shunpikah ago

Here's a CDAN post from a while back about ss & the 16 y/o.

shunpikah ago

There's another intriguing post here by user whose name starts with "aan".

Piscina ago

So Stallone apparently has a pump installed downstairs because he was too zealous with the steroids back in the day:

Sex with Sylvester Stallone

I was an extra on "Tango and Cash" and had sex with Sylvester Stallone. Mostly.

It's true: Sylvester Stallone has one of those pump things installed downstairs I'd heard rumors about it, but never really believed them. Supposedly he overdid steroids in his youth and they made him lose the ability to function . . . normally.

Now, I don't know much about these pumps, but here's how I think they work: the man inflates his penis with a bulb implanted into one of his balls. Then it stays up, whether he's having sex, drinking coffee, or out in the garden pruning gladiolas. When he decides to deflate it he presses a little hidden valve.

Piscina ago

The fact that she gave so much detail in her police report tells me she was telling the truth.

Also, the fact that Sylvester paid $2 million in hush money to shut up his half-sister, Toni Ann Filita, points to his being guilty. Toni Ann claimed that Stallone had sexually abused her for eight years. As part of the settlement, Toni Ann had to destroy all video tapes and taped conversations between herself and Stallone. Toni Ann was clearly terrified of Stallone. There was also a video of her with Sylvester and his then wife, Brigitte Neilson, in a threesome. Poor Toni Ann suffered from mental issues, as abuse victims often do. This was part of the settlement deal:

“Plaintiff further agrees that she will not disclose, divulge, or reveal to any person or entity any of the terms or conditions of this Settlement Agreement, the Claims or the contents of any of the tapes or copies … Plaintiff shall not be prohibited from making any statements or disclosures to her husband, provided that he shall thereafter be bound by all of the Plaintiff’s obligations of confidentiality … To a licensed psychiatrist, medical doctor, psychologist with a Ph.D. or licensed or certified psychiatric social worker treating Plaintiff, where such statements or disclosures are made in confidence for the purpose of obtaining treatment, and provided further that such disclosures and statements are protected as confidential communications under the law.

It sounds as though Stallone was admitting that he'd left Toni Ann with serious mental issues that needed to be dealt with. During the following years, Toni Ann told friends and her son of the abuse.

Filiti had been receiving doctor-prescribed narcotics from Stallone’s stepfather, Dr. Stephen M. Levine, who Jackie Stallone married in November 1998. If Levine had in fact been prescribing medication to Filiti before her death as is alleged, one would have to ask the question why didn’t Filiti know about her cancer before the diagnosis in Florida and was she ever examined by Levine while he was allegedly prescribing medication to her. In 1985 Levine was charged with murdering his Demerol-addicted wife with an overdose of the pain-killing narcotic. Levine allegedly issued more than 225 Demerol prescriptions — made out to a fictitious person — to his wife, Myrna Levine, during the last 14 months of her life.

It looks like Levine got Toni Ann addicted to narcotics, hoping she would come to a similar end to that of his former wife. What better way to keep someone silent than to kill them?

think- ago

On this thread: @millenial_vulcan pointed out that Sylvester's son died of an overdose and that it might have been a sacrifice.

It comes in handy when you have a stepfather who is a doctor.

think- ago

Awesome comment @Piscina. Thank you.

SecondAmendment ago

Wow, @Piscina, thank you for those additional details. I knew about some, but I had no idea that Jackie's husband was a pill-pushing fraudster doctor. This scenario makes total sense. Also, as someone mentioned, the amount of monthly support that Stallone agreed to pay his half sister ($16,666 per month) is the strangest amount I've ever heard. Jackie Stallone (Sly's mother) is a self-proclaimed :world famous and internationally esteemed astrologer and psychic" (see her astrology website at ) so we know that this freakish family dabbles in the occult. The whole thing is very suspicious. I saw a number of tweets yesterday indicating that there are more Stallone stories out there, so I will keep my eye out for them, in light of the fact that Stallone's been accused of abusing minors, has a history in the porn industry, and is rumored to be an abusive prick, in general. Thank you.

Votescam ago

When you add up the whole thing, looks like Sylvester Stallone is totally perverted sexually -- looks more like Sylvester and Mike De Luca had a sexual relationship.

