SsupGuys ago

@CynicalLurker I posted this a month ago: also "Lucifer" Not deemed relevant, but when there are more notions like that in the same show, it shows a pattern...

CynicalLurker ago

And here we go! Now we have a level of coincidence that should definitely raise suspicion! Very good find.

wokethefkup ago

This is the crap they do to millennials; desensitize. I realized fb, shows of adult swim and gore didn't phase me or friends much. I've quit fb and don't watch half the crap I used to. I loved vice channel but after a special on marina and her literally starting out inverted on film sadly had me give up vice. Sorry off topic Ish rant.

wokethefkup ago

Holy shit was not expecting the disturbing ass crap from him. They sure love fooling the masses like it's a joke. Disgusting.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Ugh. Seriously? Why is this not news?!? Talk about grabbing a pussycat and all hell breaks loose, diddling kids.. not so much!

CynicalLurker ago

Now that is just obvious. I can imagine how the people behind the scenes who are in on the "joke" laugh their asses of when they think about us normal people totally not getting it. Also interesting he mentions Stanley Kubrick, after all he's the director of Eyes Wide Shut.

Pizzainmyass ago

Shit like that I feel is impossible to prove for each specific symbol but when there's so many, fuck. That's pretty god damn close to the girl lover symbol

teefymcteephteeth ago

One of the symbols is used in True Detective, and is specifically used as a logo for a group of devil worshipping child mollesting killers, some of which are high profile members of the government.

They also do human trafficking (a container full of little girls is found) and there is a scene of a man saying when he was a child in an orphanage, men would drug him and abuse him.

CynicalLurker ago

That is very interesting! Given the various connections between the entertainment industry (Hollywood in particular) and pedophilia, these things are probably not coincidental. I wonder if they build these things into their shows to mock or to raise awareness.

teefymcteephteeth ago

Well True Detective seems to want to raise awereness imo, it offers up various ways these things could work, and doesn't paint a good picture of people in power. However filmds such as The Burbs(tom hanks) do seem to be mocking us, also note that Corey Feldman was in the burbs, famously came out and said he had been abused by hollywood mogals and said that most children in the business do get abused.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you for posting. Good find. We need to bring the light onto this sick world and those who clearly seem to be involved. BTW, the show's name was a bit of a flag to me about its potential orientation.

GhostOfSwartz ago

That man is sick! People please read the entire article, especially what he joked about to the waitress. Who does that kind of thing?? Kind of explains why the Olsen twins had so many issues.

hojuruku ago

Screenshot censored, and the radio show I was going to go on today CENSORED... found out both censored in the last few mins. I was on last week exposing a gay terror false flag attack in Australia (christian ACL bombing 2 months later bombers name kept secreet) What's wrong with the fucken internet.

hojuruku ago

The only thing good in it, is the cover of Bob Dylan's All Along the Watchtower Arranged for Piano - oh the piano arrangement got taken down. This is somewhat closer.

Lucifer is as bad as Down Brown trying to say the illuminati are the good guys in Angels and Demons. Where have we seen this before. Ah yes on kids toys...

Know they enemy:

Stukov ago

It isn't some ploy to say the bad guys are good guys and the good guys are bad, if you know what the show at all, it is setup that his mom is terrible and that "god" simply has had a plan for Lucifer the whole time. To live a life like a human and become a good person through works. Not that "god" is bad and Lucifer is "good".

hojuruku ago

P.S. they investigated the guy who put the double hearts on the children's toys to advertise owner of the child as someone who shares their children, and guess what - he was a pedophile. But nothing to see here - move on. IS REAL - and it's a crime to disrespect the Australian government helping them take Russian Children to 20 countries on Global Gay Marriage Activist Child Sex tours: (see comments)

VieBleu ago

Do you have any link for your top statement? would like to see the proof. thx.

CynicalLurker ago

Thanks a lot for your helpful contribution! The other guys here should use you as a role model lol.

hojuruku ago

Thanks - my latest research bringing down Australia's biggest Gay Marriage Activist for loving infant sex. I've already claimed a few on - I am Luke McKee

CynicalLurker ago

Why are you even arguing this you piece of shit? If you don't like my contribution, fuck off, downvoat it and search for a thread that is more to your liking!

WellSetTable ago

They didn't do good at their drag queen show, their Victoria Secret under wear as too tight

CynicalLurker ago

Ok, I'm done arguing with paranoid idiots. I doubt there will be more to discover in this show but I will post updates here if there are any. Next time I see anything that could be related to pizzagate, I will just ignore it and move on with my life. Certainly better than being exposed to the hostility, paranoia and arrogance displayed by half of the commenters in this thread. You fucking degenerates don't even realise how harmful you are to this investigation with your disgusting, hostile attitude.

