TweedleDee7000 ago

To the pathetic jew shills arguing the Talmud doesn't condone pedophilia: Here it is, in your own religion's words - CASE CLOSED:

"Rab said: Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that. Samuel said: Pederasty with a child below three years is not treated as with a child above that. (2) What is the basis of their dispute? Rab makes nine years the minimum; but if one committed sodomy with a child of lesser age, no guilt is incurred. Samuel makes three the minimum."

The Talmud, the "holy book" of Judaism

TweedleDee7000 ago

What is it in the way that we Jews are living, organizing our societies, and treating other people that makes violence against us seem plausible to so many people?’”

ich1baN ago

You're 100% right about CTR being involved in this... there are some youtube videos that warn about CTR infiltrating groups to change the narrative. Go to 7:05 of this video:

@yingyangmom @investigate1999 @realdontrump @redditsuckz @supbic @vindicator @orwellknew @itrunshot @biebergangrape @nafisnaf @hagen1 @Holy_Guacamole @JohnTitor_0 @rippingtheveil @Mew-Two @Marthvedderette @Don_Don2

It's been posted about before but CTR shills have infiltrated VOAT and certain mods have created downvote brigades in order to discredit credible people. They are minimum wage slaves working at CGI.... if you want evidence go to this VOAT and read @supbic 's comment that exposes them:

supbic -5 points (+1|-6) 1 year ago Mods caught creating downvoat brigades to force their feminist SJW agenda on voat

Examples of feminist SJW mods CONSPIRING to CENSOR VOAT with downvoat brigades

Here are example of these faggot SJW keyboard warrior clowns trying to censor voat once again:

Love how they claim this is all in the name of "safety". They claim they really care about voat and so they're doing it for "your own good"... Sound familiar? This is voat's version of the Patriot Act.

Govt: citizens we need to tap into your phones and computers and record all your data....FOR SAFETY REASONS!

Just to give you an example of the type of high moral fiber these feminist SJW mods have, one of their socket puppet accounts (most likely one of @nadrewod 's MANY sock puppet accounts) moderates /v/torture ... yep that's right @nadrewod is either running his sock puppet or is buddies with @accountwpublicip ... both are working to STOP Manhood Academy from poisoning voat with "spam" as they that they can start posting about cats being TORTURED!


He posted in the /v/torture sub he moderates a video of a cat being tortured so he can jerk off to it:

....and yes, voat citizens.....these feminist SJW mods claim to care about "your safety."


This is why Manhood Academy posts stuff like this to EXPOSE these hypocritical pieces of shit:

CENSORSHIP & The New Tyrants:

or how to bitchslap SJW keyboard warrior mods who can't handle dissenting views.

and yes we already know they're gonna accuse Manhood Academy of being a money-making scam:


Except they forgot to address this:

Manhood Academy finally answers the money making scam accusation from the feminists on voat

It's always been your choice. There's the free options which most people take.

Or there's the pay option if you really feel you're getting something out of their work and want to help contribute to men around the world who can't afford to connect. The academy buys laptops, phones, computers, headsets, and webcams for students who can't afford to get online.

Again, since day one of the academy, it's always been that way. 80% take the free option. 20% choose to pay. Simple as that. Nobody is forced to pay. It's STRICTLY VOLUNTARY.

Of course that's only for in-person training over webcam.

The academy has ALWAYS made it a point to give away all their teaching for FREE as they always have. That's why all their best material is released on their youtube channel and free ebook.

Everybody has known about this, even the critics who try and lie and claim that Manhood Academy is a money making scam. And that's also why you'll NEVER see a cowardly critics on here make this claim during a live debate because they already know it's a lie. Their only intention in making this claim is to smear Manhood Academy and promote their man-hating feminist agenda.

Investigate1999 ago

These guys need to go jump off a bridge. I hate them.

ich1baN ago

But your explanation has no bearing on the importance that Masons place on the Koran and the fact that the islamic Allah does refer to a moon god that predates Islam... this isn't to say that modern day muslims don't worship a singular god named allah but it is a fact of archaeology that ancient Sumerians and other cultures did worship a moon god called allah and muslims circa 600 AD "borrowed" the word from pre-islamic religions in that geographic area of the world.

Facts are facts, and you can't dispute the archaeological record unless you're willing to disregard all logic, reason, and common sense:

"Allah is found . . . in Arabic inscriptions prior to Islam" (Encyclopedia Britannica, I:643)

"The Arabs, before the time of Mohammed, accepted and worshipped, after a fashion, a supreme god called allah" (Encyclopedia of Islam, eds. Houtsma, Arnold, Basset, Hartman; Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1913, I:302)

"Allah was known to the pre-Islamic Arabs; he was one of the Meccan deities" (Encyclopedia of Islam, ed. Gibb, I:406)

"Ilah . . . appears in pre-Islamic poetry . . . By frequency of usage, al-ilah was contracted to allah, frequently attested to in pre-Islamic poetry" (Encyclopedia of Islam, eds. Lewis, Menage, Pellat, Schacht; Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1971, III:1093)

"The name Allah goes back before Muhammed" (Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend, "The Facts on File", ed. Anthony Mercatante, New York, 1983, I:41)

itrunshot ago

I agree 100%

VieBleu ago

One is a total PSYCHO condoning Pedophilia if you come to any other conclusion of this passage in Kethuboth 11b.>

lol Oh boy, I think "Forum Star Syndrome" got into this one's little noggin, and 'xploded it.

ich1baN ago

No... it's clear you have an obvious motive to be sympathetic to Kabbalists... I'm not sure if it's b/c you're erroneously believing that they are Jewish of the same line of the Abrahamic faith or if you're a shill in cover but the motive is there and you've been clear about that from the beginning.

You haven't attempted to read my rebuttals that Millennial_Falcon couldn't respond to b/c he knew I destroyed his argument and his scant and anonymous source that couldn't even quote the full verse of Kethuboth 11b. Pathetic.

These aren't the only controversial verses in the Talmud, there are worse ones, but hey stay deluded and ignorant:

Sanhedrin 55b . A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years “and a day” old).

Sanhedrin 54b . A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.

Yebhamoth 11b: Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is of three years of age.

Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.

Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.

Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has “exposed their money to Israel.”

VieBleu ago

Ok you win. We all surrender. I'm a complete moron mushhead, you've yelled and bullied me into acceptance with a string of blasphemous obscenities, and proven you are pure and right and I am debased and wrong, and now I want to follow you around, not because I'm a moron of course but because you carry the shining white light of Jesus' heart in your hand, obviously. I mean, why should you ever be questioned - it's ridiculous! So, now what? Do I need to start racebaiting here in order to keep God's promises? Does Heaven's House need straightening out? Just show the way, oh righteous one.

ich1baN ago

To be fair, you were the first to start calling names you condescending vulture. I'm not trying to prove I'm pure, we're all guilty and fallen from birth. I'm not perfect and never claimed to be, my problem is with pedophilia sympathizers like you who censor truth even when presented with absolute evidence showing the contrary. But when you have comments like this it shows you have no actual mind for truth:

[–] VieBleu 1 points (+3|-2) 1 month ago I am an average Joe here and I completely agree with stay off Trump and fer chrissake please stay off the Jewish people. Also violence and vigilante justice.

George Soros, Karl Marx (a Jew and 33rd Degree mason), and Michael Lerner could rape 100 children on live TV and you'd call anyone an anti-semite who attempted to arrest them for their atrocities against humanity: It's sort of like the double standard that if you're black you can't be racist... I see the world your mind lives in now.

VieBleu ago

tell us, tell us how bad we all are,Truthy One.

Blacksmith21 ago

Kabalism is about as Jewish as Kwanzaa is Jewish. Both are made up religions which draw from whatever they deem of any religion. This is a non-issue, non-lead, non-"evidence". In fact, this borders on fake news. This is an intentional attempt to hijack and discredit a legitimate group of citizen investigators with anti-Semitic rhetoric, so when the time comes, the fake news can snippet something like this tripe from the thread in order to discredit the entire investigation.

