hojuruku ago

Kid fucker - fuck you. You are in Australia with the gay judges gay cops who allow their pedophile mates to use a fake name in court. What's it like sending your kids to unsafeschools.org? Love the child sex don't you ozzy faggot. http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/catherine-judith-burn-head-of-anti.html

shoosh ago

I feel flattered that you opened an account just to reply to me.
Speaking of ignorance, would this be the same police who patterns itself after the global habit of protecting government rather than the public with regard to the startling amount of data concerning pedophilia? Would this be the same pattern of police that failed to investigate project flicker, while 2013 mainstream media news reported on political pedophilia (see voat history for articles) and the same mainstream media that spent a moment reporting it now claim it's all fake news?

I realize you have to defend it, but you may want to get your facts about whom the police defend and why, before you call me ignorant. Understand?

Birdzeyeview ago

more of Fiona wild claims. Fiona Barnett "also claims there is an underground railway linking Pine Gap, Lucas Heights and Holsworthy army base...So, there was a tunnel, at least two thousand kilometres long, running beneath (amongst other things, depending on route) the Blue Mountains, two major deserts, and Lake Eyre. In the 70's.


yes she really does claim that. Check your maps of Australia people, and then come back and tell Fiona what a a brave little sausage she is...I see she has not dared to show her face again on Voat since she has been challenged here, Bring it on BITCH

Birdzeyeview ago

(I am copying the following comments from a Youtube video posted by Fiona Barnett. She is milking this Pizzagate thing while it lasts and I really cannot get my head around her possible motivation here. aplogies to the person whose comments I am quoting below but you said it so well!)

Please note. Fiona Barnett's claims have been thoroughly investigated and dismissed by the Police, Media, Independent Investigators and a Royal Commission. She is unable to substantiate any of her lurid claims in even the smallest way. There is no supporting physical evidence, no bone fragments, no DNA, no positive luminol tests. There are also no corroborating witnesses, no similar victims, no incidental persons who can confirm her accounts. The information presented in this video clip is in no way reliable. If you are a genuine sufferer of abuse, please disregard Fiona Barnett and seek help from Police or your Doctor or call Kidsline.?

The system is NOT the problem. There are many dedicated Police, Detectives, Media and Community support groups which specialize in this area. Experienced, trained and highly professional people with the skill & resources to investigate (e.g. Federal Police have caught offenders through internet child-porn sites). The system is not perfect though, and liars like Fiona just make things more difficult for real victims.?

If you know the SPECIFIC people in the Police and Media who are clearly part of this cabal, what is stopping you from collecting some REAL evidence on them?? I'm just saying that if it's so obvious to you who these offenders are, then all you need to do is tail them for a while and catch them in the act, right??? Or hire a Private Investigator to do the job for a few thousand dollars..... This is the other VERY BIG flaw in Fiona's story; instead of collecting real evidence of this criminal activity (e.g. Photos, Recordings, Testing of Crime Scenes) she just spends all her time doing podcasts and making web-pages. If she actually knows SPECIFCALLY who these offenders are (and she claims she does), then it would be so EASY to get some proper evidence on them. But she doesn't bother doing that because she knows perfectly well that she has made it all up.?

I will tell you the ways Fiona is causing harm:

(1) By falsely claiming that Police & Authorities are part of a conspiracy Fiona will scare REAL victims out of going to them for help. That alone is reprehensible.

(2) By peddling these made-up stories she is also directing people's attention away from REAL victims of abuse. These genuine victims already do not get much support, and often have clinical physical & mental health issues, and it is revolting of Fiona to leech on the limited social resources directed towards helping these people.

