V____Z ago

Here is the video from Becki that me interested in this project https://youtu.be/z-rVykiib6U

Piscina ago

imho, it's admirable that you want to draw attention to this issue and that you're doing it with Becki. But you have to say more than 'the money will go towards making a film'.

Are you putting any of your own money into the project? WIll you be seeking funding from any other sources? What is the projected total cost of the project?
How is that 'total cost' make up? Please give a breakdown of what money goes where. Do you plan on giving yourself a wage from the donations? What happens if you don't collect enough money to make the film? Do you refund everyone's donation? Do you have 501c3 non-profit org status or do you intend taking a profit? I ask these questions because of prior experience. I once gave $100 to a good cause, which hadn't been thought through properly. It then fell through and most people lost their money.

Becki, if you're reading this, please always have someone who is looking after your best interests when people approach you to use your face as a means of attracting donations. You do have a lot of pulling power, and I'd hate to see you being exploited (not that I'm saying this man is exploiting you). Please approach every invitation with a healthy amount of scepticism and cynicism. It's not a matter of being negative, just thinking about it with a clear head and very rationally. Ask a lot of questions; take your time and get second opinions from people who put you first.

TheVobProject ago

@Piscina Thank you very much for message and for your concern. You mentioned a few things that a few others have mentioned as well, and I'm going to address them with an update to my campaign page.

Thanks again,


Nobody2 ago

This seems extremely shady. Your project from "God" needs 50gs to get started lol? Randomly GOD told you to ask strangers for 50k to make a movie. And you don't want to bother us with the financial details? Also we have no reason not to trust you (and especially no reason to trust you)

No offense but my scam button is ringing. If you really were so passionate and serious about this project you would present a lot better financial proposal to the table. And maybe you could even provide how much of your own time and money you have tied up in this if you expect others to invest.

I hope I'm wrong because it would be sick to try to scam people for this project. With the right creativity and passion and community help this "movie " could probably be ready for less than a g

Also, far as I know "You tube " is free and even cheap cell phones have great picture quality.

This stinks of someone trying to get paid imo. Where did you come up with the number of 50gs? A real Hollywood production would cost much more than that and this movie would only air on you tube and other similar sites anyway.

unrealisthenewreal ago

Actually, you can make a documentary for CHEAP. I work in reality TV. He wants $50k for two months? Honestly, if you really want to make a doc, nothing can stop you. Kids make shitty youtube vids all the time.So, it's not about equipment or money. Plus PG should be about content, not aesthetics.

PizzagateBot ago

Everything about this stinks. It is not professional. And what the hell is up with the guilt trip title of this posting? It is the same tactic that religious parasites use to exploit the trustworthiness and goodness of religious people in general.

Even if the intentions are good in this case, the waters are being muddied by the way it is being handled by Kenneth here...

For starters, where is this guys studio or portfolio if he is a photographer. No past works to show competency for producing something with no budget let alone needing 50k?

TheVobProject ago

I'm not sure where the humor comes from. Just because YOU don't understand something doesn't make it humorous or laughable. Maybe you don't know God, or your relationship with him is different than mine. Either way, I'm not here to bash or condemn. I did not say that God asked me "randomly", that was YOUR interpretation of what I actually said.

As far as how much time and money I've spent of my own for this project. I took three months off NO PAY to work on this project, and I'm NOT rich or well off. So while I may not have invested THOUSANDS of my own dollars, I have sacrificed a lot to research and network to get this going. There's more to making a movie than just grabbing a camera and filming. There's a lot of time that goes into researching the content that you are wanting to put into it. That may not mean anything to YOU, but it's a hell of a sacrifice for me! Not to mention that I've paid to have flyers done, the promo video(not the one with me in it), and other things.

You are correct, you could produce a film for less than a G, and it's going to look EXACTLY like it was produced for less than a G. That's not the look I'm going for. You're throwing out all of this things about Youtube being free, and cell phones having great picture quality. Yes youtube is free, not sure what that has to do with anything I mentioned, but yes, once again you are correct. Cell phones have great picture quality, in "ideal" situations. If you're out and the lighting is perfect, then yeah, your cell phone may work great, but try shooting with that same "great quality cell phone" in low light and you're 20-30ft from your subject and you need to zoom in, or you need fast focusing to capture something quickly, then you'll start to see how well your great cell phone DOESN'T respond to that.