Take your bullshit to /v/pizzagatewhatever. Better yet, take it over to Stormfront or Daily Caller where everyone can conversate (made up word) and exchange "ideas" and can collaborate at an eleventh grade level. This shit has nothing to do with Pizzagate. It's nothing more than an opportunity to interject leftist bullshit. Fuck off.

VieBleu ago

Some say this is Amalek. If you have the time, you might want to downvote in submissions/comments.

ich1baN ago

This isn't anti-semetic, you're just mentally inferior to actually see what was written and the fact that I took the time to separate and distinguish the difference b/w Kabbalists and Jews proves this notion about you. And Kabbalists are almost entirely ethnically Jewish, so it has a hell of a lot more to do with those who claim to be Jews than does Kwanzaa b/c many Jews in addition to Kabbalists read the Talmud.

Also the fact that you're confusing followers of the Talmud with the real Jewish faith of those in line with the Abrahamic forefathers is HYSTERICAL.

So good non-sequitur there. Again, your attempt to censor truth and cover up the fact that JP has found a link with someone that would condone child rape 'legally' and 'morally' makes it all the more interesting considering JP and JA would look for ancient wisdom as they have pulled from ancient Egyptian symbols, texts, and art that condone their sick and twisted acts.

Just b/c you don't have any reading comprehension skills doesn't make it anti-semitic. Just learn to read better next time. Here is in fact a former Jew exposing your talmudic book that it appears you read as well (since you're so defensive about this issue):

Blacksmith21 ago

You're attacks directed at me just prove I am right.

ich1baN ago

You haven't proven jack shit... and you were the first to attack me you pedophilia sympathizer pos scum.

UglyTruth ago

Paul called male circumcision mutilation (katatomē) in Philemon 3:2

The benefit of circumcision is divine protection for the people of the twelve tribes. Naturally this is in conflict with protection via citizenship per Paul's submit to the "powers that be" (Romans 13).

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

I'm on mobile at dinner so not gonna look up a link, but this reminds me of the rabbis that perform a circumcision then use their mouths to suck the blood. It's fairly well known, and was big in the news a few years back

ich1baN ago

WTF, I never heard of this? Really crazy if true.

redditsuckz ago

Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City

-Since 2000 13 known cases of herpes have been contracted from the religious practice

-Two deaths and two babies suffering brain damage have resulted

-Department of health warns there being no safe way to perform the ritual that dates back more than 5,000 years

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

Found the Wikipedia on it

From the article "The Talmud writes that a "Mohel (Circumciser) who does not suck, creates a danger and should be dismissed from practice".[33][34] Rashi on that Talmudic passage explains that this step is in order to draw some blood from deep inside the wound to prevent danger to the baby.[35] "

ich1baN ago

What in the world? To prevent danger to the baby? Good gracious that's not even medically founded.... and just totally bizarre.

tjarco ago

probably downvoting shills & shitposters, mods are encouraged to do so

Millennial_Falcon ago

deleting per rule 2: OP has no provided sufficient evidence of Michael Lerner being connected to pedophilia

ich1baN ago

That's not even part of rule 2. I made the case clearly connecting him to John Podesta and his kabbalism and what Kabbalists condone. You need to be banned as a mod. Several people have accused him of being a shill and he has an obvious bias against what I'm writing and he is deleting this simply b/c he doesn't agree with it.

@YingYangMom @Investigate1999 @Vindicator @Spoor @yuke @redditsuckz @followdamoney @disciple7 @victuruslibertas @Singleservename @wokethefkup @queen_laqueefa @Fateswebb @ich1ban @OrwellKnew @andrevandelft @carmencita @quantokitty @The_Kuru @kekistocrat @biebergangrape @Ronnilynn31 @Singleservename @PaulyWalnuts7 @KittyTigerlily @largepepperoni

Mods you need to review Millenial_Falcon ... he needs to be banned of his moderator duties.

@DonkeyOatey [J] @rktyp [J] @belphegorsprime [M] @wecanhelp [M] @OTPROPHET [J] @Valkore [J] @Vindicator [J] @gopluckyourself [J] @Kwijibo [J] @l4l1lul3l0 [J]

@kingkongwaswrong [O] @Crensch [O] @heygeorge [D] @VictorSteinerDavion [O] @Phobos_Mothership

Investigate1999 ago

@YingYangMom @Investigate1999 @Vindicator @Spoor @yuke @redditsuckz @followdamoney @disciple7 @victuruslibertas @Singleservename @wokethefkup @queen_laqueefa @Fateswebb @ich1ban @OrwellKnew @andrevandelft @carmencita @quantokitty @The_Kuru @kekistocrat @biebergangrape @Ronnilynn31 @Singleservename @PaulyWalnuts7 @KittyTigerlily @largepepperoni

Hey, guys. I'd appreciate it if you'd down vote Millennial_Falcon's comment above to indicate your disapproval. He has enough karma to spare, so it shouldn't hurt his mod status.

I request this, because I want to see what disapproval there is among us. I see that 3 people bothered to down vote.

Feel free to express your thoughts in text, but I'd like to see us anonymously down vote, too.

VieBleu ago

Absolutely not. Ichiban is a freakout nightmare.

ich1baN ago

Not true, you're the freakout doltish mess that can't even reason with logic and is terrible at building a case. You can't refute anything I've stated and neither can your friend (whom I suspect could be you) Millennial_Falcon who failed to respond to my last rebuttal twice... You're the only person that has been reacting insanely to my posts and any mention of anything remotely related to a Jew (even though Michael Lerner is not a real Jew) inspires you to claim anti-semitism without any evidence of such. You're inability to be able to distinguish this has given you a clear label of imbecile.

VieBleu ago

Yes, yes it's all true, I'm Millenial Falcon. You unmasked us/me. You should do a big write up about it.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Your only "evidence" is passages from the Talmud that you are trying to force a particular interpretation onto. If the same standard were applied to the Bible, it would make Christianity look pretty awful. And of course it is nowhere near evidence that Michael Lerner, let alone Jews as a group (whether they "follow" the Talmud or not), support pedophilia.

Not to mention that Podesta receiving emails from him doesn't mean he's "Podesta's Rabbi." Podesta is Catholic, numbnuts.

Investigate1999 ago

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

That's not true. You left up videos claiming a death threat. The videos had no evidence. What he showed shouldn't be considered evidence.

Showing Talmudic passages are legitimate connections, just as a toy store displaying symbols are evidence of a connection. You are way too soft on posts that you support, and way too hard on others.

You approved a post about a book that made no mention of our cast of characters or locations. How much more unrelated can it be?


ich1baN ago

Here it is again since you decided to ignore my response to your comment:

And I just rebutted it. YOUR link COMPLETELY ignores the distinction between 3 years and 1 day... it doesn't even mention it in fact. It's trying to make Kethuboth 11b appear as if it didn't even write about this distinction of less than and greater than this age which is to completely miss the interpretation the rabbis were debating in the first place which is whether there is any injury or harm done to a child less than 3 years and 1 day or not and whether the man is liable for paying her for losing her virginity to WHICH THEY CONCLUDE THAT SHE IS NOT INJURED AND THAT HE DOES NOT HAVE TO PAY ANY COMPENSATION..... You can't be this dunder headed and doltish.

YOUR source also completely IGNORED the 3rd case which is a boy who has sexual relations with a woman.

@OrwellKnew @BLOODandHONOUR

OrwellKnew ago

Unfortunately bro, these ShillMods will stop at nothing to cover up the truth. I don't trust a goddamned one of them. Their actions have certainly proven untrustworthy

Investigate1999 ago

I wonder how much has been buried that could have solidified the whole picture by now.