Aderville ago

Keep looking, keep posting. One of the reasons they used symbols is for plausible deniability. Don't let hostile people keep you from discovering what the world around you is really made of.

DangerPizza ago

Looks like they are working on the Satanic World Order one TV show at a time.

unbiased_researcher ago

Interesting. Those damn symbols are everywhere. I catch myself looking at objects that have little drawings on them, scanning for pedo symbols.

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

I've seen all of Lucifer so far and I haven't found anything too pedo yet but it might've slipped by as I started airing well before PizzaGate came to light.

There was a recent episode of Fuller House where Kimmy Gibbler who's always doing wacky stuff wore a sweater with earrings with a pepperoni pizza pattern on them. There was also an episode where the girl says "Please, Papa, will you tango with me?" And then she dances the tango with her dad and that's supposed to be a really suggestive dance.

The most pedo show I've seen so far is a new show called The Mick which is very funny but very fucked up. If you watch it you'll know EXACTLY what I mean. Each of the first 4 episodes is chock full of these overt sexual references involving the kids. Haven't seen the 5th episode yet but yeah that show is something else.

Ciscogeek ago

It could be nothing more than a nod. An acknowledgement that those involved are on that show's team. Like a hand sign without a human.

CynicalLurker ago

Finally someone who isn't a condescending asshole with no reading comprehension! Thanks for your contribution, I will watch all the other episodes of Lucifer and post here if anything else pops up. I don't remember exaclty, but weren't there allegations or theories surrounding the cast of Fuller House? I think one of the main actors supposedly was worringly close to the child actors.

CynicalLurker ago

I don't want anyone to go after the people who made this. I want people here to share their knowledge of pedophile symbology in this particular show and other shows/movies in general. The point of this post is to potentially save me the hours of watching through this show and identifying other strange coincidences. I don't even think this will lead to anything but I don't see a problem in asking others if they noticed something similar just for the small possibility that this show is indeed showcasing pedophile symbology just for the usual mocking these people like to do.

Criticalthinker615 ago

I agree with this guy symbols alone make not a pedophile

CynicalLurker ago

I agree with that too and never claimed anything else. Is reading comprehension really such a rare skill?

CynicalLurker ago

Well, I'm not the one leaving smug, condescending comments on posts that merely mention things that could possibly indicate a connection to pizzagate. It's not like I posted "OMG SMOKING GUN FOUND!! DEFINITE PEDO SYMBOL IN TV SHOW!!". I even said that it would make sense to use a heart logo in the context to remain neutral. What if there are several more pedo symbols to be found in this show, would that be enough to gain your interest? I guess we will never find out when people like you come along and go "it's literally nothing guys, move along".

CynicalLurker ago

This one too! Can some mod remove these fucking shills?

VieBleu ago

I don't know if pizzagatecom is a shill, but their response was measured. You have to have a thick skin enough to allow being questioned.

kaptklok ago

Therapist. .. the rapist. And what does it say... "Cheater"?

Edit : OK ... the Cheater therapist.

varialus ago

Did you slip it into the show just so you could report on it in here? Aw, you sly dawg!

CynicalLurker ago

Why the fuck are there so many assholes on here? Go check for yourself you fucking dickhead!

VieBleu ago

you are too angry.

Edit: glad to see the deescalation. Iwent and checked the show - the symbol is in there, OP didn't put it in. When I watched it was at 7:37 not 7:18.

WellSetTable ago

Did Jamie boy Alefagtis hire trolls to try to cover his unclean ass?

Most of these trolls sound like pissed off trannies on acid

hojuruku ago

Nah just probably friends of the boylover @garryburnsblog and since we hacked them and took them down 2 days ago and I was the first to brag about /bath/ on doing the deed :)

varialus ago

Well somebody put it there, didn't they? And you think they don't know about us? Oh, they know. So what you gotta ask yourself is this, who would be more likely to spot the symbol? Some sincere pizzagate researcher, or the guy who put it there? I'm not saying you for sure put it there, but it seems probable enough that we shouldn't just dismiss the possibility out of hand. For as they say, he who saw'd it drawed it.

CynicalLurker ago

So you actually think I could be the guy that worked at this show and was responsible for putting this logo there? Wow, is that seriously more likely in your mind than some pizzagate researcher noticing this logo while watching the show? The show is from mid 2016 as far as I know, so it is impossible that this was put there to confuse pizzagate researchers or whatever you are implying.

varialus ago

Well let's just see here. How many posts have you made? Two? And whoever put it there obviously didn't have to know about pizzagate when they put it there, but somebody who would put something like that there is just as likely to discover pizzagate as a pizzagater is to happen across random symbols on TV. You think they're not here? Oh, they're here baby, they're here!

