rp5x5 ago

The essay says some things that are pure speculation. For instance the idea that Kubrick had not picked all the Music, such as the single piano note. It is only speculation that scenes were cut. The only scene we know that was cut after Kubrick passed away, was a scene from the original theatrical showing where in Zieglers bathroom we got to see the reflection of the sound man in the Bath tub fixtures holding a boom up from crotch level. To me it was a joke from Kubrick, but the studio removed it. It does not appear on any of the tape or disc versions.

These possible studio cuts were already discussed ad infinitum, on the old usenet group alt.movies.kubrick. All the archives can still be searched. It was at one time a very active group. Only a few people still post there. It is a treasure trove of Kubrick info, going back to the mid nineties, much of it heated arguing and far flung absurdity. alt.movies.kubrick can be found here: https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!forum/alt.movies.kubrick

quantokitty ago

I would have liked to see the original film.

As it was, the film was powerful and had an impact on me.

Freemasonsrus ago

Stanley takes me back to Hollywood which takes me back to Corey Haim. Most assume his abuser was Joel Schumacher. Here's a great interview w Feldman, that after everything we've seen, now is much more ominous. There's another interesting write up called Jay's analysis about The Lost Boys and all of the symbols used through out the, including the pedo triangle. Schumacher directed Lost Boys.


SavingGrace ago

Nicole Kidman's Father was allegedly involved in a Satanic-Pedo Ring .... http://illuminatiwatcher.com/nicole-kidmans-father-satanic-pedo-ring/

mixelplfft ago

Nicole KID - MAN ..... go figure.

Pizzatemp420 ago

I'm ashamed to say, I've never seen eyes wide shut. I keep seeing it referenced...I guess I'll have to give it a viewing.

Warnos44 ago

I haven't seen it either, don't feel bad. At the time I didn't think it looked particularly good and money was tight xD.

Freemasonsrus ago

I'm actually glad I saw it before knowing all I know. Now it's 10x's creepier.

SaveTheChildren ago

It's pretty clear that Kubrick had at least some inside knowledge of the Rothschildesque 'parties' that take place.

IMO the film is pretty good but just really falls flat. It's probably because Kubrick's final vision was never realized and the studios edited out the stuff they didn't approve of and had Kubrick killed.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

I suspect that is why he made this movie. Perhaps he wanted one last message to the rest of the world, about how Hollywood become absolutely corrupted.

It is rather interesting that kidman and cruise both have cult connections, and where both in this movie. I thought that this was a message to both actors, as a means to try to get them to wake up.

now i wonder a bit. Perhaps this is a message to us. He was being very blunt and open, yet in a subtle way, telling us that this is real, and this is what they do in private.

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

The house where the rituals happen is Mentmore Towers in England. It was built and owned by Rothschilds for more than a century. Weirdly enough it was also used as Wayne Manor in the Dark Knight trilogy.

Warnos44 ago

Nice little known facts :).