RedPowerRanger ago

Personal attacks are for those who can't form a valid argument.

Ok lets entertain that they are all Jews and all Jews run the world in a seedy pedo way. Did that prove anything? Provide any further evidence that can be used to make a case? No. Because it's useless information, Easily dismiss-able, and damaging to the integrity of the cause.

Misdirection by fools and shills. Which are you?

safetythrowaway1234 ago

I did not write this btw.

Then who did? This reeks of Amalek.

In laymen terms, what is Pizzagate? An investigation into a group of Satanic ruling elite that are kiidnapping, raping, torturing and killing children?


"group of satanic ruling elite" is extremely vague and in this case serves the narrative being told. People in various levels of US and foreign government, military and intelligence, business, and religious groups are implicated in trafficking, sexual abuse/rape, and in some instances, killing of children. In many cases, sexual abuse/rape and killing of children has been used as blackmail by intelligence agencies and "ruling class elites" or TPTB. Based on what we have, it is difficult to tell if/which cases are tied to Satanism OR Judaism. If you are trying to argue that the Zionist Jews are a part of the globalists behind the scenes blackmailing these people in positions of power to get what they want, I think a lot people would agree, but I don't know or think they are simply "all Jews". It is possible that they are also into the same shit but we do not have much evidence to support that at the moment.

So who are the ruling class elites? They are Zionist Jews. Here is a list of everything they control.

Comparing percentages is a dangerous game and can be extremely misleading. What happens to all these large factors and %'s of over representation if you compare standardized numbers of Jewish people in each of these industries (only in America as it states) to the standardized number of Jewish people in the US population (ex: X per 1000 Americans)? The answer is it won't be anywhere near as drastic as this random blog leads you to believe.

On top of this about half of these comparisons say "Jewish or Jewish spouse", but do not identify how many are in each category.

Okay, so we've established that the ruling elites are Zionist Jews.

No, only the person that wrote this did.

So what is Satanism? Satanism is a wing of Judaism. Judaism is the mother of all Abrahamic religions. That means Judaism is what Islam and Christianity are based on. The whole concept of Satan is a Jewish concept. Satanism is Judaism and many of these Satanic occultic rituals taking place are in the Talmud. The Talmud a Jewish holy book. It's what Rabbis study.

I don't know enough about this to challenge it, but apparently we are supposed to take his word on it.

We've established that Satanism is a wing of Judaism.

We've established that Jews have a history of conducting Pizzagate style rituals all throughout history.

We've established that Pizzagate style occultism is part of the Talmud.

Now let's look at some of the key players involved in these pedophile rings.

Epstein - Jew Saville - Jew Polanski - Jew

Corey Feldman and the those involved in the Hollywood scandals - Jews

The first three people are not the only key players involved (not to mention Savile is dead) and to pass it off like they are is straight bullshit.

Do any of these people have ties to the sect/variation of Judaism that uses the Talmud as a holy book and these Rabbis practice? This is just lumping a bunch of Jewish people together without discerning their level of practice or what sect/variation of Judaism they belong to.

It's not antisemitism to notice how Jews are overrepresented by something like 300%.

wtf is this even based off of? You might as well make up a % like 1000% if we are gonna throw around unsubstantiated claims.

Jewish organized crime was just busted for operating international pedophile rings.

There was also a cult of communist Jews that abducted children in the 80s in Florida called The Finders.

As you can see they were mostly all Jews.

A lot of organized crime groups (mafias and gangs) are involved in child/sex trafficking, not just Jewish organized crime. Naming two instances of Jewish groups involved in sex trafficking and child abduction does not make this "mostly all Jews".

UncookedSpirit ago

Yeah, well, a lot of the involved people aren't Jewish and a lot of the people fighting it are Jewish. And I've been beaten multiple times for being Jewish even though I'm not so I don't put up with people that speak like you.

witch_doctor1 ago

I was so shocked by this initial post that I kind of responded to it, when I shouldn't have.

This is actually kinda scary considering that Pizzagate got shut down hard on eddit, censored on Twitter, and anybody going into Comet pizza on periscope gets thrown out immediately. This is not how innocent people act. If nothing weird is going on in Comet Pizza, those periscope's are free advertising.

The point is that, IMO, there are obviously black hat forces here at work trying to muddy the waters. My fellow T_D and pizzagate refugees just want to MAGA, see justice served and protect children. We don't have time for the anti-semitism or any other ism. This crazy talk post clearly had nothing to do with Pizzagate. There will clearly need to be some white hat censorship on the part of the mods. I feel bad for them as that was the point of coming here, but OTOH, I don't want to see forum spies use the rules or lack thereof to slow down the momentum that Pizzagate has.