(3) Lastly by telling these horrendous lies about the many supposed 'offenders' she names she is smearing totally innocent people in most profane way. Most of the people she names lived blameless lives and do not deserve to be abused this way, just for Fiona's cheap thrills.? | My Evidence?... Sure. Just quickly, there have been numerous separate published biographies, historical investigations and documentaries of Whitlam, Hawke & Keating. These were all independently conducted by impartial people and none of them alluded to any trace of the type of criminal activity in which Fiona claims they've participated. Also they were all members of the ALP (Australian Political Party), so any such activity (or mere rumours of such activity) would have been instantly used against them by their political opponents, which never happened. To summarize the private and public lives of these three former PMs has been extensively investigated and reviewed by numerous individuals and there is NOTHING to support Fiona's allegations. Ok, so it's possible that crimes might have gone unnoticed for one of them, but for all three? I think not. I guess the question I would like my critics on this thread to ask themselves is this....If you agree that Evidence is the key to this issue...WHY ARE YOU SO WILLING TO ACCEPT EVERYTHING FIONA SAYS AT FACE-VALUE? WHY DON'T YOU DEMAND HER EVIDENCE??

I don't get paid. Seriously, what a stupid suggestion. I do it for free b/c I am totally revolted by the blatant lies Fiona is peddling. She is an absolute low-life who's having fun dragging blameless people into the gutter, and it's important to counter such garbage. Do you seriously not see what is going on here?... Hysteria. Mob-Mentality. Dark-Conspiracies.... These are all just tools of self-affirmation for the weak. Grow up, stand up for yourself and tell Fiona provide real proof or shut-up

twistedmac11 ago

What's the game plan here, James? Are you just going to troll voat posts and argue with OPs all day to try to cover up your tracks? How's that working so far?

YingYangMom ago

BIRD = Falcon?

Birdzeyeview ago

haw haw haw heeee haw

twistedmac11 ago

Finally, a response, and that's what you give me? You can do better than that.

Birdzeyeview ago

Fiona, you claim to have been RAPED by Richard Nixon at Canberra. Nixon did not visit Australia during his presidency 1969 to 1974 source http://www.news.com.au/national/breaking-news/us-presidential-visits-to-aust-a-history/news-story/541076a422e75784e150f66d0c1d585e

Richard Nixon did however visit Australia as VP in 1953. According to you, you were born Oct 28, 1969.

Something is not adding up here Fiona, care to elaborate?

Lileee1010 ago

Thank you for sharing your story. I can't imagine these horrors and how one survives it. It takes a lot of bravery and courage to share these things and go to the police. Thank you again for coming forward!

wtf_is_happening ago

Thank you for posting these witness statements Fiona. Thank goodness you have found some honest police. Sometimes I wonder if Australia is not the most corrupt, controlled country on earth. Hearing again about the child sacrifice ritual in 78 or 79 in the Great Hall of Sydney University reminded me that the murder of 18-year old student Annette Louise Morgan, whose raped, strangled and bashed body was found on St John's Oval at Sydney Uni on 29 October 1977, is still unsolved. How unsurprising that "one of two officers initially assigned to the inquiry was disgraced homicide detective and Roger Rogerson cohort Bill Duff." http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/the-cold-case-murders-dismissed-as-too-hard/2007/02/10/1170524349553.html All so horrible and so sad. For shame University of Sydney and NSW Police.

JustObserving ago

You are one brave individual!

Birdzeyeview ago

hope the Scientologists come after Fiona, she deserves that much.

wtf_is_happening ago

Are you John Travolta?

FriesischShipping ago

It's James Lovesinfants.

YingYangMom ago

You are one exceptionally beautiful, intelligent and brave woman. I've watched the 'Candy girl' documentary and I have to say, I was totally blown away by your courage and determination. It takes an extraordinarily strong person to be willing to go back and describe the horrific events you've witnessed and lived. Thank you for coming forward and speaking out in your name and the name of all the many victims of satanic ritual abuse. May God bless you and your family.

Birdzeyeview ago

fuck you are gullible. it is like a badly written comedy

FriesischShipping ago

Fuck off James, the most important thing you can do right now is start snitching.

wtf_is_happening ago

And yet so many victims from different countries tell a similar story to Fiona. What an incredible coincidence.

hojuruku ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWeotGNzBNw Damn voat - spent 30 mins editing this up with more links and facts and she crashed. Well you get the idea it's not too on topic for this but I tried to provide more. I'll try again if asked.

