gumshoe_mob ago

Sugar plantations and slavery evolved together. Sugar is used in the distilling of rum. Here is a scholarly piece about the "Triangle" of the sugar and slave industry. The rum was used to buy more slaves in africa.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Wow, that's some research there.

Godwillwin ago

I haven't gotten through more than the first 3 pics of your post, but I had to chime in with this. An anon says we need to look into ports, ships and boats. He says that's the key to bringing this down. He says the west coast is run by a particular group and the East coast another. He says we need to look for boats that use sound proofing and hidden compartments. He says the blue parts of the 2016 election district map shows where the distributions are - the trafficking of people, drugs etc. He says we need to think of it like Fedex and ups- the distribution centers are the way to expose them. He says look for warehouses in these blue districts and vehicle types and routes. This is the key to bringing them down. Didn't we find a bunch of "elites" being president, chairman, CEO, president etc all of one company. But the company was an empty lot? Maybe these companies are the distribution center tees. Alefantis had a title like president, executive, blah blah to a bunch of companies with Clinton etc also having "positions" in the "companies"

So blue districts ports and warehouses and boats and vehicle types

Pajama factory guy had a white kidnapper type van if I remember correctly. Maybe kidnspper vans at ports and warehouses are what we need to find?

Truthseeker3000 ago

I know someone from the British Columbia Canada area who said that their ports are owned and heavily controlled by organized crime the Hells Angels and that the Hells Angels even own the union at the ship ports so they control who gets hired and fired. They have cops and everyone else paid off. Freemason city. You can only imagine how much activity goes on with drugs and human trafficking.

Godwillwin ago

It just goes on and on it seems :(

11-11 ago

[Amazing observation / great research and put together very well for us to read ! Thank you! ]

Saw these articles on sugar recently...

Acclaimed Documentary Explores Global Health Consequences of Eating Too Much Sugar

What Does Sugar Do to Your Brain?

May 06, 2017

All along, many of us have agreed that the forces behind pizzagate are satanic

So... sugar... the devil.... how do those 2 relate? Those articles explain the destruction that sugar can wield.

UNRELATED but fyi to this crowd in case you are interested

(Coca Cola = Sugar to me so I'll mentioned this guy here)

An ex head of Coke came up on my radar when researching CLIMATEWORKS of which John Podesta is / was a board member.

The Coke connection is tenuous - that is just why I thought of it to post this stuff here.

These people are are all connected to the rest via association. I learned a few things by researching the board of CLIMATEWORKS including this:

---> #1 Our government leaders are very experienced criminals which is, I'm sure, no surprise to this crowd.

The World Wildlife Federation is made up of Globalists.

The guy who was appointed to work on the BP Oil Spill PR nightmare had been the director of Conoco AND the EPA.

Not only that, he started a company buying up the world's water. Water is the new oil.

He is still a top advisor of TPG Capital LP which was part of a lawsuit involving collusion in acquisitions. This was a very sophisticated big money scheme. Did these guys go to Jail for this? No. They went on to be appointed to top level government jobs.

As I said - that is way off the topic of sugar but I wanted to bring this up to you all and can't' start a new thread without it clearly connecting to pizzagate - which I cannot do yet.

Here is a little bit of the documentation. Have a great night Download Current Packet Mar 2016


Attendees   Board members:

1Larry Kramer,

2Carol Larson,

3Pam Matson,

4Kristian Parker,

5Charlotte Pera,

6John Podesta, and

7Sue Tierney

Staff: Dan Hamza-Goodacre, Jan Mazurek, Charlie McElwee, Brian McCracken, Gretchen Rau, and Brad Weinrieb

8Guests: William Reilly, Emeritus Chair SEE HERE

--> # 8 William K Reilly

William K. Reilly Founding Partner of Aqua International Partners LP, Senior Advisor to TPG Capital LP


full bio ALSO


E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Board Member

TPG N.V. Senior Advisor

World Wildlife Fund Chairman Emeritus of the Board (Board Chair is now Neville Isdell, Neville Isdell

Former Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company)

Mr. Reilly is a director of ConocoPhillips, Royal Caribbean International, National Geographic Society and the Packard Foundation. He also serves as chairman emeritus of the board of the World Wildlife Fund, chairman of the Advisory Board of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions of Duke University, and co-chair of the National Commission on Energy Policy.

Markb63 ago

WTF is in thoes trucks.

Gneo ago


Dressage2 ago

Excellent job.

Gneo ago


Violetti112 ago

Great info ! This is the Vessel MSC CHELSEA btw. Maybe I can find more info about this ship and the owner.

Gneo ago

(origin: Panama)

goodguy1367 ago

Here's an older post that might help

goodguy1367 ago

Good shit! Will be interesting to see if the boat was actually raided in Balitimore and that factory right on a dock! Anon said look for boats that use soundproofing, is their a way to find out what boats need or use soundproofing?

Gneo ago

Disturbing picture of death people and child in a shipping container

Gneo ago

Video: Sound Proof Containers (/power pack generator)

(Sound proof containers seems to be a custom made product ?)

goodguy1367 ago

Well would you look at that! They'd be great for traffickers using ports as they cld jist load and unload them without having to get the kids out or anyone hearing them. Would make more sense than trying to get them one by one in to a boat, theu could just load them elsewhere and chuck them straight on the boats. They certainly stand out a bit more than normal containers if you know what to look for

Gneo ago

The ships of this size are basically sound proof(?) because of there size and huge amount of material.

goodguy1367 ago

Yea I thought that most large ships would be soundproof anyway. Is the dock part of the sugar factory? There was an old thread of the strange shipments that came in as infants or baby parts, might be worth digging that up to see if it's the same dock?

Gneo ago

goodguy1367 ago

They certainly do!

Gneo ago

And why cant the truck drivers stay near there trucks.. very strange and why does unloading take so long extreme long!

Gneo ago

Thanks :)

i didn't find anything related to sound proof, But the docks are shielded with black plastic that blocks visibility