Kwijibo ago

No the rules have not changed. If you read rule 4 in the sidebar you will see that discussion posts should be directed to /v/pizzagatemods or /v/askpizzagate. Both of these subs have many of the same mods, so we are not asking you to "take your discussion to another state". These rules have been in place for a few weeks now.

And, no, I will not delete this, so that others with the same question can see the answer.

ThePuppetShow ago

I was asking for a rule change. Ok, another city then. Problems with the sub should be handled in the sub, not on a sub with 9900 less members. Nice game you guys got going on though.

Kwijibo ago

The reasoning was that lots of discussions about the sub would dilute the real purpose of the sub. Also, if you are asking the mods for a rule change, why would it matter how many users were subscribed to the sub? Rule changes can be discussed in /v/pizzagatemods.

ThePuppetShow ago

I was trying to open a discussion to force you mods into a rule change. Why would I ask the problem to supply the solution?

Kwijibo ago

Who do you think will supply the solution?

ThePuppetShow ago

If the community votes to change the rules, you will have no choice. Unless you want to be outed as shills working against us. Are you going to refuse to change the rules with a majority vote?

Kwijibo ago

I don't think we are voting.

ThePuppetShow ago

Because you wont let it happen.

HarveyKlinger ago

I dunno. I have up on v/pizzagate because overzealous mods fucking ruined it. They'll let the exact same thing get posted over and over and over again but they'll delete new, legitimate research if it doesn't meet their personal criteria. Fuck them.

gopluckyourself ago

0 thepuppetshow rule 4 you know what i'm gonna say.
And if you go look in the other verse there is a thread on ongoing rule changes. Please go participate.

ThePuppetShow ago

Yep, a whole 100 people will see it. This is a good scam you guys set up.

gopluckyourself ago

it's rule discussion not pizzagate investigation
and i'm actually advocating for allowing some meta discussion in the post I referenced.

ThePuppetShow ago

"zz" This is boring to you? I will not go talk about a sub with 10,000 plus members in a thread, in another sub, with 10 views. I'm not going to play games.