As for the half-sister ... the most common form of INCEST is a brother sexually abusing a sister ....

The bombshell police report was made a year before Stallone's half-sister Toni-Ann Filiti, threatened him with a lawsuit in 1987, alleging that Stallone raped her and sexually assaulted her for years.

Although court documents show the actor 'vigorously denied and continues to deny and dispute all claims of wrongdoing', he agreed to give Filiti a lump sum of $2 million, as well as $16,666 a month for the rest of her life.

His half-sister, whose own mother claimed she was a drug addict, died in 2012 after a battle with lung cancer.

21yearsofdigging ago

Just a disgusting pig! Hopefully Arnold will be next. I lived out there in Hollywood and worked in that industry. I knew long ago what a pig Stallone was. Him and many others.In Canada they have their own Harvey Weinstein. His name is Robert Lantos and I am surprised nothing has come out about him. Shocking really. But that is what happens when actors or people in that industry want to keep working. Giustra is most likely another one. God knows what sick depravity he gets up to.

srayzie ago

I've stopped believing in celebrities. It seems that money and power just corrupt people.

I have heard this rumor for years but have never been able to confirm it, but has anyone heard that Sylvester Stallone had been in a few pornos when he first started out?

Cc183 ago

Yes. He was Italian Stallion..

SecondAmendment ago

Yeah, @srayzie, I agree completely. The only people I believe in, anymore, are the good guys fighting Pizzagate and other atrocities. Stallone WAS in at least one porno when he started out. Party at Kitty's and Stud's, it was called. Link to the Wiki article on it is here:

srayzie ago

Thank you!

TotusTuusMariae ago

Brice Taylor on Sylvester Stallone

elephantdoesntforget ago

Yup, Stallone involved in using women for bestiality porn (dolphins).

atimeandplace ago

I'm seriously not surprised at this Stallone revelation. Prior to following him on Twitter for a short time (I'd been a fan since Demolition Man!), I'd thought he was a pretty neat dude. But then I saw the videos and pictures of he posts of his daughters........ and that just creeped me the fuck out. No decent FATHER is that obsessed with their daughters! And if they are, they should be locked away.

Factfinder2 ago

How old were the daughters? And can you provide some links for documentation purposes?

atimeandplace ago

I'm not sure how old his daughters are, but the posts were on his Twitter I believe, although there were some on Instagram but they look to have been removed.

This picture, for example of him and his daughter:

Who puts their hand on their daughter like that?

Here's his Twitter if someone wants to sift through the video/pics he posts.

My internet hates Twitter :(

dassaer ago

Those three 'daughters' are/were all boys (male hormones when first conceived - then transgended after birth). Pretty suspect on Jenny Flavin too ....

think- ago

"The bombshell police report was made a year before Stallone's half-sister Toni-Ann Filiti, threatened him with a lawsuit in 1987, alleging that Stallone raped her and sexually assaulted her for years.

Although court documents show the actor 'vigorously denied and continues to deny and dispute all claims of wrongdoing', he agreed to give Filiti a lump sum of $2 million, as well as $ 16,666 a month for the rest of her life."

Anyone notice that number.........?!!

elephantdoesntforget ago

Yup. Can picture Stallone saying 'You just made a deal with the devil.'

Now I'm wondering if she really died of 'cancer,' or Stallone had her offed because he was sick of paying her...

think- ago

People dying of "heart attack", "cancer" or "suicide" probably should be looked at closer. And those who had car accidents or "overdosed" as well.

Oh my.

elephantdoesntforget ago

This. They have techniques to murder and make it look like a heart attack, using tasers. I've also seen suicide by overdose in which perps shove pills / drugs down their throat.

2impendingdoom ago

the CIA heart attack gun uses a frozen dart of shellfish toxin that leaves only a tiny pinprick mark and isn't on autopsy tox tests. This was acknowledged in a congressional hearing in the 70's.

elephantdoesntforget ago

These days the perps are using less exotic, although equally effective, tactics to take people out.

watitdew ago


migratorypatterns ago

WTH?!!!! I mean, I don't like Stallone, but I never thought he was capable of this.

