Tanngrisnir ago

Ironically, my link of Clinton and AdvaMed was too weak for you but David Seaman endorsing one of the worlds biggest Gold stock companies was a good enough link for you for to tie him with George Soros. You are so full of shit it is actually amusing.

seraph7 ago

BTW, all of your egos are fucking KILLING these children and I despise the lot of "Investigators" whom ask for credit.

Get real, if that MKULTRA sick video of traumatic abuse hurt your soul, you have no business in this investigation. Yes it hurts, now get objective and wipe away the fucking tears. I have had countless victims confide to me. I am censored, and you fucking people praise "David's Seamen" holy shit is this real life? Yep, and all I see are mindless following drones.

seraph7 ago

The problem with the majority of you "Investigators" is that you don't question much if the person seems "Nice and genuine" nor do you dig very deep. Again, read my comment. Screaming satanism and lucifer worship with no evidence of such. It is druidic, it is masonic, it is "pagan". A pentacle or a pentagram doesn't equate to satanism. Also, why not make a separate vid for the Gold and bitcoin? You are a follower, a "sheep" if you blindly support this guy because he's "Nice". He will fuck us all, mark my words.

Millennial_Falcon ago

If you read Seaman's tweet and examine this whole thing went down, this is all on him. He seems kind of narcissistic, expecting special treatment. And posts aren't going to be removed just because they attack David Seaman (that's called censorship).

adam_danischewski ago

Note, this Talmudic Jew prick David Seaman doesn't seem to have a problem with pedophilia, that's covered by the Talmud. "I don't like the idea of elites getting away with child torture and endangerment" - only the torture and endangerment part.

adam_danischewski ago

Rule 1 violation, delete.

seraph7 ago

David Seaman has said things from the beginning which have turned me off of him. His wild claims of "SATANISM" and "DEVIL WORSHIPPERS" are completely ridiculous. My main function on twitter is to help interpret the occult symbols which are so prevalent, and their origins are not fucking satanic. A pentacle is not satanic. MOLOCH worship isn't satanic. You are making us ALL look like loons. Also his refusal to acknowledge my work (this rant is not about my ego) and absolutely ground breaking research at times showed me what the fuck he's all about. Also, his name? Completely masonic. David's Semen. Get it? Davidic bloodline nonsense (Sangreal, Holy Grail garbage) Google "harp of david eliphas levi". This WOULD NOT have been possible without wikileaks" K. Best way to get rid of a whistleblower? Have him leak classified gov. docs. My research, the majority, was done without the aid of fucking wikileaks. NOTHING. I am working with REAL survivors. You put that poor fucking girl in danger by the way, didn't advise her to protect her identity. What in the world is wrong with you? @David_Seaman Seriously, fuck you.

21yearsofdigging ago

Me along with some others, were put on that list for no good damn reason. Initially told it was because I was accused of being some goof's alt.

Tanngrisnir ago

Thank you Armyseer, I love knowing that I get under your skin like that you fucker.

Nothing I said in that post was factually inaccurate. You can call me and the moderators a shill but you can't change that. I've had two posts categorized as new evidence which is more than you have ever contributed. You also forgot when you stood up for the Chapman Bros kiddie porn "artwork" and called Hillary Clinton a defender of free speech for wanting the museum that showed it funded by taxpayer money. Your debunking has been and will always be shit. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1637350

Azzipdoe ago

I've said it a million times, I'll say it a million more.. Fuck David Seaman. There is no leader of this community.. and if there was, it certainly wouldn't be him. I don't know what you think he's contributed and researched, I don't see it. W/e tho

kazza64 ago

i like david. i find him to be sincere. and in speaking publicly about pizzagate he has put himself in the firing line for death threats

seraph7 ago

you believe anything that seems nice dont you? Try being objective for once in your life. It helps.

anotherdream ago

He doesn't address alleged connections to Soros.

Oldno7 ago

He's not connected to Soros. He advocates using Goldmoney which Soros is invested it. If you want to boycott everything Soros invests in you'll have to drop Time Warner, Facebook, T Mobile, Intel, and all kinds of other shit in your home.

Here's a link to Soros portfolio. http://www.gurufocus.com/StockBuy.php?GuruName=George+Soros

PizzaGate711 ago

Great to wake up and see MF reposted Seaman's post and the waters have calmed. We all make mistakes. Good on you MF for admitting you did and most importantly correcting and moving forward.

Millennial_Falcon ago

This was mostly Seaman's mistake (his first post had no verification at all, and his second one needed a link), but I'm not interested in starting a feud. :D

VieBleu ago


Luv it, according to moolochslapper420 now I'm a mod - good work getting to the truth slappy

@Millennial_Falcon - can I get my big keychain and Mod robe and start right away pluleese?

