shakethetree ago

If you are going to hit it this hard against him, then provide some evidence. I for one would love it if the kids were lying and haven't suffered, but I sure as hell couldn't live with myself if I didn't believe them. I would rather be wrong. Your position is making it look like you don't believe these kids, and are making your case by focusing on the acts of Abe.

Gothamgirl ago

Very Tragic I hope they're reunited soon. There is absolutely no way those children could've made that up.

Possible ago

Well, the people behind that camera have no experience gathering evidence. If testimonials can have value, they probably don't in this case. Too many leading questions. Hopefully they had some physical evidence to back it up.

And those two were kidnapped?

Rightfight ago

Exactly Pestoland . This isn't a game . Its peoples lives that you are making judgements on. I want justice to come to all John Podesta ,Alefantis Clinton etc etc. .I am pretty covinced that these names are utter contemptible scum. And want them to be tried by a fair and Just Law system. Not a lynch Mob of crazed idiot masses . We may think we know everything and have got the case cracked , but Law is not as easy as that . All evidence needs to be contested properly (And as much as I feel convinced that these bunch are guilty as fuck) I would be a fool to make rushed judgements without all the shit on the table . The Hampstead Case I looked into a couple of years back and I was convinced that these kids had been screwed over by the Law and the Father . I watched loads of vids on it and felt that there was a coverup going on. I went back to the case about 6months later and looked further into it ,watch the kids interviews thoroughly and read a fair amount on it . I then felt that it looked like the Mother and partner were actually the abusers. Then pretty much closed the book on it. Until Pizzagate reared its ugly head and as soon as that appeared I definitely felt it was worth looking into again and few months have gone by and the woman has appeared so . I really want to know that she is as clean as makes out . It would be all to easy to just say case closed these kids are in the wrong hands, cos we know about pizzagate . If this woman and her partner check out and there background and records are good .and they look like they are the real Caring Parents the kids should be with ,then I will fight all the way for them . My point to all this shit is. No kneejerk reactions, don't be manipulated like the MSM do to everyone . I am infallible in judgement and there are plenty of others who are not always right in there judgements on everything . But if we do genuinely care about Pizzagate/Pedogate , then we owe it to the people we are fighting for to have integrity and get to the right judgement when the time counts . Not getting at you Bud Pesto ,this is a general comment. I can tell you have your head screwed on . And obviously are not a kid who thinks they're in a Scooby Doo cartoon

TrishaUK ago

I HATE this Ricky Dearmans voice with a passion, ( ever since I saw him 'ACTING' in the BBC1 ( contrived interview- ) with Victoria Derbyshire "debunking" the very disturbingly detailed and emotional testimonies of HIS CHILDREN as FALSE!!!! The BBC Channel is supposed to be the most trusted NEWS channel here in UK (I am Disgusted). THEN when I watched the interview of James ALefantis and Megyn Kelly I had flashbacks to the BBC1 interview in 2014 and the similarities to this Hampstead Cover-Up case, It dawned on me how we have been hoodwinked for years! USA MSM Just the same, because they have the same connections in common. Thank God this is all being exposed - and hopefully imprison these sick-pedos!

privatepizza ago

Having reviewed the evidence extensively, I have no doubt what-so-ever that this is a cover up, and that the children were telling exactly what happened. I completely disagree with you, however respect your views.

cantsleepawink ago

Does anyone know if the school at the children attended is still open ? And what about the list of children that Ella names in the video ? Are they still in Hampstead ?

DerivaUK ago

Fair point. I'm thinking then that you must know him personally?

shakethetree ago

Look, we get it. You are a skeptic. And obviously have some kind of beef with the step dad or want us to completely forget all the other damning evidence.