Short version: If you take a death threat posted to your parents house threatening to kill your whole family - SUTHERLAND (same Police station @FionaBarnett uses) police won't investigate if the person who sent it is paying the cops for a ZB951 criminal justice visa extension as the only way to avoid being deported AFTER staying in the country for 1.5 years on a student visa with no attendance at Uni whatsoever (then stupid boyfriend me would know if his misses works full-time illegally or go to uni). Yep illegal immigrant over-stayers Licensed to threaten to kill by the NSW Police who are in the business of taking money as the only outlet who can over-rule immigration and give a visa of last resort for those facing deportation. 1/40 of all Australian people in Australia are foreign students. Mid year sampling data around 450k, double what SBS says, then immi.gov.au took down the reports, I have the old links. Their links to drugs, prostitution and mayhem is well documented by NewsCorp all year long.

If you don't think gays like getting their illegal overstayer mates visas - watch this gay FBI infant sex child porn fugitive @slurptea1 Dr Matthew Hynd on the run do crowd funding in Australia and go on ABC, SBS, Getup (450k sign), raise 10 grand to sue the government to get his paki-overstayer illegal immigrant boyfriend/photographer a visa as blogged up by TheOtherMcCain.com (trump's mate - my research credited as such in the article) http://theothermccain.com/2016/05/14/australian-gay-marriage-crusader-was-fugitive-wanted-on-kiddie-porn-charge/

And the cops will put false entry on the public registrar (cops system), and do destruction of evidence to help the illegal get a police visa extension - 2 years jail a peace to help the illegal immigrant sex worker after a NSW GLLO gay PEDO police (facebook.com/policeglbti visa). I got accused of the rarest crime in Australia 60c NSW crimes act for investigating said gay police and their links to pedophilia. That's how it all kicked off and I becamse the man wanted for Australia's rarest crime. Google the law only I come up and the gov fucks.

Watch the video it goes into great detail on this with my then 68 year old father and University professor riding shotgun.

Sutherland Police are as corrupt as fuck. I don't trust anything that comes from their wretched outfit. I have also seen them do a frame job on another guy I wont name because he's in peril still in Australia with exactly the same MO, and I found him because he's fighting the same FOI / NSW Police / @NCATNSW gatekeepers as we are. Oh fuck it here is poor bastard. He's taking on Corrupt Judge Nancy Henessy like we already recused in case law ("mckee burns") https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/569ebb31e4b05f2c4f04aa77 - His website is down and I got the good stuff of it including his NCAT audio case conferences with the bitch as he tried to recuse her as well without knowing about us. He was framed up by a faggot and their gay police, and then beaten and tortured in jail for 2 years as an innocent man.

I so I have got them for destroying EVIDENCE, and they made me be a political refugee from Australia (bit.ly/aurefugee2) along with the special gay police of dykeheart (see urban dictionary).

I faxed them 20 times saying I need the original of a death threat that an illegal immigrant sent me once. It was the illegal immigrant sex-worker (I didn't do domestic violence to spy on my missus when I was with her - damn stupid me she was literally a hooker caught on camera going to work at 64 Alexanderia Ave Taren point under the working name "Mina") plan to use the NSW GLLO Gay pedo Police (facebook.com/policeglbti) to get her a Criminal Justice Stay Visa (ZB951 immigration code). So I realized I needed the original death threat posted to my parents house threatening to kill my family back (I got scanned / copy it's in traditional Chinese half of it) back to use in our criminal court case as originals were required under the evidence Act 1956.

I got audio here of the judge in the AVO case I won and you can here seeing the photocopy said death threat and ruling in my favor: https://soundcloud.com/hojuruku/mckee-vs-violet-waterer

If you are an illegal overstayer, only the police can over-rule immigration to help you stay, and stay longer to marry someone else. If you are an overstayer you can't marry. You first have to frame up someone where the crime. The only way she could make brothel bucks without immigration doing raids trying to hunt her down as first frame up someone for a crime.

