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Blacksmith21 ago

I think by the time "this" is all said and done, most of us won't have many actor, musician, etc. that we call "favs".

SecondAmendment ago

You got that right, @Blacksmith21. These days my "favs" are you guys here on Voat and on Reddit and the chans, i.e., those regular, ordinary, and decent people who want Pizzagate and all it involves to end.

Blacksmith21 ago

I try to take time away and appreciate things that those bastards cannot corrupt. I appreciate the amount of time many of you here put into the research. I'd like to say I wished I had more time to dedicate to this, but I'd like to continue to enjoy life. This stuff sometimes can make you ill and everyone needs some good to balance it out.

think- ago

"I'd like to say I wished I had more time to dedicate to this, but I'd like to continue to enjoy life."

Too many people burn out who don't keep the balance.