speckledcat ago

and when things go south and he deletes his stuff and gets shown for what he is - this bring pizzagate/pedogate into disrepute. It casts a shadow over it. That is why having him as a prominent person is very bad. It huts the movement and the people.

jangles ago

I think you're very mistaken. Refute any of his stuff on his youtube and he will vet it further. You have no structure or backing to this claim.

SuperJohnWayne ago


jangles ago

Honestly I prefer someone with more respect. Someone like George Webb. George Webb is a Data Scientist who was at Sun Microsystems for 7 years and many years in Analytics at IBM. He uses metadata to understand what is going on. He is a very honorable man whom provides a detailed look into what the metadata says. A Yale professor, Eric Braverman, went missing after the Wikileaks emails came out that indicated that he was the 'leak' in the Clinton Foundation. George decided to do an 'open investigation' on YouTube where he uses metadata from the Snowden leaks and many other sources to "connect the dots".

chelseaclinton ago

I haven't seen a hit job on someone this intense since Trump. Whether David Seaman is disingenuous or not I don't know, or care. His value in my mind is that he's spreading awareness about Pizzagate.

jangles ago

nice name

chelseaclinton ago

Ty if I'm going to be v& I might as well have fun in the meantime.

jangles ago

V& , lol. you say that as if you are

chelseaclinton ago

Why did your comma have a space before it? I see a lot of basic syntax errors in online text now and I don't know what to make of it.

jangles ago

I do that intentionally to separate shorthand phrases from general grammar. V&, is not the same as V& . As for the second part of the response, 'you say as if you are' are you?

zzvoat ago

What do either of them mean?

chelseaclinton ago

Only God knows.

jangles ago

Thanks for your contributions regardless. Thanks for being on the good side.