Anyway fucken Sutherland Police then Sargent Now Detective Michelle Richie did crime of False Entry on the Public Registrar for claiming she never received the death threat from the NSW's police visa extension framejob service customer - the same one the judge at the downing centre you could hear above had in her hot little hands, yet I had the event number with her handwriting and a photocopy from their machine, and the modem logs of sending those 20 faxes. So what does she do? She calls me up and finds out that I FOI'ed the event number and was getting her false statement crime and baites me into the police station to pick up said original of said death threat. I come with a witness with police relatives known to them and they told me to fuck off even though they told me to come in on speakerphone with him when we were driving in. I leave Australia then after I left I found I'm accused of the rarest crime in it - 60C NSW Crimes act. Crime of knowing Kate Howe dyke cop is gay buy finding her on the twenty10.org.au myspace page in 2007. Twenty10.org.au got exposed as a gay child sex cult in Federal Parliament by George Christensen MP. Watch the video on kidsrights.org.au That's all I'm ranting here for now, but fuck do I hate Sutherland police. Fiona needs to be careful dealing with them.

I have the head Commander of Sutherland Police station on tape saying they have the original death threat document I asked by fax 20 times with no replies before my FOI "was safe as houses" it after I left Australia. Either he is lying or his now detective is on what I FOI'ed from the COPS system. After doing the FOI - I get charged with 60C NSW Crimes Act - obtaining true information that the police gave me on FOI that they wanted back.

I'm also aware of Sutherland Police in another matter I haven't made fully public yet from the @garryburnsblog pedo email hack, and it's friggen scary involving a homosexual pedophile named as a pedophile on tape by his own sex partner talking to me (in my investigation) and he's the former CEO of Travellex world wide. You get the idea?. I got accused of the crime of knowing a secret gay police is gay - Australia's rarest crime 60C NSW Crimes Act - and a Sutherland Police officer Michelle Richie (Now Green Valley LAC) was in on it. It's a long and complex story from 10 years ago, but here's an interview about it with my father with Topher.com.au The OTO Kiddy fucker are going down I TELL YOU! I'm at war with them for other reasons: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/01/how-oto-orient-lodge-illuminati-lgbt.html

Godspeed Fiona! (and the others hunting down the OTO in my circles off the radar)

hojuruku ago

http://pastebin.com/Xjx9eB69 Speaking of NSW Police, here's boylover pedophile Suspect Garry Burns getting his love mail from head of NSW Police Counter Terrorism Command, former Internal Affairs Catherine Judith Burn's the bitch who prosecuted me for 60C and made me political refugee from Aus from an email hack with help from Australian law enforcement in the rival faction that leaked it to me.

Google "Garry Richard Burns" in austlii.edu.au case law to see his real name used for doing hate crimes to Police (Burns Segrave and Anor) before he was sheep-dipped with fake alias "Gary Burns" in the media, criminal law, and civil law to become a full time Gay Greens Party attack dog suing people and extorting money all day for anyone who vilifies a gay pedophile. He's sued John Sunol over 80 times already, yet the gay judge says it's hate speech in the court room to call him a serial or vexatious litigant. This is case law not conspiracy theory folks! Background on the boylover: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/07/if-nsw-anti-discrimination-act-1977-was.html and this post on his sparkles the pony gay child rape incident: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/03/sparkles-pony-back-on-my-blogthis.html https://twitter.com/ozzieslovepedos/status/696019492548116480 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h--iB1XkdxY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLfEB68KzF0

I am working with her rivals to get her fired and the fight is on and it's set to blow SOON! http://www.theaustralian.com.au/opinion/police-powder-keg-set-to-blow-up-in-new-nsw-premiers-face/news-story/37ede79eb9b79929493a57fe43fac9df

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I believe her. Anyone remember the Pedophile movie Nicole Kidman did? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0337876/ you just know that crap movie was propaganda to condition the population to be open to pedophilia. They have been pulling her strings her whole life.

