trevor_reznik ago

what am i supposed to do about a case that is allegedly already being investigated by the authorities? and by the way, i wonder how many police officers and other government officials will be prosecuted and jailed because of their "blatant failings" in this rotherham scandal. furthermore, these people supposedly committed these crimes for 16 years, from 1997 to 2013, and authorities never intervened, but interestingly enough, when the hampstead cover-up is currently taking place, people are currently committing terrible crimes (according to the children's allegations) and unanswered questions are hanging in the air, police and the mainstream media suddenly leaps into action in ANOTHER case, and starts uncovering a series of crimes that took place in the past, and surprise, the offenders are muslims. the msm is always quick to report real scandals after they took place, and after the high-ranking offenders stepped down or passed away, see the case of jimmy saville.

and i still don't understand why the police never investigated the claims of the hampstead children. yes, they were quick to blame the mother and the boyfriend that they made the children say things, but those claims are still there, the retractions were not at all complete, nor convincing, and we have a medical report confirming that sexual abuse did take place. why were the offenders named by the children never asked, and why were the school and the church never investigated?

Flat_Truth ago

It might get more traction if the article stayed focused on the subject at hand and didn't transition into primarily about "mind control". Stick to what is, is.

trevor_reznik ago

if the claims made by the children + the medical report confirming the sexual abuse was not enough for the police to investigate the school, the church and the alleged abusers, then i don't know what would have been enoough. by the way, you're totally discrediting yourself by calling the mother's boyfriend a pedophile, as if it was a fact, without ANY evidence whatsoever. i don't understand that if the story is clearly debunked, why don't you present just one evidence that proves the claims of the children false, why do you have to smear the whistleblower instead.

trevor_reznik ago

it's not a matter of believeing or not believing. again, putting such extreme and detailed accusations into the children's mouth makes no sense, if they really wanted to hurt the father. also the only proper response from the police would have been to investigate the claims of the children, which they never did. why?? they also closed the investigation before receiving the medical report - at least that's what they said, after first claiming that they did receive the report, but changed the wording of it, so it doesn't sound so definitive. why??

finally, just a quote from one of your "debunking" articles:

The children were taken to the police who formally interviewed them (in what are known as “Achieving Best Evidence” or “ABE” interviews). They repeated the allegations which were wide-ranging, exceptionally serious and, to anyone not already steeped in the belief that cults of Death Eaters, Illuminati and Satanists are operating to prey on innocent children, ought to have been regarded as patently ridiculous.

so the premise of the article is that obviously the children's claims cannot be true, because they sound ridiculous. in other words: no matter how many people come forward, if they mention satanic rituals or the illuminati, they must be making it up. it can't be true, because.... it just can't.

nice reasoning

trevor_reznik ago

wow, you're pushing your narrative really hard. wonder why.

the hampstead cover-up looks very similar to what we see with pizzagate. instead of the police investigating the allegations, and checking whether the details disclosed by the children are true or false, they attack the whistleblowers, and immediately call the allegations "baseless", exactly the way the msm does with pizzagate.

i encourage everyone to check out the evidences, and decide for themselves whether it has been debunked, or not.

trevor_reznik ago

wow, so this is what you call debunking?? the family court trials conducted by judge pauffley were not public, and we cannot know what her conclusions are based on. what is documented though is that she lied about the recordings that were taken from the policeman who first recorded the kids' allegations. and again: there is still no answer to why the police never investigated the validity of the children's claims about the alleged abusers. if you accept these articles as debunking the hampstead cover-up, then pizzagate (according to your standards) is already debunked as well, because DC police already made a statement that it's just a conspiracy theory. and since they are the police it must be true.

christa ago

Here's a picture of one of the instructors at the school the children accused of sexual abuse/satanic rituals, notice the painting behind her is of a little girl wearing a shirt that says 'ping pong'

trevor_reznik ago

did she ever deny the claims about her birthmark and tattoo?

trevor_reznik ago

What you just wrote down is a narrative, but what do you base it on? Did the children say anything about being tied up and beaten, and having to learn all the details they disclosed in their original interviews?? I understand that it is easier to accept the narrative that they just made it up, but what about the evidences? The kids said terrible things, they named names, and again, mentioned details that cannot be made up if they didn't see all those people in "intimate" situations. Why those people never came out to deny the allegations, and why the police never investigated them?