Rightfight ago

Thanks for those pointers bud . I will look into these pieces cheers

KaneSlater ago

I just signed up and do not really know how to use Voat, but I can probably answer some of your questions because I run the Facebook Pages: The Hampstead Cover-Up (blocked in the U.K.) and Hampstead Cover-Up. I have this ultra-evil cover-up fully exposed on The Hampstead Cover-Up. This is the short answer: Everything that Ella said in that video is true, and everything that Alisa and Gabriel said in all of their interviews is true, but not the coerced "retractions" in their third pair of police "interviews" six days after they were kidnapped ... except for the part where Gabriel said that his father kills babies seven times during his 23-minute "retraction", that part was true. Let me try to make something clear to everyone reading this: All of the children at every primary school in the richest neighborhood in the United Kingdom eat Human babies for lunch. And if we do not rescue those children from the cannibals, the baby-eaters are going to take over the entire world. And since I just got here and cannot down-vote comments, somebody do me a favor and go down-vote that comment from andrevandelft, who is a CANNIBAL pretending to be a reasonable skeptic, like all the baby-eaters do.

andrevandelft ago

comment from andrevandelft, who is a CANNIBAL pretending to be a reasonable skeptic

That is slander. @mod must act.

KaneSlater ago

How did that work out for you?

shakethetree ago

Welcome. Thanks for the message. This may seem trivial in light of all the other unspeakable acts involving Alisa and Gabriel, but I am wondering why the trolling sock puppets on YT keep bringing up the Super Bowl Audio commercial.

KaneSlater ago

I don't know ... the baby-eating cult Trolls are kind of dicks. I saw one saying something like "How can Ella say she doesn't know if the children are alive if she is so sure they were in the Audi commercial?" The Trolls will jump on any statement by Ella if they think they can make people doubt her. But my Friends and I spent a long time looking at photos of Alisa and the girl in that Audi commercial and we think that it is her, and the boy that she is racing against could be her brother, Gabriel. Apparently that was another wonderful hint from the Baby-eating Illuminati.

Super Bowl 2017 Audi Commercial "Daughter":

shakethetree ago

Thank you. I was wondering why they were trying to bring focus to it. But trying to understand from a place of level sanity will never reveal much, as you have to think like they do. So in that sense you are right - they latch on to whatever they can and plant seeds of doubt. I had no idea the level of significance these kids actually represented. I thought initially it was a satanic coven and could be smoked out. But if they are parading them in the commercial, and kidnapped them so quickly, and have such a smear campaign going against the Mom, I can see more clearly now that this is much bigger. People who actually live in the UK are better equipped to make the connections to the established elite housed there. Another thing, maybe you answered this already, but what is going on with the boyfriend Abe. Is he being smeared also or is there truth to some degree on his background being less then credible.

KaneSlater ago

SORRY about the delayed response ... forgot I signed up here. Abraham is a nice guy and he was slandered by all the baby-eating UK mainstream media. If they had ANYTHING bad on Abraham, it would have been all over the media. Anyhow, I just got a 30-day (!) suspension from Facebook and I am permanently banned from both Twitter and YouTube, so there is not going to be anything happening on The Hampstead Cover-Up for the next month, while children and babies continue to get gang-raped and tortured and murdered and eaten. (blocked in the U.K.) &

shakethetree ago

No problem. I in fact am on here almost daily so am seeing your response. Yeah, I figured it was slander on Abraham. Just had to ask. Oh man, you are making waves out there! Anyone who stands tall gets taken down at some point. Hopefully you will gain insight on their playbook tactics and anticipate. It is rough out there for anyone trying to get the truth out. Keep at it. EDIT: And to that end, think about using this platform. As long as you follow the rules for this sub, you can get information out.

DerivaUK ago

No way he could have 'coached' their detailed drawings of teacher's body markings, personal tattoos and genitalia decorations and anomalies.

Devious1 ago

Again poor kids.

Votescam ago

Think there's something odd going on with rating for this thread which is high interest here.

Here's a link to the leaked Medical Reports for the children - Alyssa and Gabriel

and a link to one of the websites trying to aid in freeing the two children who have been kidnapped from their mother in a continuing attempt to cover up this scandal.

Btw, in the medical report you will read that these children also suffer PTSD and other details.

If you look into their faces you see the suffering.

