YingYangMom ago

Great job OP. Very informative and extremely well sourced. Fiona Barnett's experiences' document including the archived drawings is especially poignant and educative. Thank you for the time and effort you've put into this.

Warnos44 ago

There are people who are like the Punisher.

Jem777 ago

Stunning. Part of history Dr. Kidman was outed as part of 9th circle. Human hunting parties. Died on the run in Singapore. Nicole is a victim possibly. Think of her marriage to T. Cruise...Scientology/CIA victim...Scientology is CIA psyops fr Hollywood. Sadness we need real miracles.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Yes. It's like people who think York and Scottish Rite freemasonry are separate. They're ALL integrated at the top, and have been for decades.

Orange_Circle ago

Adam Starchild - hunt for him in Chicago Tribune archives.

flyingcuttlefish ago

related - **1940s mind control early think tank **-


and more on it - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1531955

Also - more more on L. R, Hubbard and the occult, the Pasedina coven see the book "Sex and Rockets".

rail606 ago

flyingcuttlefish ago

I don't know the path, but I don't know of redemption stories with this group.

I like this fellow's channel ... he spent years working with sex abuse child victims and has a good outlook.


Godwillwin ago

Fiona's testimony is what has lead me to believe all along that there are tunnels involved. There are known tunnels in Hawaii and known tunnels in Belgium with the center of them being a "church". They give tours of a small portion of the tunnels in Belgium to keep the people from being suspicious.

I really wish I lived in Virginia or nearby. I would love to walk down the streets of comet and Pegasus and nearby areas. I'm surprised we don't have more video footage from an investigating citizen. All we have are a few with the inside of comet and the parking lot and the tunnel or maybe it's just a basement or bunker type room near the pediatrician's office "Chevy chase MD" comet ping pong. I saw that video a long time ago by 2 guys - the ones all freaked out that 2 young kids Ubered by themselves right by comet