gopluckyourself ago

HopingToHelp rule 1 relevance to pizzagate investigation needs to be established. as it stands this is just a post about the personal account of a victim which is more appropriate for v/pizzagatewhatever. If you believe you can provide sources related to this persons testimony that will further the investigation please repost and pose as such. Cheers.

archons ago

Becki's story was published before pizzagate in 2015 and from personal experience I can say do not dismiss repressed memories so quickly. I do not know for sure 100% she is legit but from what has been presented I believe her.

truth_will_out ago

Becki just posted a link to a gofundme in the comments of that video. I'm posting again here so that more will see it and perhaps contribute.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

DO NOT blindly believe the psy-op that repressed memories and dissociation are all bullshit. Do your own research on multiple personality disorders, disassociation, etc. and decide for yourself.

PizzaAccount ago

I would like to point out that entire concept of "repressed memories" is still a controversial topic in the psychology community. I am doubtful of a personal memory that someone else "helped" you add a bunch of new details to.

AreWeSure ago

One thing we do know now about memories is that your brain doesn't record memories like a tape recorder where the memory is just waiting to be played back as it occurred. It's much more complex than that.

Because of the way memories are encoded and stored, memory recall is effectively an on-the-fly reconstruction of elements scattered throughout various areas of our brains. Memories are not stored in our brains like books on library shelves, or even as a collection of self-contained recordings or pictures or video clips, but may be better thought of as a kind of collage or a jigsaw puzzle, involving different elements stored in disparate parts of the brain linked together by associations and neural networks. Memory retrieval therefore requires re-visiting the nerve pathways the brain formed when encoding the memory, and the strength of those pathways determines how quickly the memory can be recalled. Recall effectively returns a memory from long-term storage to short-term or working memory, where it can be accessed, in a kind of mirror image of the encoding process. It is then re-stored back in long-term memory, thus re-consolidating and strengthening it.

PizzaAccount ago

Memory is also surprisingly easy to change. There's a very good chance that everyone has at least a few memories that are vivid, clear, and accurate, but still 100% did not happen. Plenty of studies have shown that memories are very malleable under the right circumstances. I just don't think it is coincidence that stories about "repressed memories" often involve a second party. Again, this is just my opinion on the subject. I'm not saying it never happens to this degree, but it just sets off skepticism alarms when you suddenly remember a bunch of stuff that neatly fits into a trending topic. Remember that day care center where the kids kept "remembering" new details on thier own that happened to fit what the day care was being accused of? They literally DID remember those things, even though they didn't happen, because the investigators kept feeding them suggestions.

AreWeSure ago

In one of child care scare from a few decades ago, one of the children was saying the preschool teach cut up an animal and made the kids get inside.

The mother recognized as the scene from Empire Strikes back where the frozen Luke Skywalker goes on in the inside of a Tauntaun. The family had watched that movie together just a few weeks before.

PizzaAccount ago

The part I've seen mentioned the most was when one of the kids was given a photo line-up and asked to point out any of the men who were involved in the abuse. The picture he indicated was one of Chuck Norris.