VictorDaniels777 ago

But, but, but, i saw you eating at subway and you know that Michelle Obama eats there too. Traitor, liar, collaborator. HaHa idiots.

Neinerr ago

Are you stupid or what? I am the Freed0mfighter.

Ramona ago

Nice strawman argument btw. Trying to make it sound like you're accused of using pg to sell your crappy old scam artist book.

Ramona ago

Well now it's missing the best comment that the original had. I guess I'll have to copy/paste it:

nowiknow 9 points (+9|-0) 4 hours ago (edited 1.9 hours ago)

Its not paid attacks. Good try though.

Pizzagate is real.

But when you go on twitter and act like you're gonna die every week, and that theres ppl out to get you, when all you do is post a couple videos fluffed with nonsense and 10% of research that you took, no one is gonna kill you. You're doing that because ppl are gonna worry, and you'll get more followers. It works. You know it. But you're manipulating people.

David is reaching ppl, but he could reach three times the amount if he didn't act like a useful idiot, and his cries of wolf.

At this point you are a useful idiot, like Alex Jones almost.

You literally deleted your twitter account for like 8 hours, reactivated it, then blamed twitter for suspending you. So where's the screenshot of them suspending you for your tweets? (You dont have it, cause it never happened.) You claimed twitter stole your followers. But in reality, when someone deletes their own account, and reactivates, they start at 0 and slowly regain them over the hour. Which happened to you.

You constantly spam twitter with findings from "sources" which you cannot name, which are wrong 90% of the time. You even go by 4chan sources which are wrong 90% and tweet it as fact.

David, if you're going to appoint yourself as leader of pizzagate, you cannot tweet baseless findings and only use your following to shout things that we already know. All you tweet is "JOHN PODESTA IS PEDOPHILE SATANIST WE WILL HANG YOU." "CLINTON YOU'RE GOING DOWN WE WON."

then you tweet stuff like "I'm done reporting on pizzagate." every week, but you literally start again in hours.

You are recruiting ppl on the pizzagate movement who only want to hear emotional cries, and not facts. You need to focus on facts and use your following to educate.

Tweet research, but factual research. You're making almost 60,000/year on donations and all you do is cry wolf, and say JP is a pedophile.

If anyone wants to read seaman's history, and why a lot of us are fed up with this guy,, go here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1650713

I'm not paid.. I've been here researching pizzagate before Seaman gained a following from it. Back when wikileaks released that first batch.

This fair criticism of David will be used by David to manipulate his followers that we are paid, and he is the good guy, and that this criticism is unfair. He will use it to create more buzz. He is already doing it look (he literally just posted this min ago and claims his response is being censored. No david upvotes take time and it wont be as high as others if u posted it 6 min ago idiot): https://twitter.com/d_seaman/status/832275263568240640

Pizzagate is real.. but seaman is distracting and playing a useful idiot for views.

witch_doctor1 ago

" like Alex Jones almost." The AJ/Rogan podcast was more epic than Technoviking....David Seaman has a voice and he has used it in a consistent manner to promote PG..even if you don't like him, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend".

sponiatowski ago

Dave is one of the people I watch on YouTube. If not for him, I wouldn't be here.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

You should be watching George Webb's videos on YouTube.

George isn't a charlatan like Seaman.

sponiatowski ago

Okay, I'll look for George Webbs. Dave seems to be getting emotional and he's rather vehement, but he lost his job and has to be under a lot of stress. I'm giving him a pass. I'll be giving George Webb a pass too. Thanks for the recommendation. It'll really help catch me up-to-date.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Davis is unemployed and his followers are supporting him financially.

Fuck him.

IlluminatiKing ago

Why is Seaman all of a sudden the gatekeeper to Pizzagate? There is just something off putting about this. There are many others promoting pizzagate as well. Sorry, but hard to respect someone playing the victim all the time. Stick to credible journalism and away from the off the wall theories. (I don't consider him disinfo, he's just been plain reckless). Also, I am not dismissing what he has been through, but he needs to keep his head in the game.

Melitica ago

He's not any such thing. He is one of several people doing daily video broadcasting of Pizzagate. His are less boring than some but he has a new vid every day or so. Even if you don't "respect" his work, he has red pilled a lot of people.

I've been hard on the case since the summer FBIAnon threads so I rarely watch any videos...just lurk aroun voat, 8ch and 4 chan for several hours every day. People who don't do that..,find vids helpful

Newcomers find everything so shocking, they don't bother to see if it is already discovered so there are often multiple thread Of same stuff. David's shit helps inform those people.

Justin_TeroG8 ago

We need to stop lending an ear to these the "Divide and Conquer" tactics. How did "exposing" Seaman serve to add credibility or help the overall pizzagate investigation? @David_Seaman David I am a loyal fan because you took our suspicions SERIOUSLY, unlike 99.99% of reporters out there. We must ALL persist no matter what the media mouthpieces say about us as the PG investigative community.