Ronnilynn31 ago

I've thought the same thing. I have no doubt in my mind, personally, that this ALL connects. The entire satanic, music, spirit cooking, Moloch....all of it is relevant. If you don't know the history, you can't possibly connect all the dots because one immediately discredits information that could be relevant leads into other areas that could tie it all together.

Investigate1999 ago

Have you read the entire 7 parts of the AMAs by FBIAnon? He claims that he is an FBI insider, and that Soros is a Zionist version of a Nazi. Soros and his ilk are trying to preserve a pure Jewish race, while enforcing a multicultural society, that will be ruled by Israel.

The Roman Catholic Church either sold out, or are part of it in some other way. As for Islam, they do whatever they do. The rest of it is politics and religion.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Yes, I have it downloaded and I've read through it completely and then again in parts as I've come across things. Ties in some of what I had already suspected and revealed a lot more to work through. I've been studying history a lot more...religious history in particular...and how much of the man-made religions of today stem from from the earliest times in the Bible. Satanic worship and practices, their eventual offshoots of other religions under the guise false biblical teachings. A lot to go through, but it's fascinating. Very relevant today.

I personally believe that Islam, politics, religion, and the Roman Catholic church all connect & throughout history has resulted in exactly what we're witnessing today. Once I finally realized who/what we know as the nation of Israel today actually is, that's when things really started to fall into place for me.

Investigate1999 ago


What do you think about what he said about the Holocaust?

ich1baN ago

Interesting point @investigate1999 , I'm pretty new here so I didn't know this was a huge issue before but it has quickly become apparent that TPTB obviously have those who run narratives and force interpretations when dubious ones need to be foisted onto the public to deceive from a great truth. To me it's those at the top of the Catholic Church that are just as implicated in this. There is a very strange Freemason-Vatican-Kabbalist-CIA-UK Royalty-Political synchronicity that is deluding the entire world and forcing us into a NWO. This verse is meant for those like Michael Lerner.

Revelation 3:9

Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.

Investigate1999 ago

There is a very strange Freemason-Vatican-Kabbalist-CIA-UK Royalty-Political synchronicity that is deluding the entire world and forcing us into a NWO. This verse is meant for those like Michael Lerner.

The fact that that even makes sense is unbelievable. I can't believe that we are even discussing that possibility.

ich1baN ago

Why do they have these urges? I've only seen a few videos on youtube discuss the potential that they are a different race? Is there any merit to this bloodline theory? This guy suggests it in this very short video about the vatican property that is designed to look like a serpent:

Investigate1999 ago

I don't know the answers to any of those questions. :-) I wish that I had the time to help. I support you, though. There is just too much ground to cover, and I'm struggling with finances.

ich1baN ago

Yea, I don't know if I should continue here or just go to a different board altogether... I've thoroughly proven with my posts that I'm for uncovering the truth and exposing the pedophiles and if that leads me to a Kabbalist Rabbi that was constantly emailing JP and this rabbi so happens to accept the Talmud, then why am I censored for it?

Oh the error if it turns out that Michael Lerner is connected in some major way and these psychos are here covering for him. :(

OrwellKnew ago

It's amazing but the "Jewish" angle is mighty wedge the Establishment uses against us Truth researchers. They play it both ways when needed

I'm still struggling to find the proper responses

Investigate1999 ago

I noticed that, I think. I often marvelled by how the establishment hates-loves Jews. It's both sides, too. It's such a complex mental illusion, too, because we can't dismiss them as having no complaints, but why are we really protecting them or not protecting them?

ich1baN ago

And the fact that it's very circumstantial evidence it makes sense that a pedophile like JP and JA would naturally receive emails from a radical rabbi that was Hillary Clinton's former mentor who reads a book that condones such acts on moral and legal grounds.... sort of embarrassing for those here that are not shills and not connecting the dots. Thanks again for your steadfast reaction to responding to these strange pedo sympathizers.

OrwellKnew ago

Yes. They want to make it "anti-Jewish" when in reality it is ANTI-Pedophilia

ich1baN ago

I'm not forcing an interpretation onto anything, you even agreed that the literal interpretation was this. You cited a source that didn't even have the full text in question. You can't be this dumb.

Investigate1999 ago

The funny thing is that our interpretation doesn't matter, because the pedophiles could use the loosest interpretation to justify their urges.

Ronnilynn31 ago

YES, this is spot on.

In Orthodox Judaism, the Oral Torah, or Talmud, is accepted as equally sacred, inspired, and authoritative as the Written Torah.

THE JEWISH TALMUD is Holy Writ for the Jews.

The Talmud supercedes the Old Testament in authority for the Jews. And the Talmud is the most racist, hate-mongering , blasphemous book the world has ever known.

The Talmud was written in Hebrew between the 3rd & 6th Centuries as a codification of the so-called Oral Law that the Jewish rabbis claim was handed down from Moses.

But the Messiah Jesus censored the “Oral Law” when He said, “By the traditions of your elders you make void the Word of God.” (St Matthew 15).

The English translation of the Talmud has been watered down so as to conceal from the Gentiles the “satanic verses” contained in the original Hebrew.

The “Satanic Verses” of the Talmud can be classified into 3 categories:

1) Jewish Supremacy. 2) Hatred Towards The “Goys” (Gentiles). 3) Blasphemies Against Jesus Christ, The Virgin Mary, & All Christians

If you really want to go into the "conspiracy theory" aspect of it...there's a lot out there. Take it or leave it.

What I just posted above though would be considered very anti-Semitic. Not something I've ever considered myself to be, but call me what you will.

UglyTruth ago

If you really want to go into the "conspiracy theory" aspect of it...there's a lot out there. Take it or leave it.

Makow writes some good stuff, but he's way off base regarding the connection between Luciferianism and the human condition, which has Rome/Babylon as its common element.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Good point. I have a ton of links saved and many have variations of the same info but deviate in other ways. I'll take a look at that page again & read through it. Thanks for the heads up.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Says the person actually receiving Soros paychecks.

wecanhelp ago

I'm not buying what you are selling "he's too busy" to upvoat people.

That's not what I said. You might want to reread my comment.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You clearly do not understand what disinformation and forum sliding are, if you think that downvoting more posts than I upvote means I'm a shill.

YingYangMom ago

You clearly do not understand what disinformation and forum sliding are

Yes we all do and that's why when you accuse us of posting subs that concern whistleblowers like Ted Gunderson, as I did, you call him a disinformation agent and sticky my post 'Potential disinformation' and argue that you have studied his case and know more about him than anyone of us. Ridiculous.

The only disinformation agent here is YOU. From now on, I won't refrain from downvoating your comments and posts, because you've been exposed for what you are. A shill.

I call on @Vindicator @gopluckyourself @Phobos_Mothership @belphegorsprime @kingkongwaswrong @heygeorge @Crensch @Valkore

to investigate and take the necessary measures to put a stop to his shill tactics.

apparatchik1488 ago

Adolf Hitler fought world Jewry and we should have fought with him, not against - and we would have, if our government had not been taken over by that time. Let's see how long until this gets censored.

VieBleu ago

we'll start with a downvote.

apparatchik1488 ago

There's always a fat, stinky, hooknosed, blood-drinking zionist behind the curtain.

VieBleu ago

omg for real? you are on the wrong forum. @Vindicator is this kind of stuff deletable?

heygeorge ago

Please: Don't delete comments or ask for deletions unless they legit deserve it, like doxxing or img of CP.

VieBleu ago

yeah, I get it. Just noxious though.

ich1baN ago

Love that you fucking morons downvote me for refuting the anti-semite in here... truly fucktardery going on in your mushy little brain there viebleu.

