zzvoat ago

¤ W hat is AmTV? ¤ I saw the Alex Jones video and I thought the reason they took it down was because he was drunk as a skunk, especially near the end.

He really made me laugh when at one point, he was showing part of the podesta interview and, he took his thumb and pointer finger and put them up near the screen and pretended to pinch the image of John Podesta's shriveled up little head. Lol.

IlluminatiKing ago

AMTV backed off from PG from the start, probably because Alex Jones did as well.

Pokes ago

So, I don't suppose anyone has a link to the video Jones took down? This guy is drawing attention to wikileaks being compromised, I'm inclined to trust him. I feel like this is the scandal about which everyone has such a confirmation bias that the intelligensia will be able to insert shills into the alternative news lanscape, many of whom will be seemingly well0intentioned albeit ineffective throughout this coverup and trojan horses in the next.

TheRedPi11 ago

Why would you trust someone who claims to be a truther but has only put 2 vids up about pizzagate? Both of them warning ppl not to investigate bc "it's a trap". Christopher Greene is a fraud.

Pokes ago


john_molestda ago


equineluvr ago

Oh good grief! Too much drama and "intrigue." Too many pregnant pauses. Why doesn't this clown just come out and say Alex Jones' name? And, he can't enumerate his points? "(1) Censorship, which is already happening.... <crickets>.."

Yeah, sure he knows what's in the envelope. /sarc That envelope could be just a prop for all we know.

More "unnamed people," but we KNOW who they are. LMAO!

D. Seaman has publicly stated that he is just taking a break.

Are the shades just for "mystery?"

This video is stupid beyond belief!

fuspezza ago

The folder It was seaman's book from @SayWhatNOWAY in the video

fuspezza ago

AmTV is joke. If you can be manipulated on to wearing those shirts and ugly sweaters means you can be told what to say and not to say. He is not a paid schill he is a paid chill with horrific sence of style. Now that I think of it what's with the suite seamen if your going to be on so many job interviews buy some different colors ..... I hope the counseling company in charge of their image is is flipping the fuck out

TheRedPi11 ago

Your comment is pure gibberish. Why do you bother?

john_molestda ago

okay shill

we live in the UNITED STATES everyone needs a way of SUPPORTING THEMSELVES

JOE ROGAN sells supplements and every podcaster basically has adverts as well

Mommyplayer571 ago

That video is wrong. Crowd sourced open investigations are for probable cause. Then the authorities investigate. We don't need DNA for probable cause. This guy is disinformation for sure. I'm sure we all caught the lie.

dtneslo ago

I think he was saying "Have your FACTS together or perhaps they will start suing" was my takeaway.

noworldorder ago

As did I. Jones essentially said that he was being sued in the video that was deleted. AMTV is acting weird, because he doesn't want to be sued as well.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I searched the links in your post against previous Voat posts using Google and found the following Voat posts:

David Seaman "finally lost it", according to 'a friend', who claims Seaman was poisoned and needs help