pornhub_katie ago

I got no dog in this fight. Amalak is a good kid. He just lacks subtly.

JunOS ago

Too many links and some truth in there, brigade this ass-hat! /S

Here's how I see it. Sjw mods from reddit also left. Grass is always greener, right? Their agendas,however, have not changed.

Keep calling that shit out, lets the users decide.

Amalek010 ago

If you think Jews bring attention to themselves and Zionist supremacy you are either stupid, or actively engaging in deception in an attempt to discredit me.

Again, I post fact. Anybody can verify what I say for themselves.

The more you guys keep trying to deceive Voat into thinking I'm Jewish, the more the user base will come to perceive you as liars.

It doesn't matter WHO is posting this information because its fact, and facts speak for themselves.

So keep pushing a false narrative Jew boy, because anybody with half a fucking brain can easily figure out that a Jew would stand nothing to gain by posting sourced facts to expose Zionism.

Wouldn't that be counterproductive?


Amalek010 ago

I want everyone to note how nobody can debunk what I say and can only result to petty name calling in an attempt to discredit me.

pornhub_katie ago

I don't think you're wrong. You just need work on your delivery. You never responded when I asked you before, but do you browse /pol/ on 8chan? I think you should.

Amalek010 ago

This is what I post and nobody can debunk it because it's all factually sourced.

Amalek010 ago


Is this the best you guys can do? Just fabricating stuff now?

zbou ago

Amalek is a Jew shill. Said it before, I'll say it again. He can be entertaining.

Traveler ago

If you're so honest, why can't you admit what you said earlier about you lying about being a jew to get with a jewish girl?

eagleshigh ago

Jews aren't a race. They're an ethno religious groups. They are semites who cluster with Palestinians. With substantial Italian ancestry on their maternal side, which is where their intellect comes from. Roman women.

Peynus ago

I just go on his posts occasionally and call him a Jew. It's great fun. If you can't beat him, fuck about with him. Works 100% of the time 70% of the time when gaming with retards.

DoomMantia ago

The same could be said about /v/niggers.

eagleshigh ago

What about v niggers? Youre more than welcome to prove me wrong.

DoomMantia ago

What I'm saying is that /v/niggers already welcomes you with open arms, so why spam the rest of Voat?

Besides, don't you have any other interest at all aside from Jews? Like, what's your favorite music? Do you like any sport? Do you play videogames? Anything at all aside from posting about Jews?

eagleshigh ago

How am I spamming? I asked you to refute my writings if we are wrong. I don't spam my blog all over the place.

DoomMantia ago

Why did you edit your comment? You wrote "I was being sarcastic. I should have added the /s/" and now your comment says something else.

And you did spam your blog and your subverse all over the place.

Seriously, do you have any other interest at all? Come on, a favorite artist or tv show or something, anything that hints that you're human and not a robot.

eagleshigh ago

I edited it because I thought this was a reply to another post.

And you did spam your blog and your subverse all over the place.

Me specifically? Source?

Seriously, do you have any other interest at all? Come on, a favorite artist or tv show or something, anything that hints that you're human and not a robot.

Of course. I like anything on the history channel, science channel, things like that.

I just talk about race here.

DoomMantia ago

Come on, I've been a user for 6 months. I haven't forgotten the time when you were even worse than the MH101 spambots of today.

Do you hate all non-white races or only Jews?

eagleshigh ago

How bad am I spamming? I put a relevant article I have written if it calls for it.

I hate blacks and Jews. Spics are OK sometimes, they just breed too much and commit crime slightly above whites.

East Asians are a ok.

DoomMantia ago

OK then, another question: why do you hate so many people collectively instead of judging each person for their individual actions? Do you like it when SJWs say that all whites deserve to be punished for owning slaves, or that all males are rapists?

eagleshigh ago

why do you hate so many people collectively instead of judging each person for their individual actions?

I judge individuals. Though, groups show trends, which is what I focus on.

Do you like it when SJWs say that all whites deserve to be punished for owning slaves, or that all males are rapists?

They should learn the true history about slavery. The first slave owner in America was black as well.

Blacks owned slaves way disproportionately than whites. 4.8 percent of Southern whites, along with the North, being 1.3 percent of all whites in America in 1860 owned slaves. There are reports from New Orleans from their 1860 census that showed 3000 freed blacks owned slaves, accounting for 28 percent of the city’s population. In 1860 Louisiana, at least 6 blacks owned more than 65 slaves, with the biggest number of slaves being 165 slaves who worked on a sugar plantation.

40 percent of Jews owned slaves. The African slave trade was started in 650 ad by Muslims. Blacks rape the most. Rapes by women go unreported.

DoomMantia ago

You're proving my point. SJWs are wrong in hating all whites, and so are you on hating all blacks and jews.

Running_amuck ago

This is fabricated bullshit.

Man, look how hard you people are trying to discredit me.

Obviously I'm posting sensitive information.

Traveler ago

Now you're going to lie about posting that shit after deleting it? You're a sad sad man. At least you know how damning it is.

libby ago

Good catch. Pretty scummy to pretend to be a Jew to sleep with her. I can see why she ditched him.

