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Blacksmith21 ago

I think by the time "this" is all said and done, most of us won't have many actor, musician, etc. that we call "favs".

elephantdoesntforget ago

Wake up Blacksmith. These "favs" don't get cast unless they participate. This means what you think it means.

Studios and music labels promote those that play the game. This can be child pornography, and even drug distributing. The truth is about to come out and is way worse than anyone suspects. You do not get to be in a major motion picture unless you are approved by the ones at the top; some are made to participate in murders to get / keep their top billing. No exaggeration.

Hollywood is fueled by child pornography and drug distribution. How many loads of drugs have celebrity jets moved around, to finance their projects? Oprah Winfrey, John Travolta (has own jumbo jet and airstrip), Celine Dion, the list goes on and on. Oprah Winfrey is one of the worlds most prolific drug dealers; her media empire is laundering money. No wonder she complains the IRS is always at her home / office.

logjam ago

Oprah? c'mon.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Why so hard for you to believe this? Is she a saint in your eyes?

Oprah Winfrey. Remember, you read it here before it broke on MSM. It is an open secret among Central and South American drug traffickers that she has a big hand in moving weight.

logjam ago

I personally don't have an attachment to Oprah, but I have a hard time accepting this. Not cause I think you're full of shit - I just didn't see that coming. If it does break on MSM, I will send you a postcard with an apology on ever doubting you.

She isn't a saint - but she does seem "nice". lol Dr.Phil however probably has some dark shit.

2impendingdoom ago

Dr Phil is classic example of one who profits from others misfortune. Which is shitty in my opinion.