msgtw123 ago

I drove by the property. It is right along the edge of gas company property. There is a small road that goes behind the properties on Derwent. It ends right before you get to the back of 12291 Derwent. Right across the way, about 50 yards (maybe more, I am terrible at distances) from the back of the house is a service road (probably for gas company) that looks heavily used, with a guard station at the start of the road (again, about 50 yards). The "person" seen sitting in the photo is actually outside the back fence. I doubt anything nefarious because this person would be in full view of the persons at the gas company guard shack, anybody that used the road behind the houses to get to the walking trail that is nearby, as well as people traveling down a busy street that is about 4 houses away. It is not a hidden area.

Now the back yard is large, and there is quite a slope to it. There is some children's benches or something on top of a deck that you see there. The surrounding fence is in disrepair, but there is barbed wire on the back part going inwards, which seems a bit strange. However, that may be done so that the barbed wire can't simply be cut from the outside before scaling the fence.

Nothing of note from the front of the house.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

The problem with calling this my imagination running wild is how the hell do you explain the top of the fence slanted inwards towards the property?!?!?!?!

Sobell ago

Quote: "Then there is what could be a person sitting on the ground, covered in dirt and leaves, with a bloodied face. The face almost looks like it has had all the skin taken off."

My first impression of the dirt and leaves was that she's wearing camouflage. And I think it is a woman -- or at least a female -- because her hair is pulled back into a bun or short pony tail at the crown, although that's pretty common for men, too. You can even see the left temporal point of her hairline. She also looks like she has both hands in front of her, perhaps holding something -- something cylindrical, like a jar or tumbler.

The face is truly creepy. I wondered if it might ba a mask. It might also be makeup. Why would a woman be sitting there in camo and scary make up? Waiting for someone? Who and why? Except for her face, she doesn't appear to be injured, and seems to be sitting upright under her own power. Does Google Earth date the pic? Was it near Halloween? A Halloween prank occurred to me. Also, if that's camo she's wearing, could the clothing and make up have anything to do with our soldiers overseas? Perhaps her appearance is to commemorate soldiers? Or protest their mission.... If we are looking for something more sinister related to human trafficking, is she a victim? Or a perpetrator?

Woman seated. Is there something behind her, looking over her shoulder? Her right side (our left) is easily edge-detected because of the shadow she's casting. But her left side, brightly lit, is difficult to distinguish from the brightly lit other stuff.

Hands holding jar or tumbler?

(Hope I did the photos correctly.)


keep up the work making connections - but honestly doesn't look like a covered body or skinless face to me. letting your imagination run wild can lead to false info and disqualifies your whole investigation in many poeples eyes.

why the fuck would they leave something like that outside anyway?

idontlikesalmon ago

this got deleted just minutes ago:

Stormtrooperx52 ago

I'm still connecting the dots and could use others help. Everyone wants to know what lead me to this point. If I prematurely release this information then we risk tipping them off to a bigger cleanup of evidence. I posted this as I think its damning enough to get police involved, as well as It only took but 10 minutes to link a trail to capitol hill. Ive been here since day 1 on reddit. I'm the furhest thing from a shill. Ive already confirmed the pictures with a bunch of people. Not a single one could look me in the face and tell me I was seeing shit. This street was right in the crisshairs of the Senson fire, and right next to the gas leaks. They drove people away from here intentionally. Thibodeaux is also connected to companies in the wildfire emergency business, as well as waste water treatment, and also DNA companies. If you research addresses surrounding his properties you will find that they are all surrounded by properties owned by "Trusts"

Stormtrooperx52 ago

For those working with a very small screen...

ArthurEdens ago


153sdsd ago

The part about the gas leaks is cool, but I dont know about the place, I dont see the body yet, looking hard to find faceless waldo on the pic, keep spreading the word though, thanks for all

153sdsd ago

Thanks, something sure looks like it could be bloody there

Cheesedawg69 ago


brainworm ago

re the "suitcase," it could be a wheeled tool chest, since it looks like the wall behind it is under construction or repair.

it_was_foretold ago

I remember reading one of those anon insider threads on /pol. They said "gas leaks" would be code or a coverup for something.

Catsfive ago

They used "gas leak" to shut down the airport on the day that supposedly Assange was taken.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Lots of connections to Psychiatrists, Hydrogeologists, and Molecular Biochemistry. As well as waste water treatment facilities.

msgtw123 ago

What about Pizzagate led you to this property?

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Once I'm done connecting that end Ill post the report. So far I can say it leads Comet Ping Pong to some Qatari and Pakistani immigrants in the Houston,TX area to there relatives in Porter Ranch.