GeorgeT ago

I use logic and common sense. I have always defended David. Something I cannot say about Alex Jones. But whe someone posted Alex inerview with Rogan, talking about pizzagate, I had only positive things to say. Now is not the time to divide - Soros has done that already, let's not aid him further. Go after the monsters who torture and rape children, they are the enemy, not David who tries to expose them.

concernedaboutitall ago

Thanks for sharing this. Thank you David for being a public face for this cause. I know there are risks. Be safe.

21yearsofdigging ago

Oh fuck Mods here. Can't be bothered to analyze your fucked up reasons(paranoid, jealous, alphabet cunts) but Seaman, as fucked up as he might be is the best thing we have in some ways yet ya wanna destroy that??? Are you that fucking stupid?? I was pissed at him for not talking to a SRA victim, then, he did(not her but someone). I don't give a crap if I am banned form here but dickhead shills are wrecking this. Concentrate on the task at hand, exposing pizzagate and child trafficking otherwise fuck off! Oh and by the way, armyseer, fuck you!! You put me on some shill list, FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!!! Do not trust this phony fake armyseer.

Somevoatguy ago

Even for the most synical, who the hell cares if his actions are what we want journalists to do, regardless if he has ulterior motives he's massively spreading awareness of pizzagate and lobbying to get pedophiles arrested.

He uses us, we use him.

jangles ago

@Millennial_Falcon is only human and has put in a lot of work here trying to 'keep face' for this community. I know he is human because I argued with him many times about him being a bot or AI or Stratfor or Dyncorp or CIA. He is not just demands the best of this community. I do think David Seaman was feeling the wrath of the M_F's almost over reaching demand for integrity and was a bit corybantic with his response. Many v/pizzagate contributors have probably felt this way about threads being deleted, sometimes justifiably. There have been instances of victims who try to come here for refuge and get 'pissed on' by the community during 'extreme vetting'. I guess the best thing we can all do is work harder provide more sound evidence so those with lots of $ and questionable ethics get the chance to have 'all' the evidence presented against them in trial.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I like the exposure pizzagate gets through Mr Seaman but maybe less drama and a thicker skin would make him seem more grown up.

Rightfight ago

David is doing more good than bad. He is a journalist ,and has a right just like any of us to make video's or try and create business however he wishes. He doesn't owe it to us to dedicate his life to Pizzagate. And I would be gutted if he decided not too . How much publicity do you think we would get without him talking about it? Keep going David , do what you do . As long as the guy keeps reporting and getting the message out , that diligent researchers behind the scenes have uncovered ,thats fine by me . If he was claiming it was all his research ,then I would have a problem . He is a damn sight more useful than 100's of little You tube channels that reach 1000 or so views . Not to say that the small channels are not respected . Just have to recognise that the guy has a more mainstream following , which is what is needed . We don't need to keep preaching to the ones who are already clued up . Plus the fact ,the guy needs to cover other things to stop the crowd being switched off by hearing Pizzagate vids all the time . The more subjects he can cover that reach other audiences the more chance of teaching them about Pizzagate

TabiCatTwo ago

Why are we wasting time on this? I could care a crap about this guys hurt feelings. Who cares? He is not the victim here. Get over yourself. This isn't about you or any of us. If I somehow could find a way to save these children or even one child I wouldn't give a crap about being recognized for it or care if anyone knew I was involved. This isn't about becoming some frickin' pizzagate celebrity.

Makingspace1 ago

To the shills and petty arm chair quarterbacks...Don't muzzle the ox! David has put a ton on the line here being as aggressive as he is against the pedo-monsters. Let him do his thing, and if you disagree or don't like it...tune out. David's work on this subject has had a major effect mainstreaming the topic so get off your high horses already and do you own research and Vlogging.

squirreltruth ago

Even of somehow, allllll of the coincidences are wrong, and there is not a huge pedophile ring running the world, which I truly believe there is... the worst thing that will come out of this is a lot of children will be saved because suddenly so many more of us are totally aware of this issue. I'm look out for it everywhere. We will stop these fuckers.... whoever the hell they are, their time is coming to end. More and more people eveyday looking at pizzagate. Just how this sub has grown in the last two weeks makes me so happy.

derram ago

https://archive.is/UlJ8D :

David Seaman on Twitter: "Why is it that attacks on me rise to the top on Voat, yet not my reply: t.co/v166TsRgnG You won't silence us, paid trolls."

This has been an automated message.

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

Glad to see this set straight. We are all here for the same causes. I hope David can make a mention of this reconciliation being made here on voat.

V____Z ago

It doesn't erase the facts, though, and that is that we have some signs of serious bias against him by the mods. People aren't going to see Voat the same, regardless.

srayzie ago

Wait. David Seaman posted on voat?