FionaBarnett ago

Nicole Kidman's PR team are in over drive trying to undo my exposure. Australians tell me repeatedly they have always hated Nicole - but now they know why. Kidman is paying the media to suck up to her and try and quash those pedo rumours. But it's not working. People hammered her in the comments sections in DailyMail online which is unedited. See her attempts to undo my work - https://au.tv.yahoo.com/sunrise/video/watch/34242973/why-nicole-kidmans-not-feeling-the-love/#page4 and http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/rendezview/shame-on-you-australia-stop-hating-on-nicole-kidman/news-story/4ab0cb72de801c6a1fb4849341aaab6e

Z11Mama ago

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here. Your coming forward means the world to many of us. All of what you went through to get someone to believe you and take you seriously...now, for us, you are that first someone giving a sense of 'I told you so'. That is priceless in the strength it gives.

I don't know how to post the link, but I have previously addressed NIcole Kidman here on Voat. It bothers me that she does not come forward. It makes sense that she is most likely a victim of mind control. It still bothers me. I have made two observations about her that make sense as connected to all of this.

  1. I first saw her in 'Dead Calm'. I do not like such movies and it always bothered me that she was so able to act so calm amidst such horror. Obviously, we now know why.

  2. Recently, I saw an article that just gushed about her and her best friend. Reese Witherspoon. A beloved American actress. Is it because Reese gives her credibility or is Reese a part? I don't know but found this odd.

Thank you again, for being here.

srayzie ago

You are so brave! I'm so sorry for what happened to you :( Thank God you are now helping others come forward. I am so glad they did not break your soul.

Regarding Nicole Kidman... the only reason I can come up with as to why she would defend this man, her father, and the others, is that she has been brainwashed her whole life to do so. I hope she doesn't do this to her children. She did get into the other weird religion, Scientology. Spiritually I think she's all confused. Scientology has pedophilia throughout as well. She was probably raped her whole life as well. It made me sick when you said she smirked at you as you were being abused. She has to be programmed.

Aaanndgo ago

Hi, I follow the William Tyrrell case, I'm just wondering if you think his foster carers or a high-level paedophile ring were involved? Or just the likes of Jones and Spedding?

FionaBarnett ago

He disappeared while in the care of foster carers. His real parents were threatened by DOCS with removal of their other kids if they spoke. DOCS took to court the woman (a victim of DOCS abuse herself) who started a petition & demanded she remove the fact that he disappeared while in the department's care. Thing is, that law could only apply if the kid is still alive, since you're not allowed to publish the name of kids in care... And the one making money out of the fundraising is the foster carers - not his parents.

Eastwood350 ago

Thank you for your honesty and bravery Fiona and I am so sorry that the Powers That Be and others have attempted to dismiss your claims. But do take note that there is a new awareness taking place worldwide regarding the unveiling of these nefarious practices that destroy children and families and it's the few like you who are helping the public to understand this is fact rather than fiction.

I do have a question for you, since you mentioned DOCS (AU version of CPS in the US). Is it reasonable to believe that children are acquired for these pedophile rings, SRA from social services? I've seen your videos an saw you make mention of Boys Town in one of those videos. I also watched the little girl in the Hempstead case who stated Social Services (UK) was involved. That little girl stated the babies are taken from poor families who can't provide for them and are either sacrificed or sold. So is it your feeling or experience that some of these children are acquired for pedos and or satanists through DOCS, Social Services or CPS?

In the past 3-4 years parents (mostly the impoverished) worldwide including Australia, UK, Canada, US, Norway and others have taken to social media groups screaming from rooftops that their children are being removed without warrants or substantiated claims and placed with foster carers. Mainstream media refuses to address the crisis since it's come to light and the assumption is they've been instructed not to publish any of these stories regarding the unjustified removals therefore the majority of the public remains in the dark. So do you feel there is a connection with children's protective services and pedophiles who are fosters and pedophile rings?

