new4now ago

Lonsdale is a former co founder of Palantir, he started a new fund called Formation 8

There was trouble between founders of Formation 8 at the same time as the sexual assault suit

Lonsdale is starting a new fund called Eight Ventures.

SwampdrainerNo1 ago

Nice work! The shills will be out in force over this one:)

cantsleepawink ago

Bring it on :)

SturdyGal ago

Great research about Thorn! Thanks for all the work.

cantsleepawink ago

When I'm done, I'm going to put it all together. I'm sick of these people parading in the media pretending to work for the public good when they really don't give a damn and are getting rich off these new systems too. We the people have a responsibility to ensure that the right people are in leadership positions. If we don't step up to the plate, we get the world we have now.