KaneSlater ago

"Alisa". I have lots of analysis of the medical reports on The Hampstead Cover-Up. (blocked in the U.K.) &

Freemasonsrus ago

Completely aware of it. Do you have a degree in psychology? Are you aware of how DID presents? Are patients who experience the same kind of abuse always exact mirrors of each other wrt their behavior? Is it possible that they have no emotion? Sure. Like I said, I will watch the other videos. I was giving my initial reaction to the only interview I have seen the children give.

Votescam ago

The evidence is that we have MKULTRA -- do you have any evidence that we don't? CIA/MKULTRA

MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,[10] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other forms of psychological torture.[11][12]>

The evidence is that males are our sexual abusers of children according to studies -- and they are heterosexual males.

The evidence is that the NY Police Department, for one, has been investigating these pedophile rings which are covered up by higher ups in office and that over 50 years at least three of the investigations have been halted in this manner by corrupt officials.

Detective Rothstein is making clear that WATERGATE was also not only about prostitution rings being run by the Democratic Party, but also about pedophile rings. And that a "book" recording this information was at the DNC/Watergate building which seems to be once cause for the break in.LBJ and Bobby Bakker were running prostitution rings in order to entrap members of Congress. Hotel rooms were set up where women of the night/day were provided to lure members of Congress.

The evidence is that no matter where we look at home or internationally, there is tremendous evidence of pedophile abuse of children and not only sexual abuse, but SRA torture, kidnappings. -- and this has been true since time began. All you have to look at is the US government Church schools runs by Mormon Church and RCC for evidence of how old this is. Ask Italians about the RCC with sexual abuse of children going on there since Day #1 - 2,000 years of it in Italy!

There is no evidence that children -- infants, as well - aren't sexually abused. Even Sigmund Freud had to lie about it given what his young patients were telling him about sexual abuse by Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles, male Cousins -- and male friends of the family. Occasionally females are involved, but usually when under influence of pressure by heterosexual male. Nuns have been involved -- and over 40% of RCC nuns have been sexually abused by priests.

Are Catholic elites practicing Black Mass Child Sacrifice?

Evidence of sexual abuse of children in wide-spread pedophile rings in Australia and Belgium just to name two nations with horrific pedophile scandals. The Dutroux Scandal. BBC's Olenka Frenkiel investigates. Part 1/3.

According to British MP John Mann:

“My constituency is no worse, no different to anywhere else in the country. This is nationwide, it’s every aspect of society… I’m expecting other people with other names coming forward from other parts of the country in the near future, others have already done so.

“The scandal of historic child abuse in this country is going to be one of the defining issues of the next five years… It is going to corrode everything over this Parliament because it is so large, it is so huge, it involves so many people… and this Parliament is going to have to deal with it.”>

There are already over 1,400 suspects involved in just one alleged British pedophile ring alone, with many more cases coming to light in Australia following recent investigations of the Royal Commission Into Child Abuse into the activity of the nation’s institutional bodies.

There is no doubt about the cover up of these scandals.

We all need to find ways to support these children and the Mother. NOW!!

Rightfight ago

A Few Questions I want answers ,to help me weigh this situation up 1 How Many Kids has this woman got? 2.Are they all living with the father now? 3. How many children is she fighting for freedom? We need to actually research these cases rather than automatically deciding it is a coverup , even though there is a strong reason to believe this may be the case . Still doesn't mean it should be taken for granted. The children are the ones who could be put into a worst position by careless assesment.

KaneSlater ago

Ella has 3 children: Gabriel and Alisa, now ages 10 and 11, by baby-eating cult leader, Ricky Dearman, and James, now age 18, I think, by her first husband, Will Draper. Her first husband, his wife Sarah, and Ella's son, James, are also all members of the baby-eating cult.
No non-cannibals know where Alisa and Gabriel are, or even if they are still alive ... but a lot of us suspect that the children were both in an Audi car commercial that was broadcast during the 2017 Super Bowl (another wonderful hint from the Baby-eating Illuminati), so they are probably still alive. Ella is not fighting for the freedom of her older son, James, because he is 18 and he is under the control of his baby-eating father and step-mother and the cult. And the issue of "careless assessment" does really apply to this case because it is London Social Services that has been supplying the babies for the cult to force children to murder and eat for lunch in London primary schools, for many decades, so I am sure that most of their assessments are probably quite "careless". (blocked in the U.K.) &

Rightfight ago

Thanks for that info , will get a better picture of her side of things over the next few weeks . thanks

Votescam ago

So you're unfamiliar with the case, but you've decided that the children shouldn't be believed.