Aaanndgo ago

Thank you for your comment.

NatashaFatale ago

God bless you Fiona! There's nobody else in the world who can expose these clowns in quite the way you do. Nonstop badassery.

FionaBarnett ago

Coz you can't silence a victim from telling their own story. I know many victims of VIP pedos, Bob Hawke, Antony Kidman, etc - they're simply too scared or fragile to speak out.

FriesischShipping ago

I don't blame them. I am a victim of a Cointelpro torture-harassment-disruption program that wasn't even sexual in nature and I have a hard time acknowledging that it happened and telling other people about it. (Edit: thanks for joining the board and sharing your story)

Godwillwin ago

Can you tell them about voat? Maybe they will change their mind? Maybe it's rude of me to suggest this....it's just a thought. Maybe seeing how many people care and refuse to be silenced will help them find courage to speak out

SpikyAube ago

The Hampstead kids also said that many babies were murdered ritualistically, and the 15 year old girl in the documentary that was prevented from being aired on the Discovery Channel also talked about the sacrifice of babies, and that she was forced to have an abortion and was made to eat the foetus :-( All of these separate testimonies being so similar, and from children as well, I can't understand why so many people dismiss it as people attention seeking or being crazy. In reality, how many of us know people who would make up something like that, so detailed and horrific, for attention? And the few people that might, are a certain type of personality, a pathological liar who'd make up all kinds of tall tales about different things, not stick firmly over decades to only one intricate lie.

It seems like people forget these things, and are so willing to believe that little kids and fully grown, otherwise sane seeming adults, would come up with this appalling grotesque story out of nowhere, for attention or their own amusement or just out of insanity, yet are completely unwilling to believe that other seemingly sane people would, behind closed doors, perpetrate these kinds of crimes, even when they know it has happened before and has been proven to have happened before, across the world and spanning decades.

Why don't people think logically? The only thing that makes sense is that people like Fiona are telling the truth, yet society indulges in the most nauseating and selfish cognitive dissonance and victimises these poor people all over again by dismissing the horror and injustice of their ordeal.

MAGABoomer ago

I recently read a "twist" on the baby murder issue. It is possible many of the supposedly murdered babies were sold rather than actually murdered..however the young (and sometimes purposefully impregnated) underaged mothers of these babies are conditioned and participate in rituals that are not "real" but meant to terrify into silence, and their babies are in fact sold. It's huge business. What are the chances a young mom would ever go to the police if she thought she participated in "ritual murders"?

dbstfbh ago

Stay strong Fiona! People like you make this fight worthwhile.

shoosh ago

reading through, I wonder if the school teacher was a finder.
Is there any further investigation concerning who they use as finders? Because the mothers lead poisoning as a means to get access to the children seems like it was planned.

lawfag123 ago

page not found -.-

Trumpwon-suckit ago

This is just disturbing

iamthepizzanow ago

TO THE TOP! Archive before scrub. Edit: Thanks @zoltan907 for the archive.

iamthepizzanow ago

Holy fuck. There is a lot of info in there.

FionaBarnett ago

It's only a fraction of what I gave police.

Birdzeyeview ago

and they sent you packing, correct?

would love to see the file they have on you Fiona. "mental case, Histrionic PD, ignore, time waster, needs psych help, beyond help....." ???? am I close?

people who waste police time are antisocial shits

FriesischShipping ago

Birdzeyeview is James Alefantis. Hey James, fuck off or start snitching.

wtf_is_happening ago

And yet the police who took her statements did not judge it a waste of time. Not all police are corrupt, unfortunately for you. Why ARE you so angry?

carmencita ago

What courage Fiona Barnett. To step out of the darkness and into the light. We thank her for going to the authorities to finally charge those that violated her. For it will not only make a difference in her life but also in the life of many others.

