Lucifer S02E09 mocking suspect with his 'Pizza-code' Aired Nov21, 2016 (pizzagate)
submitted 8.2 years ago by SsupGuys
It may be off but watching it just now with the pizzagate in mind and thinking about previous incidents where 'the elite' rubbed the hidden truth in our face, I just wanted to let you know.
carygato 8.2 years ago
video here pizza code is referenced but it's not in connection to pedophilia.
SsupGuys 8.2 years ago
The pizza-code is mentioned around the 20 minute mark of that episode...
carygato ago
video here pizza code is referenced but it's not in connection to pedophilia.
SsupGuys ago
The pizza-code is mentioned around the 20 minute mark of that episode...