Sickos. All of them.

elephantdoesntforget ago

After working in Hollywood for over a decade, the consensus is that Stallone and many others raised money for their movies through filming and distributing porn and child pornography. Stallone is also known to make death threats to get his way, nothing new here. As recently as the 2000's, a friend saw him at a party in Las Vegas taking part in some very gruesome acts.

It will all come out, sooner or later. While Stallone sits in his luxurious Westlake Village mansion, people are talking. Sick fuck.

Piscina ago

Can you tell us what those 'gruesome acts' were?

elephantdoesntforget ago

Rape and torture.

Piscina ago

Yes, apparently he bullied and threatened his half-sister (whom he also raped for eight years). She was petrified of him.

SecondAmendment ago

Good point, @elephantdoesntforget. Let's not forget Stallone filmed a porn flick in his very early days. It was called "Party at Kitty and Stud's" and was later re-titled "The Italian Stallion" after Stallone made it big with Rocky in 1976. My Hollywood friends say Stallone is a royal asshole. So let the stories flow, and I hope everything he's done gets fully exposed.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Thanks @SecondAmendment. Yes, I felt that Party at Kitty and Studs was well known. I believe it even shows on his IMDB. I also read a reference in a book called "Thanks for the Memories" by Bryce something, that he was involved in bestiality pornography. Yes, but he is beyond an asshole. He participates in ritual rapes, murders. Mel Gibson is another one. The point is Hollywood as a whole finances through criminal activity and operates as a cult. I was a victim and they continue to try and silence me. Have survived multiple attacks, attempted murders. Had family members murdered. Several attorneys representing me were murdered. I have seen certain people go to jail after going to the FBI multiple times. The truth is so devastating it would destroy Hollywood as a whole. A big problem is MSM has been covering it all up for so long.

lobsterguts ago

Can you elaborate on Mel Gibson please? I hadn't heard that and can't find anything.

elephantdoesntforget ago

It's not public yet. His church in Malibu launders money. He is involved in human and drug trafficking. Also has a place in Costa Rica.

lobsterguts ago

hm, he had me convinced he was really a follower of Christ.

think- ago

I'm sorry they did this to you.

"The point is Hollywood as a whole finances through criminal activity and operates as a cult."


elephantdoesntforget ago

Not just me. There are many, may like me that cannot speak out, many dead, some don't remember (drugged), or too young to speak out. But it never ends; they follow, stalk, threaten, and attack their victims so they never feel safe to come out. Thanks for your concern.

2impendingdoom ago

I am so sorry for what you have been through, it is so heartbreaking hearing stories like yours but I am glad you are here sounding brave and strong. I hope you stay and continue to contribute.

think- ago

You're very welcome. I'm aware we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg now.

new4now ago

If read better stories about young groupies

If 16 is too young to make decision, then I think they need to raise the age for driving permits

Blacksmith21 ago

I think by the time "this" is all said and done, most of us won't have many actor, musician, etc. that we call "favs".

CrudOMatic ago

Alice Cooper is still clean...

Blacksmith21 ago

And Nugent. And Gene Simmons.

ArtificalDuality ago

I share the sentiment. :/

elephantdoesntforget ago

Wake up Blacksmith. These "favs" don't get cast unless they participate. This means what you think it means.

Studios and music labels promote those that play the game. This can be child pornography, and even drug distributing. The truth is about to come out and is way worse than anyone suspects. You do not get to be in a major motion picture unless you are approved by the ones at the top; some are made to participate in murders to get / keep their top billing. No exaggeration.

Hollywood is fueled by child pornography and drug distribution. How many loads of drugs have celebrity jets moved around, to finance their projects? Oprah Winfrey, John Travolta (has own jumbo jet and airstrip), Celine Dion, the list goes on and on. Oprah Winfrey is one of the worlds most prolific drug dealers; her media empire is laundering money. No wonder she complains the IRS is always at her home / office.

logjam ago

Oprah? c'mon.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Why so hard for you to believe this? Is she a saint in your eyes?

Oprah Winfrey. Remember, you read it here before it broke on MSM. It is an open secret among Central and South American drug traffickers that she has a big hand in moving weight.

logjam ago

I personally don't have an attachment to Oprah, but I have a hard time accepting this. Not cause I think you're full of shit - I just didn't see that coming. If it does break on MSM, I will send you a postcard with an apology on ever doubting you.

