birthdaysuit11 ago

so basically a manufactured pedo cult, like the finders? You guys should research Jonestown massacre and CIA involvment.

birthdaysuit11 ago

SWORDFISH69, Could you look into ONEOFUS gallary in LA??

birthdaysuit11 ago

Save everything, encrypt

birthdaysuit11 ago

My nigga, I hoped you follow up on saltz. Awesome work and markedly important!

Blacksmith21 ago

Ahhh....based on the flak, over the target. Once again. And FWIW, I was raised Methodist. Not a Jew. Sorry.

Ample4th ago

swordfish69, though I'm not much of a researcher I wanted to thank you for looking into this. I never believed the official narrative about Theresa and Jeremy.

VieBleu ago

This reporting adds weight to the Scientology connection and Duncan's reports of Scientology involvement. Apparently, the Vanity Fair piece wasn't written by the person it was credited to. It was written by a known Scientology "media informant" who has a background as a NYPD detective - name of Connelly.

Almost everyone interviewed for this story brought up a minor mystery connected to the authorship of "The Golden Suicides," which the SoMA review first addressed in a post that was picked up by New York magazine's Vulture blog. In it, SoMA's editor Spalding wrote that he was contacted by someone who was familiar with the reporting on the story and who said that she "was stunned to read that Nancy Jo Sales had the byline."

As it turns out, that person was LA Weekly's Kate Coe, who maintains that she always believed Vanity Fair contributing editor John Connolly to be the "author of record" and who shared some of her research with him when he first took on the assignment. Robin, who spoke to both Connolly and Sales, concurred that Connolly was the first to interview him.

Connolly, too, insists that the assignment was initially his and said that he had asked to be taken off the story after Sales became involved, because he felt her relationship with Morales was "too complicated." After Sales completed the story, Connolly had the option of taking an "additional reporting" byline but declined to do so.

John Connolly, as Gawker's own John Cook reported in a 2011 New York Observer story called "Was a Vanity Fair Editor Secretly Working for the Church of Scientology?", has his own bizarre connections to the church. (A Vanity Fair spokeswoman named Beth Kseniak confirmed to Cook that Connolly contributed to "The Golden Suicides.")

From the Observer:

The accusation comes from Marty Rathbun, who ranked so high in the organization before he left that he served as Tom Cruise's "auditor," or confessor, and Mike Rinder, Scientology's former chief spokesman. Both men have defected from the church and accuse its current leader, David Miscavige, of ruling through violence and terror. On February 15, Rathbun posted to his blog a lengthy internal church memo, purportedly written by Linda Hamel, chief of the church's faux-CIA "Office of Special Affairs," revealing Connolly to have secretly supplied intelligence to the church on the preparation of Andrew Morton's 2008 biography of Tom Cruise. According to the memo, Connolly approached Morton in 2006 under the pretense of writing "an article for Vanity Fair about the books Morton has done on celebrities including the one he is writing on Tom Cruise." He proceeded, the memo says, to pump Morton for information about his book and report it back to the church.

And while we have our tinfoil hats on, isn't it interesting that P.T. Anderson—who worked with Blake on Punch Drunk Love, remember, and introduced the artist to Beck—made a movie about Scientology in 2012?

"Never heard of these people," a representative of the Church said when Sales asked about the alleged harassment for her Vanity Fair article. "This is completely untrue."

confirmed here

If the church is working this hard to run and spin the reporting on Duncan's suicide, her fears before her death are a lot more justified, and the suicide itself, possibly of both her and her boyfriend are called into question. And what does this say about Vanity Fair? Yet another media outlet infiltrated by forces that wish to publish controlled narratives to shape public opinion - another way to say "fake news".

VieBleu ago

It isn't easy handling such complicated stuff and telling a story. Thanks for your magazine quality investigative work and writing. Drawing these connections is significant. The fact that Scientology is now not a seperate cult but somehow connected into the Deep State's biggger picture is really scary as well.

Gneo ago

"NORTON's artyvirus Christmas (c)arts leads to...: Anna Gaskell party, hosted by.... Podesta's gues who visted? James Altefantis visted !!!"

Anna Gaskell also made a piece for NORTON family Christmas give away ( 'C ARD' )

(beside Kara walkers (pedoartist) and the Spiral WINK one eyed cosmos baby)


Anna Gaskellr art..!


Look at this link! Podesta's, James and Anna Gaskell at a Anna Gaskell art party! THEY also LIKE this same artist that NORTON artyvirus likes and works with!


