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sunajAeon ago

I believe her story, but....she was a willing participant, can't see prosecuting someone based on this story-unfortunately chics say all kinds of shit in these situations; the age factor? Yes, illegal, but as a Pizzagate researcher I didn't get into the work to go after every dalliance, 16 is young but then again a a lot of 16 year olds are mature and sexually active by their own volition and practises

migratorypatterns ago

What part of "FORCED" don't you understand?

ESOTERICshade ago

What is the age of consent? How is it related to pizzagate?

think- ago

Sorry for being sarcastic but were you more convinced when we'd dug and find out how old his step-sister was when he allegedly started raping her?

And did you notice the comment that said he possibly was involved with filming ppl raping kids and making money with child porn?

Even if unproven, there's clearly a pizzagate connection here.