Rightfight ago

Well unfamiliar with the case, is relative. So not true. I did research much of it last year , watched all of the childs interviews and read up a lot of the reports related. Watched much of the interviews with the father etc. My knowledge of the Mothers side is not as extensive because she has eluded justice , for her reasons . So this is where I need too familiarise the info .Which is what I am finding out this week.

Votescam ago

My knowledge of the Mothers side is not as extensive because she has eluded justice , for her reasons .

This Mother is by no means "eluding justice" -- rather she has come under threat by a government which is refusing to investigate the case and to protect her children from pedophiles.

And this follows what we have seen historically in these cases and are seeing once again where investigation is prevented by higher up's in government. We have seen this in Australia, in Ireland, in Belgium ... exactly the same patterns.

Including the attack on the children and the parents with denial and lies.

NOTE: The interview with Detective Jim Rothstein/NYPD makes these patterns of stopping investigations very clear. NYPD works internationally.

Rightfight ago

This case, twists my melon man. I really do not know if I trust the mother. having said that , I feel that both the Parents are/have been part of Satanic child abuse . And there is no good side of the situation. Really would like to understand it fully . Has she got 3 kids alltogether? But she is only interested in the two kids that were in the Video? If that is the case ,then I find that questionable and her cred is lost instantly

Votescam ago

Think you're twisting your own melon. You're playing the cover up record.

GladToBeHere ago

"Rightfight 48 points (+50|-2) 13 days ago Man ,Get sick of everybody trying to be so smart and suggest that absolutely everything is not to be trusted . Pizzagate will get destroyed as soon as it is not talked about . Anybody bringing attention to Pizzagate is of use . FFS . "


Rightfight ago

So what point are you trying to make? Gladtobe here?

shakethetree ago

Oh man, the trolls are targeting her video hard. Would be nice to hit up her comment stream with some support, if you feel called.

EDIT: You can also upvote her video and comments if you want to stay anonymous. There are a shit ton of comments to downvote.

andrevandelft ago

This is all very improbable, in my opinion:

  • the claims are way too improbable; there should probably have been more witnesses
  • the parents are in a divorce; in such a war parties become liars, to gain guardianship
  • in the testimonies video the kids appear under high pressure to tell a rehearsed story, even hypnotized
  • the videos of the police interviewing the boy reveal IMO that the interview is careful and that the boy told a prefabricated story

Some police interview videos:

I would say the allegations are totally nonsense. Others here say they are true. At least there is a disagreement over the facts. Then I think this forum should not take a side in such an issue. I would recommend that this thread will be deleted because of the disagreement and possible loss of credibility of this forum. If not, then I suggest that this thread should at least get a marker "Accuracy in Question".

The credibility of this forum concerns me much. I have invested time to post 4 pieces here, with reliable factual data. I am worried that carelessness such as I perceive here, damages the credibility of my pieces and even of my authorship.

KaneSlater ago

  • There are really a lot of witnesses, many of them named by the children, to the police, but all of those witnesses gang-rape children and force children to murder and eat babies, so they are not talking, or letting their children talk.
  • The parents were never even married, much less divorced, and Ella always had full custody of her children ... until they told the police that they got gang-raped at school "every SINGLE day" by a baby-eating Satanic cult involving approximately half of Hampstead, London, who they named ... only then did Ella lose custody of her children.
  • "The kids appear under high pressure to tell a rehearsed story" only during the coerced "retractions", six days after they were kidnapped by CANNIBAL COPS.
  • All of the police "interviews" are ultra-criminal cover-ups from the start, and baby-eater Detective Constable Steve Martin spends 95% of the time trying to distract the children with trivia about doors and chairs and string and bowls and cupboards, instead of asking them about things like the names of all those people who gang-rape them at school every day and force them to murder and eat babies or about identifying marks on their genitals. And IMO, you gang-rape children and eat babies for religious reasons, andrevandelft. (blocked in the U.K.) &