She isn't a saint - but she does seem "nice". lol Dr.Phil however probably has some dark shit.

2impendingdoom ago

Dr Phil is classic example of one who profits from others misfortune. Which is shitty in my opinion.

Blacksmith21 ago

It very well may be that bad. If it is, its all about to start spilling out.

crashing_this_thread ago

A small sacrifice to save children.

lobsterguts ago

It's no sacrifice at all. We never should've been idolizing these people to begin with.

SweetChicken ago

@crashing_this_thread No truer words have been spoken, my friend.

SecondAmendment ago

You got that right, @Blacksmith21. These days my "favs" are you guys here on Voat and on Reddit and the chans, i.e., those regular, ordinary, and decent people who want Pizzagate and all it involves to end.

Votescam ago

Until the oppression of females is totally overturned, children will be left vulnerable to exploitation and sexual abuse by males. MALES are our sexual abusers of children.

INCEST is the first and oldest form of sexual abuse of children -- Most common is brother's sexual abuse of sister, but also father sexual abuse of daughter and step-father's sexual abuse of daughter.
Victims are 82% female and 12% male

AND ...

"Focus on the Facts" -- Sean Cahill, PH.D

A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual.

Research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are less likely than heterosexual to sexually abuse children.

Perhaps the most egregious and damaging claim promulgated by anti-gay groups is the claim that homosexuality is intrinsically linked to pedophilia and child sexual abuse. The social science research on sexual orientation and child sexual abuse clearly disproves the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest children.

*A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual. One researcher explained this statistic by noting, "Gay men desire consensual sexual relations with other adult men. Pedophiles are usually adult men who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are rarely sexually attracted to other adults. In fact, research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are LESS likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of convicted child molesters found that less than 1% in one study and 0% in the other were lesbian or gay. One psychologist reviewed the existing social science literature on the relationship between sexuality and child sexual abuse and found that "a gay man is no more likely than a straight man to perpetrate sexual activity with children." Further, "cases of perpetration of sexual behavior with a pre-pubescent child by an adult lesbian are virtually nonexistent."

Gay rights activists, like all advocates for children's welfare, oppose child sexual abuse and support equitable age of consent laws that help prevent and punish such abuse.

At least 110,000 children are waiting to be adopted in the US. Approximately 588,00 children are currently in foster care. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need.

Children who remain in foster care for much of their childhood, as do tens of thousands of American children, are more likely to have emotional problems. Some children in foster care live in 20 or more homes by the time they reach the age of 18. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting is not simply unjust and unethical; it also decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need.

Research shows that children raised by gay and lesbian parents are not disadvantaged vis-a-vis their peers raised by heterosexual parents*

** Footnote 65 -- p.123**

A review of 352 medical records of children evaluated for sexual abuse during a 12-month period at a Denver children's hospital found that less than 1% had been abused by a gay man or a lesbian. Of 269 adult perpetrators of child abuse identified among the 352 cases of abuse, only two were gay or lesbian. The vast majority of the children in the study (82%) "were suspected of being abused by a man or a woman who was, or had been, in a heterosexual relationship with a relative of the child." And the review concluded that in this sample, " a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over 100X greater [than the risk of being molested] by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual."
Jenny, C., and Roesler, T.A. (1994) Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals? Pediatrics. 94(1).p.44.

In an earlier study of convicted male child molesters in Massachusetts, none of the 175 men were found to have an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation or to be primarily attracted to other adult men. Groth, A.N., and Birnbaum, H.J. (1978).

Adult sexual orientation and attraction to underage persons.
Archives of Sexual Behavior.7(3).pp.175-181. Also : The right-wing "Family Research Council" notes/confirms findings that "almost all child sexual abuse is committed by men."

CrudOMatic ago

I'm gay and I've never done anything like that or wanted to.

Votescam ago

Hi Crud ...

You reply came to me so I presume you were responding to my post of the study on this thread ....

Maybe you didn't take the time to read the study?

Males are our sexual abusers of children -- but they are HETEROSEXUAL males.