Traveler ago

Pretending to be a jew is probably the 8th most fucked up thing about him

libby ago

If you ever study a history of Judaism, it was already becoming basically deistic amongst elite rabbis several thousand years ago. The Christian concept of a human-like man-god was pretty much just for the least educated Jews for most of history. It's not much of a stretch to just think it's a metaphor or story from there.

libby ago

The funny thing is, I think Jews are probably the most likely race to be atheists. Possibly some SE Asians have a higher rate.

eagleshigh ago

Just because you heebs are atheists doesn't mean anything. You still want to kill us Catholics.

barset ago

Just to chime in the first actual Jew I'd ever met, and I mean as in the sort that's family travels back to Mecca or where have you, and such was the most staunch atheist I'd ever met, but he also held a great respect for those of faith regardless of their faith as long as they weren't an asshole.

ArchangelleShe ago

The disinformation is not in the content. It's in your methods. Nobody even bothers to read a single word you type – they see "Jew," they downvoat and move on.

I already told you this, but your autism doesn't let you see it.

Running_amuck ago

I post quotes from Jews themselves and then show you their actions.

Seriously, show me where my facts are wrong, because the facts speak for themselves.

Show me inaccuracies in my sourcing.

chrimata ago

Hmmm you might be on to something there

Amalek_qhxjsbx ago

Obviously you're not aware of what Amalek means.

” To destroy the seed of Amalek (Deut. 25:19)”

“That the evil done to us by Amalek shall not be forgotten (Deut. 25:19) ”

the Jews use Amalek and Haman ( tried to genocide the Jews from ancient Persia) as archetypes and consider all enemies of Jews to be Amalek or Haman. Many Jews considered Hitler to be Amalek, and the Whites of modern day to be the seeds of Nazis. Judaism instructs them to eliminate us as they did with Haman and Amalek.

” The Nazis and Adolf Hitler have been referred to as Amalekites.[25]

A prominent 19th and early 20th century rabbi, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, claimed upon Kaiser Wilhelm’s visit to Palestine in 1898, three decades before Hitler’s rise to power, he had a tradition from his teachers that the Germans are descended from the ancient Amalekites.[26] ”

Stop lying. I can easily expose the lies.

chrimata ago

Oh I was just noticing that the name comes from the Hebrew bible. The article does say you are the enemy of the jews

libby ago

Yeah. I'm an atheist who wishes all religion would just disappear.

Dr_Moonman_III ago

Look at his name; something appears fishy.

libby ago

Hmm, you said a bunch of Jews but there are only two people talking here other than you. Two isn't a bunch. I think Amalek just admitted to being a Jew.

Amalek_qhxjsbx ago

There's 2 Jews here.

Read the comments over.

Stop trying to lie and deceive Voat.

ArchangelleShe ago


do you


in so




libby ago

Conspiracy theorists either type unbroken walls of text without paragraphs or they put almost every other sentence on a new line. I like to think they all start out the first way and when they are called out go to the second.

frankenham ago

I'm more interested in seeing somebody actually debunking what he's saying. Everybody who's against him just namecalls and doesn't address anything

jobes ago

Amalek takes the "Fox News" approach for many topics - heavily cherry pick what you report and only report that which aids your views/agenda. As crazy as some topics or ideas may sound, there are likely to be some instances of those topics actually occurring on this 7.4 billion person planet. If I looked hard enough, I could probably find a legitimate source for a 21st century gay Nazi who is trying to create an army of dinosaurs in order to take over the world.

libby ago

I don't see anything to debunk. He posts facts and really far fetched explanations of them. There are always more historically plausible and less complicated reasons for the things he points out.

I just like poking him and watching him go nuts. It's hilarious.

HST ago

Same here. I've seen it happen once or twice but usually people give up trying to convince him because he's so sure of his position that it's nearly impossible to get him to consider a different one. I've even had some decent conversations with him myself.

He's probably unstable in some way rather than trying to make others look nuts. The difference between him and others who hold the same positions is the way they go about trying to spread information on the topic. Most will either let it come up naturally or make a single post about it. He spams his content out the ass because that's what he thinks is effective.

frankenham ago

In all fairness a lot of what he says is factual so there really isn't any option to changing his position other than to deny facts. I know it sounds crazy when you hear something like 'jews run hollywoood' but like that stuff really is true.. I mean doesn't anyone else find it odd you can slam any religion out there into the ground but the moment you mention jews there's like a programmed response to instantly say they're crazy and dismiss them into the group of lizard people believers?

Cananite ago

This is a classic technique to discredit people. Calling them " conspiracy theorists" even though EVERY single thing I say is factually sourced.

There's no debate here. I source everything I say and it is all factual.

I implore anybody reading this to check for yourselves. That way you can see how Libby ( admitted Jew) is trying to discredit me and deceive you all.

jobes ago

@libby, you did admit you were Jewish. I think all fingers now point at you as a Zionist Media Shill trying to scare off the intellectual userbase on voat who can see past the propaganda.

