ASolo ago

Stallone's movie, Over the Top, was filmed at the Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas.

While filming there, Stallone had a room at the Las Vegas Hilton, and was allegedly involved in sexual activity with 'a 15-year-old girl' inside his room.

Afterwards, the teen claims Stallone said that if she told anyone, 'they would have to beat her head in.'

According to a former Las Vegas Police detective, one of Stallone's bodyguards, Michael De Luca, took the 15-year-old girl to Stallone's room to meet Stallone.

The girl said that she had been 'intimidated' into having sex with Stallone and the bodyguard Michael 'Mike' De Luca.

In 2013, Stallone bodyguard, Michael De Luca was shot and killed by California police.

Sylvester Stallone's mother is Jacqueline Labofish.

She is an astrologer, former dancer, promoter of women's wrestling and inventor of rumpology.

She is half Ukrainian Jewish.

In 2012, Sylvester's son Sage Sage Moonblood Stallone died in mysterious circumstances.

He was aged 36.

Sage was found dead on July 13, 2012 at his home in Studio City, Los Angeles.

According to reports, he had not been heard from for four days prior to his death and died between three and seven days prior to being found.

Sylvester Stallone appeared in the porn film The Party at Kitty and Stud's.

Sylvester Stallone's half-sister, Toni-Ann Filiti, accused Sylvester Stallone of abusing her for years.

Sylvester Stallone agreed to pay Filiti $2 million plus $16,666 every month in her lifetime, on top of a trust with $50,000 per year for medical and psychiatric expenses.

Toni-Ann Filiti died in 2012.

Stallone has been married to Sasha Czack, Brigitte Nielsen and Jennifer Flavin.

You should read what Cathy O'Brien said about Sly.


Sackajahweeda ago

I just read today that his HALF SISTER accused him of sexual assault and he paid her 2million one time payment and thenGET THIS monthly lifetime payments of 16,666 until she too died of cancer. This was around the time of the kid accusing him. Interesting figure huh?

IShallNotFear ago

That's very interesting. Do you have the source handy?

Sackajahweeda ago

Yikes I read so much yesterday that I cant exactly recall but i do know that it was within one of the articles that I read about the 16 year old let me see if i can find it.

GirlGoat ago

What's the story with the "hinky" eye? I know nothing about it.

matheasysolutions ago

Hmmm I'm not fully sure. Just don't think it's random. Might be something to do with side-effects of mind control techniques (or microchips installed in their head or something). Strange world we live in but I will be looking further into this for sure!

Narcissism ago

A lot of Pedos have whats known in prison as "SHORT EYES". They focus short of the subject matter and often have a drooping left eye lid. Whether this is caused by Narcissism (False Self) as a result of abuse, or because they take so many psychotropic meds like Librium which affects the ocular nerve is anyones guess.

CantStopCrying ago

I find this observation about "Short Eyes" very interesting. I think I've observed that in sketchy people.

Any famous examples?

Also, do you remember recently that some team developed an AI Software "Gaydar" that supposedly was very accurate at picking out Gay persons from Photo's/Video? It was headline news about 2 months ago.

I've also noticed that a few Narcissists I have known all seem to have a shortening of the distance from the underside of the nose to the base of the chin.

Scroll down and look at picture of DB and JA: Power LIst 2010 - DC Power Couples:

Notice the proportion of the area above the top lip to the underside of the nose and the dimension of the lower chin.

There is just something "off" about this facial dimension.

Once I started "seeing" this, I noticed there are many other's that have been implicated in some of this that have a very similar dimensional disproportion.

Almost like hormones were off or something. Partly between genders.

I also wonder how many Pedo's are dyslexic. Certainly there is a lot of Narcissism out there in the World, but to find the combination of Gay, Pedo and Narc all in one, makes it seem potentially biological in some way.

Just food for thought. No real conclusions or accusations. Just mulling it around.

Especially the facial proportions. If a computer can be an accurate "Gaydar", why not "Pedo-Soft"? ;)

Narcissism ago

Its an interesting subject that could do with more exploring. I wish someone would a YT video on it to open the subject up.

If you do an image search for convicted Pedos you would see a prevalence of them have the drooping left eye, short eyes and often photographed with eyes swiveled round in the socket. Lots of famous Deep State actors have the weird eye thing going on as well.

I haven't ever noticed it in Gays, but in the case of Alfantis I would think of him as someone who had been subject to childhood abuse, a drugged up Pedo Narcissists, not as Gay.

new4now ago

Am sure many of the " hair bands" of the 80's have their underage stories as well

captainramius87 ago

The eye anomaly stuff seems to be taking things way too far in my opinion.

GeorgeT ago

It's possible Stallone was asked to sacrifice his son (2013 - aged 36!!!!) The price he had to pay for being a movie star.

millennial_vulcan ago

Remember when Sylvester's only son, SAGE STALLONE was found dead of an "apparent drug overdose"...think there's anything more to the story?

GeorgeT ago

Blatent sacrifice, like Travolta's son. They are all satanists.

dassaer ago

Always the 'bad luck' with first borns or the only child, kinda glad I was born down the 'pack'.

SecondAmendment ago

I thought of Sage today, too, @millennial_vulcan. Stallone has another kid, another son named Sergeoh. He has autism, allegedly. People mag profiled him back in the 80s:

millennial_vulcan ago

I don't see the hinky eye but I see lots of bad plastic surgery and botox....just like his late mom, Jackie Stallone

Blacksmith21 ago

The ole hinky eye. Don't be surprised when more come out against Arnold and others. The dam is just beginning to lap over the top. The MSM can't ignore too much longer. I'm beginning to wonder what happened in the NoKo. Was that the seat of the Deep State? Were all assets deployed to decapitate? Little fat boy has been awfully quiet. Maybe Q was right? Keep doing God's work, my friend.

GeorgeT ago

Arnold's brother died in a car crash back in Austria right around the time when Arnold's career took off! Another sacrifice?!!! Arnold was my idol.

derram ago :

MathEasySolutions on Twitter: "Another one bites the dust... and as expected Sylvester Stallone has lazy/distinct eye anomalies... 👁️ #PizzaGate #MKUltra #MindControl All…"

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