VieBleu ago

It's Christians like you that make Jesus weep.

ich1baN ago

Aww you can't be called a name.... did it hurt your wittle feewings?

kekistocrat ago

Modern day Baal worship. Baal = Bel = El = Saturn = Osiris = Satan = Moloch. This can be corroborated through the Pentateuch and many other ancient texts. This proves that not only is Judea involved, but there is little distinction among the ones at the top who practice this. In other words, while most 'jews' (khazarian - Ashkenazim) are unaware and think Judea represents something righteous, most are involved since it is the ideology that perpetuates this madness and relieves no one of moral culpability.

Jem777 ago

You should speak more about this. People are very confused about the history of the Jewish people which of course was corrupted by evil and you have things such as kabbal and the Podesta connection and the Vatican.

wecanhelp ago

he's the only one with a negative ratio and glaringly so

@Millennial_Falcon is the most active mod, his job is literally to go through dozens of posts every day. It is quite natural of him to use his downvoting power on posts that, while do not violate the submission rules, are of sub-par quality. Believe me, there's a shit ton of those, decent submissions are very rare. His upvote/downvote ratio simply reflects that fact. Were I as active as he is, I would probably practice my downvote rights way more often. It just so happens that in the limited amount of time I spend with submission moderation, I don't spend much time vetting posts for content quality as that isn't part of the submission criteria and hence not the best use of my time.

Unlike you, I see Millennial_Falcon behind closed doors (and so do other mods). He's working harder than any of us to ensure submission quality on this sub. That might inherently result in some mistakes and frustration, but he isn't a shill. Well, either he isn't, or all of us are. That's up for you to decide.

lawexaminer ago

Podesta is Italian not Jewish

ich1baN ago

Yes, but he listens to Kabbalistic mysticism and follows it closely which is why he has literally an email a week from Michael Lerner via Wikileaks.

VieBleu ago

that's all you'e got?

He also recieved weekly emails from K-Mart.

Ichiban, I am really disappointed in you. You've blown yourself up. This is pathetic. Honestly.

ich1baN ago

The only one that is pathetic is your attempt to not even investigate the claim. You're an embarrassment. You still haven't refuted the below:

So he just so happens to magically have an email address of someone who is known to be good friends with Hillary Clinton? Just b/c he doesn't respond doesn't mean he isn't reading especially given the "mystically spiritualistic" nature many of the emails are written with which suggest some prior relationship, yet they are written in a nature that does not need a response sort of in the manner many newsletters are written.

Michael Lerner was HRC's former mentor:

And he never received weekly emails from kmart.... You're a total fucking moron with an IQ less than 80.

VieBleu ago

Ok Ichiban, maybe it was Safeway. you win and are closer to god too. Don't know why you even bother with all us morons here.

ich1baN ago

Honestly, you're the only true moron I've dealt with here. At least people like MF are just shills.

So b/c JP signed up for Safeway or w/e site it was means that it's equal to him getting weekly emails from a well known radical rabbi that isn't even accepted among the majority of Jews as being a real rabbi b/c of his radical disposition.... makes sense... thanks again for even trying to investigate the evidence with a clear mind - oh wait you're probably drunk every night and not even able to think clearly....

VieBleu ago

and Mary weeps with him.

ich1baN ago

And you again show you have no intellectual ability except to start spouting off nonsense and character assassination attempts such as claiming I'm a "Christian zealot" when I made it absolutely clear in my OP to separate out the difference b/w a kabbalist and a real follower of judaism.

But you didn't want to see this distinction, you'd rather focus on some strange occultic connection and sympathy you share with Kabbalists b/c you feel you have more in common with them even though they condone raping children... pretty disgusting wouldn't you say if it turns out that Michael Lerner is heavily connected to this? Wonder what mental gymnastics you'll do on that day.

Blacksmith21 ago're citing the writings of someone who died in 18 AD? Maybe we should try parting the Red Sea as well.

C'mon, this has as much to do with Jews as Podesta does by Italians, or whatever the phuck he is.

And the Wikileaks prove jack shit as well. Nothing but a bunch of spam and listservs. But, by the same philosophy, it probably means you have a tiny wiener based on the spam in your inbox.

These aren't Jews. They are progressives lefties looking for a place to park a "religion" which conforms to their moral compass. Not the other way around.

And someone citing Dailystormer as a references? Please - those morons wouldn't know the difference between MLA and APA citation style.

"Jewish problem".... where have I heard that before?

ich1baN ago

It's the Talmud first of all and is the book that is still revered and read by differing degrees by Jews today just as Christians (and Jews) still hold the books of the OT as valid and interpret it literally where literal interpretations are valid and metaphorically where metaphors are being used... The OT is much older yet we hold it just as valid... so if a book written by a man in 18 AD is still in the Talmud and has sadistic writings condoning child rape, why don't reformed Jews get together and just remove it?

And source to wikileaks being jack shit? That is one of the most ignorant misguided claims I have heard of. Not even HRC herself has claimed this.

@kekistocrat @hagen1

kekistocrat ago

What are you fucking stupid? I said nothing of WikiLeaks being fake you moron. Your comment has no logic. No substance. And what is that list you fucking pansy turd? Is that you're 'proof' every ones a shill. Grow up.

ich1baN ago

Wow, you have an alter account, you forgot to logout of your kekistocrat account before responding LOL.. FUCKING SHILL.

kekistocrat ago

Remember, all of your useless diatribe amounts to nothing when you provide no proof or your claim. There is a 'paper trail' of your idiocy and blatant contradictions.

kekistocrat ago

Your claim makes no logical sense. You have nothing but attacks. If you're investigating Pizzagate, I don't hate you. But don't hate others who know more than you.

ich1baN ago

Dude you replied in a total misunderstanding.... I wasn't even responding to your comment, I was responding to Blacksmith21, and I originally tagged you in the comment b/c I thought you'd be interested... HOLY FUCK...

So when you responded immediately attacking me I figured you were an alter of blacksmith21 b/c there was no need for you to attack me considering you agree with my position on this issue.

Are you really this much of a neophyte to not understand I am tagging you in a comment that I'm directly responding to from Blacksmith21?

kekistocrat ago

Pizzagate is serious stuff. Shillery is serious stuff. DO NOT ACCUSE anyone of shillery (especially -- I didn't deserve it, and others can see these names and accusations associated) unless you intend to provide the onus of proof. Again, if you're investigating pizzagate, good. But if you disagree with someone, don't be so quick to divide. I was not attacking, I was defending. Cheers.

ich1baN ago

I never even claimed you were a shill (I only said it after you claimed I called you one), where the hell are you getting this from?.... thanks for ignoring the fact that I never even was responding to your comment but to Blacksmith and thinking it was you I was responding to originally.

kekistocrat ago

Listen, I am not responsible if YOU were confused by the comments. It is YOUR responsibility to provide proof if you make a claim. Simple. YOU listed my screen name specifically. YOU provided no evidence. And I am the neophyte? On the contrary, YOU are the Cretan. No further correspondence.

VieBleu ago

this one has been harrassing me too - may want to downvote it's comments in it's submissions.

kekistocrat ago

I originally tore into the guy thinking he was accusing me of being shillacious. Turns out, he had merely included me through tagging (at bottom of message). It was confusing because I didn't see the intended recipient's message, as it was before mine. Perhaps this is happening on your end, I don't know. I say that because I noticed he tagged you earlier. I swear, the older I get, the less I know.