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Only reason he decided to post here on Voat is an attempt to save his reputation. This will no doubt affect his ability to generate revenue.

His 15 minutes of fame is almost up and not oblivious to this fact.

Fuck him.

chelseaclinton ago

Only reason he decided to post here on Voat is an attempt to save his reputation

How do you know what his reasons were faggot?

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Because he's translucent, homophobe.

He's a fucking fraud.

Go ahead and donate to his "cause," fool.

Forgetmenot ago

Thank you for reposting! Keep up the good fight david. You are important to defending the cause. It's plain to see the shadow government is being shook up by the foundations!!! Thank you for being their voice!

NotHereForPizza ago

Great. I'll consider this the first step.

Now, can we do something like a montage with timestamps where you're documented as having deleted posts where we can match that with the times Seaman's posts showed up?

It sucks you have to hold people's hand through this, but when people talk about how technically illiterate the average US citizen is, they aren't exactly joking. Work a held desk job, I assure you that my point will be proven on the first day.

I agree with @newwordlahead 's point, though. It sucks that this has come up, but the mods need to continue to be honest with us, need to be willing to go out of their way to prove themselves when the need arises, and need to be closely monitored. Transparency is absolutely necessary at every stage of the game. It certainly comes with the territory.

I know I'm annoying a lot of you guys, but this whole scandal with Seaman is most likely to happen again. Even if I have to take the hit this first time, proving to you how important this type of dedicated transparency is will really set the ground work for how everyone involved handles a situation like this in the future.

Blacksmith21 ago

Y'all need to cut the DS some slack. How many of you have the balls to put your name and face on YouTube and call out some of the most powerful on this planet as being Satanic child-eating pedophiles?

At the end of the day, it's the only thing that matters - public awareness. There is a theory that it only takes 10% of a populace to believe in a theory in order for it to take root in the culture. We need that to happen. And it is, just not fast enough for most of us. As they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity.

DS isn't some magic seer who can predict what is going to happen to the second. He deals in open source intelligence (OSINT) as well as human intelligence (HUMINT). It is not, I repeat NOT, an exact science. You never get it right every time. But most of the time, no one knows. DS has to put his meat up on the table.

And regardless of his motives, he willingly put a target on his back. And that is no fun to live under.

Keep up the good work DS and I hope to buy you a Yuengling some day.

witch_doctor1 ago

Thank you for doing the right thing Millenial_Falcon.

Neinerr ago

Cynthia connected Dyncorp and Epstein? Loles! Falcon supporter is that you???

Neinerr ago

Please apply for mod! Cheers!

looking4truth ago

I don't know if he genuinely cares . He likes making things all about him though. He makes the pizzagate community look unstable. I actually never said anything remotely negative about him but his last bullshit claim about "high profile arrest" was the last straw for me. I think we should stop making threads about this guy and focus on more important issues. I feel like this is a distraction.

zzvoat ago

Imho, David's continual defensiveness and paranoia is excessive.

I stopped following him awhile ago when his solid and relevant 45 min videos morphed into 5 minutes simply mentioning Pizzagate followed by 40 minutes rants about who he is, who he isn't, what he's accomplished, what's he's done, ad nauseum. That's pretty much all it is. The 5 minutes he does spend on PG is info from here and/or from the chans. His guest, yesterday, was someone who appeared on the scene quite early and, in my mind was "debunked". It doesn't mean that her contribution is also not valuable in some way but it's old news.

He seems desperate and paranoid and may very well struggle with some type of mental illness, as do I. I see a lot of myself - when not well-medicated --in him. My heart breaks for him but I've had to move on.

He made a significant contribution at the beginning by rallying people to the cause. That can never be diminished or taken away from him. But he has gone off the rails. There could be many reasons why but, to me, he seems unhinged.

That doesn't mean that I necessarily think that he's a detriment to the movement, I think it has passed him by. He has many supporters and followers, which is a good thing because I think it grounds him to some extent.

In the future, he may become a true researcher. If so, I will follow him again.

21yearsofdigging ago

Maybe he is getting targeted unlike yourself. I fucking hate people like you.

EyeOfHorus ago

Hey Millennial_Falcon, much respect for you owning a mistake and then correcting it. Keep up the good work.

4warned ago


kekistocrat ago

I repeatedly invited him to repost it, once someone pointed out he verified through twitter, but he still hasn't reposted, so I'm reposting for him as a gesture of good faith:

since when does a mod repost as a measure of good faith even though the same mod shows the very rule that it broke. I've seen many other posts that have been deleted within minutes and they were 'hard-hitting' v/pizzagate material. GTFO

icydays33 ago

Yeah, good, keep distracting from the actual issues with this narcisisstic manchild. Delete this.

looking4truth ago

Ever since the alleged podesta video has been leaked lots of irrelevant threads started popping up

sugarskull ago

I thought he was "done covering" pizzagate...paypal getting low again?

nnfx ago

I have seen all this drama unfold and have to say this was a very fair move from Millennial Falcon and I am convinced shit just went wrong on both sides and nothing about it was intentional.

