Well, under the disguise of National Security the amounting evidence suggests that some powerful sickos were profiting and using TAXPAYERS' money to feed their twisted sexual inclinations and vanity.
YOU gave the power to them!
Time to take it back.
Background info:
In 1527, Ignatius of Loyola was let off with a warning by a Christian court for having sympathy with the Alumbrados of Spain, also known as the Spanish Illuminati. In 1534, Loyola became the founder of The Jesuit Order. In 1773 the Pope ordered the Supression of the Jesuits and Adam Weishaupt became a professor of Canon Law at a Jesuit University. Weishaupt founded his Order of the Illuminati in 1776.
Antony Kidman and his brother went to St. Aloysius College in Sydney, a Jesuit school. After graduating, Antony’s brother went on to pursue the ‘spiritual’ side of his education and decided to become a Jesuit. While in training to become a member of the secret society, he developed schizophrenia and had to abandon his plans.
Catholicism remained strong in the Kidman family. They attended the Star of The Sea Jesuit Church in North Sydney and Father Paul Coleman was their family priest. This was also the place chosen for the funeral of Antony in 2014, which only came a month after he was formally notified of Fiona Barnett’s allegations. Coleman also officiated the marriage of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban in 2006. It is interesting that Nicole maintains her Jesuit links while being connected with The Church of Scientology, a CIA/MKULTRA linked cult.
L. Ron Hubbard founded Scientology, and he had links to the Office of Naval Intelligence, Satanic Rituals, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital and mind control research. According to Miles Copeland in ‘The Game Player’, while he was working for the CIA, his colleague, Bob Mandelstam, used Scientology as a front for his covert ‘Occultism in High Places’ scheme. Hubbard had performed the ‘Babalon Working’ ritual with Satanist, Jack Parsons, which aimed to bring about the Anti-Christ. He also experimented with drugs for the CIA at St. Elizabeth’s, Washington D.C. This location is a common connection between the CIA & Mind Control research – and also for Freemasonry.
The Scottish Rite Schizophrenia Research Project (SRSRP) was based there, and this was partly due to the fact that Dr. Winfred Overholser Sr. who ran the hospital from 1937-1962 was directly involved with the project and a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Freemason. He was at the centre of MKULTRA operations and early mind control research there. As the name suggests, the research project was created and administered by the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry which like the above mentioned Spanish Illuminati, has a Gnostic influence.
Dr. Antony Kidman was in the Laboratory of Preclinical Pharmacology, which Dr. Joel Elkes had helped to create. Elkes was an LSD and mind control researcher who attended Scottish Rite sponsored events. The lab at the time of Kidman’s work was run by Dr. Erminio Costa, who made critical discoveries regarding the effect of LSD on the human brain. Like Elkes, Costa attended the same Scottish Rite sponsored events on Schizophrenia and so did Dr. Benjamin Weiss, Kidman’s trainer at St. Elizabeth’s during the 1969-72 period. Weiss later received hundreds of thousands from the SRSRP for research and even chaired a SRSRP event. Kidman published a research paper regarding a rat experiment with both Costa and Weiss involved. His CIA connections have been detailed in the previous article, Kidman, Trauma Research & His Abuse of Fiona Barnett.
---> Source:
Fiona Barnett testimony
Last July, Australia’s 60 Minutes aired a story about a Westminster paedophile ring titled, "Spies, Lords and Predators".
I was abused by an Australian equivalent of that UK ring, yet there are notable differences. I was trafficked to international VIPs both within Australia and overseas. This ring involved elements of the Australian military. My perpetrators operated in close collaboration with the USA government and they employed sophisticated methods for keeping their operation hidden.
----> Source:
Australia’s own Pizzagate / by Fiona Barrett
10-year-old Helen Karapidis was abducted 22 December 1988 from her Marrickville apartment complex grounds by members of the Wood Royal Commission pedophile network.
The Hillsong child sex trafficking network included government social workers, Aunties and Uncles program staff, Hillsong architect Ian Longstaff who redesigned their Young St, Waterloo church building, David Young who, with Ian, collected kids for ‘Youngies’ church youth club, and convicted pedophile and Hillsong staff member John Baxter.
Helen attended Hillsong Kids’ Club. She knew her abductors, which explains why she disappeared so.
