwise nobody would trust the world government if Israel could get away with whatever they wanted. The Zionists weren't happy with the way things were going, so they've now started to dismantle bit by bit the Globalist project for world government. That is what Brexit is about, that is what Trump is about, that is why Trump is not going along with the climate change agenda.

Baddabing ago

Great post. I'm only through the first part of the article, but the evidence is overwhelming. I have always been really disappointed by the huge number of people here that see Trump as some kind of hero. For so many reasons well-outlined in your post, and from the way he acts literally every time he's in public, it's clear that he's part of the game. The problem of high-power pedophilia in this country is a systematic one, and our current two-party system is the perfect platform for fooling the masses into thinking that their votes have actual political power. My strong belief is that we need to see this as a human rights problem, not a problem associated with one or another political party.

AgainstPedos ago Watch this video to find out the real reasons why Trump's hands are tied. Plus there's proof his family members were threatened as soon as he was he walked in to the Oval Office.

Now look how many have been arrested for pedo related crimes since he became POTUS. Do you honestly expect the same results would have occurred under Hillary?

Also was there a script for Kubrick's next film? It would have been a shocker.

LexTalionis ago

This is a really good site as well

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Agreed - there is some real knowledge on here and there are many involved no one would ever suspect, such as -

Caron Butler from Racine, Wisconsin - the "Root" of all Evil and model for Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast.

millennial_vulcan ago

The NBA guy?!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Yes, that one. Many professional athletes, actors and musicians are involved. He is one of the leaders in the NBA and created a Coats for Kids program which is a cover for the real Truth. His handlers have controlled him since his days in the juvenile detention center where the level of abuse is out of control, and he has been rewarded along the way. He is propped up and used as an example to hide the real Truth about Racine and the system of extreme corruption and abuse that also includes the highest incarceration rates of young black men in the nation. He is fully complicit to everything, and has been given a platform and unlimited resources to push their agenda. They use sports as a key access point to youth.

Another person from Racine who is involved that no one suspects is Kristin Bauer van Straten, the actress from True Blood deeply involved in Scientology circles, whose brother Jeff Neubauer is closely linked to the Clintons, Podestas and others at the top level. He has since take a leadership role in the global education reform, controlled by the same handlers in Racine, Wisconsin.

The chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons, and then these groups.

party1981 ago

Thank you.

HighLevelInsider ago

I'm familiar with ClosedSociety404's original work on reddit, but you're missing the real reason Trump can't drain the swamp: the economy is dependent on CIA drug-dealing. If he drains the swamp, they drain the US dollar's status as reserve currency.

That's why economic alternatives like the space elevator are utterly crucial to any discussion of swamp-draining. The swamp exists because it functions. Unspeakably evil, but there's bread on the shelves.

It doesn't have to be this way, but it will be until we start demanding a viable alternative.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is a fallacy. Money does not matter to our future. Money is only relative. We cannot wait for Trump, or we will be waiting forever.

Only the Truth can Save us all, and time is running out. If we wait too long, there will never be any recovery at all. The economy does not matter. We have a solution to this, but we cannot get to that without the world knowing the Truth.

Do you trust what Bill Gates says about how we need to decrease global population? Do you trust that we cannot feed and shelter the world? Do you trust in the flimsy dollar? Do you trust in Bitcoin? Do you trust in the corrupt Church, or the corrupt government?

They have many layers of contingency plans. Trump is one of them.

Our government agencies are terrorist organizations. Secret societies are terrorist organizations. Why would we as a global people negotiate with terrorists who only want to control, harvest, and enslave us?

It is time for the world to learn the real Truth and the real Agenda before it is too late. The Truth is Free.

party1981 ago

That's what Senate Anon wants you to think, but I respectfully disagree.

  1. If CIA black ops are funding the government's annual budget, we can just cut 20% of the budget. End all of the wars and shrink the military, game over.
  2. But CIA black ops don't fund the government. They don't pay Social Security checks or Medicare payouts. CIA blacks ops fund Wall St. and banksters.

HighLevelInsider ago

If I had to guess, I'd say Senate Anon got that from me. It will help if you read the link I provided.

If CIA black ops are funding the government's annual budget, we can just cut 20% of the budget. End all of the wars and shrink the military, game over.

This is precisely the problem. The economy is propped up by the petrodollar, enforced by the military. The dollar would collapse if it isn't simultaneously buoyed by the confidence of coming 25% growth.

But CIA black ops don't fund the government. They don't pay Social Security checks or Medicare payouts. CIA blacks ops fund Wall St. and banksters.

They really do. The money is laundered through the banks. Look into HSBC.

party1981 ago

You provided two links. I'm already familiar with CIA drug operations. I also instinctively distrust the MSM, including the Guardian.

"The economy is propped up by the petrodollar, enforced by the military."