Homosexual males are 100% LESS likely to sexually abuse a child.

In fact, in Hawaii -- before the coming of the "white man" there ... Homosexuals -- gay men and lesbian women -- were honored and esteemed there for their care for orphaned children.

INCEST -- father rape of a child ... is also generally heterosexual males.

Trust this makes things clearer as to what my post was about?


Wrath18 ago

You can always trust on a KIKE like yourself to find the most inappropriate moment to spew your pro-feminism and pro-faggotry poison. No doubt you do it to divert attention from Stallone's KIKE background. Of course you're not going to point out the common denominator between almost all of these rapist scumbags, which is that they are either KIKES or non-kikes working in a fully KIKE industry/circles such as Hollywood. Oh yeah, and these perverts are also usually FAGGOTS.

Go to hell, KIKE FAGGOT.

Votescam ago

You're very sick ... get some help.

Wrath18 ago

That's pretty rich coming from a KIKE!

Piscina ago

I agree with just about everything you've said, but I remind you that there's a very strong culture among gay men of 'boy love'. Look at the their connections with NAMBLA.

Votescam ago

Just a PS on my reply .... Some of these discussions seem to me to be hooked on misinterpretations ... (I'm not saying I'm right about my opinion of NAMBLA) ... but for instance I came in tonight to post something about OCCULT ...because it seems to me that like "Devil" and "Satan" a lot of people here think it's real.

There isn't any Devil or Satan -- and OCCULT can be fictional.

Some here also believe that the women who were labeled "Witches" by the Vatican were actually evil -- !! They fail to question the behavior of the RCC Church and its Witch Hunt.

Anyway... that's one of the conversations I wanted to get started tonight but the instructions for posting now are so complicated I haven't been able to post anything!

Actually, at least two other conversations I wanted to start and afraid that when I get the info together I won't be able to post either of them either -- !!

Oh, well...

Votescam ago

Yes ... that's true ... but if you you're talking about NAMBLA ... that's not the homosexual community.

Guess I don't know as much about NAMBLA as I should, but as I recall it... they're after kids and that simply makes them pedophiles. We may not think that because they're not (I believe) generally after like toddlers, or 8 year olds. From what I recall they're after maybe 14 and 16 year olds. Guys like Jerry Sandusky who was going after ... what was it ... 16 or younger? Or slightly older. I think that's pretty much where NAMBLA is ... isn't it.

Well, if you look up pedophiles you'll see that actually there are different labels ... pedophiles are identified by the fact that they are attracted to youths according to their ages. That's the whole thing about them. And you'll find that there's a different NAME for every age group ... which goes up to 16 as I recall.

Basically, I'm saying that even though the age of consent might be 16 .... I would still consider NAMBLA to be pedophiles (as we think about it.)

Sorry I don't have time at the moment to do a search on it -- it's what I recall from memory of the ages ... but also not that familiar with NAMBLA-propaganda and what they say about themselves.

Blacksmith21 ago

I try to take time away and appreciate things that those bastards cannot corrupt. I appreciate the amount of time many of you here put into the research. I'd like to say I wished I had more time to dedicate to this, but I'd like to continue to enjoy life. This stuff sometimes can make you ill and everyone needs some good to balance it out.

think- ago

"I'd like to say I wished I had more time to dedicate to this, but I'd like to continue to enjoy life."

Too many people burn out who don't keep the balance.

ArtificalDuality ago

Making / playing music is a good way to keep sanity as well :)

sunajAeon ago

I believe her story, but....she was a willing participant, can't see prosecuting someone based on this story-unfortunately chics say all kinds of shit in these situations; the age factor? Yes, illegal, but as a Pizzagate researcher I didn't get into the work to go after every dalliance, 16 is young but then again a a lot of 16 year olds are mature and sexually active by their own volition and practises

cdglow ago

If this was just a rumor of a 16 year old wanting to jump a celebrity's bones and accomplishing that goal, I'd be a lot more sympathetic to your comment despite whatever the legal age of consent was in that jurisdiction.

But if somebody uses force or the threat of force to compel something as the story describes, then it's no longer voluntary. The incident described is inarguably a crime.