Votescam ago

These children couldn't be more believable -- they are intelligent, know details and have great courage. Which is obviously the reason they've been kidnapped and hidden away. The public needs to be able to see these children and know what they have been facing since they were kidnapped. Know what has been happening to them and who is responsible for removing them from their home, their Mother and public assurance that they are safe. Any exposure to their father -- Ricky Dearman, who is also involved in Haiti -- is absolutely the wrong thing to do. But the public needs to see these children, hear them speak freely again.

Other than that, it is obvious that you've "invested time here" to post nonsense.

Ovi-Kintobor ago

"Mk Ultra 666" & other sock puppets. Same accounts for years, perpetual harassment. Too many similarities at writing between these accounts. These claims seems way too improbable in your opinion. We thought many claims were way too improbable. Until we discovered that the decor is made of cardboard and we live in a theater scene.

Freemasonsrus ago

I'm going to watch the interviews you linked and get back to you. I need more info before I have an opinion. The initial interview I saw with the kids at the airport The interview with the father was disturbing. I actually had a more favorable opinion of one of the mothers long videos. She seemed credible. But I do understand your concerns. I haven't seen the LE interviews so I'll watch them and see what feeling I get from them. There are many indicators for lies vs truth and since the interviews are so long it should give a fuller picture.

Godwillwin ago

The doctor's report of their injuries is what convinced me. Make sure you watch that video. Can someone link the doctor's testimony?

Freemasonsrus ago

I'm open to watching/reading. The main thing that bothered me about the kids airport video was the lack of emotion. This type of trauma that they're describing is not just something that human beings emotionally disconnect from and are still "normal". They are speaking as "normal" children about exceptionally disturbing things with which they have no emotional response. So on the surface it seems, like I said, off.

shakethetree ago

Bombard's Body Language did a helpful video on SRA victims. It's on YT.

Votescam ago

If these children were hysterical and screaming likely you would be saying that they are too emotional and therefore not believable. These are highly intelligent children who seem to have benefited from the love and care of their Mother enough to correctly identify the father's behavior as insanity and reportable. Evidently, as soon as they felt secure enough in another country and away from their father, they began to tell their story. Keep in mind these children were sexually abused from infancy which didn't either provide them much time to develop any feelings about the world. But they both knew that the father's behavior was abuse and that the Mothers care was loving.

We need to be asking how we can support these children and the Mother and ensuring that the investigation goes on properly and the cover ups are stopped.

Having watched the videos of the children's testimonies, I'd say that the pressure by police to try to get them to change their stories was "off."

Ovi-Kintobor ago

She is attacked by shills for years now. Sempiternal sock-puppet-YT-accounts are shilling right now on his video. They are responding one to another "yeah yeah friend you're right she is the abuser yeah yeah". So pathetic. There is a shitload of proof about this case. Looking at these assholes trying to maintain their own narrative makes me puke. She is part of what we are fighting for, she deserves our help until the whole thing comes to light. Thumbs up & share his testimony.

PromiseKeeper ago

Some naysayers have brought up that the children call the mother's boyfriend "Papa Hemp" as proof that she and he did give the children marijuana. I don't know how to explain why they called him 'Papa Hemp'. Can someone explain please?

