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millennial_vulcan ago

One of the best Sylvester Stallone blind items from the 1990's...

>> Sly scores a birdie << A Hollywood hole-in-one

During the 90s, Sylvester Stallone liked to relax by practicing his putting in the office of a major Hollywood producer. The "hole" was provided by a very famous exotic supermodel sitting at the end of the room with her legs spread wide open.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, freaking NO!!!!

I hope that it wasn't Naomi Campbell. She's a stunner and I would have thought better of her than to do this, but then, maybe it wasn't her, but I believe she went to Epstein's island.

millennial_vulcan ago

noami is involved in all types of shady stuff. blood diamonds least of her problems.

hmm.hanging out with Liberian dictators. Plus her ex was a shady Russian billionaire.

she knows a lot of shit!

migratorypatterns ago

Well, there you go!

Thanks for the info.