EyeSeeYou ago

It is easy to figure out why. Just look at what's in front of you.

RedPowerRanger ago

So because I wont target a demography of people for the actions of individuals, I don't have courage to call out paedophiles?

It's actually just discrimination and it is why many countries have laws against it.

witch_doctor1 ago

Dude, this is crazy talk. Firstly, to say that satanism is a "wing" of Judaism is like saying communism is a wing of capitalism because they both involve politics. There is so much wrong with the logic and facts in your post I will not take the time to address them all...but, for instance, Talmudic Jews being okay with child sacrifice? Not in the Bible I read. But, the God of the Israeli's did command them to wipe out the followers of Moloch because they were into human sacrifice and that was abhorrent. And before you accuse me of being a Jew...I am a white Southern Baptist heterosexual Texan who has actually read the Bible cover to cover. In sermon after sermon, we are told by our pastors that the Jews are Gods chosen people and that those who bless them will be blessed, and those who curse them will be cursed, just as it says in the Good Book. Believe me when I say that ant-semitism and not censorship is what this community should worry about.

That being said....George Soros follows his own fucked up beliefs, like a Nazi fantasy with him and his buddies at the top...but in no way is that Judaism.

Cometpizza ago

You just admitted that you're a Christian taught to worship the Jews.

Satanism is a branch of Judaism. Judaism is the mother of all Abrahamic religions. Christianity and Islam are based on Judaism. Satanism is an Abrahamic religion.

And George Soros is a Jew and his son Alexander Soros heads one of the biggest Jewish lobbyist groups in America called the Jewish super PAC. Practically the entire Jewish power structure is working with them. Obviously they aren't Nazis. He destroyed Germany and you're calling him a Nazi.

shortymcbossypants ago

No where in that did he state that he is to worship the Jews, and furthermore it states in the 10 Commandments that the God of Israel is the ONLY GOD who brought us up out of Egypt and we are to not worship anything before Him. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and I'm guessing say Hi to John, Huma and Bubba for all of us.

witch_doctor1 ago

"You just admitted that you're a Christian taught to worship the Jews"

Uh, no I didn't. I worship Jesus Christ who is the Son of God and my personal Savior. What I did admit, is that I will stand side by side with the Jews against any who would attack them. Go away troll.

Cometpizza ago

You just admitted that you have a blind commitment to the Jews.

witch_doctor1 ago


Cometpizza ago

Very logical rebuttal. Jew.

witch_doctor1 ago

That really stings Bro (it doesn't).

Cometpizza ago

Listen, it wasn't intended to be an insult. I'm stating facts. You said you don't rely on reason and instead have a blind allegiance to Israel because the Bible tells you to

That's an honest and accurate observation.

witch_doctor1 ago

Actually, it was intended by you to be an insult, but that's okay troll. Maybe you could start a thread on race mixing next?

MAGABoomer ago

Would you fucking stop this shit? There are pedos in all religions as religion is a mind control mechanism. As for your continued uneducated backwoods KKK/Stormfront asshattery...your 2nd grade education is failing you.

This is not solely a jewish issue. LOL bias is strong in this one. Mormons have blood atonement and they still do it. And most people know what the Talmud is. And FYI there is no "afterlife" in Judaism, and no satan...cause if there's no afterlife...well figure it out. Gnostic doctrine included reincarnation...


Jews do believe in Satan, but it's The Satan, like a job title and it means hinderer. So in Judaism the Satan works for God, his job is to hinder and to test so that only the worthy pass. So yes they believe in angels, what they don't believe is that any of the angels could actually rebel against God.

As for an afterlife, they are ambivalent...

Kabbalah, which is jewish mysticism which is based on Sumarian texts. (which in truth so are the Pentateuch and Septuagint)

Please stop posting misinformation. Especially such easily debunked information. Pedophilia is rampant in all religions. Even wikipedia knows the bible better than you. GOLD TARD AWARD!

Cometpizza ago

Alright, I challenge you to a debate. Do you agree?

My point here is that Judaism is the mother of all Abrahamic religions including Satanism ans that Satanism is basically a branch of Judaism.

Judaism is run by the Rabbis and the Rabbis study the Talmud. It's called Rabbinical Judaism. You're trying to dissociate Satanism and Talmudic occultism with Judaism. Not going to happen..