CynicalLurker ago

Ok, let me type this out for you.

Option A: I'm the guy who put this logo there. Meaning I am the ONE guy responsible for this getting into a community of several thousand people by chance. At the time I put it there I didn't know what this logo resembles and now I am spreading it here as disinformation because for unknown reasons I want to sabotage pizzagate.

Option B: Same as above but this time I knew it was a pedophile symbol when I put it there specifically to mock those who know. Now I come here to spread this information, potentially leading to me being implicated in a giant pedophile ring. For what reason? Shits and giggles I suppose.

Option C: I am one of the millions of people who have seen the show at some point and also happen to be one of the thousands of people interested in pizzagate and thus familiar with the symbolism. Now I come here to spread awareness and ask others if they have noticed similar things that could potentially lead us to new evidence.

If option A or B sound most probable to you, you might actually be legally retarded.

Konran ago

Thanks for providing options (though limited to just three).

Thanks too for the ad hominem attack against anyone who may not agree with your favoured choice of Option 3.

How about another option or two?

Option D: You are a well-meaning, though slightly misguided individual who is overly eager to contribute in whatever way you can. This leads to you posting fairly irrelevant information about paedophilic symbols in a TV show.

Option E: You are a paid actor in the game and you are here spreading a certain narrative. After the lack of support and critical questioning of your other post regarding an alleged victim and certain emails, you are now here trying to gain some credibility by posting something about paedophilic symbols in a TV show.

Now, just because I've thought of two different possibilities are you going to clinically certify me as insane?

CynicalLurker ago

Option D is just like option C with different semantics. Option E is almost like option A and B with the difference that I had to first randomly stumble across this symbol just in order to use it for shilling.

varialus ago

Option B isn't to mock anyone but rather is a sign of solidarity to like minded individuals who feel isolated. Why risk being outed by posting as a supposedly sincere pizzagate researcher? Well the purpose is the same as the purpose behind putting the symbol in the show, to show solidarity to all the interested lurkers who wonder what implications this investigation will have on society at large. And why pose as a sincere pizzagate researcher? For the same reason they'd claim ignorance if anyone questioned why they put the symbol in the show. So that people don't hunt them down. To be honest, I was was just joking around, but your reaction has gotten me to think it through, and while yeah, you are likely just a sincere pizzagate researcher, there's no way to know for sure. The longer this investigation persists and the bigger it gets, the more likely that some individuals will attempt to co-opt it to their own ends. Call me crazy, but I may be ever so slightly legally retarded.

CynicalLurker ago

I'm sorry if my reaction seemed too defensive. It's just that this isn't the first time that I'm trying to contribute something and people act like I'm some shill trying to distract people, even when I specifically state that this might be nothing and only ask if people happen to know more. I don't get this hostile attitude and it pisses me off beyond belief. And for real, thinking that it's more likely that I am the person responsible for this symbol than me just being one of millions who watched the show is quite a stretch to say the least.

varialus ago

I'm not really accusing you. I'd tell you to chillax, but the other day somebody twisted my words about me half mindlessly browsing most all of Voat into an accusation that I seek out news about suffering children as a way to relax. The person was just joking around, but it annoyed me in a way that most insults don't. I didn't mean any harm, but I can understand that jokingly playing devil's advocate can more easily get under somebody's skin when it's about a topic, which in all seriousness isn't a joking matter. I retract any and all suspicion about you. Anyway, I hope I haven't ruined your day. Have a good one! :-)

CynicalLurker ago

I'm happy we could deescalate this. I guess the treshold for getting pissed off is significantly lower in this community, due to the sensible topic, as well as the fact that we get ridiculed when talking about this in public all the time. I hope I didn't offend you with my slurs, just see them as a delayed response to the wink-smiley-asshole further up. Anyway, I'm just trying to contribute whatever I can. I don't have the necessary research skills nor the extra time to dig into the really big, promising leads, so I'm more than happy when I notice something that likely hasn't been noticed before. Have a good one too, mate!

varialus ago

I wasn't offended in the slightest. Thanks for contributing and keep up the good work! My understanding is that /v/pizzagate has a pretty high bar, and I can totally see how my joking around in here could very likely be interpreted as part of that high bar, so I'll try to remember to refrain from bantering in here. But there are probably other people like me browsing /v/all and /v/all/new who may come in and casually joke around meaning no harm but actually causing some, so uh just be aware I guess. Also remember that although less active, there are a bunch of other pizzagate subverses that are less stringent, so if anything that you feel is relevant gets deleted, don't take it personally and please do share it in one of the other subverses.

RedditISCompromised ago

Don't forget that disinformation is everywhere, including here.