VieBleu ago

true - and the more we find out, the less we seem to know in a way too.

ich1baN ago

LOL... I listed your username as a link to my response to BlackSmith21... bro, you need to learn how this forum thing works. In fact, if it couldn't be more clear, I put your username at the bottom of the post so it couldn't be confused... It's clear I was responding to BlackSmith21 and I tagged you b/c I wanted you to see it... that is all, not sure how you confused this lol

kekistocrat ago

OK, I see now. I didn't see BlackSmith's comment. Blah, blah. My apologies.

ich1baN ago

LOL... No worries man, same here :)

kekistocrat ago

If you know that I typed those words, where's the proof? It should be there, right? Where the fuck is it?

kekistocrat ago

Where? When? The claimant has the onus of proof. You are claiming I said that bullshit. When did I? Fucking moron. Proof or you're an idiot who shows it by not backing up his claim. I MADE NO CLAIMS TO BACK UP, MORON!

apparatchik1488 ago

I didn't "cite" - I gave them a mention, a shout out.

apparatchik1488 ago

The alt-right is full of well dressed, well educated, clean, respectable, above average intelligence men. Yes we have balls and conviction. Yes, we are radical. Yes, we are fanatics. Yes, we are idealists. Yes, we believe the white race is demonstrably superior to all others and destined to conquer the universe. But the alt right is not your Jewish stereotype of a bucktoothed hillbilly. You would probably be lower IQ and worse looking than the average NPI conference attendee.

victuruslibertas ago

Zionist hurt feelings alert. LOL... Are you telling me that many Jews do not adhere to the Talmud ??? Hmm???

VieBleu ago

the hurt feelings seem to be yours. That was a reasonable reply and your comment throwing around Zionist is eye rolling ridiculous.

victuruslibertas ago


Millennial_Falcon ago

This is a misinterpretation of passages in the Talmud. A deliberate misinterpretation being used to try to discredit pizzagate by associating it with anti-semitism. But you probably know that.

victuruslibertas ago

I don't like Zionist but I am certainly no an Anti Semite. Admittedly, I am not an expert (or even close) on the teaching of the Talmud. However, this guy seems to have a grasp on things. I will be doing more research. Let us not forget it was the Pharisees (Zionist) who gave Christ up to be crucified.

Blacksmith21 ago

Almost ZERO Jews adhere to the Talmud. Suggest maybe you get off the compound in Idaho once in a while.

And, by the same logic, the Bible condones many things not acceptable today. You also need to remember, that both Christian/Jewish bibles also reference people's ages in terms of hundreds of 645 or somethings like that.

It's posts like this which discredit the investigation. Mark my words, all it takes is CNN, Buzzfeed, etc. to run a slam of #pizzagate and watch them selectively pull out BA like this to feed to the masses.

VieBleu ago


apparatchik1488 ago

About 1/4 to 1/2 of jews worldwide adhere to the talmud. Shows you are completely ignorant and uneducated in this matter to make such a false claim with so much passion. Regardless, the fact that most American Jews are secular, just proves we National Socialists are correct - Jews are born as Jews, the Talmud is just an expression of their Jewish ethnic character. Their behavior comes from their genes.

victuruslibertas ago

I don't deal with the OT.. Almost ZERO,???. I doubt that to be the case. Regardless, this is in regards to those that do.

KittyTigerlily ago

None of that mess is scriptural at all. I know of some stupid stuff in the Talmud. Something about is it wrong (or something, can't remember) if a man is on a roof and falls through the roof onto a naked woman in bed and accidentally has intercourse with her?

Millennial_Falcon ago

What does that even mean?

LeChevalBlanc ago

But Podesta receives Lerner or other Tikkun's apparently mailing list e-mails to his Georgetown university address and I couldn't find any trace of him replying.

So writing that he was "in constant contact with.." him is far-fetched.

ich1baN ago

So he just so happens to magically have an email address of someone who is known to be good friends with Hillary Clinton? Just b/c he doesn't respond doesn't mean he isn't reading especially given the "mystically spiritualistic" nature many of the emails are written with which suggest some prior relationship, yet they are written in a nature that does not need a response sort of in the manner many newsletters are written.

Michael Lerner was HRC's former mentor:

LeChevalBlanc ago

I valued some of your contributions but there is no more magic here than a two second use of a search engine :

I got Podesta e-mail too! Am I his buddy?

Regarding the following discussions on this thread another point is (from what I understand in a few seconds read as I have no intention wasting my time reading all their prose) Tikkun seems to be on an anti-zionist position. Some radical jewish groups are indeed anti-zionist.

ich1baN ago

Common sense reveals that JP and ML were closer than you think. Michael Lerner was Hillary's mentor... it's obvious that through conversations Hillary would have had with John that she would have suggested at some point that he get in contact with her mentor. Why would someone send such personal and "spiritually guiding" emails for so long if John wasn't reading them. If he had no need for them they would have gone to his trash folder or he would have responded telling him to stop contacting him b/c a guy like JP is extremely busy and important in the political world so for someone as organized as him, he would have surely stopped contact if he didn't want his inbox being filled up with such nonsense, yet he continued receiving them up until the day of WikiLeaks.

VieBleu ago

voice of reason again.

LargePepperoni ago

Great find!

I recognize that name from an article I archived three days ago when I was researching Jean Houston. Jean Houston was the crazy lady who helped Hillary talk to the dead.

According to this article, Hillary Clinton is also connected to Michael Lerner.

ich1baN ago

Very interesting, thanks Largepep for the source link.

fifibrindacier ago

Compared to Talmud, Mein Kampf is a cute fairytale.

Here are some quotes :

"It is allowd to divorce from your wife, if you see a prettier virgin girl. Even if she's 3 years old." Gittin 91a

"When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves." Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D

"A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl." Gad. Shas. 2:2

"Pederasty with a child below three years is not treated as with a child above that. Rab makes nine years the minimum; but if one committed sodomy with a child of lesser age, no guilt is incurred. Samuel makes three the minimum." Sanhedrin 54b

"A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them." Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17

apparatchik1488 ago

What the heck is wrong with Mein Kampf that compares to the talmud?

apparatchik1488 ago

Shout out to who have been covering pizzagate reliably, and also the jewish problem.

ich1baN ago

Dailystormer? Have no idea what you're talking about but you come off as highly condescending and unprofessional or capable of intelligent and impartially well-reasoned debate. It's in the Talmud... I didn't write it. Ben Yohai did.

I'm not a white supremacist and your post looks shill like.

apparatchik1488 ago

Well I am both professional and intelligent so maybe it is just your bias against the truth which offends your sensitivities, and not related to my presentation in the above post.

Regardless, I will not make a presentation in my posts for soft, effeminate, over-sensitive cucked out beta males. Get triggered, cuck.

Fateswebb ago

It is hard to talk about stuff like this, because some of it has a lot of truth, and there are a lot of rabid racists that foam at the mouth every time a Jewish person has power or abuses power. I feel the way that you have presented it does not come off that way at all, and commend you for distancing yourself from the rabid while at the same time presenting the very facts that will have them foaming at the mouth. Good job!

VieBleu ago

they way it presented just comes off like a smoother shill.

Fateswebb ago

Shill? I guess... are you saying the details are sketch? Or just that it's a dead end road?

VieBleu ago

the whole thread was deleted because it isn't a strong argument in the least. It is the kind of argument that only a conservative christian would agree holds water in the modern era and the audience for pizzagate is much larger than that.

OP failed to make much of a connection to Podesta for example. Just being signed up in email for a newsletter means nothing - could have just been a courtesy.

Fateswebb ago

Okay I do see that he assumes we know there is a connection to this guy, and he mentions a newsletter, but I don't see that as a great connection without other more solid connections. Especially for someone like podesta where everyone with a political agenda is going to sign you up for their newsletter. Maybe if he proved more that this guy is connected to podesta he would have something. But I do see that there is a gap that is being jumped like you say.

ich1baN ago

Really interesting, thanks Orwell for researching that.

Vindicator ago

Are you guys saying you would like mods to be more generous with their downvoats? We are so busy, most of us don't think about it. However, it is a good point you are making and perhaps an overlooked tool.