And ya, there are pedophiles everywhere, but they aren't part of an organized structure run by the global elites.

MAGABoomer ago

I challenge you LOLOL you really have zero education. ZERO. Judaism is based on and almost copied word for word from Sumarian texts. Literally. Mauro Biglino's work, and the work of Hebrew students at Israel university that have Chronicles project online translating the actual SYMBOLS of accepted hebrew texts symbol by symbol without adding vowels and punctuation as done by later translators who 1. knew nothing of the Sumarian texts, and 2. couldn't make sense of it so they added vowels and punctuation to force it to make sense.

The work of both these groups literally proves the match between Sumarian texts and the Hebrew narrative.

Your scholarship is seriously lacking and it would be a complete and total waste of my time to debate an idiot.

Jesus never even existed. He is a composite figure created by "Rome" so the new sect would have a god strong enough to compete with other gods. Literally that person never existed. Who did exist and is well-documented is a man from India, the Kashmir region, named ISSA who had a twin brother Thomas (both of whom are mentioned in contemporary court records as being so similar to each other they were mistaken for each other.) Thomas was a well-known mason/stone craftsman. ISSA went on a trip...possibly to the Palestine area. He returned, married a local woman, and is buried in Roz Bal.

I do not understand the mental midgets who literally follow these cargo cult religions. Sumarian first, Judaism second, Xianity copied Judaism, Islam copied both. Cargo cults. Literally.

And again, a sect that literally does not believe in Satan, cannot be satanic. Kabballah, the mystical bit of Judaism, is actually closest to, and springs from, the Sumarian texts.

I seriously doubt it is possible to get anywhere with your personal beliefs, backed up by nonsense written to demonize a group for killing a man who never existed, thus, it is pointless to debate an uneducated, unarmed person. Impossible.

Cometpizza ago

Alright, show me the Samarians today. They don't exist, so when you scratch Samarians off your list were are left with Judaism.

You're trying to say that Satanism and Judaism are not one in the same thing which is incorrect. Also, tell me what Egyptian it was that wrote the Talmud?

MAGABoomer ago

Sumarian. Lrn2Spell. LOL no. It's a literal waste of time. BTW, did you know "Moses" was pharaoh? And the cult of Akenahten was built on Sumarian concepts? Sumarian DNA absolutely exists today, and that is what you need to be afraid of. LOL JAYSUS. The Hebs were literally an obscure desert tribe that copied and created their entire "religion" and tradition from a more ancient tradition. Noah did not exist, the flood myth exists in all cultures.

As you have zero scholarship, please...stop wasting my time. I am not going to feed your uneducated rhetoric another post.

hat ago

Its so sad how people like this who just connect the dots and have no idea how spurious their argument is destroy the credibility of an investigation of pedophiles.

UglyTruth ago

Islam, for all it's similarities with Judaism, isn't derived from it because Muhammad wasn't Jewish and the Quran differs from the Torah on a few significant points. The related form of Satanism derives from the Sabbatean heresy.


Bill Clinton John Podesta Dennis Hastert

They're all Jews right? This is the tipping point, folks. This is when you here at Voat decide what you want to come of this community. Whether you want to expose an amoral web of pedophiles that abuse children - or whether you want to fade into obscurity after losing credibility by latching onto the most fringe narrative you could possibly find. I've been following this since r/the_donald and r/pizzagate and it was mostly level-headed people finding actual connections to actual organizations and elites. Now it's being brigaded by folks I'd expect on 4chan where kike is thrown around every few posts.

Don't get it twisted. Use Occam's razor. Are the shills most likely to be people warning you not to be sidetracked by Jew-hunting or the people trying to make you into exactly what the mainstream media want people to think you are?

Tzitzimitl ago

these are merely examples of shabbos goy(look that shit up)

Cometpizza ago

We never said they were all Jews. The Zionist Jews are running things and blackmailing the non-Jews. That's what's we are saying


Absolutely retarded. So when Jews are pedophiles it's because they're Jews, and when non-Jews are pedophiles it's because they work for Jews. This is circular reasoning and indirectly takes the blame off confirmed child molesters and puts it on a mythical Jewish conspiracy akin to "the patriarchy" or the "white supremacist power structure". This is becoming no different than a social justice conspiracy theory rather than actual citizen investigation movement.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

I have this crazy idea that the tunnels in and around Comet Ping Pong lead to the synagogue.

justiceforever ago

Instead of bitching and making us look racist how about you dig through the emails and find us some leads

Cometpizza ago

Judaism isn't a race. This is an observation upon the Jewish religion.

smoothassilk ago

... and yet again another thread that should be instantly moved/deleted. call it censor whatever its again blatantly off topic and against the submission rules. this shit begins to annoy me.

