Birdzeyeview ago

Ritalin derrrrrrrr

Birdzeyeview ago

'hot' as a cup of cold sick, aka Fiona Barnett.

21yearsofdigging ago

Fiona Barnett is absolutely the real deal. She is a brave woman and anyone doubting the existence about ritual abuse can eat my shorts. I too have encountered, face to face, people that as children were exposed to this. It is terribly real. Just so you know, Victoria Canada is crawling with this stuff and forget Michelle Remembers(an old book from the 80's written by a psychiatrist named Dr. Pazder) many others from that area have come out. Ritual abuse is so sick and crazy, no wonder people can't believe it. I find Fiona however, very creditable. So you have it around the world. US, Canada, France, Australia, Belgium, Portugal, all these countries plus more, are being exposed.But if the scum at the top of the governments and corporations are trying to keep a lid on it, no wonder those willing to testify are dropping like flies

Birdzeyeview ago

She is the real deal in the world of Major League Fraudsters and scam artists, sure.

dickface8 ago

Yeah cool, don't burn yourself out looking for it lol. I just remember the article had a photo of him in his (I assume) office, sitting at a desk I think. Also I remember that there is a podcast Fiona did/does called Pedophiles Downunder and if I recall correctly she actually mentions it within the first half hour or so of the first episode. It's on YT, I might give it another listen later if nobody beats me to it. And wow on that Gittinger connection.

CoriferousSphInks ago

He also believes that traumatic incidents should not be repeated in talking therapies, like the traditional methods would go over them. His connection with the CIA, leaves this particular nuance of approach, odd.

Votescam ago

Also, obviously, that his daughter Nicole has long been here in Hollywood which seems to be another high child trafficking/kidnapping area.

Z11Mama ago

Great job StonedAlien!!! You know you speak truth when the guilty fire back at you!

Birdzeyeview ago

Gee that Fiona sure gets around. Abused in Engadine, then Orange, then Sydney? Funny how she moved so far and still managed to bump into these 'elite' pedos, wherever she went. Cos only the Elites would be good enough for Fiona, no common or garden abusers for her, she is special don't you know? This woman is sooooooo full of shit, and I hope the Kidmans and others with the means, go after her, and hard.

Alex_A97 ago

Going through your history, it's sure funny how you seem to have such a hard-on vendetta against this woman. All the people that have been accused or make accusations, all the names and places mentioned, yet this is the one that seems to strike at your nerves the most by quite some margin. Whatever it is, it's almost a certainty that it's personal, so I ask what is your exact gripe with this woman? You would be going after more well-known names if it was a general angst towards PG like Juanita Broaddrick or Cathy O' Brien as we do against Podesta et. al, yet you've singled out Fiona Barnett in particular. Unless you live on the Australian continent, what she does or says should be of no concern to you, so it's pretty fucking obvious that on top of the British slang you've been using that you're from Australia.

Birdzeyeview ago

I'm not from Australia. Don't give up your day job, Defective.

Fiona needs to be in a secure ward, if not jail. She is an absolute disgrace.

Birdzeyeview ago

Cathy O'Brien is a fraud also. Never heard of the other woman.

dickface8 ago

Well the Kidmans haven't done shit! Won't even comment on it let alone sue. I know if these claims were out there about my dead dad I'd be doing everything in my power to prove she's full of shit and shut her up straight away. I know her stories are far fetched and tbh I even am not 100% sold on her, though taking everything into account it would be foolish to write her off. I give her the benefit of the doubt for the time being.

Birdzeyeview ago

Twitter removed some of her disgusting tweets about Nicole and her father two days ago FACT

Fiona, being an attention whore, would probably love the Kidmans to sue her ass.

She has some sort of MAJOR Personality Disorder, probably Histrionic.

dickface8 ago

Really? Because I'm looking at some disgusting shit about them on her twitter right now from like a week ago. Fucking disinfo agent.

wtf_is_happening ago

She certainly was trafficked around as a child. She was trafficked around to politicians for sex. Also Engadine is a suburb of Sydney so your post doesn't make sense. Her Polish grandmother and former Nazi stepgrandfather also exposed her to satanic ritual abuse. She describes one such ritual as taking place in Bathurst, not Orange as in your post. You are very hazy both about her evidence and geography. Also why wouldn't you believe the evidence of Fiona and other victims of child sexual abuse. In Fiona's case she's not doing it for financial gain. She wants to get the truth out.

Birdzeyeview ago

She wants the attention, and she is disgusting. I hope she gets what is coming to her. Bathurst is right near Orange and I know where Engadine is - I have been to all those places. Even if I hadn't she is still full of shit. Bruce Spence did NOT decapitate ten children in front of a large crowd, get serious. Anyone who would believe that is as demented as Fiona is. What hospital staff - a smallish regional hospital what is more, would not be alarmed and call the Police if an unconscious child was brought in REEKING OF DECOMPOSING CORPSE!?? Fiona claims she was put in a grave on top of a decomposing corpse, shut in there til she passed out, then taken by her murdering captors (why? when they killed so many others?) to Hospital to save her life. Then she was discharged by medical staff into their care? Do you idiotic brain dead PG numpties actually think Drs and nurses would not NOTICE the smell of rotting corpse all over this young girl? And ask questions? I don't even believe anyone would put a person into their car to transport them, if they were covered in rotting corpse smell, get real! GROW A BRAIN people, the story is 1,000 percent FICTION and pathetic fiction at that.

smokemirrors ago

Poor Nicole's been hit from all angles, as we discussed in the other thread, Stonedalien: Pedo-dad, L. Ron, Kubrick, Tommy Girl....and have we talked about the "unexpected and sudden" death of her 43 year old brother-in-law, Angus Hawley, in 2015?? Apparently he just dropped dead "while on a business trip in New York."

Hmmm. Nicole has so many skeletons in that closet as well as Tommy its at bursting point. Angus' death came a mere 7 months, after the "unexpected and sudden" death of pedo dad, Anthony, too. One has to wonder what the brother-in-law knew....

Also as previously mentioned, Nicole is well on her way to being discredited by liberal Hollywood. Who would believe her at this point, even if she chose to 'speak out.'

What a mess.

dickface8 ago

There was an article of an interview with Kidman where he spoke of how he was working on a kind of mind control drug for unruly kids. If anyone comes across it they should share it. I saw it once but didn't bookmark it and havnt came across it since. May have been scrubbed, I don't know.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Oh yeah. Scopolamine.

smokemirrors ago

thats the old stuff. Anti nausea drug masquerading as 'truth serum.' There is some new stuff floating around somewhere.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

What's the powder they blow in your face? On the street or somewheres

dickface8 ago

Yeah not that stuff though. A new drug they were developing.