KanyeMKULTRA ago

Wtf is that a body?

Cheesedawg69 ago

Sadly, I believe so. The corporate world connects it to the top of the political world. Wish I could post my research but I've been asked not to do so yet. When I can, I will send it via a reply here, and as a direct message to you. As far as the picture, everyone is entitled to their opinion. In my opinion, The black silt fencing is ripped directly above what looks like a person, with the flesh torn from the face. Not only do I see a bloody face, but I see a blood red stain on the black fence also, as well as possibly something bloody lying on the ground behind the black fence. I also see a security fence used at Airports to keep trespassers and deer out. Probably barbed wire at the top, and the fence is without a doubt slanted backwards. Which I have only seen at county jail's or state prisons. Then the property is the last house in an affluent, upper class neighborhood, that has had a wild fire torch the neighborhood in 2008, and also the biggest methane gas leak in history. Tens of thousands of people were forced to leave and live elsewhere. The property is owned by a company, whose owner owns a DNA research company...and they bought the house from a deceased former Federal Judge. I have an open mind, and I'm not easily swayed or convinced by anything until I cannot find a piece of evidence that contradicts the other findings. I've done as much as the average, working class citizen can do as far as researching. The shit stacks up very tall here. Keep your sanity, and take a break from the research whenever you need to. We need as many healthy researchers as we can get until these *********** face a jury of their peers.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

I looked at the photos. OK the inward angled fence is a bit strange. But the supposed dirt covered body with bloody face, half fallen below the fence. Now that is a major stretch. I think in this case we are searching for images in ink blotters here.

Aysemari ago

I have no words, it's too horrific

Cheesedawg69 ago

I apologize if this sounds morbid but, It's just a science experiment that looks to be very painful.

Fateswebb ago

Okay but wait. Why were you led to investigate this. I'll look at it and from my first impression it sounds strange but what brought you to looking at this?

Cheesedawg69 ago

Mehboob Ratnani [Pakistani-American] --- General of Commerce ---St. Jude's, Karachi, Pakistan--- From December 11th, 1974 to January 1st, 1. Yeah...that means from now until the "New Beginning". 7611 Treeline Drive, Sugar Lands, TX. I am not able to link at moment. Once I get the green light, I will be able to update you. Let's hope my reply is 30 minutes before it shows up in your news feed.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

What lead me here Im not quite finished with yet. I promise you all wont be dissappointed once complete. Lets just say that Mccullough Construction has everything to do with it. All I can say is his company will lead you to most waste water treatment plants west of the Mississippi. Oumou Diallo will lead you to those east of the mississippi. The kiddie molestation is only a small piece to what is going on here.


I believe that Comet has a door that leads to Mccullough Construction - they use that space for god knows what

Sentastixc ago

Yes! the post has only 15 upvoats?!