Again, you are correct. A Hollywood film would cost much more than this, but who said that this would only air on youtube or similar sites? Again, those are YOUR own speculations. We are planning to travel to at least 4 different states, which requires flight travel, since I don't have my own plane. Have to have somewhere to stay, wasn't planning on sleeping on the curb. I have to bring a crew of 4, which surprisingly has to be paid, imagine that. This doesn't include what goes on AFTER we've done shooting. Unlike when using a "great cell phone", having the ability to grade high quality footage is essential in giving your film a professional look. Believe it or not, that cost money as well. Depending on the locations, some places require permits, which cost money. Film festival entries cost money, and I also mention that we were planning on hitting the road with the film after it's done, and you guessed it, it cost money.

So this may "stink" of someone trying to get paid to you, but that's not my agenda. I appreciate your opinion, and understand your concern. I even think it's a great idea to mention my own contributions to the project so far, so thanks for that.

All the best- Ken

AngB23 ago

I know you probably feel attacked but you have to understand that all of us are very passionate about the kids and have been duped by some "trusted" people multiple times. We also have full on assault of trolls/shills trying to debunk PG and set us up to look crazy.

I've seen many of Becki's vids and follower her in Twit. I will read up and see where you came into this and your company before I make judgement, yet.

PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

If you put this much critical thought into the conspiracy theory, Pizzagate wouldn't even exist!

snatchhammer ago

Yeah! I'd be like: OHH, OUCH, NO, NOT IN THE POOPER.

PizzagateBot ago

I recommend to not send money to anyone asking for donations in relation to PG.

TheVobProject ago

I was asking for money in "relation" to PG. I'm new to VOAT and this is my first submission. There was a submission made to this subscription, I believe that what it's called, that was not made by me, and it was received fairly well. I decided to make a post of my own. I in no way meant to allude to the fact that this project is pizza gate based. If that's the only thing you took from the post then, I apologize if it came off misleading to you.

PizzagateBot ago

I see you listed yourself as a photographer. Do you run a studio or freelance? Do you have a portfolio and/or past projects we can see?

You can't just pop into pizzagate, call yourself a photographer, team up with someone else who also popped up during pizzagate, ask for 50K and not expect some extreme level of scrutiny here.

PizzagateBot ago

What do you do for a living Mr. Kenneth Dawson from Federal Way?

Federal Way is a total ghetto. I am unfortunately familiar with its existence. In my younger days, when coming into Sea-Tac, we would go down there to get the good X, the stuff in Seattle was shit.

TheVobProject ago

What does all of that have to do with anything that I've talked about. You're just being condescending, and trying to use YOUR own past as a way of demeaning the integrity of what I'm doing. I had no problem responding when to your legitimate concerns, but now you're just coming off as a jerk. Therefore, I'm not going to bother entertaining you any further.

PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

Yeah, heaven forbid you guys partake in any real activism.

V____Z ago

I was highly suspect, I am sorry to say, as I am with all incoming posts these days. But the second I saw Becky Percy's name, I began looking to see how much i can donate right away! Nice job, and thank you so much.

TheVobProject ago

@V____Z No need to be sorry, I understand. Becki and I have been in frequent communications about this project, and I'm honored to have her be a part of this. Thank YOU so much for your support!

Nobody2 ago

V_Z Becky just said these people reached out to her and convinced her they want to make a difference. That is not that hard to do for a scammer. Now they have a legitimate name attached to their project to solicit funds for.

I'm not saying they are scammers, I truly hope that they are not. Just use your brain, people are passionate about this and GOD and some evil people would use that to take advantage of others. I truly hope I'm wrong but the fact it's not even a registered charity with a respectable budget breaking down where ever dollar goes I would be skeptical.

TheVobProject ago

V____Z @Nobody2 If you actually KNEW Becki, and watched some of her videos, she mentions that she has HUNDREDS of people contacting her all the time to do things like this. It wasn't as simple as "hey we're doing a documentary" and she was like ok I want to be a part of it. You could also take your own advice and "just use your brain". Do you think that Becki, being in the position that she is in, and what she has gone through, would just be THAT naive to just jump on board with something that was shady? Smh...

