WorkSmarter ago

Thanks for the link; i'll have to check it out.

WorkSmarter ago

I'm sorry for your struggle; rest assured you are not alone. I don't want to discourage you, but if history has shown us anything, it is probable that no good will come from this. I only say that so you won't be setting yourself up for any disappointment. I assume you have other hobbies and interests and I hope they sustain you.

I don't know much about the Demiurge. That will have to be my next topic of study. I looked into the trap a bit. And I have never been able to understand reincarnation; probably because I am viewing it through a christian lens.

Don't go into the light! Or do; I don't know.

WorkSmarter ago

I think we all feel that way from time to time; I know I do.

I read a story (fiction) recently. I can't remember where. But it was about a man and at the end he died. He ended up someplace, some all white space. And there he met god. He asked god if this was heaven and god replied, not exactly. God asked the man to walk with him and they walked and talked together. The man inquired...if this isn't heaven what will happen to me now. God explained that he would be going back to earth to live another life. The man responded excited, so reincarnation is what it's about...the Buddhists were right. And God responded, not exactly (God was frustratingly cryptic during the whole encounter, in my opinion). God went on to explain that he would be going back as a young girl in china in 1827. The man was perplexed and asked if time travel was real. God said not exactly, and explained that the man was more important than he would ever realize. He explained that the man was every person on the planet, albeit at different times. He went on to explain that the man needed to learn before he could move on to what was next. And by living all of these lives he would do just that.

The story had a profound effect on my way of thinking. I had of course heard in the past things like we are all one. I am you and you are me. And other such nonsense. It never really made any sense to me until I read that story. I'm not stating that it's accurate in any way. Just that it opened my mind to another way of thinking.

Back to the point at hand. I am not really surprised by the actions of those involved in Pizzagate. I am shocked by how brazen they are. These people need help, however it is very likely they will never get it. What I a more shocked about is the response by people that you wouldn't automatically consider 'evil'. The people that are still visiting this 'restaurant'. Why not error on the side of caution. Why take the risk of supporting this? It shocks me to the core. Get off the fence and start living a real life. Some things are more important than your phones and the impression strangers have of you. We have all been boiled slowly the way you do frogs.


wished the mods thought the same, we are missing out on a lot of "bigger picture" issues that are associated with PG - but they will delete anything not DIRECTLY linked, a shame really because it goes much deeper than emails and a pizza place in DC

rodeo13 ago

EXACTLY. I was never a conspiracy theorist before this, but damn if Pizzagate hasn't opened my eyes to sooo much more that I thought was impossible: worldwide pedo rings, MKULTRA/Monarch, Illuminati, Freemasons, Satanic ritual abuse. And now I'm realizing that Hollywood has actually been putting clues to all of this in movies & tv for YEARS. Why, I'm not sure. Maybe they thought no one would actually figure it out. Or maybe they wanted someone to figure it out.

WorkSmarter ago

If i'm to be honest that is the one good thing that has come from this. Hopefully Pizzagate may be a stepping stone opening peoples eyes to the great injustices of our age.

P.S. Stand and Fight! It's your duty!

doubleherpes ago

Why has seemingly no official group sought to investigate these matters? What are we paying these people for? Worse why, with seemingly no investigation are they telling us ‘nothing to see here’?

The biggest complaint I hear is that Pizzagate is irresponsible because it's a rag-tag band doing the investigating, and crazies can read the threads and take their guns places.

But I'm sure many of us would like nothing more than to never have to think about baby snuff film money laundering ever again. We want an official inquiry with subpoena power to do a better job than we can. Rather than minimizing Pizzagate, people who are on the fence should simply demand a public hearing instead! Call your representatives.

Forget what ‘pizza’ and ‘hot dogs’ could possibly, maybe mean, why is an elected official spending 65,000 dollars to have it shipped in? Where did that money come from? Do they not have ‘hot dogs’ in DC?

That's the elephant in the room. The federal government is un-auditable. Of course terrible shit is happening in the shadows. Nobody is at the white house, photographing the contents of boxes of hotdogs to make sure the public is billed properly. Elected officials have the cushiest life of anyone short of bankers.

WorkSmarter ago

Perhaps whats driving us is seeing how hard it is to uncover these cases of abuse, how prolific they are, and how little people have done to stop them in the past. Maybe that in mind is what is pressing us so hard now.