Birdzeyeview ago

courage to make up horseshit? yeah right!

anyone who watched Fiona in full flight can see she is talking unmitigated drivel - libelous and so far fetched you would laugh if what she is doing was not so despicable.

so while you are gracing these idiots with your fraudulent presence Fiona, do tell...what did the medical staff at Hospital near Engadine say about you reeking of rotting corpse Fiona when you were brought in unconscious? your tall tales are full of holes

epic fail, go to fiction school you night do better.

FriesischShipping ago

Fuck off James.

wtf_is_happening ago

Just wondering, why the hate? What's your motive? Are you worried about getting caught? Is someone paying you? Are you protecting your brothers from a secret society?

FriesischShipping ago

All their satanic crews are affiliated and if you threaten one organization you are threatening all of the organizations.

FionaBarnett ago

I made police statements against VIPs in 2014 and 2015. Police started investigating - 'til it was shut down by a senior officer who supported perpetrators in another ritual abuse child trafficking case.

hojuruku ago

@FionaBarnett - you wrote about pedophiles at BOND UNIVERSITY and I thought you were nuts. NOW I HAVE BOND UNIVERSITY OTO PEDOPHILES AFTER MYSELF AND MY FRIEND working for the ACT Human Rights Commission saying we should all respect the religion of Alister Crowley, the Great Beast Mr 666 who also called himself Satan's chief of staff - his OTOAustralia.org.au - or FACE JAIL for religious vilification. You need to expose this: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/infowars-breaking-video.html

Birdzeyeview ago

you want locking up, you demented evil POS excuse for a woman

better still a bullet, you are fucking evil

FriesischShipping ago

Fuck off James birdzeyeview Alefantis. Start snitching or get vanished.

wtf_is_happening ago

Welcome shill. Everyone knows Fiona is telling the truth. Your nasty attacks reveal more about you. Keep it up. Anyone can see your game.

hojuruku ago

@FionaBarnett - are you aware that the OTO Australia has been busy suing anti-pedophilia activists again downunder? 3 x of my friends in addition to CSAPP.NET & Ghaiguys.net vs OTOAustralia have been sued. Now targeted are (lukesarmy.com, loveforlife.com.au & truthnews.com.au over my interview that barely mentions them - contary to the title that was added after they sued / censored)

Fiona and I have traveled in the same circles and some of the radio hosts you have dealt with are CONFIRMED shills, so watch your back.

https://soundcloud.com/hojuruku/truthnews-radio-australia-oto-sex-magick-cult-censored-interview https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/11/repost-dark-satanic-history-of-nsw-adb.html https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/01/how-oto-orient-lodge-illuminati-lgbt.html

Here's the details. Background: The @NCATNSW court (well more like Tribunal with powers to jail anyone for contempt - and boy do they deserve it - with non magistrates given these powers) gives known pedophiles caught for sex crimes "working with children Clarence certificates" all day long because they in their infinite gay wisdom that goes against the NSW Police, NSW Guardian, Medical Review Board decided that a doctor who likes inspecting little boy bum holes and is caught sleeping with teenagers "won't re-offend in our opinion" yet all of their cases in Guardian division are anonomized into 3 letter acronyms. This has been in the daily telegraph newspaper - that incident. Nag me and I'll repost info. They are sick scum. So they just ruled that pedophiles must not be vilified after going to jail if they identify as gay because that's now a crime of homosexual vilification of convicted infant rapists Mark Newton and Peter Truong. And too boot they are now they are suing my dad because they can't get me in exile in typical gay mafia tactics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6L3jx4KbM0 To sew how batshit crazy some of their decisions are: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/01/pizzagate-just-gave-me-new-insight-into.html

PIAC.ASN.AU the documented pro-bono lawyers for the OTOAustralia.org.au pedo scum is under attack by yours truly and I've caught some of their staff at sleepover events involving 13 year old boys. If you want to see the raw research go here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/1582310

MartinTimothy ago

Hi .. I have followed your posts for quite some time please read on :)

Adelaide South Australia 1956 evening .. going on six years of age both parents introduce one to an Uncle Ian, lined face forties no fat, anonymous city clothes which seemed to have been worn all day but looked as if they had just come from the dry cleaner.