There is a reason that we are not a "registered charity". There is WAY more to becoming a registered charity than just filling out an application. For the scope of this project, it was not beneficial, or even necessary to be registered charity. People are so quick to just throw things like that out there, and not even being fully educated on what it is that there are speaking on.

You brought out a good point about a budget breakdown, and I'll work on getting that on the campaign page.

FYI, even "registered charities" can be scams my friend. Nothing is 100% guaranteed.

Thanks for taking the time to voice your opinion/concerns.

All the best - Ken

V____Z ago

I hear you, and appreciate the warning and need for skepticism. I have seen Becki tweeting about this project for a few weeks now, and it really does sound legit. When i realized this was the same project she'd been tweeting about, I threw my hat in. Becki is unbelievably smart and perceptive. I trust her discernment. (On the other hand, a Navy Seal now being promoted by Alex "Leave James alone" Jones, does give me pause.)

Vindicator ago

Thanks for respecting the submission guidelines, @TheVobProject. I am glad I can leave this post up! :-)

TheVobProject ago

@Vindicator I'm a newb here, so I had a bit of help with the submission requirements. Good to know I got a passing grade lol :)

PizzagateBot ago

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nyqw4rcqs6I Becki Percy's request to child sex trafficking survivors: please get in touch for independent documentary on child sex trafficking 3/23/2017 OP
www.facebook.com/thevobproject/ Becki Percy's request to child sex trafficking survivors: please get in touch for independent documentary on child sex trafficking 3/23/2017 OP
k7eoC4V-QGA Becki Percy's request to child sex trafficking survivors: please get in touch for independent documentary on child sex trafficking 3/23/2017 OP
MdELZJk4YgM Testimony of a survivor of CSA and Child Trafficking (24th / 26th of December) 12/27/2016 OP
MdELZJk4YgM Former Democrat, UK Pedo Ring 1/6/2017 7512636
MdELZJk4YgM Becki, a victim of #childtrafficking, speaks out on #pizzagate, the ineffectiveness of CPS, why victims of child trafficking often dont come forward, and how child traffickers utilize social media. 12/30/2016 7425452
MdELZJk4YgM deleted by user 1/17/2017 7425452
www.gofundme.com/thevoicesofbutterflies Becki Percy's request to child sex trafficking survivors: please get in touch for independent documentary on child sex trafficking 3/23/2017 OP
twitter.com/TheVOBProject Becki Percy's request to child sex trafficking survivors: please get in touch for independent documentary on child sex trafficking 3/23/2017 OP
www.instagram.com/thevoicesofbutterflies/ Becki Percy's request to child sex trafficking survivors: please get in touch for independent documentary on child sex trafficking 3/23/2017 OP
www.facebook.com/thevobproject/ Becki Percy's request to child sex trafficking survivors: please get in touch for independent documentary on child sex trafficking 3/23/2017 OP
mailto:thevoicesofbutterflies@gmail.com Becki Percy's request to child sex trafficking survivors: please get in touch for independent documentary on child sex trafficking 3/23/2017 OP
twitter.com/TheVOBProject Becki Percy's request to child sex trafficking survivors: please get in touch for independent documentary on child sex trafficking 3/23/2017 OP
www.instagram.com/thevoicesofbutterflies/ Becki Percy's request to child sex trafficking survivors: please get in touch for independent documentary on child sex trafficking 3/23/2017 OP
www.facebook.com/thevobproject/ Becki Percy's request to child sex trafficking survivors: please get in touch for independent documentary on child sex trafficking 3/23/2017 OP
www.gofundme.com/thevoicesofbutterflies Becki Percy's request to child sex trafficking survivors: please get in touch for independent documentary on child sex trafficking 3/23/2017 OP
twitter.com/becki_p20 David Seaman's videos have all been deleted. 2/26/2017 8217616
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TheVobProject ago

@wecanhelp Thanks for the help!

wecanhelp ago

My pleasure, I'm sorry your post hasn't been received very well. I didn't mean to give you bad advice, the community has been very welcoming with my post.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I did. I stood up September 15,,2005. I put my political work (paid) and reputation on the line. I continue to inform others ever since. Getting work is tough and now a hardship. I'd do it again!

TheVobProject ago

@WhyAserverWasBuilt That's awesome! This is a fight that doesn't seem like it's going to seem to stop fighting back any time soon. We can do it! Thank you for your support in this cause!