Gneo ago

Thanks for helping, you think its not the same guy because of the pictures or the dates that dont line up ?

Notgood2 ago

I need a link to something or they'll pull it.

Gneo ago

You could make something like this:

Download Audacity and your good to go

goodguy1367 ago

These people are absolute fucking weirdos! And the guy with the bodies in the trees and leaves in the house, wtf is that shit! These people in the bands could be the ground crew that maybe take the kids? Seeing thay they need vans and that sort of shit to lug their gear around with? Also the cases they carry their equiptment in could fit kids in them, wouldn't look odd taking them in to places, although these people might. Id hardly think they have much say in whats going on as they seem more like wannabe weirdos than sophisticated criminals, but they do seem like people who wouldn't give a fuck about snatching a kid off the street.

equineluvr ago

"the guy with the bodies in the trees and leaves in the house, wtf is that shit!"

Return to nature, the earth, and the "good old days" (to them) when THEY had full run of the planet.

Are_we_sure ago

there's no such thing as pizzacult.

whatonearth ago

The "Mr. Boh" character from the National Bohemian beer ads is a totally mainstream part of Baltimore local culture and has been for decades. He even has his own twitter now:

And here's a beer commercial from the 50s that has Mr. Boh wearing a top hat and playing banjo while singing about Maryland history:

You can see that the marketing for National Bohemian has emphasized its Baltimore local roots for at least 60 years now, and Mr. Boh has gradually come to be a symbol of Baltimore kind of like cheesesteaks are a symbol of Philadelphia. People will get Mr. Boh tattoos to reflect that they are from Baltimore, for example.

The character he is giving a ring to on the billboard is another local advertising character, for Utz potato chips (made in Pennsylvania but near Baltimore, and only regionally available). Anyone from Baltimore understands that the point of the ad is not "here's a spiral haired man proposing to a little girl", it is "hey Baltimore, here are two beloved local advertising characters getting married to reflect that we (Smyth Jewelers) are also a local company". Here is a newspaper article about it:

I lived in Baltimore for a part of my childhood and always wondered why Mr. Boh is drawn with one eye. The usual answer I heard is that he is supposed to be winking. His hair and mustache are obviously supposed to be a sort of 1880s men's look reflective of when that beer brand was founded.

Pizzalawyer ago

As good as the first, maybe even better. Thanks for your time, effort and discerning eye, and no I didn't mean the illuminati eye,, ha

Gneo ago

Thank you

YingYangMom ago

Excellent work, thanks, OP.

Gneo ago


Notgood2 ago

You are investigating everything under the sun except for the single most important things that has been revealed here: Skippy. Who here wants to help me to research Skippy from the strobe light videos?