They tell me to sit next to him then depart the room, in a flash he tears my lower clothing off and rapes me, gripping my neck grunting and groaning then tosses me head first shirt up and strides hanging off onto the floor.

Mother comes in he gives her seven quid then disappears .. she screams at me to get dressed then asks if I liked it, at school the teachers want to know how I got the mark on my neck, I tell them how Uncle Ian had hold of me by the neck, they tell me he had bitten me and get the school counselor.

I tell him of the rape and about my mother turning me over to an Uncle Max to be flogged, he tells me to punch the next uncle and my father .. soon after on a Saturday afternoon father says to get ready Donald Bradman was on his way and I would be entertaining him.

No way I tell him .. Father was a Detective in the SA Police, he flogs and drags me into the bathroom flogging and bashing me and scrubs me up to meet Bradman, when he arrives he is a shortish broad shouldered powerfully built man with long arms, he was wearing a business suit..

He saw I had recently been bashed and departed .. the next and last uncle was a European who my father brought home who got smashed in the gob!

Maybe two yrs on I talked to a kid who was one of Bradman's victims who said Bradman put him thru Hell .. it was at a Christmas party for under privileged kids, he asked for my protection after approaching me with a tale of shocking abuse and telling me he was fearful for his life.

I put my arm around him and told him he would be safe with me .. Just then they called me to take my present from a Father Christmas figure who could have been Bradman, on the stage of the hall where the function was held.

The organizers said he could not come with me .. I only had my back turned for a few seconds and he disappeared, I was in the company of my father who was a policeman and implored him to help me to find the kid.

Another policeman distinguished by his statuesque appearance who had pulled a face at father earlier was there, and it seems he knew what had happened to the kid.

I reckon the reason jolly old Uncle Ian's clothes appeared clean was because the judges or barristers gown he wears all day keeps them that way, scrutiny of the bar list circa 1956 may be used to prove his identity.

He then may be found to be connected to the judge suspect the 1966 disappearance of the three Beaumont children from an Adelaide beach. Australian True Crime: MT Meets The Don - Judith & Susan Mackay - D R Ferguson.

smokemirrors ago

Fiona, holy shit, if this is really you, WELCOME! You are amazing. I have written much about Dad Kidman: please also see this deleted Voat thread from a few weeks back, featuring YOU. Stay with us; talk to us x


FionaBarnett ago

Yeah, I saw that. Why deleted?

smokemirrors ago

Your guess is as good as mine, Fiona. Mods deleted it. Ps-how are you doing? Its so great, again, to have you with us.

EDIT: My bad. The mods didn't delete it - the poster deleted it. Very weird. Doesn't matter. You're here now and we can continue....

MAGABoomer ago

Keep talking Fiona. It's a brave but necessary thing...the reason it's gone on for so long is the silence. Remember...you are not your body and they can never kill or wound the soul. Speaking out is freedom, it's healing (as I'm sure you've discovered) but it also can help others...it can end abuse, and lend strength to the fearful. Excellent work you, excellent work.

Godwillwin ago

Welcome Fiona!!! God Bless You!

Birdzeyeview ago

rot in hell bitch

JustObserving ago

I wish I had more upvoats just so I could downvoat you. That's just a horrible thing to say, even for a shill.

Godwillwin ago

Oh James, we are all pretty confident you will be rotting in Hell with your Satanic friends. That's where eternity is spent by those who worship Satan and rape and torture children and babies.

"Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels.'" Matthew 25:41

"But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8

dickface8 ago

lol this guy is a riot!

twistedmac11 ago

I had a feeling you'd show up here. Why are you so obsessed with discrediting Fiona, Jimmy?

wtf_is_happening ago

LOL you!

DustyRadio ago

You are so strong. Thank you for your courage in trying to bring these people to light. I am so sorry these horrible things happened to you, words are inadequate . You will have justice, we are all working on it. If not now, then in the next life.