hojuruku ago

DISCLAIMER: John has acquired brain injury, and has been sued 90 times by the one boylover @garryburnsblog at the @nodiscrim (twitter id) court of child sex love ran by lesbian feminist pedophiles - who break the law and make very strange rulings indeed. Because he can't properly defend himself he's been sued 90 times by the one pedophile suspect with help from piac.asn.au (who work pro-bono for OTOAustralia.org.au to jail people for religious vilification aka the "legg devine" cases in austlii.edu.au case law) in the first homosexual vilification case in the world to manufacture case law to go after everyone else. This is guiness book of records stuff. @NCATNSW also order convicted pedophiles to get access to children again with a working with children certificate if you read their guardianship division case law on a dailybasis as I do. All pedophiles are not named in the case law just given 3 letter code names. That fact has been covered by the Daily Telegraph newspaper in Australia. Push me and I'll dig up all the links from my old blog archives. They also help gay parents steal regular peoples kids through fostercare.lwb.org.au all through the case law. Search "sunol burns" on www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au or austlii.edu.au

OTO IS PIZZAGATE. PIZZAGATE IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG TO WHAT THE OTO GET UP TO. Alister Crowley is the founder of all the satan worship and HIS SYMBOLS can clearly be seen on all of Podesta's artist friends.

Compare preview dot tinyurl dot com / vcatpedos to vcatpedos2 - both are government links and someone comment and tell us what is going on there. The government is censoring their own posts supporting the "Legg & Devine" Ruling that only the religion of LGBTI child sex and boy murder (OTO) must be respected, even if there is no law against religious vilification in the state you live in , you can still be thrown in jail without a day in court to defend yourself. This has happened folks and it's REAL! CASE LAW NOT CONSPIRACY THEORY.

hojuruku ago

Here is an email to introduce myself and what's going on - redacted for extra context from a recruiting email I sent not in the OP link.

Dear XXX,

I've cut and paste /bashed up my research relating to criminal and corrupt conduct by Chris Ronalds SC but it's a mess at this stage. I'm working on presenting it in a better format you'll have something in a few days - but for now you have a link to get started with all my raw research. I'm not stringing you along you have it in this email. Having the intelligence on her is one thing, but making ICAC do their job is another complete story.

If you want it all and you want it right now the link you need is in this email. I'm in the process of writing it all up properly like Bernard Gaynor did for my research on Nancy Henessy minus a few little facts like Where Nancy Henessy was meeting (DLA Phillips fox - pro-bono for OTOAustralia.org.au satanic cult vs "Legg Devine" devine in austlii.edu.au

Before you go diving in, see these two blog posts from journalists / Aus Military intelligence (Bernard didn't credit me but it was my father that recursed Nancy Henessy mentioned in the article "McKee vs Burns" on austlii.edu.au

http://bernardgaynor.com.au/ncat-deputy-president-has-questions-to-answer/ That needs to go to ICAC like it did with Chris Pulpick at the ADB. Guess who the first ADB's lawyer was? Your friend Chris Ronalds SC.

Then see some of my other research showing what you were up against with the corrupt mainstream media in Australia: http://theothermccain.com/2016/05/14/australian-gay-marriage-crusader-was-fugitive-wanted-on-kiddie-porn-charge/

So be patient you are dealing with a bit of a rainmaker but I do deliver the goods. It shows you I have before. Bernard Gaynor also poached theothermccain that Robert Stacy McCain aka #FreeStacy had the scoop on from me the day after. http://vote1ala.org.au/bernard-gaynor/2016/05/happy-idahot-day.html

This is another post of his I researched and made possible: http://bernardgaynor.com.au/nsw-anti-discrimination-board-gay-beats-and-private-schools/

Note my father is being sued for disrespecting Mark Newton and Peter Troung by PIAC.ASN.AU patsie Garry Burns and the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW where Chris Ronalds works.

Now up front, here's what I have (read the comments on pizzagate forums before going to the 8ch.net link and saving all the raw research on what will be 1 of 2 ICAC complaints (1 - the Jeff Kennett Shakedown by Garry Burns and Chris Roland , 2 Nancy Henessy as blogged up by Bernard Gaynor and what my father is sitting on which is massive.

Also Chris Rolands SC needs to be disbarred for her shakedown too. You will see the crazy lawsuit she was involved with against kennett, for disrespecting a man who is clearly a pedophile and has been confirmed to be one by a magistrate, making your frame job look like a farce in comparison. But Jeff Kennett paid up not through his own money but through beyondblue.net.au - and Chris Ronalds Sc is one of the main beneficiaries.

