hojuruku ago

OTO Australia is evil - they are pizzagate and I'm at war with them.

https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/01/how-oto-orient-lodge-illuminati-lgbt.html Too tired to write it up all again in the comments, let alone in a deleted thread. Have fun starting there... Down the rabbit-hole you will go.

Birdzeyeview ago

I have watched Candy Girl. She is full of Bullshit.

smokemirrors ago

Great response, thank you! Stay strong. I'm feeling very optimistic for the first time in years. I feel a revolution of kinds is coming :-) Trump has shown his cajones by calling out Communist New Network in front of the world. Looking forward to seeing the follow up :-)

smokemirrors ago

I am curious to see if MSM will pick up on the story of her father in the coming weeks, and ultimately trash it - *and her *- as is their usual mo. LOL, no doubt finding a way to bring the "russian" angle into it, somehow.

My good Aussie friends talk very casually in that typical apathetic Aussie drawl of how institutionalized pedolife is, in Aussie culture. Also how they seem to have a different prime minister every week. Bizarre continent, which has thus far evaded much public scrutiny because of sheer distance. Glad things are finally changing.

smokemirrors ago


This news item is trending right now. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2017/01/13/nicole-kidman-faces-backlash-over-trump-comments.html

Do you think main stream media is on its way to discredit Nicole and destroy her reputation, so if she comes forward as a Australian victim of historical satanic abuse/pedophilia, she will be dismissed as insane?

Orange_Circle ago

Here's the thing for me: I don't have to believe in Satan and you don't have to believe in Satan, but that doesn't mean that some people do, and they act on their belief.

smokemirrors ago

you bet :-)

smokemirrors ago

Absolutely! Ive been reading about the POS for years. Thank YOU for reminding! I remember an article from years back (Vanity Fair possibly? Will try to find link...) where Nicole talked about when she was filming Eyes Wide Shut with Kubrick and it took so much out of her, she had to rest in bed with 'daddy' Kidman, while Kubrick stroked her brow. Fking drama queen.

Interesting timing huh, that Pedo Kidman 'died of a heart attack' (Suicide??) just as he was under investigation. He and his brother were raised jesuits (LOL - the bastion of all things pedo) and had connections to the same cults that L Ron Hub (Scientology...Tommy Cruise etc) held. Its all intertwined.

This link lays it all out: https://pedophilesdownunder.com/kidman-connections-the-cia-secret-societies-ritual-abuse/

Jesuit Pope Ratzinger's in there. Of course he is. Fvcker resigned because he was involved in one too many pedo scandals and they were coming back to haunt him. Oh sorry, I meant, "resigned because God told him to during a mystical experience"....(<---yes! Google it!)

J Depp! LOL! Where to begin! Hunter S and then some. Got his Viper Room biz partner killed then fled to France, where he hung out with King Pedo Polanski, making satanic 'The Ninth Gate.' Then sneaking around with Ashley Olsen. Ok, she was 25 but doesn't she look 8 in this photo!? Sick.


Orange_Circle ago

Ratzinger, he's so involved in pedo-priests cover ups that even the Devil doesn't want him in Hell.

smokemirrors ago

Ratzinger and ALL the Vatican.

the philippino president is on a role at the moment with policing his own country and calling out others on their shit:


Truthseeker77 ago

She links the son of her abuser to Transformer DC "Kim Beazley Jnr, (who attended Bohemian Grove with pedophile Bob Carr, and is son of my abuser Luciferian pedophile Kim Beazley Snr who presided over Bathurst City Hall ritual murders) - irrefutably linked to comet Ping Pong / Pizzagate:"


Toogi23 ago

Understand completely about ditching things you used to innocently enjoy. Can't watch anything with jimmy saville, Rolf Harris et Al in. Nor can I listen to the lost prophets because of Ian Watkins. Other musicians too. I feel nauseous if someone eats pizza near me... But we carry on...

TaosDeiopW ago

Of course in a world of 7 billions, 1-2 million pedo sick fucks is nothing.

But still, that's a ton of demonic entities.

Toogi23 ago

1-2 million is huge when they hold power positions.

azziP ago

There are so many sickos out there. I'd loose every faith in humanity if it wasn't for ppl like you guys. Thank you and everyone else here trying your hardest to make this world a better place and humanity worth it's name again. At the moment they seem worse than beasts to me. Thank you everyone for your hard work.

tjarco ago

hmm, I watched her documentary and plowed her website but couldn't find any statements on this by herself - still interested in this.

tjarco ago

Part I'm missing about her story is how she managed to get away/escape - tried looking for that, couldn't find anything - anyone knows?