More about Norton

Peter NORTON artyvirus, bought Kara Walker Pedo-slavery art | Former Norton CEO (Ronald Posner) admit sex with underaged African American girls | Hillary & Norton have 20-plus year association

Beside Kara Walker's book, the Norton Family Foundation also produced this special limited edition Christmas gift: a Baby doll with Spiral, & One eye symbolism, it was shipped in a pyramid shaped box.

DarkMath ago

For what it's worth overdosing on Champagne, Benedryl and Tylenol sounds sketchy. I've mixed those many times to fight an impending morning hangover when I was drinking and lived to tell about it. Granted I have an Irish liver and it could probably process anything up to tier 5 radioactive waste (I'm kidding) but Champagne, Benedryl and Tylenol aren't that toxic. Yes the Tylenol could shut your liver down but only if you were doing that combo every day for months.

When people die of overdoses it's usually due to opiates shutting down their breathing. Or with alcohol it's from drinking hard liquor and sending someone's body into shock or causing a pancreatic bleed. We're talking Vodka, Whiskey etc. hard liquor. Champagne doesn't kill. I've been to thousands of AA meetings and heard an equal number of tragic overdose stories. Duncan's suicide story doesn't pass the smell test.

VieBleu ago

For what it's worth overdosing on Champagne, Benedryl and Tylenol sounds sketchy. I've mixed those many times when I was drinking and lived to tell about it. Granted I have an Irish liver

This is your endearing side. warmed my heart.

DarkMath ago

I can tell if that's an insult or a compliment but whatever. I'll take it as a compliment.

Thank you.


VieBleu ago


they are so rare around here, I understand the confusion. You gave me a chuckle.

pbvrocks ago

Nice work!

abcdefg222 ago

Wow. Great research. Thank you!

pizzaequalspedo ago

The media needs to be investigated. Anyone that is connected to the CIA should immediately be charged and tried for treason.

IT'S FUCKING NOT OK for the CIA to be involved in our own domestic media.

Burn that agency to the ground! Burn the MSM to the ground and start over.

LostandFound ago

As @rodeo13 has pointed out there's an 04 connection with Tony and Heather Podesta hosting a private gathering. It was discussed before at

Interesting to note that at the very bottom of the comments the golden suicides were brought up.

rodeo13 ago

I'm glad you reposted this. I haven't used the search function in ages, since it stopped working awhile back.

rodeo13 ago

From the article below (which includes pics of Tony & Heather, as well as James Alefantis): "Different Kind of World Tony and Heather Podesta hosted an intimate gathering for New York-based artist Anna Gaskell, whose work is featured throughout the couple's D.C. home. Gaskell burst onto the art scene in the late 1990's and immediately caught the attention of critics internationally. Her work has been described as cinematic, profound and provocative and features the use of theatrical techniques to enhance and manipulate her photographs in a number of different ways. The subjects are often young girls and two of her well-known series of photographs, “Wonder” and “Override” are loosely based on Lewis Carroll's “ Alice in Wonderland”. Gaskell was in town with her husband, artist Douglas Gordon, whose own exhibition is on view from February 12 through May 9 at The Smithsonian's Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden . The exhibition includes large-scale projected video installations, text pieces, still photographs and filmed images on video monitors. Gordon is a Scottish artist known for his film and video installations based on classic Hollywood movies. The exhibit includes an all-day screening of Gordon's internationally acclaimed “24 Hour Psycho,” which slows Hitchcock's film from a 109-minute movie to 24 hour-long large screen show, compelling people to focus on every detail of the thriller." Definitely intimate with the DC pedo crowd.

Are_we__sure ago

So did you miss the part where the folks making the accusations we're unraveling and delusional?

whatonearth ago

LMAO at the notion that the leftist punk musicians in DC are some kind of CIA deep state. Ian Svenonius is a Marxist Situationist type who has been sharply criticizing US foreign policy via music and books for 30 years and yet whatever dumbass wrote this stuff thinks he's CIA. Really underscores how little the alt-right types behind pizzagate understand the left. Remember that one guy on this subverse who thought antifa was made up of die-hard Hillary Clinton fans?

rodeo13 ago

Well, her photo artwork is disturbing, especially "Hide", based on Brothers Grimm, and "Wonder", based on Alice in Wonderland (hello MKULTRA programming).

Jem777 ago

Excellent research and post. Two names that jumped out besides the well known names are Reza Aslan & Francis Luzzato.

Reza Aslan is/was a CNN reporter until about one week ago when he was fired. He has long been suspected as CIA so to think he had someone's FBI file is not outside the realm. He was on film on a CNN recording engaged in cannibalism by eating human brain.

