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think- ago

"The bombshell police report was made a year before Stallone's half-sister Toni-Ann Filiti, threatened him with a lawsuit in 1987, alleging that Stallone raped her and sexually assaulted her for years.

Although court documents show the actor 'vigorously denied and continues to deny and dispute all claims of wrongdoing', he agreed to give Filiti a lump sum of $2 million, as well as $ 16,666 a month for the rest of her life."

Anyone notice that number.........?!!

elephantdoesntforget ago

Yup. Can picture Stallone saying 'You just made a deal with the devil.'

Now I'm wondering if she really died of 'cancer,' or Stallone had her offed because he was sick of paying her...

think- ago

People dying of "heart attack", "cancer" or "suicide" probably should be looked at closer. And those who had car accidents or "overdosed" as well.

Oh my.

elephantdoesntforget ago

This. They have techniques to murder and make it look like a heart attack, using tasers. I've also seen suicide by overdose in which perps shove pills / drugs down their throat.

2impendingdoom ago

the CIA heart attack gun uses a frozen dart of shellfish toxin that leaves only a tiny pinprick mark and isn't on autopsy tox tests. This was acknowledged in a congressional hearing in the 70's.

elephantdoesntforget ago

These days the perps are using less exotic, although equally effective, tactics to take people out.