KaneSlater ago

The boyfriend, Abraham Christie, a.ka. "Papa Hemp", is a nutritionist specializing in Hemp foods who started a company called Hempseed Organics in the 1990s and I believe that he was given an honorary doctorate for his Hemp nutrition research. Abraham fed Alisa and Gabriel a lot of highly-nutritious and NON-PSYCHOACTIVE Hemp smoothies during the summer of 2014 before they revealed the existence of their father's baby-eating cult. Abraham believes that it was the cannabinoids and a well-functioning endocannabinoid system that helped the children break through the trauma-based mind-control programming that they had been subjected to by the cult since birth. Project Monarch survivor (and Hillary Clinton rape victim) Cathy O'Brien talks about "marijuana" disrupting trauma-based mind-control programming in pretty much all of her speeches, which you can watch on YouTube. (blocked in the U.K.) &

privatepizza ago

Just waiting for the Hampstead trolls to come out at the mention of anything Hampstead. They're a sly, sleekit, fearsome, evil breed indeed. watching

Kristina_Gilliam ago

They are already descending upon the video. I've watched the children's testimonies and there is no way in hell that they were making it up or were coached.

privatepizza ago

Really. Thanks for letting me know, I hadn't checked the video comments. And I know, there are no words to describe how awful this is. As Ella said in the video, the cover up is blatant. Let's pray for the kids and their mom.

Godwillwin ago

I totally agree. I wish they were, but I have a child the same age as they were in the video and there's no way she would make that up nor would she repeat that if someone told her to/if she were "coached". She'd say no way! Furthermore, the pediatrician they saw had detailed medical reports of their injuries :(

V____Z ago

This is HUGE

nosilence1 ago

The kids were far too detailed to have been lying. I always knew this was true, you could see the father clearly lying on that fake MSM propaganda interview. Disgusting.

equineluvr ago

Very detailed descriptions, and the body language was also telling. The BL during the "retraction" interview was entirely different; she looked as though she were trying to curl up into a ball/fold up upon herself.

(I only watched Alisa's interviews.)

nafisnaf ago

the children look drugged on the police investigation video.

NotHereForPizza ago

We're talking about quite a few different videos here. Can someone link all of them?

I've studied BL and the likes in the past and am interested.

caliginosity ago

The last interview, the kids say they were told to watch Zoro by their stepdad during their vacation as a way to create the "false story" they used in the first two days. I'm curious if anyone has rewatched zoro and the details of the stories given by the children and tried to see if their story actually does match the movie Zoro.

remedy4reality ago

having doubt of the children as your first instinct is a RED FLAG

caliginosity ago

I didn't doubt the children, I was looking for material to debunk the claims trying to debunk the children's story. I watched the videos and am pretty convinced they're telling the truth. Particularly when the little boy said "they put glue in my bum" =| That is the most telling thing in my opinion because kids don't know adult things and use what they do know to explain what they don't.

KaneSlater ago

Their story has nothing at all to do with any Zorro movie. The children were coached by the CANNIBAL COPS to say that bullshit about Zorro during the drive to their interviews, as the CANNIBAL COPS report in their "police report". The children told the truth in their 19 videos recorded by their mother and her boyfriend (not step-dad) and their babysitter, Finbar, and in their 2-hour audio recording with a London police officer on Sept. 4, 2014, and in their first two long interviews with baby-eater Detective Constable Steve Martin on Sept. 5 & 11, 2014. The "retractions" on September 17, 2014, six days after the children were kidnapped by CANNIBAL COPS, were rehearsed (Alisa) and coerced (Gabriel) and they told the lies that baby-eater DC Martin so obviously wanted to hear so that he would let them go home to their mother ... which they have still not been allowed to do, 2 & 1/2 years later. Those "retraction" interviews were part of the ultra-criminal cover-up of the baby-eating child-gang-rape death cult that has been operating in primary schools in the richest neighborhood in London for many decades. (blocked in the U.K.) &

The Hampstead Cover-up - The Mask of Zorro:

caliginosity ago

I looked into the case and watched all the available videos, and I do believe the children, I was just honestly curious about the statement regarding the Zorro movie. As in, being able to debunk their claim of the children's story being based of Zorro if it doesn't have any scene like that in the movie. My intention of the post wasn't to debunk the kids claim, quite the opposite. But people interpret things pretty negatively here. =(

KaneSlater ago

SORRY about the delayed response ... forgot I signed up here. Hopefully that video from Hampstead Research made it clear that Zorro has nothing to do with anything, just more bullshit from those CANNIBAL COPS. Anyhow, I just got a 30-day (!) suspension from Facebook and I am permanently banned from both Twitter and YouTube, so there is not going to be anything happening on The Hampstead Cover-Up for the next month, while children and babies continue to get gang-raped and tortured and murdered and eaten. (blocked in the U.K.) &

Terraeri1 ago

I have never seen such a message appear when trying to access a Facebook page. Is the information elsewhere?