Fateswebb ago

I think he is saying the opposite, that it's suspicious that he downvoats more often than upvoats, actually that seems suspicious of anyone on here but especially a mod. Why downvoat when if it's truly a bad post you can delete it? I downvoat mostly because I cannot delete it.. so it seems odd to me and comes off somewhat like a shill trying to control information from the position of power.

OrwellKnew ago


Investigate1999 ago

I think that it's better to down vote, because I don't like it when they take complete control. Deleting should only be for rule violations.


Fateswebb ago

Absolutely, I agree, but deleting ones that aren't clear rule violations as well as "shill" downvoating would be suspicious to me. I hate that we have to delete things, but I get it.

kekistocrat ago

The Talmud also features the bonus of having sex with boys as young as nine. Of course a rabbi can't marry a boy, that's sick shit is reserved for 3 year old girls, goy. The jewish influence in this is astounding because they hold most of the 'top' positions. Jeffrey Epstein, Roy Cohn, Marina Abramovic (Russian jew -- Bolshevik), etc. Key players. The Jewish Question is always around the corner... Here's some more info from a deleted voat thread.

amyrebeccajames ago

The Kabbala is basically occultism, it's not judaism. There are so many forms of occultism in every religion, it all comes from Babylonian mystery religion. Learn the roots of that and you can more easily identify who the freaks are. Comet Pizza's logo is all about sun and moon worship and occultism. The occult film JA made "Chapel Perilous" has many occult references. Hard to accept, but true, that so many of the religions gaining popularity today have elements of occultism stemming from the fall of Babylon and the scattering... these are used to deceive and cover up the real origins of what they are doing. They may want you to think of comets and asteroids but they're participating in what they think is the opening of a portal to obtain godlike status through child rape. And hiding it behind imagery that makes you think of new age.

YingYangMom ago

I agree whole-heartedly with you.

ich1baN ago

Yup exactly, very good post amy. The crescent moon and star is a satanic reference. The 33rd degree shriners wear it on their red fez caps in order to pay homage to their moon god (allah) which they make initiates swear an oath to while placing their hand on the koran.... here are pictures of 33rd degree Shriner Freemasons (yes the same shriners of Shriners hospitals):

Why do they wear the red fez cap with the sword of Allah and Arabic inscriptions written on it you say? Simple, it's paying homage to the moment in history that the Arabs rose up in Morocco in 890 AD and murdered over 50,000 Christians in addition to the satanic ramifications.... pretty interesting that seemingly white anglo-saxons that look like they have christian origins are paying so much homage to such an evil event in history.

kekistocrat ago

'They are the illumination to the black and white masses.' Did you catch the inauguration of the Gottard Base tunnel? Milleniae of Baal worship coming to fruition. I wonder what's in store when they start erecting Baal arches and portals in their Babylonian free-for-alls...

The_Kuru ago

I knew that was one sick mofo when I heard him speak at the Muhammad Ali funeral. Worst person alive.

ich1baN ago

Omg, that's right, I forgot he spoke at that funeral... just in time for his ritualistic homage on live tv.

OrwellKnew ago

Well done sir

Investigate1999 ago

Mods, we shouldn't be posting email addresses!

ich1baN ago


Investigate1999 ago

No, no. What I mean is that the mods shouldn't be forcing you to publish the emails [edit: email addresses! I meant email addresses]. We should be keeping contact info as private as possible. It's easy to find them, but it shouldn't be published by us. The mods forcing you to do it is the worst decision possible.

Millennial_Falcon ago

So linking to Podesta emails is bad, now? Absolute horseshit!

Investigate1999 ago

I'm not saying that it's bad. No.

[edit: I meant email addresses; maybe I read too quickly; I thought that he published an email address; my bad]

ich1baN ago

WARNING the mod Millenial_Falcon is on shill alert, he's already deleted this thread based off some very suspicious BS... b/c I didn't put a link to the emails of Tikkun which any monkey can type in google and find via Wikileaks.... @Vindicator step up here please and ensure that next time the mod just asks us to put the source in instead of outright deleting it like a total moron, thereby deleting all the comments I had built up to that point.

redditsuckz ago

Millennial_Falcon is probably jewish...

So is John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Amanda Klienman, Richard DuBeshter, Jeffery Zeeman, Andrew Kline, David Seaman, W. Lewis Amselem(Moloch chicken sacrifice email), Jeffery Epstein...and on and on and on...

Crypto Jews = Marina Abromovic(?)...James Alefantis(seen wearing red Kabbalah bracelet)(?)


David Cameron(Former Prime Minister of England) is Jewish

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (Updated)

The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to infiltrate, tyrannize the whole world and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only their Babylonian Talmudism also known as Luciferianism, Satanism or ancient Baal worship

EDIT...and he deleted this thread AGAIN...

note this investigation will stall as long as the teachings of the Talmud are not talked about...

YingYangMom ago

note this investigation will stall as long as the teachings of the Talmud are not talked about...


lawexaminer ago

Why do you think the Podesta's are jewish? They are Italian, which means the are likely Catholic.

redditsuckz ago

Podesta might be a crypto...all their ancestry names have been changed over the centuries many times to hide their identities...but Anythony Wiener is for sure...and Hillary Clinton's daughter married a jewish guy and so did some of Donald Trumps kids...If they are not Jewish and before they marry a Jew they would have to be converted to Judaism following teachings from the Satanic King of CNN married Dana Bash who is Jewish before that he converted to Judaism.

John King Converting For His Jewish CNN Sweetheart

The JEWS who Run Clinton and the USA

The JEWS who Run Bush and the USA

Who Controls Donald Trump - Who Controls America?

This Speech is in 1961...USA was already taken over...

Benjamin Freedman's 1961 - Warns America About The Jews

Vindicator ago

ich1baN, I know this is frustrating. As Mods, we HAVE to consistently enforce the rules established by the community. There is a tremendous amount of stuff posted to this board around the clock for the sole purpose of sliding valuable content off the board and into oblivion. You are free to post unsourced speculative discussion style posts in v/pizzagatewhatever. We regularly go through those posts and make suggestions of how important material can be moved to the main research board. Also, you can cut and paste comments into your new post description if they are vital, or summarize.

Please make the effort to establish a firm link to pizzagate and add links to evidence that support your hypothesis for posts on this board. @Millennial_Falcon is doing his job for hours every day; he can't do yours.

We have to work together to move this investigation forward. So let's cooperate with each other and kick the asses that REALLY deserve it.

VieBleu ago

Gentleman and scholar here /\/\/\

Singleservename ago

Talmudic laws allow much worse than pedophilia, as long as it is done to goyim. Nothing new here.

I did find the Lerner connection strange initially because of Podesta's extensive links to the Vatican/Jesuits. But by now I consider them one big evil cult. A Satanic oecumene.

diamonddust ago

I've come to some similar conclusions about the Vatican - many of the satanists follow the Pope - I don't know if they're trying to be ironic or if they know something we don't.

nafisnaf ago

Considering the aspect of the Pope's audience Hall I'm starting to think that the Vatican is totally controlled by Satanists.

ich1baN ago

Wow that was pretty eye opening man. Thanks for sharing.

diamonddust ago

Wow. You need to read this:

We're dealing with incredibly dangerous people here fellas, don't forget that.

apparatchik1488 ago

The jews have been tried and convicted in courts of law in dozens of countries over thousands of years of ritually murdering White children and drinking their blood, or using their dried blood to make their "matzos". A prominent jewish rabbi and academic wrote a book proving these convictions were just, entitled "Blood passover" - of course, world jewry immediate clamped down on it, the book was retracted, professor apologized, but no facts were wrong.

I guess everyone else in the world is crazy and the jews are god's chosen people.

UglyTruth ago

Drinking blood is forbidden in Judaism, what you are describing could be derived from the Sabbatean heresy.

Millennial_Falcon ago


The Talmud does not endorse pedophilia. Shills are trying to get us branded as anti-semites, racists, neo-nazis, etc. Shill network coming out of the woodwork to upvote this post. OP accusing me of being a shill for deleting original post due to lack of a source.