Hillsong founding pastor Frank Houston was a convicted pedophile who sought and trafficked children to the Sydney VIP pedophile ring based in Kings Cross boy brothels. Houston was named multiple times to the Wood Royal Commission. These children were sought by Hillsong from low socioeconomic families with single mothers, parents in trouble with the law, and who had been brought to the attention of the Department of Children’s Services.
Helen Karapidis was ritually murdered days following her abduction, during an evening church service, in a secret room that overlooked the congregation at Hillsong Church Young St, Waterloo.
Two children aged 6 and 8 witnessed Helen Karapidis’ ritual murder and reported this to police. The children later won a NSW Victim Compensation claim in court on the basis of witnessing Helen Karapidi’s murder in Hillsong Church. The children also witnessed several other children murdered during that same service.
More info at this VOAT thread:
Dr. A. D. Kidman, Trauma Research & His Abuse of Fiona Barnett / MK-Ultra Australia
When we take into account Kidman’s longtime association with Seligman – Seligman’s role in developing the CIA’s torture program with his LH research, and then Kidman’s clear involvement with CBT, Positive Psychology, LH and torture linked research – it adds serious weight behind Fiona Barnett’s allegations. Fiona claims that in the 70’s, Dr. Antony Kidman was involved in using violent torture techniques on her during her time as a child-guinea pig in top secret mind control research. She alleges that this was led by the CIA’s global head of Psychology, Dr. John W. Gittinger.
Dr. A. D. Kidman - WebBrain connections map:
---> Now, back to Washington D.C. / USA <---
Dr. Kidman (Child Psychologist & CIA Doctor) entered Project MKULTRA in WASHINGTON D.C. (60's-70's) at St. Elizabeth's Hospital where he connected up with Dr. John W. Gittinger. Gittinger was involved in mind control research on children here and his CIA offices were located in the same street as COMET PING PONG and BESTA PIZZA etc (just a mile down the road).
---> https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1439550 (deleted by user but still available) PLEASE CONFIRM!
Drawings by Fiona Barnett below found at:
https://fionabarnett.org/abuse-drawings/ many images missing, but the ARCHIVED ONES are still available:
Now, take a look at their Modus Operandi:
- Planes (possible Lolita Exprees / Epstein connection):
- Bohemian Grove, human trafficking to USA:
- Luciferian Satanism (Aquino connection):
- Underground basements / Caves / TUNNELS:
- MOLOCH (Podesta mail, jimmycommet picture):
- Honey Traps / Cannibalism / Codes (dance):
YingYangMom ago
Great job OP. Very informative and extremely well sourced. Fiona Barnett's experiences' document including the archived drawings is especially poignant and educative. Thank you for the time and effort you've put into this.
Warnos44 ago
There are people who are like the Punisher.
Jem777 ago
Stunning. Part of history Dr. Kidman was outed as part of 9th circle. Human hunting parties. Died on the run in Singapore. Nicole is a victim possibly. Think of her marriage to T. Cruise...Scientology/CIA victim...Scientology is CIA psyops fr Hollywood. Sadness we need real miracles.
asdfghjkl123456789 ago
Yes. It's like people who think York and Scottish Rite freemasonry are separate. They're ALL integrated at the top, and have been for decades.
Orange_Circle ago
Adam Starchild - hunt for him in Chicago Tribune archives.
flyingcuttlefish ago
related - **1940s mind control early think tank **-
and more on it - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1531955
Also - more more on L. R, Hubbard and the occult, the Pasedina coven see the book "Sex and Rockets".
rail606 ago
Which path do you think they take?
flyingcuttlefish ago
I don't know the path, but I don't know of redemption stories with this group.
I like this fellow's channel ... he spent years working with sex abuse child victims and has a good outlook.
Godwillwin ago
Fiona's testimony is what has lead me to believe all along that there are tunnels involved. There are known tunnels in Hawaii and known tunnels in Belgium with the center of them being a "church". They give tours of a small portion of the tunnels in Belgium to keep the people from being suspicious.
I really wish I lived in Virginia or nearby. I would love to walk down the streets of comet and Pegasus and nearby areas. I'm surprised we don't have more video footage from an investigating citizen. All we have are a few with the inside of comet and the parking lot and the tunnel or maybe it's just a basement or bunker type room near the pediatrician's office "Chevy chase MD" comet ping pong. I saw that video a long time ago by 2 guys - the ones all freaked out that 2 young kids Ubered by themselves right by comet