KaneSlater ago

SORRY about the delayed response ... forgot I signed up here. Anyhow, I just got a 30-day (!) suspension from Facebook and I am permanently banned from both Twitter and YouTube, so there is not going to be anything happening on The Hampstead Cover-Up for the next month, while children and babies continue to get gang-raped and tortured and murdered and eaten. But Hampstead Cover-Up should still be visible in the U.K., if you want to go look at that information. (blocked in the U.K.) &

Votescam ago

Read the leaked medical report of the children's injuries -- they also suffering PTSD --

TheSoulBleedsToo ago

I can imagine a time in history, when good men, would do as good men must do, in matters such as this. There are enough details to get to the bottom of this. May honor, truth and courage always prevail.

equineluvr ago

Nowadays everyone is a wimp. The legal system has pussified everyone.

Godwillwin ago

Yes. How can we just sit by and let this happen?!! It's so horrible. Those beautiful children :(

redditsuckz ago

Use "youtube in MP4" to save the youtube vid or another video save program as the UK government is notorious for taking Hampstead videos down or blocking them in the UK.

newworldahead ago

Yes, good advice. And there's also

neurofluxation ago

This needs more exposure. Put together with a brief overview and documentary of no more than 10 minutes. Thrown on social media EVERYWHERE.

TrishaUK ago

The videos in the original link are a very good start to add to that 10 mins

Tyranny-News-Network ago

My work on this issue was cut short when no further info emerged. However, for months after there was a campaign to harass and discourage anyone from believing any abuse occurred. The mother's boyfriend was often described as a monster, force feeding marijuana to the children. A cover-up did take place, IMO. The key is to stay focused and objective, avoiding the straw arguments and false claims. You'll find that most people vocally objecting to the abuse theory show signs of dislike of children.

TrishaUK ago

I came to the same point as you. However I saw a write up about Abraham Christie, the mothers boyfriend,blaming him for 'feeding marijuana to the children. I read a write up online that he had won an awards for the discovery of the medicinal side of marijuana and patented it, but refused to sell his paton and thats why he's connected to marijuana and called 'Papa Hemp' by the children. He said he was proud of his scientific research and the medicinal connection to it. I tried to find the link but it has been removed.

V____Z ago

The coverup in this case was not dissimilar to the one in the Franklin Scandal.

Votescam ago

Actually, the patterns of this and the Franklin Scandal repeat over and again as we've also seen in Belgium case with Dutroux. Same in Australia. Yet the witnesses always are courageous people abused as children and in this case we have these very clear testimonies from these highly intelligent children in the Hampstead case who are giving full reports of their experiences. And they are totally believable. But again, we see police making mistakes, ignoring the testimony of children, parents under attack, effective police work and policemen sidelined and evidence ignored. And, overall, the use of MSM to discredit the witnesses. Corrupt control over these cases has to be broken.
I'm wondering also if there is anyway that we can further support those involved in the Hampstead Case and I will go to the website to try to find out. Wouldn't it have been wonderful if we could have said to this Mother, come to the US where everything will be OK and justice will be done. Well, those days are long gone here in the US. Shameful things going on here and we need to continue to push together to end this corruption. Thank you for this report.

Jem777 ago

Progress! Father Ricky Dearman was tied to Haiti and Clinton Foundation

TrishaUK ago

You mean Ricky Dearman. Plus sometimes he goes by the name of Dicky Rearman (and other alias). Quite appropriate don't you think, especially considering the accusations against him.

DerivaUK ago

Do You have a source for this connection, please?

cantsleepawink ago

This voat thread but the video has been removed. Here's another video though, not sure if it's the same one.

