Beaucephus ago

Clandestine tactics. To be in total control of a situation, have your team on both sides of the conflict.

People continue to believe that actors have opinions. They are paid opinions. They live in a hermetically sealed chamber and appear when paid to appear. They literally sell themselves for profit. As soon as they form their own opinions, they are no longer valuable.

ragerino ago

He speaks a lot, but actually doesn't say anything. I think he doesn't know what he's talking about.

Crunch43 ago

I remember seeing something on reddit about it before they took down pizzagate. I think there was a lot of speculation that he is just a tool they use and is involved but I don't know...

chaos16 ago

He was/is pro hillary. If he has said tool... how can Pizzagate not be in his radar?

ragerino ago

i was thinking the same.

strix-varia ago

Do not care what snottywood has to say about anything.

aileron_ron ago

Blacks and jewish people use guilt to get what they want, slavery was 200+ years ago and this idiot is looking for attention.