And finally Disbar @KateHumanRights for doing the same stunt switching sides from PIAC.ASN.AU and back again in OW & OV vs Wesley City Mission. I think CAS vs Tal Life insurance is after Nancy Henessy too based on my research that got published on Bernard Gaynor's blog

What do I want from you? NOTHING but the help and legal council if you think it's merited to be a proxy for the ICAC complaint, or my father. Or take it yourself I don't care. You've heard these bastards have been coming for me for a long time.

OK - up front here it is, it's a mess but I can send you lots more once you have done your own research and forwarded you a few emails from last year when I uncovered it. "Gary Burns" has been allowed to use a fake name in court since he was sheep dipped from his real name and was clover moore's staffer. I have a shitload of multimedia that I'm preparing for a documentary about my saga and pedophilia normalization by PIAC.ASN.AU.

YOUR LINK: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/1582310 <--- What you are looking for! READ THE COMMENTS FIRST before going into 8 chan - See the over-view o the stuff on Chris Ronalds SC you want to look for on that larger thread.

IT TELLS YOU WHAT YOU WANTED TO KNOW AS THE OVER-VIEW OF HER CORRUPT DEALINGS WITH BEYONDBLUE,PIAC/PILCH,Garry Burns and Jeff Kennett. ICAC confirms to me that as beyondblue is taxpayer funded quiet alot, they would have scope under the act to investigate the complaint, but rather than charging in I want to get legal support and others that hate the same cabal to do a proper job of it. Now you know why I'm contacting you.

I will blog this up later much clearer but this exposes the shakedown she did to Jeff Kennett and beyondblue

And see the comments by hojuruku on here to see how my saga started in 2007 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1582863 and the interview with my father in the interviews section with topher.com.au on youtube.com/hojuruku

I have a US phone number you can call on - or a landline, but for you i'd hike over to the internet cafe and use skype if you reply and ask me to.

Contact me via [email protected] - by another means. youtube.com/hojuruku is my channel but the videos are mostly just stuff I embed for blogs, and a few radio interviews. Youtube censors to much to bother, so I'm moving to other sites and my own domain shortly.

I only ever voted Labor when I lived in Australia and now I hate the party with a vengeance only a little less than the Greens (notice the video of Lee Rhiannon calling Scott Morrision homophobic for not giving visa to FBI child abuse fugitive Matthew Hydn on the othermccain links above in the comments - that's how sick they are).

Speaking of the Liberals did you know it was Ted Pickering that cast the single vote that passed Clover Moore's homosexual vilification bill in 1993 that's been used against my father by her staffer Garry "boylover" Burns now 6 times for NOTHING MY DAD DID. That son of a bitch's dog mauled my recently departed younger brother as well. I grew up in Stanwell Park and that SOB was my neighbor. Small world isn't it? Then Again the other local MP wasn't much better - Rex Jackson.

Look how insane their judgements are and the dirt on the gay judge that makes them: http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/01/pizzagate-just-gave-me-new-insight-into.html https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/07/if-nsw-anti-discrimination-act-1977-was.html https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/01/dont-hate-gayby-rape-how-boyloversnet.html https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/08/federal-mp-george-christensens.html

PROOF the OTO founded the pedophilia normalization courts in Australia: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/11/repost-dark-satanic-history-of-nsw-adb.html

My battle with the head of the religion "founded" as David Botril says in court by Alister Crowley: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/01/how-oto-orient-lodge-illuminati-lgbt.html

So lets keep it simple. An enemy of my enemy is my friend. Let's see. You are more than welcome to be the silent partner in this. Peter King and Robert Balzoa are focusing on narrowing the jurisdiction of anti-discrimination law.

We also have enough to have a massive Parliamentary inquiry of the anti-discrimination board. See some leaked documents on scribd.com/luke_mckee for Bernard Gaynor's argument for that. The corruption his high level. Even who you would think is the most liekly Fred Nile is compromised.

I am a walking encyclopedia on the misuse and pedophilia normalization of anti-discrimination law in Australia. Due to not having a headset on my PC due to RF noise (no damn earth connectors in the country I'm in - PC's get lots of RF interference), I only have an internet telephone (hardware) with a US number.

contact my Russian email address if you want to talk to me and interrogate me. [email protected] - use a different email if you want for plausible deniability, and just don't bother if you are in Rainbow Labor faction (which I highly doubt after your experiences)

And if you think I split the beans, this is nothing. Shoebridge MLC and a few others have big problems on the horizon, legally and politically very soon.

If you reply I'll send you more emails about how and when I found out what about Chris Ronalds SC in relation to Garry Burns and some old blog posts that got censored from wordpress through the DMCA.


Hi, not sure what all this is about, but you have aroused my interest. This is my personal email address. My phone number is :  XXXXXXXX. Regards, XXXXX