EnochGenesis ago


RedPowerRanger ago

To what end does this take us if we were to focus our attacks on those guilty by association?

If you take out all of Germany to stop the Nazi's, You take out all the Jews to stop paedophilia? - This logic is why it gets treated as anti-semetic and deleted.

Pllatinum ago

Nice try Eric Cartman.

EnochGenesis ago

This is relevant. If you are a jew just disavow your sick counterparts and get over it.

connornm777 ago

Say something useful or GTFO.

contrarianism ago

Judaism is not the religion of Moloch. If anything this is a sect of Judaism, like Christianity.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Look, I'm against anti-Semitic ideas generally, and your post looks mostly retarded.

But if you want to make an argument that it's related to a Jewish group, and you use facts an evidence, the post should stay up, and let the votes decide. We came here for free speech.

smoothassilk ago

the problem is the most people here arent able to downvote

anonmoose ago

aha I have already reported kosherpizza for spamming this exact post in multiple threads before I saw this post.

100% spamming even if they believe it all themselves.

Heffisntmyrealname ago

This, a thousand times this.

Smedley__Butler ago

Highly recommend everyone read this: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies -

AwakenedResistance ago

I think there's a common misconception when making these arguments which get people to discount without understanding the full scope of it. First off to be exact. Not all people in the Jewish faith is a Zionist. You must go no further than google and Twitter to find legions of "Jews against Zionists" type of resistance movement. Joe Biden - who else but the groping, grotesque, pedo in residence - said out loud several times you can find that online that "One Must'nt be a Jew to be a Zionist". He may be a vile sick fuck. But he's right abut that. By the same token not all Jewish people immediately Zionists, but even if they were it wouldn't mean a thing insofar as pizzagate goes.

But let's leave that alone for a second. And let's instead use a couple of historical analogies before returning to the main point. 1- Nazis: - During WW2 the Nazi party and the Nazi army was compromised mostly if not solely of Germans. The reverse however was/is not true. Not all of Germany was comprised of Nazis. Not all Germans were Nazis. And furthermore people who share in the Nazi values today are found globally without any necessary connection with a German/Nazi bloodline.So again being Nazi was never synonymous with being German.

2- The Italian Mafia: since its inception, what became eventually, and worldly, known as The Mafia was comprised mostly, if not solely, of Italians having its roots in Italy (further research may show their connections to the Vatican but we will leave that alone as that does not add nor take away from the thesis presented). So all Mafiosi were Italians but never all Italians have been mafiosi. Eventually the Mafia grew into a much more featured and global operation and being Italian ceased rto be a requirement. And again never have all Italians been a part of the Mafia.

This is all to say that by finding out that a road, any road, not just pizzagate, leads to Judaism or in this case specifically Zionism, is not to paint every Jewish person with the same broad stroke. But if you as the innocent Jew jumps at it defending, much like blind Democrats who are not pedo-friendly are coming out defending Hillary, and in previous eras, blind Catholics have defended their pedo-priests, you're missing the main point. While also proving the system in place HAS YOU! All faith, all secret society, all covenant, all party, all groups are created to put itself above the whole, and protect itself from the whole by indoctrination of the whole into believing The System (the faith, the group, the covenant) must be protected at all costs.

This is at the root of our current chaotic, fractured society. If you're in a "Us Vs Them" mentality, this is one of many opportunities for you to step out of it, and chose humanity - not just all of humanity but the humanity within yourself - above any petty differences you've been indoctrinated into buying into. There's no us, no them. There's simply what's the humane thing to do and what's the inhumane thing to do. Children molestation, torture and kill is obviously only the latter never the former. No matter what "group" you identify yourself as. Be light you all! Fight on!

EnochGenesis ago


KosherPizza ago

I agree that we shouldn't blame all for this and as a matter of fact I have specifically said that the Zionists are the Jewish mafia.

