I_have_my_gun_ready ago

I didn't think I needed too. There have been various discussions of Satanist and pizzagate. There's been a lot of talk about James Alefantis being a Satanist. Of Tony and John Podesta being Satanist. Will you reinstate my post? Or do I need to make a new post with additional links

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

There was no way to screen cap facebook delete in my post. The post was just gone, along with all the attached comments. That's how I know they deleted it, because when I went back to my notifications to try and repost my response to a comment I received, ALL the notifications I received connected to the post were gone too. I know this post wasn't that important I just wanted other posters to know it may happen to them.

As to post #2. I added links to my post. 1 link was the article about the after school Satan program and the 2nd link was to the actual after school with Satan website. I thought this post was VERY important because theirs a direct link between Satanist and pedophiles.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

I have a question. 2 of my post were removed by Millennium_ Falcon. My first post https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1656177 was deleted because I made a post saying facebook delete my pizzagate post. It was deleted because of Rule 4. I didn't have a link attached to my post! HOW CAN I ATTACH A LINK TO MY POST IF FACEBOOK DELETE IT?! I guess it wasn't that important, I just wanted everyone to know Facebook deleting pizzagate post.

The second post https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1655162 (and the one I think was MUCH more important) was a post I made about the church of Satan opening after school programs in elementary schools. I explained in my post that I was posting the links because we've learned there's a link between Satanist and pedophiles. It was deleted because of Rule 1. All post must be related to Pizzagate. I was RELATED TO PIZZAGATE! I explained why I was posting in my post message. Why was it deleted and can it be reinstated because I think it's VERY IMPORTANT!

sound_of_silence ago

could you please check into this deleted submission - https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/1591168

waxdino ago

The different subverses in a pizzagate network is a good idea, imo. But there is no consistency in enforcing it. Recent examples: Is GirlLover symbol found in scene of TV show "Lucifer" directly related to pizzagate? Or WEBKINZ and Disney's CLUB PENGUIN: perfect digital hunting grounds for pedophiles? The Podesta Brothers Revealed to be in Portugal the Day of Madeleine McCann's Disappearance hung out as the top post for like a day before an accuracy in question flair was added. It is an old story, been posted before, and uses a totally unverified source.
This is a good, thoughtful post. But no evidence is presented, it's kind of just some free thoughts on pizzagate. Did it belong in the main sub, or v/pizzagatewhatever?
So it's understandable that people get confused and pissed. If the main thread can get cluttered with that stuff, would it hurt to make a flair for mod concerns, or something? Until it's cleared up, at least?
I do think keeping direct, investigative posts, and random un- or semi-related posts separate is good. But, "got a problem, take it elsewhere!" seems to be a problem. If the problem with a mod is unfounded, it will get downvoted to oblivion.
X-posted from this deleted bit of democracy per @kevdude, thanks. ...hope this is the thread you meant.

gopluckyourself ago

"tactical" meta discussion I think is fine in pizzagate and I actually kinda agree with hunter. tactical meaning planning for social media initiatives/how to move forward with the investigation. Not meta forum discussion etc. However "mods are ai/nazis/compromised" posts are a bit distracting. needs to be a distinction to allow for discussion going forward and pushing of distracting posts to their appropriate verses.

I propose we place an exemption to Rule 4) on which many important pizzagate threads are knocked out (meta discussion / non-investigative threads) This community already has mountains of evidence by which it is an incontrovertible risk to public safety for authorities to fail to formally investigate on the major suspects involved. People are now starting to propose illegal or risky means to attain that next gold nugget of evidence, and I believe that is unwise and unnecessary. All we need is many more people to be aware of what we are already aware of so that authorities and media have NO OPTION but to act or lose the consent of the governed. This is already tacitly acknowledged in today's thread calling for worldwide demonstrations https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1584867 which technically doesn't satisfy rule 4 - and yet rather than being deleted by mods it was tagged Important. Because of course it is. So, to reiterate, I hereby propose - demonstrable by the weight of your upvoats and commentary should this community consensus agree to it, to place an exemption in rule 4 to allow the posting in this sub (coz really who would go looking in pizzagatewhatever or memes) proposals / tactics in the promotion of pizzagate awareness / demonstration

Vindicator ago

I do like this idea.

MolochHunter ago

np thanks for that, and for all your hard work

madmanpg ago

why he would make a comment about capitalization which is not, and never will be, a rule.

This isn't your site and you don't make the rules.

madmanpg ago


Please refrain from using overly sensationalized / click-baity titles (ie. all caps and "smoking gun") in the future. Thank you.

madmanpg ago

Nope, because mods are already asking people not to submit their posts in all caps. I'm suggesting we save them some work by merely making it a rule. Keep misrepresenting me all you like.

madmanpg ago

Isn't that the job of the mods for the subs? Don't see how you need to be second-guessing them.