wecanhelp ago

HappyToHelp. ;)

wecanhelp ago

@Vindicator, @gopluckyourself: I've been contacted about this submission being repeatedly deleted, and I would like to add my two cents.

First, I want to say that I do believe @HopingToHelp is right about posting this to /v/pizzagate, as per the definition of Pizzagate that he very correctly quoted with the right emphasis in the original post. But on the other hand, I can also see how someone not having already familiarized themselves with Becki's story would question the relevance of this particular submission, as it assumes some prior knowledge on Becki that is not explicitly stated as part of this post. All in all, the problem with this submission is not a lack of relevance, but a lack of demonstrating that relevance.

To clear doubts about rule 1 once and for all, I've put some effort into creating a sourced intro that can be included in every Becki post in the future, to connect her, with timestamped links, to the systematic and high-level facilitation of child sex trafficking, also known as Pizzagate. Feel free to use this, or something similar, for future Becki posts to avoid confusion and frustration:

Becki Percy has been a prominent survivor of child sex trafficking coming forward with testimonies and a #PizzaGate video that has received 40k+ views since December 27th. She has talked several times about a high-level coverup of her trafficking, her biological parents' activity as professional traffickers throughout the UK, her disproportionately difficult immigration process to the USA as an asylum-seeking victim of trafficking, including being put in jail for a year on arrival, her asylum being denied, and still being under house arrest on the brink of deportation.

(Click source below my post to copy the entire paragraph with the links included.)

Vindicator ago

Great summary. I was not aware of all of this. Thanks!

wecanhelp ago


gopluckyourself ago

The original post https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1570468 that I deleted as posed was a post about oh hell lemme just copy my comment.

HopingToHelp rule 1 relevance to pizzagate investigation needs to be established. as it stands this is just a post about the personal account of a victim which is more appropriate for v/pizzagatewhatever. If you believe you can provide sources related to this persons testimony that will further the investigation please repost and pose as such. Cheers.

And the majority of THIS posts content are meta in nature. Ie rule discussions and still as presented is literally a copy of the old post. I think the way your blerb is worded is excellent and it would have stood however the main body of this post is still just.

Becki is being hounded on social media, and has what she terms a "rant" about this up to minute 5:50, after which point she describes her recent "connecting the dots", regaining memories, and finally realizing her abuse was "SRA"


Becki writes:

I have not always known that I am a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse - I always assumed that it was sex trafficking. But now I am aware and Vicky Ash has helped me uncover more memories that were repressed Here is the interview with Vicky Ash about Satanic Ritual Abuse


I stand by this removal.

wecanhelp ago

I agree with your removal, the relevance indeed wasn't clearly demonstrated. Plus this is a really subjective one anyway, I personally think that a victim testimony talking about how their abuse and trafficking was satanic in nature should be considered relevant until it's proven to be a hoax, since victim testimonies are actually treated as evidence before court, but I can totally see the validity of arguments against that as well.

Vindicator ago

HopingToHelp, does Becky claim her abuse was perpetrated and/or covered up by the elite "Pedocracy" (the rich and powerful, government or church agents)? That's what @GoPluckYourself meant by "Rule 1" I think.

If my step brother puts on a Moloch mask and makes me play Sacrifice-the-Naked-Virgin, it could be Satanic Ritual Abuse but not directly related to Pizzagate, as defined in the sidebar. Not trying to be snarky, just trying to clarify. General testimony about SRA belongs in v/pizzagatewhatever. Direct linkage to the "Pedocracy" belongs here.

So...can you link us up to the direct connection? Thank you. :)

gopluckyourself ago

hopingtohelp "I thought that anything related to SRA automatically counted?"
me "ಠ_ಠ"
I appologize should have said Relevant submissions would be any content **that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.

This is a post about the personal account of a victim and nowhere in it do you say anything about how this sra relates to pizzagate.
hopingtohelp rule 1, 4 must relate to pizzagate and meta post.