The second name Francis Luzzato is possibly related to Tamera Luzzato as seen in the Podesta emails.

ThePedoHunter ago


Reza Aslans hate for Trump is akin to a pedophile fearing exposure or a deep-state satanic fck protecting his degenerate power....Trump is triggering these hang-em-high scum

sugarskull ago

Isnt that her ex hubby? Sorry deceased hubby.

eyeVoated ago

Ahh, adrenochrome again. I think this is satans favorite elixir.

BehindTheCurtain ago

We should be tweeting this to WaPo and Podesta. Just reminds them the noose is tightening.

BehindTheCurtain ago

Wow! Excellent post.

Tanngrisnir ago

Holy shit, dude.

This is an incredible find. WaPo is nothing if not creepy and evil.

equineluvr ago

Another fabulous post, Swordfish!

Anna Gaskell is, of course, yet another JEW. JEWS, JEWS, and MORE JEWS everywhere in this story. What a shock! (not!)

Eustace Mullins cited in 1968 a statistic that the CIA was 86% Jewish. No doubt it is higher now.

Blacksmith21 ago

You've obviously never been to HQ or the OHB in Langley. Gaskell was raised by evangelical Christians.

Stop citing bullshit, shill.

Relevant to the OP:

The 80s/90s DC music scene revolved around the original 9:30 Club, Black Cat, Heaven and Hell and a bunch of other mostly non-existent clubs now. These clubs were sprinkled about the city and had little geographic similarities with the CPP area.

That being said, much of the aforementioned musicians were tied in with a place called Food for Thought, I believe founded by Ian McAye (sp) from Fugazi. F4T was located in Dupont Circle, aka The Fruit Loop, for obvious reasons. This epicenter has been the LBGT and music intersection for DC for a while.

It would surprise me if some of these guys were caught up in early pedo stuff. Here is what I can tell you:

  • Most of the "edgy" punk rockers were actually wealthy kids from well-heeled families in McLean, Potomac, and Georgetown. (Example - Henry Rollins (Black Flag) went to Maret Prep (37k/yr now) - And as you might expect, it would be likely that many of the parents of the punk rockers were in the employ of CIA, State, etc.

  • I spent a lot of time in that scene and know a few of these players. No one really struck me as a pedo, but then again, until you know what you are looking for....

  • The tradition is probably carrying on with bands like Heavy Breathing etc.

Gneo ago

Same for?:

Baltimore, Baltimore, Baltimore

Pizzacult research part 1, 2 and 3

DonKeyhote ago

Did you miss the kabbalah festival reference, you retarded faggot?

swordfish69 ago

Thank you. I'm starting to find a lot of extremely bizarre connections between the CIA and punk record labels centered around Los Angeles/Seattle, among them Sub Pop Records and Epitaph. I think that there needs to be a distinction between the blackmail/control aspect of this as well as the people who simply do it for pleasure.

As CIA, their ability to travel with unusual things without questioning what they're doing is very telling, and is one of the reasons I believe that punk record labels are a front for domestic trafficking/MK abuse, while the art world is part of a larger international operation led by the 'Rockefeller CIA', or the intersection of the wealthy elite and the intelligence community.

YogSoggoth ago

Could not help noticing you have a detractor below you. Sex Pistols Were Financed by USSR to 'Destabilize Western ... 'Pussy Riot', and - A Grotesque Creation of the US State ... Hope I did not blow anyone's mind. Still not sure why my links don't work on this site. Oh, Ramones cover band 'JOKINGLY' says funded by the CIA. Yeahh.

Jem777 ago

The CIA is the creator of "modern art" and sponsored some of the most famous rock groups. The modern art movement was intentional as a psychological warfare operation to cause loss of critical thinking skills.

Going back to the 1990's research Michael Alig....he was a famous "club kid" who was convicted of a brutal dismemberment murder. He is friends with James Alefantis and was in a video prior to his conviction talking about "chickenhawks" young boys.

He was released from prison last year and tweeted Alefantis. He started his own Art foundation of disturbing work. The movie "Party Monster" in which Macaulay Caulkin stars was allegedly about him.

mrohm ago

Somewhat related, the LA of the Germs and other early west coast punk bands was flooded with paedophiles.

The book Lexicon Devil about Darby Crash has a brief chapter, Trouble At the Cup, about this. It also mentions paedo teachers at the school Darby went to. The school was created by Scientologists, and Hollywood was full of the same in that area.

Shillaxe ago

You get paid everytime you post the words JEW , JEWS & JEWISH in all caps im convinced, prove me wrong & use lower case from now on.