I hope David will see this and accept the peace- offering.

Azagthoth ago

He hasnt presented any research. No journalistic integrity. A cretin out for publicity. Hes super wishywashy in his stance towards Trump. Kid is really starting to get on my nerves. I wanted to like him, too. Theres just no actual tangible delivery of information going on there. His 140k subscribers seem to really like hearing him say jon podesta is a pedo, as if we all dont already realize this.

Seems like a concentrated effort to pimp this character out, but its not like he actually offers anything and his base hasnt grown all that much in a while. Somethings askew

Edit: he literally scrapes the bottom of the barrel. Mandela effect, flat earth, aliens in antarctica. Is pizzagate just more crazy bullshit to him? Is he REALLY on our side?

Forgetmenot ago

So then what are you waiting for let's see you research....link your YouTube channel. You can do better? I bet they pay you in children get out of this sub!

Azagthoth ago

I would never literally bite the hand that feeds me like that lol

pathetic smear is pathetic

Forgetmenot ago

I am still waiting for your research and your YouTube. It will do so well....well maybe when you work on your writing skills first because you make no sense.

Azagthoth ago

David Splooge

islandofdelight ago

I proudly support David Seaman's work in getting more attention on this investigation. He does not hide in anonymity like so many of us take for granted. Put the importance of putting these pedos away above your own ego issues.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

We dont have any proof he has done anything wrong. I say give him the beneift of the doubt....he has done good work for us.

If the shilling for Gold stuff that if he isnt getting money from it he should just stop it would look better.

BackAgain ago

Well its mainly the fact he has lied about arrests multiple times and he keeps telling people he's going to be assassinated which makes him look crazy which in turn makes pizzagaters look crazy because he's the most popular pizzagater

The shilling for gold and his previous work experience just confirms he's doing this for personal gain

Singleservename ago

So it's all about David Seaman once again. Not the kids, not the pedo power structure or plain ol' research, just sickening kikeface Seaman leeching off other's work and suffering.

You do nothing whatsoever to further the investigation. You only whine and bitch about yourself without ever getting your hands dirty with journalistic work, and you muddy the waters with your Alex Jones type tripe.

You are a fraud, a charlatan and a pizzagate profiteer. I for one hope you die a painful death along with the rest of them.


VieBleu ago

Hi David -

Basic well wisher here. However, I've got to say that unless you really up the level of material you present, even well wishers like me are just going to tune out. Your research assistant should PM me and I will provide research leads and materials on topics that people are talking about and actually merit a wider public discussion which is your forte. Look through my comment and submission history it speaks for itself if you have any doubts regarding me.

You need to start exploring things like:

Documented instances of censorship around the investigation of pizzagate. NOT JUST YOU or your friends on You Tube, but what has happened to hackers and investigators Reddit, Twitter, what is happening on 4chan and here at voat, etc., the Titus Frost stalkings, the Pegasus death threats These things need exposure to actually keep people safe including yourself.

The CPP linked Heavy Breathing videos and website content which show instances of pedo culture linked to CPP. It is not an innocent pizza shop after all.

How international shipping, port ownership and embassy personnel could be playing a role in the wider picture of pizzagate

-the Clinton Foundation and the Laura Silsby bust and prosecution

There are a hella lot more topics, these are just three off the top of my head. You probably have a loyal core audience, but you have seen a recent expansion of your audience. If you don't start using what investigators have uncovered regarding pizzagate, you are going to lose that expanded audience. I am willing to help, take me up on it.

Best of luck.

21yearsofdigging ago

Find it strange that armyseer is so determined to 'expose' Seaman. I like you, you are truthful Viebleu but this voat pizzagate is fucked now. Not stcking up for Seaman but WTF?? How is he harming pizzagate. He needs to expose new shit for sure but he ain't doing us a disservice. Good post by the way. Fuck armyseer, they attacked me for no reason

Tanngrisnir ago

Armyseer is king of the shills. All he ever does is derail conversation and call other people shills, instead of just letting people discuss the merit of ideas and evidence. If he dislikes David that says more for his credibility than anything.

21yearsofdigging ago

Too true. The armyseer is a fucker and in my case, completely offbase. I KNOW armyseer is full of shit!!! Thanks for the heads up

21yearsofdigging ago

Armyseer is shit!!! Fucking hate armyseer, put me on some stupid list for no reason, or the reason they gave was fucking BULLSHIT!! This is the problem, little cointelpro shits like armyseer that post the occasional good thing then cause all kinds of shit

VieBleu ago

thank you comrade in arms, we have to support each other and speak the truth

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Please keep exposing pizzagate david. Youre talks are so hard hitting, that is why they are so afraid of you. You rally the troops like non other.

lude ago

no thank you.

