alanna ago

Was about to post concerning this. KaneSlater1 has in the last 12 hours posted a huge amount of videos in reference to the #Hampstead coverup. Although they are from 2 years ago, there are few individuals they connected to Luv for Haiti foundation that could be important players. Your link is what I was going to post. I had seen a few of the vids, but it's nice to have them all reposted and it paints a huge picture

llm2016 ago

if you have time, please watch this video, which shares insights about the link between Pizzagate and Hampstead cases.

9217 ago

Read the links I posted, use duckduckgo...

29328 ago

I've been looking into this case for around 6 weeks now. It's truly horrific, the cover-up immense. I've found a few things of interest.........They internet footprint for the accused abusers has practically been wiped. hmmm. Tattoos, local hampstead tattooist? Why didn't the accused step forward for medical examinations to prove their innocence....

Mr Johnathan Gordge, a teaching assistant from Christ Church school, accused of horrific abuse, was noted by the children to have lots of tattoos.......some VERY interesting information below that I believe may be of interest.......there is plenty of work still to do so any assistance with looking into these links would be helpful

Johnathan Gordge - ex-christ church teacher/football/Listed as a rock band member - west of the sun -

Josue Fornoni - ex christ church teacher/football

Tom Burnett - ex christ church teacher/football

Mike Howes - WOTS band member & powerplayfootball Luke Ward - WOTS band member & powerplayfootball

powerplay - 5-a-side football, Kentish Town 2016 - Stallions V 2014/15 - Le Saux solid crew check all teams in league and change season dates for ALL names recordered. - DOUG STATT & TACKLE AFRICA - CHECK any connection REDDIT MOD? CHECK

West of the sun - Psych rock band,Camden,London - JONATHAN GORDGE & FRIENDS - Nick Cave [email protected] - [email protected] Phone – 07917035441

The Playground = PR Company for West of the Sun

Situated at Unit 12, 5 Fountayne rd. in Seven Sisters, the company has their own Infinity Cove Studio which is also hired out on a daily basis. Warren Morris Joshua Cowan

Notes: JG wears long sleeves to possibly hide tattoos? WHERE IS/ WHO IS THE TATTOOIST.....hampstead based? there are some "hollywood" tattooists IN HAMPSTEAD!! Names hardly used or mentioned. Online footprints for teachers/accused abusers ALMOST completley wiped

Ricky Dearman/Rick Dearman, Hollywood Actor(failed), links to Ching hai & Supreme Master, & Haiti ching hai links to Clinton's, music charities - pizzagate?

llm2016 ago

If I remember correctly, the judge purposely ignored "the tatoos" part (which can be easily verified and used to prove their innocence/guilt) and went on to dismiss the case at first. The police department was also involved. It's a massive cover-up by the MSM and the elites.

llm2016 ago

Don't you think it's exactly what's happening in the US now. The way the MSM handles this thing - how they are so biased towards the guy accused without addressing any significant evidence presented but ridicule the victims and people who speak up for it - is just the exact same tactic.

ploppy ago

llm2016 ago

It is NOT. Go look at the court documents.Go click on the links. Look at the evidence. If you can't look past the MSM, you are fooled.

9217 ago

Younger boy went to Tavistock clinic at Portman for "counseling," which should give some indication of both how high up this goes, and why the coverup is so universal.

llm2016 ago

Could you elaborate a little bit? I do believe people who have been investigating Hampstead case are way ahead of us in terms of what they know. I do think teaming-up with them will only help us. Let's spread the words.

9217 ago

Tavistock -

If you understand even a small part of what Tavistock is/has been involved in...

Think CIA/MKULTRA >>> comes from Tavistock, which predated the CIA. For a start.

Also associated with Nazis + Eugenics + Rockefeller money - this is most simplified version I can give but it's not a full picture at all, there are many aspects to it including mass mind control, group dynamics, straight propaganda, everything.

Tavistock is massive, it is a word that gets you shadow banned just for mentioning in most social media platforms.

The fact that even one of the Hampstead kids was going to the clinic indicates a HUGE amount about this case.

llm2016 ago

I spent quite some time researching this, but apparently the MSM in the UK all team up to cover up the case. Despite all the overwhelming evidence - (real evidence: the two kids offered very detailed and specific descriptions of the abusers and pedo activities, including tattoos on their private parts, how rituals were conducted and the medical reports proving that they have been sexually abused, etc), the information about these have all been suppressed by the MSM and the BBC even wrote articles saying how the cult leader (Ricky Dearman) involved in this is "falsely" accused without addressing any of the evidence. He is now no where to be found online (no wikipedia page, IMDB deleted the comments about him, videos on the case are censored in the UK).

What surprises me about the case is that it shares a lot of similarities with #pizzagate, as to how the MSM reacts to the accusations, how the elites (police department, law enforcement, corporate elites) suddenly team up to silence or attack people who brought it up, how the "supposedly neutral" online social media platforms all engage in some sort of censorship. I wish all of you could look into it and gain some insights to our investigation. I believe these two cases are related - there are just different "branches" of the same global evil globalization.

These are some of the great places to start: