flyingcuttlefish ago

related - Spirit Cooking Strange Solomon's Temple on Epstein's Island

just_clueless ago

At the time I first saw this I didn't factor in the human trafficking ( and organ delivery?) to so many of these planes, but we know renditions still happen and drugs are still run as well. Regardless of cargo there's no doubt these shady flights we see are proving to be dirty every damn time so here's a 10 minute video classic from the not to distant past that just reinforces that this is a ridiculously huge criminal enterprise......

Bubbha ago

I think the transponders on the plane give the ID, location, etc.

DeltaBravoTango ago

Well yeah, but the way it was written makes it sound like anybody can do it.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Hey, no offense intended, but I think it would be really good if you could write these posts in a more condensed, easy-to-follow way, making use of embedded links. Most users will not have time to read these walls of text. :-)

Freed0mFighter ago

We live in a very fast and volatile world...

I will take your advice in consideration for posteriority =)

postfascion ago

Either that's a good thing cus he truly intends to fight the beast from the inside, or it's pragmatism. I have to admit I'm flip flopping a bit.

Vic138 ago

I also heard the Epstein showed up at Mira Lago with a couple 'women' and he banned them. He has also said that Epstein is a weird guy. These are just some quotes I've read on the internet, so treat it as hearsay.

postfascion ago

Sure, I guess if you're running in those circles... I just want to be cautious that I don't buy into his divinity too much just yet. But you make a good point.

Vindicator ago

Yes. He was also the only witness who willingly and promptly spoke with the lawyer of the girl suing Epstein for sex trafficking. All the others stonewalled.

postfascion ago

I guess only time will tell weather he or the people behind him are true catalysts for change. Maybe the only way they had to get this shit out in the open was to use someone who was equally as guilty. Maybe you're only as powerful as those who are blackmailing you? Some blackmailers have morality on their side? Fuck, this is one helluva rabbithole. I just want this planet to be free goddamit!!

Vindicator ago

You are not alone. People of good will are going to tear this rats nest out of the walls over the coming months. Mark my words. Don't despair. Just the stubborn refusal of folks to stop talking about this, despite the insane shutdown attempts by Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, PayPal, Wikipedia and Fakebook, not to mention the MSM should tell you that American culture has reached a new phase of development marked by a comeback of critical thinking, personal responsibility and the courageous and unrelenting exercise of liberty. If others are doing what I am doing -- throwing off laziness, doing deep research, adding technical cyber skills for safety, and venturing into areas of social media they've never accessed before -- this country is making a tectonic shift. It is an amazing time to be alive.

postfascion ago

Beautifully put brother. I agree entirely.

rush22 ago

This post is taken from a January 2015 Wayne Madsen Report article, located here:

Once again the sources you are copying and pasting from is the only thing that you are not citing, Freed0mFighter. Why is that? You do such a good job with the other links, but it's like you're trying to disguise something by leaving out the source of all the research.

Nana66 ago

Maynard Webb

Mena airport witness

Died: Late 1994 Maynard Webb had stumbled on several aircraft whose tail numbers were being changed on a regular basis. Was about to go public when he walked headfirst into a spinning propeller.


Freed0mFighter ago

Very good!

postfascion ago

First time I've seen trumps name mentioned as being linked to Epstein. Swamp? What Swamp? Fuck, and there I was with a modicum of hope. Great post.

postfascion ago

You're doing good work man. Thanks for the reality check. +1

flyingcuttlefish ago

what's JEGE Inc? Looking up "N909JE" on this page you get the plane at the bottom of page 67 here -

oh h-h-hhhh ---- LOOK'S WHO'S PRESIDENT of JEGE Inc. !!

**Jefferey Epstein! **

This page list some of his henchmen -



Freed0mFighter ago

I think you need to publish this because is well researched and well connected! Upvoted!

flyingcuttlefish ago

It is. It it added to the blog thread on Epstein here -

All that aviation info is great.

Freed0mFighter ago


Zinnsee ago

Excellent work!

DustyRadio ago

I feel like there is a yuge story behind the Al Gore sex allegations, but that story died a quick death shortly after it broke and was never heard from again, really. That dude is a creep and sick fuck like the rest, he just hid it better behind his boring facade.

smokemirrors ago

Boring fucks are usually the biggest closest perves. Look at all the Evangelist goons, etc

Boring Gore:

Evangelist Goons:

Gorillion ago

LOL, I had wondered if Gore was some weird squeaky clean aberration to the Clinton Clan norm, more interested in the smell of his own farts than gettin' some strange.

But that does sound like he was awkward as fuck and really had no game. Just wanted a taste of what Big Willy was enjoying I imagine. Just an all around stiff.

smokemirrors ago

Oh I don't know about that ;-) Who was the "sexy Hollywood actress" do you think....?

MolochHunter ago

CIA gave the the tap on the shoulder. Operation Brownstone

KansasJakeBG ago

Is it the same Roy Cohn that raised Donald Trump? Is it the same Epstein that Donald Trump calls a 'Nice Guy'. Aren't we getting more of the same? The public's call of 'lock her up' is going to turn ugly real fast in the age of #pizzagate.

ETA: By raise, I mean 'raise in society'.

crystalclearme ago

Triggered the thought after all these "operations" that #pedogate #pizzaate should be Operation ENOUGH is ENOUGH

Vindicator ago

Operation Flush

crystalclearme ago

Oh that clearly works very well

SaneGoatiSwear ago

here have all the upvoats i got today


no really this is a fucking a+ post bro.

i wish this was standard

::becomes real:: aww yiss

Freed0mFighter ago

I don't know if we are here pissing in the wind...

SaneGoatiSwear ago

non-conformity is....

nice quote in the bio bro.

Grifter42 ago

Motherfucker is above the law. Someone needs to whack him. I'm not suggesting someone attack him, but in my personal opinion, his death would not be mourned, and he should kill himself, if he has any dignity left, which he doesnt. Someone should kill him.

yabbadoody ago

an "inconvenient truth", as Al Bore might say

OrwellKnew ago

So the documents related to this incident should be able to be obtained under FOIA, yes?

Who ordered the block?

edit: well the top dog it seems was one Randy Babbit at the time


On November 18, 2012, the President signed into law H.R. 2112, the "Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012”, and was further continued in FY2015. This statue changes the previous entitled Certified Security Concerns Blocking policy in which aircraft owners or operators can limit the dissemination of their aircraft registration in the FAA ASDI data feed. The FAA will still accept and implement all direct requests from private aircraft owners or operators to block their aircraft data from public display in ASDI, including those not accompanied by a Certified Security Concern.

DeltaBravoTango ago

What's the point of having a public record of aircraft movements if you can just opt out for any reason?

anonentity ago

This is really great professional work, well done.

rush22 ago

It is a Wayne Madsen Report article from January 2015

Chipcer ago

too much if true, i cant believe the world this sick

Vindicator ago

Just want to point out two things: 1. This rule definitely can be used to hide nefarious stuff. 2. It is also a necessary security measure for many VIPs.

Aircraft are vulnerable, and people like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos etc. are always on gaurd against hostage taking, stalking, and even threats from foreign entities. Not being able to track the movements of their aircraft is security 101 and doesn't necessarily imply child trafficking.

Edit: On the other hand, this is a terrific way to raise awareness. Why did our government allow Epstein to hide his aircraft movements? We need to get this out there because it LOOKS really bad. Fire up the meme generator!

KansasJakeBG ago

I understand what you are saying and I agree with it. But it seems like Epstein, a convicted criminal, is getting preferential treatment here.

Vindicator ago

Amen to that. I am working on a letter to Trey Gowdy right now requesting formal Congressional Inquiry into the conduct of South Florida US Attorneys in securing his plea bargain. Will post when complete! Fuckers.

KansasJakeBG ago


derram ago :

Venezuela CIA Coup? Maduro Urges Obama To Halt 'Assassination Plot' Against Opposition Rival | The Huffington Post

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