I had such high hopes for you @libby.

libby ago

In the context of the time Israel was founded it makes sense. After seeing what happened in Europe, the attitude of never again is very understandable. Had I survived the holocaust and lost family/friends while the world did nothing, you can bet I'd band together with my surviving kin to make a home and protect those I love. It's normal human behavior. Once you've built that home it also makes sense to defend it against hostile neighbors. I think Israel gets a lot of flack but it makes sense in the context of history. The shitty/contentious location is mostly England's fault too, not religion like people want to say. Hell, the father of Zionism didn't even want the Jewish state to be in the holy land, if I recall correctly.

Cananite ago

Jews were attacking Palestinians before the holocaust even started.

Nice try dude.

libby ago

Sure, but Israel gained a lot of supporters post WWII. Movements aren't monolithic and don't have a single cause. Every person has their own reason for joining up.

I bet some did it for the reasons I stated, others probably did it to kill Arabs, some likely just needed a job and joined up, and so on.

I find the early Zionists much less sympathetic.

eagleshigh ago

The holocaust didn't happen.

srgmpdns ago

Downvotes are attention.

barset ago

And that's a troll that feeds on downvotes and seems to take it as a personal challenge and censorship from it.

What sucks is they make a solid argument from time to time, but I'm starting to think it's not just one person there's a lot of variety in the style. It's largely the same pompous ass but then they occasionally chill out and actually act rational for once.

libby ago

I totally get where you're coming from and generally agree. I kinda wish my people would just assimilate in and disappear. I reproduced with a goy because I don't buy into the racial purity stuff. But I do feel a familial/national bond with Jews and care about my kin surviving.

cointelpro_shill ago

Proponents of antisemitism? Sounds fancy

libby ago

Thanks for catching that. I try to dumb down my speech most of the time but it's been getting a little pretentious lately. I'll check it.

libby ago

I'm mixed on Zionism. I generally oppose that kind of thing, but the world has really stomped the fuck out of Jews multiple times and no one else ever helps. I am sympathetic to wanting an area Jews control and trying to protect Jews, even if I don't like the methods or agree with everything Zionists do.

For example, I'm 100% opposed to further settlements on Palestinian land. But I'm 100% in favor of a nation of Israel existing. On other issues I'm somewhere in the middle. Some would call me a Zionist and others would say I'm not.

eagleshigh ago

Oy vey boo boo. Us little merchants din du nuffin and the evil white man came and sent us out!! Hitler did what he did for no reason!!! (no the holocaust didn't happen)

Novius ago

I'm totally ok with Zionism up to the idea of Jews having one foot out the door when they advocate social policy like South Africa's Black Sash and probably Barbara L Spectre after Sweden falls too. The Jews that do that suck, don't advocate for social conditions because they think God chose them to become a kingdom of priests and they then flee from the results. People are going to react emotionally to the common denominator, and it won't be Spectre that gets hurt.

Otherwise, Jews should have a homeland so that if any land won't have them then they may still prosper. At least as long as people attack Jews for some amongst them that advocate social change, good and bad.

Israel needs to shit or get off the pot though, their state knows the stakes and reality but just won't follow through with where ever their beliefs intersecting with the reality logically take them. They either cannot have a Jewish majority or they need to be "American Pioneers" about the whole thing. Stalling is why the issue of Israel and Palestine persists. Understand I'm saying that I have no right to decide for them, but simply admitting that the Israel and Palestine issue exists by thinking on it you cannot know say that stalling by not admitting the problem exists is an issue.

libby ago

Yeah, I can see people getting upset when people loyal to Israel advocate for policies in another country. That's reasonable.

I do think my people need a homeland, unfortunately. I sleep better knowing there's somewhere my family could flee if it ever came down to it.

I do think that Israel doesn't want to think about what kind of policies it would take to keep it a Jewish state. Arabs out breed Jews there and Israel is a democracy. Palestine isn't going to stop being hostile either. But no one wants to make an actual apartheid state or kill/exile the Palestinians. I don't want those things either but I don't know that it's possible to have it both ways.

Novius ago

Completely agree, although I believe that Jews are part of nations in Europe that may choose to not become multicultural are they are woven into the history of Europe good times and Bad. I think it is also reasonable to have Jews denounce Zionism, but face their nation turning on them, and flee to Israel as a result. I was really hopeful when Jews began to go back into Germany again but this Migrant crisis will reverse that. Israel is needed moreso during this migrant crisis.

ArchangelleShe ago

Not sure if he's a Jew or not but he definitely is a JIDF disinfo agent.

Foralltoosee ago

This absolutely. There's no possible way he thinks it's turning people away from Jews. He knows it just annoys all of us no matter what we think.

RectalAvenger ago

Funny... could be. It's like how I bet at least some of all the over the top racist idiots here on voat are actually paid commenters to dissuade regular people from becoming voaters.

libby ago

I'm hoping to piss him off and get him to spam me with PMs.

Foralltoosee ago

You will certainly succeed.

libby ago

I'm a Jew too and I like him. His stuff is so rambling and crazy looking that it will drive so many people away from antisemitism.