That being said, it may or may not be true so he should be viewed as innocent before proven guilty.

atimeandplace ago

Even if she consented to sex with stallone, which is gross because she was only 16 to his 40, he and his friend FORCED HER to give them blow jobs, and the other guy vaginally assaulted her. So no, this wasn't a "dalliance", this was two grown men taking advantage of a teenage fan for their own sexual pleasure. It's sick!

think- ago

"she was a willing participant"

No, she wasn't. She didn't want to perform oral sex on the bodyguard or have a "threesome". Both men threatened her afterwards.

SecondAmendment ago

Good job, @think. It's ridiculous that you'd have to spell out coercion and force to a user on here. But clearly we've been infiltrated by Brock's bitches. . . . keep up the good work, @think.

think- ago

Thank you, @SecondAmentment.

migratorypatterns ago

What part of "FORCED" don't you understand?

ESOTERICshade ago

What is the age of consent? How is it related to pizzagate?

think- ago

Sorry for being sarcastic but were you more convinced when we'd dug and find out how old his step-sister was when he allegedly started raping her?

And did you notice the comment that said he possibly was involved with filming ppl raping kids and making money with child porn?

Even if unproven, there's clearly a pizzagate connection here.

bopper ago

Yes, illegal, but as a Pizzagate researcher I didn't get into the work to go after every dalliance, 16 is young but then again a a lot of 16 year olds are mature and sexually active by their own volition and practises

This comment is good ballast.

ESOTERICshade ago

Was the age of consent 16? If so its just a slide thread and Hollywood is giving us dozens of slide thread to work with and so is D.C. because their slide thread party is just getting started i.e. Al Franken was "filming a skit" and oopsie make a hand grab.

bopper ago

Yeah, my brain's not working, I needed the reminder. Thanks for the heads up.

carmencita ago

This does not surprise me one bit. I have always thought that Sly lived up to his name. Whenever I saw him on David Letterman or others, he always was full of himself. More so than some others, kind of like Tom Jones who is another one that has been charged with raping a minor. These disgusting pedos pick these young girls because they know they are Star Struck and Inexperienced. The girl should not have gone up to his room, but let's make it clear who is at fault here. Stallone was married, and she was a minor. He is a rapist. And we all know that he had done this many times before and after. I can't even think of a name disgusting enough to call him. Vermin. Pedophile. Scumbag........Let me count the names

SecondAmendment ago

UPDATE: On a bright note, Stallone's partner in crime is dead. He was shot by police in 2013. Good riddance, pedo.


By Cindy Von Quednow of the Ventura County Star

A 53-year-old Thousand Oaks man shot and killed by Port Hueneme police this month was a former boxer and bodyguard for Sylvester Stallone, his son said this week.

Michael "The Duke" De Luca was an accomplished man who had other aspirations, son Mike De Luca Jr. said.

"My father was my inspiration, my hero, my mentor," De Luca, 30, said.

The older De Luca boxed professionally, was managed by actor-boxer Tony Danza and later became a bodyguard for actor Stallone, friends and relatives said.

According to a biography on, De Luca won a New York State Golden Gloves championship at Madison Square Garden in 1979 when he was 19 and later won a silver metal in The Empire State Games.

Most recently he worked as a plasterer and helped build sets for films. He had also done some acting, enjoyed photography and wanted to work behind the camera, his son said. Originally from New York, De Luca had family all over the country and had another son, Vinny.

The younger De Luca said he prefers to focus on the good memories, like being on the set in Arizona with his father during the filming of "Rambo III," than dwell on his father's death.

"Anything else is too painful and makes me feel nauseous," he said.

Two Port Hueneme police officers used a stun gun on De Luca before fatally shooting him early Sept. 6, officials said.

Police said De Luca's pickup apparently hit a palm tree on the sand near the entrance to a parking lot at Hueneme Beach Park in the 500 block of Surfside Drive.

De Luca was apparently uncooperative with officers and told them he had a handgun, police said. Officers "then drew their weapons and were involved in a confrontation" with De Luca, police said.

They said officers shot and killed De Luca after using a Taser stun gun on him, which was ineffective.

No handgun was found at the scene, said Police Chief Robert Gager. De Luca had no criminal record in Ventura County.