Edit: Look at all the blatant anti-semitism in this thread. The proof is in the pudding. At least one user saying I must be Jewish, LOL.

Theupsidedown ago

So delete the fucking post then.

Why put "accuracy in question?" Just fucking delete it. This post is horseshit. It's this kind of thing that discredits the whole investigation.

ich1baN ago

No it doesn't. You're a complete shill too then and didn't even attempt to read my rebuttals. You people are disgusting.

Theupsidedown ago

Rebuttals to what? I'm not commenting on anything you've rebutted. Check yourself.

Theupsidedown ago

I've called you a shill before and now you're calling me one.

@Millenial_Falcon is a mod whom I respect and he's calling it out as well, so if you're calling me a shill, you're calling him/her a shill too.

I "didn't even attempt to read your rebuttals" because I don't even know what you're talking about; I didn't comment to you nor did I read anything from you, so I have no idea what you're talking about. The post looked like bullshit, and millenial falcon thought so too, and I responded to millenial's comment in agreement.

Fuck off.

VieBleu ago

This shill bs is ridiculous, now Ichiban is sure that I am Millenial Falcon, but also a shill.

ich1baN ago

I never said you were for "sure" Millennial Falcon, I said I suspect it b/c there are many people here that have alters and have been proven to be alters.

VieBleu ago

Peace, we are on the same side, right? go forth and fire away with your thought cannons! (just don't be a loose cannon - the forum, not me, will shut that down fast.)

ich1baN ago

So you just automatically go to a board and write meaningless messages without even investigating the claim or data? Makes sense for someone of lesser intelligence. Pos scum.

Theupsidedown ago

No, dumbass, I responded to SOMEONE ELSE. So I don't know what YOU wrote ELSEWHERE.

Stupid fuck

ich1baN ago

Calm down psycho babble.

Theupsidedown ago

Eat a dick, faggot.

apparatchik1488 ago

Are you jewish?

VieBleu ago

Ichiban tends to think in black and white. You are either a Christian or not, everything else is suspect. I have commented to her recently that pizzagate is not owned by a Christian perspective.

A close reading of the bible would allow the assertion that it promotes polygamy for example beause Abraham had two or more wives. Or that emotional child abuse is okay in the name of Christian worship because God asked Abraham to decapitate his child so he went through all the motions before he was stopped, which must have been terrifying for the kid. etc.

ich1baN ago

You're opinion is so thoroughly off of christian tradition and history. First of all nowhere in the bible does it actually condone polygamy and this is well supported by New Testament which is the fulfilment of the OT and is the law. Just b/c a leader in ancient times was temporarily allowed to procreate with concubines b/c they were surrounded on all sides by their enemies does not mean that we can do the same today and no rational christian would ever think this... however there are CLEAR texts in the Talmud that do allow for rape of children. And the fact that you've ignored this in every single post you've written on this thread is pretty telling.

Also, the story of Abraham and Isaac is a lot more complex than you're making it out to be. Isaac was already sacrificed spiritually when God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham knew God could do anything and was not worried about Isaac physically dying b/c he had trusted God up to that point to birth Isaac in Sarah's old age which was a miracle unto itself in their minds. Abraham knew that God would raise Isaac from the dead (foreshadowing of Jesus), and was not worried about this, but what God was doing is telling. He was testing Abraham. Whether Abraham had faith in God, and he succeeded. Obviously he was blessed for this and God stopped him.

Your comment is a typical argument made by atheists that I've encountered before - it's nothing new, but you are misunderstanding both cases when people like David had to have multiple wives for their very survival and existence as a race of people when men of war fighting age were often killed off in war and had to be replenished somehow.

VieBleu ago

please summarize in a tl:dr this kind of stuff is a waste of time for this forum

ich1baN ago

Bahahaha you can't even respond or refute b/c you know you're logic is fucking twisted.... You're sitting here trying to compare that some ancient view of child rape being in a book that they still read today and accept as one of their most revered Rabbis doesn't hold any water, b/c well there are examples in the OT of King David having concubines, which one could use today as condoning polygamy, when no real christian actually condones polygamy. Classic.

Ronnilynn31 ago

I've researched this before and like any religion - including Christianity - there are different interpretations. Take homosexuality for instance. Some give specific references that it's forbidden in the Bible while other say it isn't, or that it was in the Old Testament only and that the New Testament doesn't speak of it so it overrides the OT.

Same is true of the Talmud. I have multiple links that contradict this finding. Not hard to find. Here's one:

Some people claim that Orthodox Judaism permits adult men to have sex with little girls. Actually, this is true. In fact, the Shulchan Aruch Even Ha’ezer section 37 is entitled “All the Laws of Betrothing a Little Girl”. However, certain stringent conditions must be met before this union is condoned by Talmudic law.

The Shulchan Aruch Even Ha'ezer section 37 references Wikipedia

Early-teen marriage was possible in Judaism. According to the Talmud, a father is commanded not to marry his daughter to anyone until she grows up and says "I want this one".[74] A marriage that takes place without the consent of the girl is not an effective legal marriage.[75] Despite the young threshold for marriage, a large age gap between the spouses was opposed,[76] and, in particular, marrying one's young daughter to an old man was declared as reprehensible as forcing her into prostitution.[77] A ketannah (literally meaning "little [one]") was any girl between the age of 3 years and that of 12 years plus one day;[78] she was subject to her father's authority and he could arrange a marriage for her without her agreement.[78] However, after reaching the age of maturity, she would have to agree to the marriage to be considered as married. If the father was dead or missing, the brothers of the ketannah, collectively, had the right to arrange a marriage for her, as had her mother.[78] In these situations, a ketannah would always have the right to annul her marriage even if it was the first.[79]

ich1baN ago

And just so you can see evidence clear in front of your face... I will post this here for all to see the proof the Talmud condones child rape: (Talmud: Kethuboth 11b)

Millennial_Falcon ago

You still haven't responded to the rebuttal in the link I provided. You are just beating a dead horse.

ich1baN ago

Not beating a dead horse, you have to refute this being in the talmud in the first place... you linked to a completely anonymous source.

The interpretation offered by your source is one of the utmost twisting of definitions when the object of the sentence is whether or not the man has caused any injury to a girl less than 3 years and 1 day. IT'S CLEARLY WRITTEN that if an adult man has sex with a girl less than 3 years and 1 day that she does not get any dowry b/c she can't lose her virginity due to her inability of not losing her hymen...

One is a total psycho if you come to any other conclusion of this passage in Kethuboth 11b

Millennial_Falcon ago

Still not a response to the rebuttal.

ich1baN ago

Actually it is. I'm not sure if you're even able to mentally process what a rebuttal is. I'll spell it out for you since you're having trouble. Your source claims that Kethuboth 11b has nothing to do with sexual rape of a converted slave of less than 3 years and 1 day but that it's about whether a dowry can be judged to be higher or not.

It completely ignores a huge posit of Kethuboth 11b which is about whether a man has to pay a dowry for a converted slave of less than 3 years and 1 day which Kethuboth 11b clearly states that one does not b/c she can not lose her virginity "it's as if putting a finger into the eye" as she has no hymen and will be able to appear as a virgin later in life b/c her husband at that time will be able to prove the hymen has broken through bleeding. You're inability to even comprehend this most basic facet is astonishing and disgusting considering the ramifications to your interpretation which is sympathy towards condoning sexual rape of a child less than 3 years and 1 day.

