cantsleepawink ago

Update 2: Her career in banking start as Chief Operating Officer & Vice President for Banco Popular De Puerto Rico, the Virgin Island Region.

She is also a member of the Women's Leadership Board at Harvard University and serves on the Advisory Board to the Dean of the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government.

I'm willing to bet there's a Jeffrey Epstein connection then. Going to do some digging.

Gneo ago

Thanks for seeing this because the others didnt ... and dont think its interesting ...

Gneo ago

There to busy discussing shills

GhostOfSwartz ago

Off topic, but I wonder if Posner is related to the Sandy Hook Posner's?

DeathTooMasons ago

The researchers here are a compliment to us all. This is the real world we live in. Thumbs up for yet another good thread.

gamepwn ago

Its funny because its not even pretending to be on the down low or pass off as art its just full on blatant pedophilia. Sick fucks buy this shit

bezzy ago

All this on top of shitty AV!?

sid_of_d_woman ago

Side point: It's funny how the "teenage" mutant ninja reptile-turtles love PIZZA and are each named after ARTISTS. Isnt it?

ArtificalDuality ago

Every thing in entertainment and media has gotten to the point of having extremely disturbing double meanings that one wouldn't know if one didn't accept the fact of vile evil being a reality on our planet....

ArthurEdens ago

Some of those look like photo tracing

squarcle ago

Disgusting. Why so many pedes?

DonKeyhote ago

Sadly its necessary to upvoat this to top comment

Gneo ago


Freedom, a Fable

Artist:Kara Walker (American, born Stockton, California, 1969)

Publisher:Peter Norton Family Foundation

Gneo ago

Artist: Kara Walker (American, born 1969) Title: Untitled , 1995 Medium: cut paper on paper

kazza64 ago

i was reading a bio on marina abromovic last night and she was pretty much a free spirited hippie until she came to america and got involved in the art scene here. now she sits in her loft and bemoans the fact that everyone thinks she's a baby killer because she got involved with the likes of podesta

ArthurEdens ago

Typical satanist, self pitying and playing the victim when they've been caught

Are_we_sure ago

? I don't understand the distinction you are making. Are you talking about the art scene in Europe (which she was heavily involved in) and the art scene in the US? Was there something different about the art scene in the US that you won't find in the pure non-commercial art scenes of Paris or Berlin where she used to live?

Or are you talking about before she starting making real money?

kazza64 ago

i dont think marina started making any real money until she got involved in the american art scene.

Are_we_sure ago

Her first windfall was in Amersterdam real estate. She used that to buy some New York real estate.

I think your take on her is a bit off. It took a bit of Googling, but I found she moved to New York in 2001, since then the highlights include, her most famous work which was seen in person by 750,000 people, the documentary about that work and her career, co-created and starred in an opera about her life and started a performance art institute. Seems like she's been busy.

I also just found about about her religion. Her spiritual guide is a Tibetan Lama, so it seems she practices Tibetan Buddhism.

oh, she also wrote her memoir.

ArtificalDuality ago

Tibetans don't do Satanism. This is again an act of evil filth people adopting a (semi) established spiritual / religion to hide / cover under and in fact degrade and tarnish its reputations. The Dalai Lama would sorely disapprove of Abramovich

Are_we__sure ago

She is not a Satanist. You've been misled on that point. If you are a follower of the Dalai Lama, I think you would be interested in seeking the truth. You should read about her life from non-pizzagate sources to see if you've been told the truth. She has a long history with Tibetan Buddhism and is well known at high levels within Tibetan Buddhism.

ArtificalDuality ago

GTFO is all I'll say to you.

RweSure ago

Should this be the point, where I point out she's met the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Buddhists asked her to contribute to an exhibition on him?

kazza64 ago

she's a definite narcissist

Are_we__sure ago

Did you just discover Kara Walker?

Commoner ago

Can you explain your question?

Are_we__sure ago

It's very weird if you know Kara Walker's art to think that she is celebrating her subject matter. This has been a common mistake people make who are coming to know artists only through a distorted pizzagate view.

He also linked to Kara Walker through sugar plantations in the Domincan Republic. The connection (which is nonexistent) is that Kara Walker did a giant installation at a defunct sugar factory in Brooklyn that the current land owners are trying to win permission to use that waterfront land for condominiums. So they do things like sponsor an art installation to get people to visit the site and generate neighborhood good will.

She has no connection to the sugar barons in the Domincan Republic. The installation she did was a sugar sculpture. It's kind of like if I put on a play in the old Tammany Hall building in NYC which is now a theater that I'm somehow connected to Boss Tweed.

shoosh ago

Did she make this picture or not. Yes or no.

Then what the f are you blathering on about in your shit post.

Gneo ago


OhRutherfordBehave ago

Pedos, pedos everywhere.

cdglow ago

I have nothing to contribute other than this semi-relevant funny pic.

FritzTheKat ago

$400K for a stencil cutout that a 3rd grader can make in 30 minutes? Where I live $400K will buy a new 2000 sq ft house with a swimming pool, 2 new Cadillacs and enough left over to take a world cruise. What some people think is valuable I will never understand.

Laskar ago

All the high priced art is for nefarious purposes, money laundering at the very least.

Here's what an artist has to say:

Are_we_sure ago

$400K for a stencil cutout that a 3rd grader can make in 30 minutes?

Do you know where I can find a stencil of a rebel solider stabbing a Confederate flag into a black teenager?

Shillaxe ago

He wasn't paying for artwork , he was paying for children, the art sales are how the money is laundered.

Are_we__sure ago

Why do you believe such nonsense?

Dressage2 ago

That I believe is correct and I believe there are other artists that are selling their "work."

Strawtinman ago

Kara Walker. New School Installation. Yearly poet contest-Vera Art Center.

Shillaxe ago

Come to think of it, all the folks paying for Karas art are suspect.

Are_we_shill ago

Not just one artist. It's all been well speculated on here before. The art/ money laundering/ child exploitation angle. Pegasus Museum for example

Are_we_sure ago

well speculated

Holy Shit, that is funny.

not like the usual lousy speculations you find on here.

Shillaxe ago

But whats been overlooked is that the people buying the art , past & future, are suspects & can be researched now. Quickly, go and tell the freaks you try and protect, send a shiver through the chomos pretending to be hip artists. We're coming to get you, muwhahaha shiller Wait, your are_we_shill ?

Shillaxe ago

Thought you were are_we_sure , my nemeses.

Are_we_shill ago

Lol ;)

Yes this handle is a riff on that aholes. I am in no way of like mind with him/her

Shillaxe ago

That was a kneejerk response , my bad

we_kill_creativity ago

Do you know of any good videos you could link to? I've always assumed this is the case, but never looked into it in depth.

Gneo ago

Yes, we need to find more people that bought art "stencils" from here this was a easy find there should be much more.