And are you being serious when you're asking why aren't there more victims coming forward? How many do you need for the police to conduct a proper investigation? Are you gonna just dismiss the kids' claims, simply because there is no one else who came forward, and because their mother and her boyfriend are not saints? And by the way, what makes you say her boyfriend is a pedophile? Did the children ever say anything about that?

Still waiting for the articles/videos that debunked the story.

trevor_reznik ago

Please explain to me, why would the mother and her boyfriend coach the kids to say names and such specific details about their attackers, that could easily be proven to be false, such as tattoos, piercings or birthmarks on or around genitals? After the children's first interviews and the medical report that confirmed the abuse, why didn't they investigate those people? How can you possibly explain that? If the father and all the others are proven to be innocent (which they are not), where is the investigation about who abused the children, which, again, has been confirmed by the medical report. I know they accuse the mother and boyfriend that they made their children lie about their father, but they are not accused of sexual abuse, as far as I know.

Your are loud, but I still can't see the debunking.

trevor_reznik ago

You either don't know what you're talking about, in that case you should do some research, or you're a liar, interested in covering it all up. Nothing about it has been debunked. In fact the medical report confirmed that "the injuries to the anus of both children “are consistent” with the allegations of sexual abuse" But the police first lied about the content of the medical report, then they said they hadn't even received it, but decided to close the investigation without knowing the content of the report. The children in their interviews mentioned tattoos, piercings and other attributes on people's private parts, who they said raped them, but the police decided not to investigate any of the claims, instead got out a retraction from them a few days later, and hastily closed the investigation. In Gabriel's retraction he keeps saying that his father did kill babies, but the policeman pretty much convinces him to say that he was made to lie. What has been happening in the hampstead case is completely indefensible.

No debunking has taken place whatsoever!

Chimerarose ago

there is no way anyone can coach children that young to do such a candid 2 1/2 hour interview. No way. They are telling the truth. It's part of their life and they act like its normal. When they show the kids retracting, they look nervous and upset. I'm guessing its more than the father involved and they are definitely covering it up. Kids that age are typically matter of fact. Lying doesn't really come into play until later if they are inclined to do so. I believe these children.

christa ago


And my whole thing has been wondering what the motive would be to coach them into telling such a fucking elaborate story. You'd think if the mother and her boyfriend truly wanted to punish the father and remove the children from his life, the two would have come up with something a little less outrageous than satanic rituals like baby-eating and child rape.

I mean, why not just coerce the kids into telling law enforcement that their dad had 'merely' molested them. The story is just too unnecessarily detailed and morbid to fit the 'they were coached to slander their father' narrative, imo.

externible ago

Wasn't this case debunked by the judge saying the mother tortured the 2 kids to say these things so her ex couldn't get access to the children?

trevor_reznik ago

Judge Anna Pauffley actively takes part in the cover up.

Fateswebb ago

Check out the video where the deception analysis is used on the father, this dudes a liar...

Jem777 ago

This was recorded a few weeks ago. The father (perpetrator) already linked to Clinton Foundation and Haiti I believe. It should be searchable on this sub under the Hempstead case. Although the video of the researcher was not attached yet. It is horrific. Maybe the Mods can combine this researrch.

vastrightwing ago

It's hard to investigate when you are paid not to.

trevor_reznik ago

For people who believe victims speaking out would change the way media or authorities treat #pizzagate: Please listen to the interviews given by the children to the police, and check out what has happened since then. This whole thing is unthinkable!

doubletake ago

there was also concrete physical evidence for sexual abuse reported by a doctor.