The ole hinky eye. Don't be surprised when more come out against Arnold and others. The dam is just beginning to lap over the top. The MSM can't ignore too much longer. I'm beginning to wonder what happened in the NoKo. Was that the seat of the Deep State? Were all assets deployed to decapitate? Little fat boy has been awfully quiet. Maybe Q was right? Keep doing God's work, my friend.
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Blacksmith21 ago
The ole hinky eye. Don't be surprised when more come out against Arnold and others. The dam is just beginning to lap over the top. The MSM can't ignore too much longer. I'm beginning to wonder what happened in the NoKo. Was that the seat of the Deep State? Were all assets deployed to decapitate? Little fat boy has been awfully quiet. Maybe Q was right? Keep doing God's work, my friend.
GeorgeT ago
Arnold's brother died in a car crash back in Austria right around the time when Arnold's career took off! Another sacrifice?!!! Arnold was my idol.