equineluvr ago

Superb compilation!! Thanks for your hard work.

I look forward to reading Part 2.

Gneo ago

Be prepared :p

Yuke ago

Nice to see that Taraka's sister and bandmate Nimai is a kids cooking teacher. I mean, of course!

Gneo ago

They both have at least one side project they work on individually:

Taraka have one project of her own "The now age" lectures and ("music") theories.

Her younger sister Nimai has the cooking classes (But no disturbing pics or info from her cooking classes yet ? ) The things she cook are all vegetarian (?), yet sacrificing a chicken is no problem...

ArtificalDuality ago


Excellent and essential work! With this things just can't be passed off as isolated incidents and shows the inherent ties and integration of the occult / Luciferism as the driving force.

Gneo ago

Thanks Thanks !

Very much agree

Chess_Master ago

I'm unsure what this post is trying to prove. Everything here is such a stretch to tie a crappy band with pedophelia.

I saw Prince Rama open up for !!! in Brooklyn a couple of years ago for New Years Eve. They just wear bad 80s neon clothes as their gimmick. The music is not good. I'm just saying, as a voice of reason, that they booked a gig at a pizza place because why not? How would they have known it had ties to Podesta? Wasn't this all long before the story broke?

Gneo ago

Your missing info

Pizzagate not suddenly started with Comet Ping Pong, of course this shit was going on way before that

When i first saw Prince Rama i also felt, oh there should not be anything there but after finding one dubious thing after an other... i felt there was something wrong with those "innocent" looking girls... naked baby sword ritual, and human parts ejaculating... in the same video... Can you imagine yourself holding a sword in front of a new born baby and waving it around ?

And they not just wear neon... and be innocent, i would say look at the pictures again...

Also they didnt just book the pizza place , they went there more than 3 times. and Taraka also had at least one lecture there. And Heavy Breathing played with Prince Rama at Comet Ping Pong and it seems they got some inspiration from Heavy Breathing, or maybe Heavy Breathing got the inspiration for the voicebox from them. also they are presented by Sahsa Lord at least 3 times.

They not just happen to go there order a pizza and suddenly decided to stay and play and leave and never come back.

Chess_Master ago

Hmm. I appreciate your reply and will look into it more.

Piscina ago

Thanks for all that info. Comet ping pong is still hosting bands flagrantly pushing this satanic pedo shit. You'd think they'd want to fly under the radar for while, but I suppose when your backside is covered by powerful people you do whatever you want.

Pizzalawyer ago

This is extraordinary. I can't believe the amount of time you spent finding this stuff and putting it altogether. There is indeed a pizza cult subculture with pedophile and satanic themes. Is it to be found in all urban areas? I sense no sign of it in the suburbs where I live. There are some statistics out there suggesting that young people are now having less sex than previous generations. Are satanic and pedophile related activities or fantasies a substitute for sex with each other? You are to be commended for this "beyond the call of duty" effort.

Gneo ago

Thanks for your warm words and reply,

The research and specifically part 2 will add to the urban (pore) areas as being a nest for the (/a) Pizzacult subculture.

(one example will literally show pictures of a nest...! you cant make this shit up, more to come soon)

Always nice to have your reply

Whattheheck321 ago

Great job

ArthurEdens ago

Definitely the best of the cult bands so far, which isn't saying much because the others are terrible. This is slightly less than terrible. Any time I think there's some creativity happening I remind myself they're just regurgitating the mk ultra shit that was pumped into their skulls.

Gneo ago

Trying to help. ... :)

This is part 1, Soon part 2
And the rest

Gneo ago


PGTAway818949 ago

That "Fantasy" video really says it all. We all should be collectively backing up and archiving this.

Gneo ago

Prince Rama - "Fantasy" (official music video) https://youtu.be/Q-sIny4T2cA

Thanks for your reply and agree about the video and yes this needs more archivers and researchers before it leaks to other platforms... and things go missing and private...

YogSoggoth ago

Much appreciated. Some of this stuff resembles something someone might have seen on TV, but then again check the source. Hollywood. I have the unique advantage of observing humans without such obvious influence, and I can tell you all they ain't right. We done found a den of iniquity here.

Gneo ago

Who will wave a sword that close to a baby's face!!!

Skankhunt1 ago

I thought we agreed on not using imgur

DonKeyhote ago

Why dont embedded images work except IMGOAT