It's obvious to anybody that digs deep enough that this all leads to Judaism, instead of covering it up we should just be honest about it and explain that it's a small gang of occultic Jews that run shoulders with top Zionists. Simple as that. It's not all Jews.

shortymcbossypants ago

Do you by any chance know what Zionism as an ideology even is? It is simply that people believe the Jews should be able to live on Mount Zion or Israel. That is all. I'm a Sephardic Jew, a Bat Kohana. While I am Jewish, a Messianic Jew to be exact, I look at the Talmud as a book that have some things to ponder about but at the same time some highly dangerous and frankly stupid ideas in it. For instance, did you know one story or custom in the Talmud states that this High Priest put his right shoe on his feet pointing towards the Temple and so all Cohens should put their right shoe on first pointing towards the Temple? I'm sorry but that is just plain silly. Same thing with in the Torah that you aren't allowed to wear wool and cotton blends. Furthermore, I am a human being and a mother, and would never ever want my children to be harmed in any way, and am actively doing all I can given that I don't have a very keen set of skills (Taken reference FTW) but if there is something that needs to be translated from Hebrew or Spanish or throw out ideas that might get us all closer to putting these assholes away then so be it. But you should simply know that not all of us Jews are evil overlords ready to eat children or do some blood sacrifice. Not all of us are rich elite bank owners or bent on taking over the world ala Pinky and the Brain style. I'd be happy if my toddler would just be potty trained and I wouldn't have to spend so much money on diapers. I coupon almost professionally and am not rich by any means. People are people and yes, I'm not going to lie or say that all Jews are without sin because we all as truthseekers know otherwise, but there are good people and assholes who rape and murder kids. I too want to see the suckers fry including that dick wagging wonder Anthony Weiner.

KosherPizza ago

Nobody is saying it's all Jews. What we are saying is that Jewish occultism is at the Center of Pizzagate. That's a fact. We aren't telling people what to do with this information. This only became an issue because mods started purging and banning users for mentioning Jews.

They have a rule " don't mention any race or religion except Satanism".

Well Satanism is a wing of Judaism and Jews are an ethnicity as well.

See how the rules obstruct open discussion of relevant information?

BrooklynZOGHQ ago

keep up your good work. I know it's frustrating dealing with all the shills but maybe focus on overrepresentation instead of zero sum methods. I've noticed the same thing you have as well as millions of others, that the majority of these sick fucks are jews and it makes sense if you're in any way familiar with the culture and history of this people. They were banished from the UK for blood libel acts ultimately which was the straw that broke the camels back in the late 1200s only to be brought back in by that scumbag Cromwell.

UglyTruth ago

So what is Satanism?

Satan means adversary. If you accuse someone of Satanism you are effectively accusing them of serving your adversary.

Satanism is a wing of Judaism.

No, it derives from a Judaic heresy.

Judaism is the mother of all Abrahamic religions.

No, Islam is based on the Quran, not the Torah. There are many similarities between these two religions but Muhammad was never Jewish. Christianity draws from Judaism and from other sources.

The whole concept of Satan is a Jewish concept.

Yes, in the Torah Satan is a role or title that refers to an adversary.

Satanism is Judaism and many of these Satanic occultic rituals taking place are in the Talmud.

No, in the book of Job Satan did not destroy him. The Talmud is part of Rabbinical Judaism, not original Judaism.

The Talmud a Jewish holy book.

No, Karaite Jews reject the Talmud.

sixgorillion ago

There are theories about Muhammed being Jewish. It would make sense that the Jews, after seeing what a mess Jesus caused decided to create a counter-religion. One that essentially was designed to conquer different religions but have several sections saying that the Jews are to be protected as long as they pay their taxes.

Since then, Christianity and Islam has been at war more or less. Until the Muslims lost the battle for Europe and began to instead out-breed the Europeans with the help from a lot of Jews.

In any regards, they worship the same entities that's clear, the moon and the star are both satanic symbolism. Also, the fact that pedophilia is okay in the Koran as well as the Talmudd speaks volumes.

UglyTruth ago

In any regards, they worship the same entities that's clear, the moon and the star are both satanic references.


But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. Amos 5:26

Also, the fact that pedophilia is okay in the Koran

Wrong, paedophilia is not endorsed by the Quran. The allegation of paedophilia came from the Hadith, and the allegation is refuted by the earliest biography of Muhammad.

KosherPizza ago

Islam and the Quran is based on the five books of Moses. Look at Leviticus. Islam means " Ishmael" which was the son of Abraham.

And no, Rabbis actually study the Talmud. It's called Rabbinical Judaism. Zionism is based on Talmudic doctrine.

You're a liar

You really don't know what you're talking about. You're wrong on all points.