  1. Shrinking our budget should make the dollar go up, not down.
  2. The military does things to prop up the dollar. But it also does a lot of other insane shit to serve other purposes. Like balkanizing Iraq for Israel, and fighting the Taliban to grow opium.
  3. I'm familiar with HSBC. I've read that it was used to launder money for deep state crooks. Never read that it was used to finance Social Security and Medicare. If you can provide a source, I will reconsider, but I'm highly confident that you can't, because the proposition is kind of absurd on its face.

HighLevelInsider ago

Our manufacturing has been hollowed out, we have massive trade deficits, crumbling infrastructure, and $20 trillion in debt. What are you foreseeing happens when these countries start selling their oil in gold-backed currency or yuan? That's what happened with Gaddafi.

party1981 ago

Gaddafi was assassinated by Hillary Clinton's private army.

If counties dump the dollar, it will collapse. But that is not the end of the world. It has happened three or four times before. Life goes on. If you keep your savings in cash, you're insane

HighLevelInsider ago

For the average American, it would be something like an economic end of the world. If you believe the government statistics, we have trade deficits of $500 billion dollars, or almost 20% of our trade. In reality, we can probably double that due to the arms smuggling and drug-running of the CIA.

In other words, a 40% drop in the standard of living of the average American if the dollar goes down. And that's before China starts to muscle us, imposing tariffs to utterly destroy the industry we have left, and the financial sector shifts elsewhere. And that's before you consider things like civil unrest or outright civil war breaking out.

This is not a scenario we are willing to accept and say "life goes on." The bankers have done this too often, and they're going to stop.

party1981 ago

A 40% reduction in the government's budget does not translate into a 40% drop in our standard of living.

The U.S. budget is 4.2 trillion. A 40% reduction would take us to 2.1 trillion - the budget around 2002. The standard of living was ok in 2002.

Your simple economic fallacies make everything else you say lack credibility.

party1981 ago

What you don't understand is that the U.S. does not need 40% of its government budget. We don't need the war in Afganistan. We don't need the CIA. We don't need 20-40% of the things that government spends money on.

And your suggestion that HSBC pays for Social Security is still hilarious. You haven't tried to defend that one.

HighLevelInsider ago

I'm obviously not defending the CIA or the wars. You simply aren't considering what I said because it conflicts with libertarian talking points you've been fed. With a conservative estimate, the US is bringing in something like $1-2 trillion of wealth per year through illegitimate means.

You seek to replace this with hand-waiving about budget cuts. Cutting that much money out of the economy would destroy millions of jobs, put disabled and elderly people on the street, and cut basic services like healthcare and schools. Those are the things that lead to economic collapse, starvation, civil unrest, and the like.

And your suggestion that HSBC pays for Social Security is still hilarious

"HSBC's Mexican operations moved $7bn into the US operations, for instance, which the Senate was told was tied to drug money."

$7 billion dollars from one bank in one country.

party1981 ago

I'm not libertarian. I actually like most of Trump's campaign policies.

"the US is bringing in something like $1-2 trillion of wealth per year through illegitimate means."

That money goes to banksters and the military industrial complex.

"Cutting that much money out of the economy would destroy millions of jobs, put disabled and elderly people on the street, and cut basic services like healthcare and schools."

Ending pointless wars and empire building will create jobs too. Will there be creative destruction? Yes. Will there be growing pains? Yes. Will we have to confront this reality anyway, because the empire and debt are unsustainable? Yes.

Your HSBC quote does nothing to support your ridiculous claim that CIA drug money pays for Social Security and Medicare.

SoldierofLight ago

I also want to add that I have my suspicions about Senate Anon. I believe that discernment is necessary in all things, and PG "inside sources" are honing my bullshit detector. However, it's possible to use the discernment process to identify valid leads and truths, even from those people who intend to deceive us.

HighLevelInsider ago

You should always have suspicions about any anon, and judge everyone based on what they say, not what they claim to be. People LARP on 4chan every day, but it's rare that one of them posts verifiable, viable intelligence.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

If U.S. Senate Anon was controlled opposition, he would not point to Racine, Wisconsin. Racine is not part of the controlled narrative, and may be the only thing that truly scares those who are involved at the highest levels.

This is also why Racine has the highest incarceration rate of black men, who they claim to be "Super-Predators", and is a Sanctuary City to control the mafia and other gangs including MS-13. They need control, and they need protection. They trot out corrupt black leaders like Caron Butler, Rev. Hargrove, and the corrupt police chief to hide the real story about deep racism and the model for Enslavement. They give them military equipment and vehicles, high powered weapons, and illegal surveillance tools to spy on the citizens in order to control them.

This is part of the model of Community Policing, education reform and prison reform all created in Racine. Who would win in a fight or war between a group of old corrupt white elite pedos and a group of oppressed young black men that found out the real Truth about Racine and the people who control it? They cannot allow the masses to find out the real Truth and the real Agenda - Complete Global Enslavement. It is a race between the Truth and AI.

U.S. Senate Anon may not be who he claims to be, may not be powerful enough to do anything, and may not know everything (and also trusts Trump more than he should), but he does know that Racine is a vital key to showing the real Truth to the world.

party1981 ago

Senate Anon does the exact same thing as Wikileaks, FBI Twitter, and FBI anon: portray Trump as our savior who is fighting for the good guys. He's part of the same limited hangout disinformation campaign.