@YingYangMom @Investigate1999 @Vindicator @Spoor @yuke @redditsuckz @followdamoney @disciple7 @viebleu @victuruslibertas @Singleservename @wokethefkup @queen_laqueefa @Fateswebb @ich1ban @OrwellKnew @andrevandelft @carmencita @quantokitty @biebergangrape

Millennial_Falcon ago

which is about whether a man has to pay a dowry for a converted slave of less than 3 years and 1 day which Kethuboth 11b clearly states that one does not b/c she can not lose her virginity "it's as if putting a finger into the eye" as she has no hymen and will be able to appear as a virgin later in life b/c her husband at that time will be able to prove the hymen has broken through bleeding.

I am not disputing the literal meaning of the text. The link I posted provides a reasonable interpretation of the context and how the passage was meant to be interpreted. It is not justifying pedophilia.

ich1baN ago

And I just rebutted it. YOUR link COMPLETELY ignores the distinction between 3 years and 1 day... it doesn't even mention it in fact. It's trying to make Kethuboth 11b appear as if it didn't even write about this distinction of less than and greater than this age which is to completely miss the interpretation the rabbis were debating in the first place which is whether there is any injury or harm done to a child less than 3 years and 1 day or not and whether the man is liable for paying her for losing her virginity to WHICH THEY CONCLUDE THAT SHE IS NOT INJURED AND THAT HE DOES NOT HAVE TO PAY ANY COMPENSATION..... You can't be this dunder headed and doltish.

YOUR source also completely IGNORED the 3rd case which is a boy who has sexual relations with a woman.

@OrwellKnew @BLOODandHONOUR

OrwellKnew ago

Remember now....@Millenial_Falcon is just sooo, soo, so busy. He barely has ANY TIME to upvoat people

But yet he can waste time on this nonsense, j/s

ich1baN ago

Right. lol.

ich1baN ago

Hey ASSHOLE, notice how I separated out Kabbalists from real jews. This is the same as say real christians and those who pervert it such as Jim Jones (this is really simple). Go to your local library and pull out a Babylonian Talmud and read for yourself... the evidence is there. The Kabbalists know this and HIDE behind ADL and any criticism... This is clear as day for anyone with an IQ above 75. If you can't make simple distinctions then god help you.

@Millennial_Falcon you're OFFICIALLY put on shill alert... NO MOD HAS AS NEGATIVE Upvote/downvote ratio as you do:

Submissions: This user has upvoted 312 and downvoted 518 submissions


VieBleu ago

you need to CALM DOWN - calling people vulgarities does not promote your point of view whatsoever.

ich1baN ago

You don't understand... the guy is a total shill and has been called such by numerous people. He already deleted my thread once without even trying to rebut my claim and cited that I didn't have a link to the emails I originally provided. Then I reposted and he comes back but instead of deleting the threat he starts his attack with a very amateur source that didn't even have the full interpretations. If you read my rebuttals to his you'll obviously come to the same conclusion. Not really worried.

VieBleu ago

MF is a MOD that takes a lot of flak from every direction. You are way out of line with this entire argument - you need to realize your Christian viewpoint is extreme and cherry picking a few passages out of an ancient book of worship does not necessarily apply to modern adherents of a religion. The same thing can be done with the bible.

Address this - What are Podesta's actual interactions with this person - he recieved a newsletter? Is that all? There are no records of responses from Podesta back to Lerner according to a commenter below. Is that true? The Podesta's are Italian Catholics, do you have any proof that Podesta converted to Judaism?

ich1baN ago

This isn't a christian viewpoint... omg.... you can't be this dumb.

I've also refuted your idiotic OT claims (which is a Jewish book as well). You're comparing rape of a child to King David having concubines.... you seriously can't be this stupid.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I noticed you did not RESPOND to the link I posted that provides a rebuttal of the "Talmudic pedophilia" claim!

you're OFFICIALLY put on shill alert


NO ONE HAS AS NEGATIVE Upvote/downvote ratio as you do:

That speaks FOR me, not AGAINST me. The biggest weapons shills are using against us are DISINFORMATION and FORUM SLIDING. Of course GOOD posts are outnumbered by BAD, WEAK, our outright DISINFO posts. Also, bad posts are much easier to spot than good posts. Verifying a good post requires thoroughly inspecting all the evidence and connections.

VieBleu ago

Smells like forum sliding.

OrwellKnew ago

No actually, these are things that have been bubbling for quite some time. It's unfortunate that they are frothing over here, now in @ich1baN 's sub, but it was boud to happen sooner or later.

Remember, we recently had one Mod who was deleting 200 subs. Deleted account. There are more lurking

Millennial_Falcon ago

Numbchuck only deleted like 15 posts before he was caught. I'm not convinced he was even a shill. More likely an emotionally unstable person. If he was a shill, he would have deleted a lot more posts much more quickly, to cause an uprising against moderation.

OrwellKnew ago

But just so we are clear here, you're still cool with this attack on me: @armyseer has banned you from v/pizzagateshills for the following reason: DYNCorp / Posted this nonsense

YOU defended him saying "well shithappens, friendly fire and whatnot"

VieBleu ago

I don't think it is just unfortunate - Ichiban is a proselytizing christian zealot that thinks anyone who is not christian is trafficking with the devil. Trust me, I've been through this with OP already.

Taking these ancient texts and then painting any modern practicioner of a religion with the cherry picked worst passages is just not what pizzagate is about as an investigation or as journalism. What ichiban wrote here is the exactly wrong way to reveal Podesta's misdeeds. It ain't based on a NON PROVEN association with a religious man. And it is not what we need to be focused on.

Ichiban is a loose cannon. Cannons can be very helpful for a cause, but fired in the wrong direction, they are destructive.

ich1baN ago

You're a complete fucking retard. I've made no such claim. Take your doltish tripe and skulk somewhere else. This isn't cherry picking anything. It's what is in the Talmud and if something of this nature were in any book I read, I'd have them take it out and thoroughly refute it.

The fact that you can't recognize this simple fact is really telling of your background b/c you have some sympathies to people that practice the occult as you've stated in other threads before - so you therefore are sympathetic to Kabbalists since they are heavily involved in the same divination that you so love yourself.

You're literally comparing condoning child rape to King David's concubines.... it's a seriously stupid assertion that you're making and not even a well thought out comparison, but sloppy thinking begets sloppy conclusions.

ich1baN ago

I updated my OP and provided you an original source link to a direct translation of the Talmud by Rabbi Dr. Tzvee Zahavy. I'll post it a 3rd time:

Source to original image: (English Babylonian Talmud)

Millennial_Falcon ago

Still not a response to the rebuttal. I award you no points. May God have mercy on your soul.

catslovejustice ago

Where is your link for rebuttal? It is not showing up in my feed. Thanks!

Millennial_Falcon ago

It's in my comment at the top of the thead. (Embedded in "CALLING BULLSHIT")

catslovejustice ago

Oh, I see it now. Thanks.

Singleservename ago

Cause any criticism of (orthodox) judaism, even its inhumane aspects, is anti-semitic, neo-nazi racism? Got it.

VieBleu ago

again, total black and white thinking from this corner.

Millennial_Falcon ago

NO. Because your criticism seems to be bullshit, and because Amalek and other shills have been pushing this "Talmudic pedophilia" shit for a while.

Singleservename ago

Not going to argue here esp. with one of the more dubious mods, if only because it would entice me to once more dive into the vile racism, etnocentrism and perversion of talmudic law.

Millennial_Falcon ago

one of the more dubious mods

and you base this on what? I'm one of the hardest-working mods. doesn't make me "dubious." I also worked my ass off writing the summary sticky.

Singleservename ago

Ok I'll qualify: controversial. I don't follow those discussions at all. Just see you name coming up all the time.

Defending the positions of a religious freak like Lerner is a losing game anyway.

Btw good work on the sticky.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Defending the positions of a religious freak like Lerner is a losing game anyway.

I don't know anything about Lerner. I just know Amalek was pushing this Talmudic-pedophilia stuff, and I found a well-argued rebuttal.

Btw good work on the sticky.