Birdzeyeview ago

yeah I know. 99 percent of her story is garbage, and not even credible garbage. I am willing to believe she may have been the victim. as a child; of 1 2 or even 3 pedophiles, family members most likely. The rest is all made up.

juhos ago

These kind of real events in history are exactly the eye openers when telling about pizzagate to normies. Not Alefantis or mysterious code language. Just tell about Savile scandal, Franklin case, Epstein and Clintons, Silsby and Clintons, Pentagon cp, Vatican pedophilia etc. You really can't argue against those. They really make any sane people to think wtf is going on and why these things are buried. THEN show that something is STILL going on!

wellington33 ago

Please OP, i learned in the last two months that Allen Ginsberg was a pedo-satanist and Will S. Burroughs was a filthy mason and probably a pedo/satanist too (he wrote the sentence "pedophilia is institutionalized", you should read this man's book called Naked Lunch, a ton of pedophilia inside). Please... tell me Jack Kerouac is clean... please...

I used to love the Beat Generation... imagine how i feel reading about this things...

Orange_Circle ago

Wasnt one of the guys from Peter, Paul and Mary arrested for pedophillia?

rhy ago

FUUUUUUUUU That video about Depp and Hunter S Thompson, etc... It's clear they are all in on the Satanic shit. All of them.

kekistocrat ago

Unenslaved, I've gained a deeper respect for your work. That video was pieced together rather nicely.

Votescam ago

Hi Stone -- Obviously your trouble is that you have a conscience and a heart -- :) We need more people to be aware of this so we can finally knock it out -- in a hurry. NYPD Det. Jim Rothstein/interview with Prof. Fetzer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cnT5amf6Ys says that over the last 50 years they've investigated sexual abuse and trafficking and every time they reached the point where this investigation has led -- to higher ups in government, courts, military, etc. that the investigations are shut down. He also says that many more citizens have to get informed on this issue in order for us to stop it.

Birdzeyeview ago

Fiona Barnett is a fraudster.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

You're a fraudster.

Now we have opposing assertions each backed by nothing. Care to take the lead?

Votescam ago

thank you for the final link and comments 00

Psychiatric textbooks states that around 94% of the violent pedophiles were young victims too, most of the times offered by their own families (fraternity ties, well, that's their mind).

I just posted a link of an expert explaining this Modus Operandi. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1561644

It is, of course, a program to create violent people - slaves to do things these people wouldn't ordinarily do in their right minds. Thank you.

dickface8 ago

I dare say Fiona is reading this right now.

JesusOfNazareth53 ago

No wonder Alex Jones won't report on pizzagate and knew about 9/11 ahead of time.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

Z11Mama ago

I keep questioning why it is that if Nicole Kidman is a victim, she doesn't speak up. Isn't silence agreement?

smokemirrors ago

LOL!! Bang goes her Hollywood career, or what she has left of it!

I replied elsewhere here: "wonder how many publicists Nicole has on retainer desperate for this not to hit the mainstream..."

Z11Mama ago

I agree with you completely. The thing is, if she is a victim, and not a criminal, all she has to do is hire the right help, come forward and support Fiona Barnett, for starters, and she would increase her fanbase tenfold. That's my belief.

smokemirrors ago

Its too weird a topic for middle america to comprehend. Her career would be over trust me.

Z11Mama ago

Given the status of the many Hollywood elite who are known to be involved, the emerging statistics on numbers of people involved in Satanism and more, that is highly doubtful. If she came forward and helped, she would be seen as a hero. Such movies as Eyes Wide Shut only increased her popularity already.

Z11Mama ago

Ummm...This forum is about truth, not presenting msm fluff as truth.

wtf_is_happening ago

Fiona rocks. She's smart, articulate, down to earth and very, very courageous. There's considerable danger and no money at all in doing what she's doing. (Not flogging a book like that Cathy O'brien. Just trying to expose the truth at long last. Contrary to its image of being open and easygoing, Australia may be the most corrupted controlled nation on earth.)

Also another great witness on Youtube all should see is the evidence of Dutch survivor Toos Nijenhuis. I would give them both medals for bravery if I had the power to do so.

jesusdied4ourvpns ago

Cathy O'Brien has a book yes, but she was brave enough to show everyone her ritual scars, very NSFL. It throws skepticism out the window and gives credibility to other victims. Good comment though.

Birdzeyeview ago

that bitch Fiona Barnett belongs in Jail.

smokemirrors ago

I wondered how long it would be before Nicole Kidman's dad would come up. Nasty pos. http://childabuserecovery.com/nicole-kidmans-father-dies-amid-pedophile-child-murder-ring-allegations/

Poor Nicole. Pedo, Scientology, gay (uh, allegedly) Cruise, wacky Kubrick. How many pills is she on, I wonder.

dickface8 ago

On top of it all, Antony Kidman being a psychiatrist was in the midst of creating a "mind control" drug for really unruly kids, there's an article of him speaking about it that I couldn't locate at this very minute. Fiona mentions this too. He also co-authored a book titled "Clinical Handbook of Assessing and Treating Conduct Problems in Youth"..

smokemirrors ago

absolutely. How many publicists does Nicole have on retainer, desperate for this to not hit the mainstream...