Uncovering political indiscretions is just a lucky side note of this investigation and hopefully one we will carry away when this is done.

Piscina ago

I agree with just about everything you say. You make great points. But I don't agree with this:

"I have nothing against Satanism. ... Again, I find nothing wrong with evil worship"

I have a HUGE problem with Satanism. I have a HUGE problem with worshipping evil. I get that you are trying to not be judgemental. But sometimes we require judgement. It's okay to be moral and take a stand. If we stand by silently on the basis of being non-judgemental, we allow this insanity and evil to flourish right under our noses.

If Satanism was a religion that taught kindness, love and compassion, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But it's a religion that is nefarious; it doesn't operate out in the open; it promotes evil. On the face of it, it's about 'rationality' and 'critical thinking' but scratch the surface and children are being sacrificed and eaten; abortions are being performed; girls are being sexually abused and traumatised for life; people are being skinned alive, decapitated, strung up, impaled, disembowelled. I am vehemently opposed to Satanism, when these are just a few 'rituals' on it's fecking calendar:
Blood rituals, dismemberment.  Animal/human sacrifice. 17 - Satanic revels:  Sexual rituals. 20 - 26:  Sacrifice preparation:  kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice. 26 - The Da Muer ritual:  Grand climax.  Sex rituals and human sacrifice of woman/child

You also state: "But those involved don’t claim to be Satanists. In fact many have gone on record as claiming they specifically aren’t Satanists and others claim to be Christians and members of other (non evil) organized religions" You are absolutely correct. I'm finding that many Satanists are operating under the guise of being very Christian. But, again, scratch the surface and you see the coding--the owls, the single eyes, the Satanic star, the goat, the panda.

WorkSmarter ago

Thank you for commenting; I've thought a lot about what you have written.

Some points I would make: I live in America and think freedom is a very serious matter. The restrictions one puts on others may in turn be used against you one day. I think we all have a right to our own religious views as long as acting on them does not infringe upon the rights of others. I also feel we have the right to persecute people based on their beliefs. Meaning a restauranter, for instance, should have full freedom to worship who they want and if they are emboldened enough to make their beliefs public the public has the right to say I don't want to have anything to do with their business.

More personally, I am a Christian. I feel those involved in Satanism and other evil organizations are deplorable. Those are my personal feelings. If you read the post I wrote and noted below I think you will get a better understanding of my feelings on the subject; it makes my blood boil that it is accepted and worse yet: PRAISED (meaning people who are definitely not satanists call these actions genius and flock to it, i'm referring to things like the art of Abromivic).

I also believe history is written by the winners. Although I have studied the bible at great length I have not come away with the belief that I need to hate someone or some group. It is not clear to me that Satan/Lucifer (I must admit I get the two confused at times) is THE bad guy. Perhaps his journey is not so different than ours; an entity that needs to learn more. I am also not certain that he is void of good. I believe he was described as 'the bringer of light' and the leader of 'music'; two things I don't find particularly evil.

Lastly I said what I said because I do not want this movement tainted by homophobia or religious persecution. Regardless of my views on those subjects.

Tanngrisnir ago

With Satanism there are sort of two branches. One is the LeVay Satanists which are basically just secular humanists steeped in Rand and Nietzsche that like to piss people off by affiliating with something taboo. They consider Satan a symbol of defiance but don't literally believe in him. These people are actually (relatively speaking) pretty normal and for all their posturing they don't do anything that could really be considered evil. They are selfish libertines but they aren't sociopaths.

In the past I had believed all Satanists were basically the boring LeVay variety but Pizzagate has challenged that assumption extremely well.

ByTheBook ago

According to Mark Passio, a former priest in LeVay's church of satan, Levay satanists are like the Boy Scouts of evil and a kind of a kindergarten for sociopaths. Church membership requires the applicant to fill out a questionnaire which is more like a psychological profile than anything else. Depending on how they rank and what sort of taboos they're into and what skills they have, they can go up the ladder to more secretive grottos and with greater influence.

I recommend watching some of Mark Passios vids. Particularly "demystifying the occult part 2" which covers the evil side of hidden knowledge. It was recorded in feb of 2016, and he says some chilling things in the vid that are very much related to these investigations. It also drops knowledge bombs about symbolism that could prove useful.