Jakestr ago

No thanks I think we have enough "semen" to go around was these horrific crimes

ivoaterd ago

I think he is making a very positive impact and people are just sick of his narcissism. Blowing up on negative criticism ('make my blood boil') and constantly making grand statements against anonymous posters is the sign. God bless this wacko child man. If it gets results I'll put up with this shit. May he find his way.

cakeoflightylight ago

I'm glad he's speaking out against the pedos. The more the merrier. I just wish he could focus on Pizzagate and not bring up so many side issues like what people think of him and giving attention to side issues that have nothing to do with Pizzagate. That video about Flat Earth was annoying because prior to that, nobody was talking about flat earth, now I'm sure that 90% of people who look up Pizzagate will see that David has to pick on flat earth as though it's some kind of prominent part of pizzagate research which it never was. I've never seen anyone talk about Flat Earth in a pizzagate video besides him. That is why people think he is a disinfo agent. Also, why doesn't David post his journalism curriculum vitae or republish his own journalism on a blog so people can see his extensive history as a journalist. I don't care what Jezebel (a leftist website named after a demon) says. I only care if he helps our cause.

bopper ago

Thought he was just saying that flat earthers were trolling him making him look bad, and he was hitting back at them?

cakeoflightylight ago

I've never seen a flat earth comment on any pizzagate related thread. He put out a video claiming that Flat Earth was being brought up with extreme frequency and that disinfo agents keep bringing the conversation back to flat earth. Then he called flat earth stupid and claimed no reasonable person could disagree. I don't give a crap what anyone believes about Flat Earth, and I've never seen any comments on the topic prior to his video, so I couldn't even imagine WHAT he was talking about. SO it put me on alert as to his intentions. I know we don't all trust each other on here, as we shouldn't. I think that Pizzagate research needs to continue no matter what, and we shouldn't get caught up in who is promoting us or attacking us as this is not about us. This is about how we can rescue these innocent children and stop the evils of our elites in the shadow government from getting away with this ever again.

Yates ago

He got swarmed on twitter by FE cultists and he responded when he should have ignored/blocked them. Also the title of that vid re: FE could have been more explicit as to his opinion. As it is it just has FE in the title along with a few other new age buzzwords so it's no wonder so many thought he was going off track.

But he should never have bothered to make that video. The FE people are connected to Cult of Siduri and they're obsessive and tend to swarm when they're noticed.

If David's friend is reading this, please tell him to ignore trolls. Reactions and responses like his please them and cause them to stick around for more of the same. Be a fucking professional and don't respond to every twitter taunt or troll army. And keep the new age crap on a separate channel ffs, why does he even have to be told that. He's a bit oblivious so maybe his friend can explain this to him.

bopper ago

Yes, I've followed your comments and I like your thinking. Flat earth topic is huge on the internet right now and there are two factions. They both vie for attention. So I think they were chiefly just using David as a platform to get their theory out. And they then turned into a real headache for David, and threw him off his game.

cakeoflightylight ago

You saw a lot of people doing this? Where were they doing it?

bopper ago

Some of his you tube clips were being hit w/ lots of flat earth comments, that's what made him so mad, and made him mention them. (You wouldn't have known it unless you looked at the comments, which I did.) They were kind of driving him crazy. He thought he was being trolled hard by 'opposition' to pizzagate, but most of them meant no harm, just were trying to get publicity, and also probably hoping to get David 'on board.'

cakeoflightylight ago


newworldahead ago

We all have to come together. David Seaman has done tremendous work in exposing Pizzagate. He's been very vocal about it since the beginning. We are on the same team. There are people who call him a disinfo agent, this is non sense. Recently he gave an interview to a sex trafficking survivor called Beckie Percy. This is awesome. We have a journalist on our side, people should welcome him HERE on the PG subverse instead of attacking him. This guy is on our side and can really help us in this investigation.

fuckMoloch ago

Hilarious, all these nonames telling us to attack one of the main pizzagate buzz generators, sure buddy I'll get right on that.

witch_doctor1 ago

David is always around hot chicks for some reason...

GeorgeT ago

David has 150 000 subscribers, he has no need to cover a subject that can potentially put him in harms way. Look what they did to Michael Flynn. Who is brave enough to cover it. Not Megyn Kelly, or Bill O'Reilly, or Alex Jones himself!