Police said the Ventura County District Attorney's Office is investigating the shooting and the two officers involved in the incident remain on paid administrative leave, a standard procedure.

De Luca said he understands the investigation into what really happened that morning will take a long time.

"I think it's unfortunate there were no witnesses," he said. "Three people know what happened, and one of them is dead."

Rocky Milone, the elder De Luca's longtime friend, said she never knew him to be violent or confrontational and didn't think he owned a gun.

"Duke was never a weapons guy," she said. "He had his hands if he needed weapons."

She said De Luca would sometimes drive to the beach after a heated discussion with his girlfriend to clear his head. Milone said that while she didn't see De Luca that often, the two spoke on the phone several times a week and kept in touch on Facebook. She last spoke to him days before the shooting.

Milone and two other friends have created a Facebook page called What Really Happened To ?The DUKE'?

People across the country have posted memories and thoughts about his death. The page is also sprinkled with photos from De Luca's career featuring Danza and Stallone, both of whom could not be reached for comment for this story.

Milone said she wants answers on why De Luca was shot.

"It doesn't make sense to anybody," she said. "Why did they shoot to kill him? Why not shoot him in the leg, knock him down and cuff him?"

On the Net:;

2impendingdoom ago

Sounds like those cops were intentionally taking out the trash. DeLuca probably raped the wrong person.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Good riddance. Creeps like this always make a stupid move.


Again with the 16

millennial_vulcan ago

One of the best Sylvester Stallone blind items from the 1990's...

>> Sly scores a birdie << A Hollywood hole-in-one

During the 90s, Sylvester Stallone liked to relax by practicing his putting in the office of a major Hollywood producer. The "hole" was provided by a very famous exotic supermodel sitting at the end of the room with her legs spread wide open.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, freaking NO!!!!

I hope that it wasn't Naomi Campbell. She's a stunner and I would have thought better of her than to do this, but then, maybe it wasn't her, but I believe she went to Epstein's island.

Wrath18 ago

Naomi Campbell is a disgusting whore. No doubt she and her kike husband Liev Schreiber enjoy raping their children. Schreiber openly sexualizes his children and at least one of his sons is being brought up as a tranny.

migratorypatterns ago

Really? Just checked and Naomi Campbell doesn't have children. She posted a selfie with her TV daughter, but the actress is not her daughter.

Wrath18 ago

Haha sorry, got names confused. Sloppy me. Was recently doing some research on Naomi Watts and now got these two mixed up. My bad. What I said obviously doesn't apply to Campbell, though no doubt she's far from any kind of decent character herself.

migratorypatterns ago

I thought maybe that was it. Don't really know too much about Campbell, but her traveling to Epstein's island concerns me. But then again, that POS probably liked having supergorgeous women around so she might have been invited and not involved.

millennial_vulcan ago

noami is involved in all types of shady stuff. blood diamonds least of her problems.

hmm.hanging out with Liberian dictators. Plus her ex was a shady Russian billionaire.

she knows a lot of shit!

migratorypatterns ago

Well, there you go!

Thanks for the info.

argosciv ago

Fuuuckin hell...

My head hurts, got something of my own on the way. Anyone else around to weigh in here?

SecondAmendment ago

I know, @argosciv, I am so sorry that Stallone is a pedophile, too. I have to tell you: before today, he was something of a hero to my family and me. We freaking loved his ROCKY series and even the motivational music. We loved everything about his carefully-crafted public persona. This is rough, but it's necessary.

argosciv ago

No no, my head literally hurts from too much reading lol... I'm not sentimentally attached to him, I'd love if it were untrue, but, it is what it is.

SecondAmendment ago

Whoopsy, @argosciv, sorry I misunderstood the source of your agony, lol. Next time just call me on the telephone and I'll read you these stories out loud to spare your tired eyes. Hahaha. Sorry to kid with you. I'm with you on being tired, though. My meeting was postponed so now I really do have to hit the road. So at least you won't have to read any more long ones from me, lad. Take care.

argosciv ago

hahaha, all good, I've had a splitting headache for the past hour or more, comes with the territory.

I'm not knocking you for long posts at all, mine often go over the character limit and need shortening xD

derram ago :

Sylvester Stallone accused of forcing teen into threesome | Daily Mail Online

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