WorkSmarter ago

I find this interesting and based on what you said I feel that the "Levay" group would be the most reprehensible in my opinion. I think the bible saying went something like, you were luke warm so i spit you out.

I would love to hear more about the second branch?

Tanngrisnir ago

I spoke to someone who I would consider a LeVay Satanist once over the internet and even though I blatantly made fun of him he seemed to respect free thinking and took a liking to me, oddly. They are a fiercely individualistic group. While they are pretty selfish in nature they are at least honest about it. While I consider them hardly exemplary people I still think they are far and away from the sort of depravity you see in pizzagate.

There is, to my thinking, a possible third group which I will call "Gnostics" which despite consisting of the militant atheists basically recycles the gnostic idea that God is evil (the demiurge) and most be opposed (even though they say they don't believe in him). This type I loathe with a passion because they are almost always self-righteous misanthropes who want to ban organized religion in spite of claiming to be for free speech. They consist of figures like Christopher Hitchens, Slavoj Zizek, Inna Shevchenko, Stephen Fry and Philip Pullman. Many admire the Soviet Union and have a huge totalitarian streak in spite of all their claims for being egalitarian. In general, the LeVay Satanists are a much more pleasant group ironically.

The true Satanists who genuinely believe in Satan I know next to nothing about. Assuming the players involved in pizzagate are them then they are some of the most reprehensible people imaginable. It is also possible that the pizzagate players are more akin to the gnostics. True Satanists might be affiliated with Aleister Crowley's Thelema but I don't know really anything about that since after reading about Anton LeVay's Satanism I figured it was probably tame and not worthy of concern.

WorkSmarter ago

First, thank you. I guess saying I have nothing against it may be a little confusing. On a deeply personal level I feel that evil things are intolerable; although I sometimes wonder if good can exist without evil. But this is all personal and off topic. As a human and an American I believe we should have the right to pursue our own interests, when that pursuit does not take rights away from others. I hope I further illustrated that even though I feel people should have the right to follow their own interests; doing so publicly should open you up to condemnation. I hope I cleared that up.

dickface8 ago

The dark side can be alluring. Evil is a different thing.

throwawaa ago

Great post. I would just recommend maybe leaving out this bit:

Why are guests spending the night in the White House? Are we running a bed and breakfast now? How does one get on the list?

I'm pretty sure the guests spending the night thing was actually debunked. e.g. the timestamps were defaults and not useful/accurate. If you think it's legit, could you give a source for it?

WorkSmarter ago

Thank you! I did not follow up on that info as well as I could have. I have removed that bit for clarity. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

WorkSmarter ago

Thank you! If you get the chance, please check out the post I made on how to solve this mess:

Feeling Helpless? Here is something we can actually do!

Orange_Circle ago

I wish I could give this post every single upvote I've ever received.

WorkSmarter ago

I don't know what to say, ok maybe i do: Thank you!

Orange_Circle ago

You are welcome.

I wish people got that the whole issue is on of them being able to silence any discussion. Which they did.

And the sheep in the media just obeyed their master's command to shut it down.

WorkSmarter ago

Exactly, It is time to remind those in the media who they really work for; and if they can't remember then we need to stop paying them.

Orange_Circle ago

I have basically stopped. I give them no clicks.

WorkSmarter ago

^This; we need more people with your resolution!

Orange_Circle ago

I do scan Twitter for headlines. :-)

WorkSmarter ago

Ha, I thought you were cool :)

But really we are lucky to have the opportunity to pursue free speech. It is up to all of us to protect that freedom.

ThePuppetShow ago

You should throw some links in there or the Nazi mods are going to delete it for no sources.

WorkSmarter ago

Thanks; I'll do that!

Orange_Circle ago

Pizzagate has also single-handedly broken open the door to censorship in America. You see, the fourth branch of government has been losing their stranglehold on opinion over the last decade. The growth of social media as well as independent news has been phenomenal. The death of newspapers has lead to a rise in ‘online’ news. This has provided the American public with a great platform to spread information and openly discuss and organize. This won’t do; and Pizzagate has provided those concerned with an opportunity to begin cracking down on this problem.

You are so very right.

WorkSmarter ago

Thank you! Hopefully they will not silence us.