LostandFound ago

David also cannot monetize his YT videos while he covers PG

YingYangMom ago

I just hope he doesn't "turn" on the investigation at a later point in time. I'm not calling him out as a disinfo agent, however, this is a tactic used by them that is exremely damaging. Only time will tell. I don't think we should make him out to be the spokesman of PG though. That would be giving him too much power over it and it could end up being very harmful to the investigation. I'd say put him on a watch's list, only because I've recently learned that George Soros is an investor and big backer of the GoldCoin business and David's been pushing it very hard lately. I'm still subscribed to his channel, but a little bell is ringing nonetheless.

google_is_useful ago

He's still a histrionic retard who makes pizzagate researchers look crazy. He didn't address any of the major points in the recent post against him. Go read it if you haven't already.

He hasn't uncovered a single thing. What kind of journalist is that?

Trust me, motherfuck David Seaman and don't look back. He's a bad egg.

murphy212 ago

@David_Seaman, if you're reading this.

Good job, keep up the good work. You're not technically a "pizzagate researcher", more an ambassador, a vulgarizer, a democratizer. That's alright, we need those (badly). Producers still usually don't like advertisers, they feel they earn undue glory. That's alright too.

If I kindly may, some quick advice: 1) stop referring to people following you as your "fans", 2) stop talking about yourself in your videos, 3) stop getting offended for what people you don't know have to say about you, and 4) you don't need that ad/announcement at the end of the videos, it's very annoying - if you want to include the woman include her really.

Tanngrisnir ago

Also whatever happened to the redhead?

murphy212 ago

The smoking hot girl that appeared in some of his videos at some point? Here's her twitter https://twitter.com/zeduslepedus

She now has a cow ring between her nostrils. Yuck^2.

looking4truth ago

I used to go to his yt page for pizzagate news too but recently he's been acting so weird. Claiming there are police cars outside his house , implying he has been "poisoned" , "high profile" arrests happening soon bullshit. He also has no research of his own even though hes a journalist. He looks like an attention whore unfortunately.

Forgetmenot ago

Journalists have died exposing this, breitbart, Monica Peterson, many witnesses and investigators during the franklin cover up. Don't make light of threats on anyone's life here this is dangerous to expose.

rodental ago

I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until this week, but he threw his own credibility out the window and stomped all over it. Now I think he's mentally ill.

Forgetmenot ago

How much did your soul cost? Do they pay you in children?

newworldahead ago

Mentally ill? That's rude. The man has been under intense stress for awhile now. He lost his job at the huffington post, saw his wikipedia entry deleted... and dedicated 100% of himself to the most dangerous topic for a public figure: Pizzagate. Ben Swann had to delete all his social accounts for reporting about it just once. Seaman is the only public figure that speak loudly about Pizzagate at the moment. We cannot afford to lose him.

We are a team. We can disagree with each other but at the end of the day we all want the same thing.

Divided we fall, united we stand.

rodental ago

Yes, and all of that incredible stress has mad him come unglued. I have nothing against the guy, but he's a fringe whacko who nuked his own credibility and he shouldn't be taken seriously. I'm not saying that to deter anybody from investigating pizzagate, but rather to get them to go to reliable sources so we all don't look like crazies.

lawfag123 ago


jordankelly ago


JimmyLionstar1 ago

Good point. Cheers!

SeamanModsFakeWar ago

For visibility commenting here:

Removed submissions in mod log only goes back 8 days

It is a site wide issue

mods say they are archiving posts but the archive site is known to fail in past

mods say they "will talk about it at next open discussion" but until then you cannot talk about it here, only in other subverses

hafen ago

Step up and archive them with different archival sites, and take screenshots and upload them using different image hosts.

You can create a megathread somewhere to neatly organize all that's been archived.

ThePuppetShow ago

I have some issues with the way this sub is being moderated. It seems lots of stuff gets deleted, like this post. You are wrong about the threads being permanently deleted though, you just can't search them past 8 days. Everything is still on voat, we just have to notice the good deleted threads before 8 days pass. Here is an example of a thread that I created to initiate a rule change, it's 24 days old and still here.


SpikyAube ago

I am sure most of the mods are decent people and they just have either a different opinion to others as to what this sub should be for and which posts should remain prominent (it's meant to be for investigating, sharing information, leads, evidence etc) or maybe sometimes they make mistakes, like with this post, but I really think it's not fair that people call us shills all the time! The mods are changing all the time too, people who do dodgy things, like the mod who deleted TONS of great submissions, get kicked out. I know I am really really against the pedo-creatures and want nothing more than for people to discover evidence and get it out there to the public. I don't see why they would let me be a mod if they are all trying to put PG back in the box. From what I've seen of the way things are discussed and thought about, they are trying to do a tough job that can't possibly make everyone happy, but they really try. Maybe there are one or two who are bad, but if there are I've not had any interaction with them. I wish people wouldn't jump to the conclusion 'they're all evil and out to get us' right away, what about giving people the benefit of the doubt? We'll never get anywhere if everyone's thinking everyone else is a fraud. :-(

ThePuppetShow ago

Fair enough, maybe I shouldn't be lumping all the mods together. I'm sure you're right and some of you are great people who are against this.