And check out my comment in this thread.

DerivaUK ago

Thank you for this. It's new to me. Info is welcomed.

starseedlover ago

This page discusses the user MK ULTRA 666 who comments on her videos.

What the hell!?

cantsleepawink ago

Tavistock and the UK intelligence services were/are all over this case, trolling and flooding the internet with spam. Huge resources were clearly evident in dissuading researchers and covering up this story.

Jem777 ago

Of course Tavistock and U.K. Intelligence was all over this. So was the CIA am sure. Tavistock is a giant human experiment laboratory created after WW11 with Nazi scientists, Freud, U.K. Intel, US intel.

cantsleepawink ago

I've just posted about this :)

Votescam ago

If you look on line to search for the website of the Mother, or supporting websites, you will see clearly that once again the "Dailymail" which also helped to smear Dr. Wakefield/MMR Vaccine challenger at the behest of the pharmaceutical companies AND the "Mirror" and "spiked" are all helping push the counter-story of Ricky Dearman's alleged innocence.

And the attacks on the Mother are outrageous.

All while the children have been kidnapped and the investigation was never carried forward.

GladToBeHere ago

Ricky DEARMAN is his name

First headline when you google his name? From the Daily Mail: "Father falsely accused by his own children of sexually abusing them and drinking the blood of babies as part of a satanic cult reveals he is 'still getting death threats' over his horrific order"

target_blank ago

Wow very specific

Votescam ago

Right -- was just looking for info on medical records of the children and came across that stuff by Daily Mail -- also the "Mirror" and "spiked." We can all keep those names in mind now as part of the cover up of these scandals.

Btw, link to the leaked Medical Reports -- which end all doubt about the children's claims....

KaneSlater ago

Not just the baby-eating Daily Mail and The Mirror, like Ella said in the video: ALL of the mainstream media in the U.K. is part of this ultra-criminal conspiracy, every bit of it, and quite a lot of their alternative media.

Votescam ago

Agree -- just commenting on the ones piling on in search on Yahoo. Also Daily Mail did the unbelievable smear on Dr. Wakefield/Vaccines for the pharmaceutical industry. Really filthy -- Rupert Murdoch owned it at that time. Would you believe he also bought National Geographic? Of course, don't think it's only our press under Operation Mockingbird. CIA usually generously spreads their neo-Nazi programs around. See: Operation Mockingbird being drafted two years before the end of WWII and then run out of CIA/Allen Dulles. That Operation is also connected to at least two other programs put in play at that time -- Operation Paperclip/200,000 Nazis brought into US, used to found CIA and funneled into FBI. Operation Gladio kept liberals out of government in nations over which US had influence/control at end of war. US actually resurrected the Mafia in Italy in order to ensure program worked in Italy.

History: Wisner recruited Philip Graham from The Washington Post to run the project within the industry. According to Davis, "By the early 1950s, Wisner 'owned' respected members of The New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles."[3]

In 1951, Allen W. Dulles persuaded Cord Meyer to join the CIA. According to Deborah Davis, Meyer became Mockingbird's "principal operative."[4]

After 1953, the media network was overseen by CIA Director Allen Dulles, by which time Operation Mockingbird had major influence over 25 newspapers and wire agencies.[5] The usual method was placing reports developed from intelligence provided by the CIA to cooperating or unwitting reporters. Those reports would be repeated or cited by the preceding reporters, which in turn would then be cited throughout the media wire services. These networks were run by people with well-known liberal but pro-American big business and anti-Soviet views, such as William S. Paley (CBS), Henry Luce (Time and Life Magazine), Arthur Hays Sulzberger (New York Times), Alfred Friendly (managing editor of the Washington Post), Jerry O'Leary (Washington Star), Hal Hendrix (Miami News), Barry Bingham, Sr. (Louisville Courier-Journal), James Copley (Copley News Services) and Joseph Harrison (Christian Science Monitor).[5]><

I've usually referred to our press here in US as "CIA/corporate" --

Really sad --