Laskar ago

Yet another example of garbage art warranting investigation of two more artists (and their clients):

Here's another of Takashi's "art" called "isle of the dead": Dedication":

And this acrylic on canvas:

And this piece of "mixed media" blood on a handkerchief:

Thanks for this post, OP.

star_boi ago

the blood on a handkerchief!! omg!! seems kinda 'pizza related' don't it? this shit so cray-

Laskar ago

Yeah, that's why I posted that one.

Gneo ago


i didn't start to research the other pieces of the Christmas collection and the artists that made them but.... they sure look interesting...

Laskar ago

It's so incredibly sick, isn't it?

Important post--thanks again.

dickface888 ago

Nobody mentioned the doll seems to be doing the "A-ok" 666 hand sign?

jstayz44 ago

Oh good, send a pedo doll, winking with a huge ass shit eating grin, along with a card that states the following: "This clever item was made just for you and a few others. It has no practical value or function other than to delight or stimulate." What makes this ugly doll "clever," you ask? Because it's symbology could be easily lost on the unwitting and unknowing. Fascinating, as well, that this doll sculpture was designed to "stimulate." Really interesting choice of descriptors.

Gneo ago

Or......Also nice to send with Christmas to your friends:

"Medusa plate"

Merry Christmas!!! from the Peter Norton family

jstayz44 ago

They're clearly disturbed and disgusting. This is the subterranean shit, the winking at each other-inside joke shit that makes me want them to be 6 feet subterranean. I can't wait for something to break big time so that we can send the message that the jokes over, and it was never funny in the first place.

carmencita ago

What an ugly piece of plastic garbage. What ever happened to rag dolls and wooden toys? They last forever and can be made by hand. People are so into quantity and not quality. This is an ugly piece that no child will be able to put their arms around and hug. Yuck.

derram ago | :

Christmas of Cool: The Peter Norton Family Christmas Art Project | HuffPost

'The Peter Norton Family Christmas Art Project is the epitome of cool. '

'The Peter Norton Family Christmas Art Project is brilliant to behold. '

'It just had to be the Norton Family gift. '

'Over a series of articles, we will dissect the many steps, turns and issues of an art project. '

'Every year since 1988, the Norton Family sends a limited edition gift to a wide list of friends. '

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