My real beef isn't with the mods anyway, it's with the rules that don't allow people to say "hey, I think I might have a lead", then let the community decide, like the other thread we talked in. Right now we have a very small minority deciding for the community what's important and what isn't. The rules are too tight, it's like the government telling it's citizen we don't trust you to make good decisions, so well make them for you. You guys should let 1 of each topic go through, if it's bullshit it will get debunked. The you can flair it and refer all the spammers of the same shit to that thread. Investigations involve dead leads, they always will.

In other words, I don't do well with rules enforced my an "elite" group of nobodys. I say elite because mods are selected in secret, not by the community.

SeamanModsFakeWar ago

Permanently deleted from the log, but you're right, if you have a URL it still works

Neinerr ago

You are the same guy who deleted the huma abedin connections with terrorist organizations. GTFO of the mod team.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Getting told to get off the mod team for removing off-topic post.

If you can somehow link it to child sex trafficking/abuse, feel free to post it. Otherwise, maybe make a new subverse about the topic of U.S. politicians with ties to terrorism, or a general "Clinton scandals" sub. We need to avoid "conspiracy bloat" here and stay focused on what this sub is about. We had a stickied discussion post up for over a week so the community could define what the sub is about, and this is what we came up with: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1533862

""Pizzagate" refers to the independent investigation of pedophilia and child trafficking by the certain members of the global elite."

Neinerr ago

I agree with you in some perspectives but the problem is narrowing to much the content. When you narrow you can't establish solid connections. The part "conspiracy" regarding Abedin make me laugh! You have a crush for her?

Millennial_Falcon ago

"Conspiracy" doesn't mean fake. It means people working together to commit crimes.

Neinerr ago

Sensitive junior mod, what a useless dude. Deleting 2 posts regarding Dyncorp.

Neinerr ago

I fully agree in that perspective.

redditsuckz ago

The rats are eating their own...:(






LOL;- Drama Llamas


Thread that Triggered David Seaman;

David Seaman Outed as a Total Fraud - George Soros connections


Possible coordinated false flag attack between (((mods))) and (((David Seaman))) to dissuade users from posting or coming to Voat...AFTER their golden boy David Seaman gets outed as a George Soros puppet.

jml1201 ago

Appreciate this post. Has anyone asked him about his connection to Soros?

eiggaMAD ago

I believe you are correct. His Twitter "fans" are now asking if vote is safe.

SeamanModsFakeWar ago

you're one of the only good guys on this fucking forum

deleted submissions gone forever after 8 days

redditsuckz ago

deleted submissions gone forever after 8 days

Thanks for the heads up...Voat only goes to page 19 for eveything around here;


But now I can see why there is so much spam...its to make the removed submissions disappear forever from site since it only took 8 days of deletions to remove posts. It would only take one day if there was enough manufactured spam to hide removed posts.

Im glad this was saved in time;

Here is mod numbchuck going rogue;


SeamanModsFakeWar ago

Yes! The posts are still online, but you need the exact URL to see them. The purpose of the modlog is to have a list to go through, so the mods will say "the posts aren't gone!" but they really are, because if they're not on a list, they're effectively lost.

Also, the mods want to solve the problem by using that archive site, but that site's been known to go down/lose certain things

cantsleepawink ago

Looking around on the forum, the kerfuffle has barely caused a ripple. The community is strong and the majority of the serious researchers not too phased by Operation Dissent. Carry on :) We're good to go.

21yearsofdigging ago

Nice one, fuck these cunts that call themselves Mod's. FUCK OFF!! Stop pissing on pizzagate you fucking huge cunts. As long as Seaman isn't a pedophile or a Soros puppet(prove it you cunts) let him be. He was a dick to someone I met here, yes, but maybe he is paranoid, is that so strange?? Most Mods here are fucking paranoid. You can't stop our movement, our care for the children. Fuck off

redditsuckz ago

Their old tactics dont work anymore. Full steam ahead.

cantsleepawink ago

Choo choo

Neinerr ago

I dont really give a fuck about him. I am the guy who brought Dyncorp to light and the first person going against david seaman! But I agree that Falcon should be banned from the mod team.

chelseaclinton ago

I've watched Seaman's videos for a week or two and he seems legit to me. What proof is there to the contrary?

21yearsofdigging ago

Respectfully I thank you. I have opinions about that guy but I have to see the bigger picture. He is, with all his fucked up warts, good for the cause

Neinerr ago

Yes and no, good because the support base and bad because he is trying to build is own channel. Exploiting the delicate situation, this is why I have left my research on pizzagate, many troubles with the mods.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Nice man :)