That doesn't mean that Senate Anon doesn't provide good information. I bet 95% of it is great. He says a lot of important things about freemasons. But he's still trying to sell us on Trump, and mentions nothing about Roy Cohn or Trump's connections to Larry Silverstein, Soros, Jeff Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell.

Are_we_shill ago

Senate Anon appears out of nowhere. Had some discussions with them on the chans. When pressed, Senate Anon used the same excuse and same words as FBIanon as to why the Trump Admin doesn't take down big name would collapse the narcodollar the CIA is using to "pay our bills" lmfao

party1981 ago

That argument from Senate Anon doesn't make sense, for several different reasons that I have explained in other threads. CIA drug money goes to Wall St., not Main St.

SoldierofLight ago

I'm learning that when they try to sell us on a savior, that's the key to recognizing they're intentionally or unintentionally trying to dissuade us from taking personal responsibility and making a difference on our own.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Trump is no savior. Assange is no savior. Snowden is no savior. We cannot wait for someone else to Save us.

There won't be justice through elections. There won't be justice through lawsuits. There won't be justice through corrupt courts.

The only thing that can Save us from the real agenda of Global Enslavement is the Truth.

The "Root" of the Truth is Racine, Wisconsin. Once people understand how everything is connected, they may finally act on it.

party1981 ago

Yes. I wouldn't be surprised if Roger Stone invented the entire #pizzagate campaign as a limited hangout to expose Democrats, but not Republicans.

SoldierofLight ago

That you added "campaign" is very important so that no one misinterprets what you said as claiming pizzagate isn't real. I think Stone is a pawn for his masters.

HighLevelInsider ago

Stone is a pawn, but people like him are far more important than the elected officials. He has been involved in blackmail for decades, including involvement in the Watergate break-in (to recover records relating to blackmail).

party1981 ago

Yes Stone is not the top of the pyramid. I'm guessing that the top is the Rothschilds and people we've never heard of. Like Red Cloak in Eyes Wide Shut.

And to be precise: #pizzagate is real in the sense that there is occult child trafficking and rituals by the elite. #pizzagate is a limited hangout in the sense that its original sources (FBIanon, the Podesta emails) were selectively chosen, and trailored, to indirectly expose Trump's enemies, without directly or fully exposing anyone, and without exposing Trump.

SoldierofLight ago

You're going to get downloaded as F so I'll put myself out there in support of you. First off, good for you for seeing the light re: Trump. I had to do the same thing with HRC. It's painful to part with heroes, but when you realize they're not a hero, the pain is necessary.

We the people have to take responsibility for waking up the masses because Trump et al aren't going to do it for us, and I think that's probably your point in posting this.

So, good for you and let the downvotes commence.

party1981 ago

Perhaps you are correct, but I am not sure why I will necessarily be downvoted. The researchers at VOAT are interested in truth and justice, not supporting Donald Trump at all costs. We'll see.

SoldierofLight ago

There are a few VOATers who will download you, but there are many shills who will also download you. And me. But I'm hopeful that more voats will tip the other way. Regardless, you're putting the information out there and that's what's important.

party1981 ago

Thank you.

carmencita ago

Thanks for posting this again. I have said many times I did not vote for Trump but am willing to give him a chance. I am still hoping but now wearing Rose Colored Glasses. I think the Train Has Left The Station. Am Still hoping. I am not one to throw in the towel until the very end. I also do not want to burst other's bubbles, but soon we must just read the hand writing on the wall. I am not trusting anyone really in this game for so many have thrown US under the bus. Upvoat 4U for Your Courage.

party1981 ago

Thank you. I voted for Trump. My first political vote ever. I still love Trump's platform. But I predict that he will not follow through on most of his campaign promises. Instead, I predict that he will mostly support the agenda of the bankers, intelligence services, and Israel. But I hope I am wrong.

carmencita ago

I hope you are wrong too. I voted for Bernie and the thought of voting for Her made me sick so I voted for the other Woman Candidate JS. I don't know if DT is involved in the pedo stuff, there is just not enough proof so I think too like you that he is just going to do everything the bankers want him to do and what will boost HIS bank acct. I will NOT label anyone a pedophile unless there is solid proof, and I do not mean speculation or looking through a political lens. That is dirty pool, no matter how I feel about their policies. Amen.

party1981 ago

Of course. I believe in due process and the presumption of innocence. But it doesn't look good when Trump has friends like Roy Cohn, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, and Larry Silverstein.

carmencita ago

I agree. I am losing faith in so many of them on both sides of the aisle. Dump The Scumbags!

party1981 ago

I doubt this corruption will be exposed in our lifetimes. I hope I am wrong. But I think we probably just to settle for living in a world controlled by elite psychopaths.

carmencita ago

I will be fighting them every step of the way. Once people get wind of this, it will spread like wildfire. We only need one big break. I say exposing the Masons for what they are will do it.

party1981 ago

Good luck!

carmencita ago