UglyTruth ago

Islam is based on the five books of Moses.

There are many similarites, but the teachings on sacrifice and usury are different.

Islam means " Ishmael"

No, Islam means submission and Ishmael means the mighty will hear.

And no, Rabbis actually study the Talmud. It's called Rabbinical Judaism.

Straw man. That doesn't refute anything I've posted.

You're a liar

I'm not lying. You've been unable to show that anything I've posted is false, let alone show intent to mislead or deceive.

You really don't know what you're talking about. You're wrong on all points.

If that were true you would have been able to refute something that I posted.

redditsuckz ago

They want to investigation to doesnt matter how it happens just as long as it happens...

They ALL follow the Protocols?;


jlemon ago

Revelation 2:9 from the KJV:

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Don't confuse the Luciferians with Judaism. It's the fastest way to get discredited as "anti-Semitic". The people calling themselves "Jews" today are descendents of Esau (Edom, enemies of God) not Jacob (Israel, God's chosen).

rrdesc ago

Yeah, right, the multi-billion dollar jewish/zionist conspiracy which controls the MSM invest annually billions of dollars in relentless and never-ending propaganda against... the state of Israel. That makes so much sense. Because that's what they have been doing (everywhere, not only in the US), in case you haven't been paying attention.

KosherPizza ago

They don't focus much on Israel, and it's called controlled opposition.

bleachmymind ago

How is this shitpost that has been spammed innumerable times allowed as a submission? This place is a shithole.

KosherPizza ago

The original mod of Pizzagate said this himself.

ArchCovenant ago

Don't forget

derram ago :

'The Chosen': Getting In -

This has been an automated message.

RedPowerRanger ago

I think you'll find that paedophilia and abductions transcend religion, and I would say most classes. To make the focus on Judaism would be to make it a red-herring and adds an element to the theory that discredits the validity of the research to many viewers.

Quite frankly though, it is apparent that some people are getting caught up in shills spamming, with the intent to muddy the waters.

KosherPizza ago

I just showed you specific pieces of information and you didn't address any of it.

Jews are at the center of Pizzagate and Pizzagate style scandals. Sure, people molest kids all over, but they aren't part of organized gangs like these Talmudic Jews are.

MAGABoomer ago

I literally debunk your shit every time you post and you address non of it. It's a fucking sad day when even Wikipedia debunks your shit. You don't even fucking know what a Talmud is.

Long_Knife ago

People like that just want to wrap their antisemitism in any wrapper they can to brainwash people. No matter the conspiracy there will always be people like this. It's easier to just say "I'm done thinking, blame the joos". It's kind of funny that it's the most upvoted shit in this sub because all it does is make all of this look like a joke.

MAGABoomer ago

He's just uneducated and relies on the Internetz for information that fit his or her bias..confirmation bias. Jaysus people are can a group that literally does not believe in Satan be satanists?

hat ago

These are Satanists and none of the major players are jewish. You just need a simple explanation so you're blaming jews. Its really sad and makes you look like someone who can't see nuance in the world and needs to gravitate to simple, easy to understand patterns (look theres jews! it must be the jews!).

Cometpizza ago

Satanism is a branch of Judaism. You don't seem to understand that.

RedPowerRanger ago

Not all paedophiles are Jews and not all Jews are Paedophiles. Is this a Jew-hunt or a paedophile hunt? What does it matter if they are all from the same background?

I'm not saying the information is wrong, I'm saying it only hurts the focus of the investigation.

occultelite ago

I think you'll find that paedophilia and abductions transcend religion, and I would say most classes.

You simply lack culture on the subjet.

RedPowerRanger ago

I understand the implied link between the Ashiknazi's and Zionism, and their suspect behaviours well enough thank you.

occultelite ago Dont take in consideration the denial of 1965 since vatican II is the council where jews compromised the church.

Spooncooker ago

As a hater of everything, all that Jews did it Bullshit is weak memes and boring as fuck so thank you mods for not allowing a Jews did it hijacking of a world wide phenomenon

KosherPizza ago

I present you with information. You don't address a single piece of it and instead respond by showing your support for censorship.

Spooncooker ago

Make a make a jewgate sub and felate each other there

HarveyKlinger ago

Fine. Do you have to "present" it 137 times with different titles and subheadings? Jeesh. You made your point. If people choose to ignore it, it's their business. Stop trying to facefuck them with your "JEWS ARE EVIL" posts. One post is fine. Anything more than one is SPAM by definition.