Fate0011 ago


It's not just CTR. CTR spread out into a few different groups. ShareBlue.....American Bridge.....CREW and another one.

Thats CTR's

More info here


Ocelot ago

Happy to help :)

brandon816 ago

Yeah, that's the same style as one of our CTR trolls that shitposted about a month before the election up until about a week after Trump won. Constant use of bolded headlines, followed by links to articles, even after being told that they were giving their self away on every alt by doing it.

belphegorsprime ago

I was actually on /r/conspiracy recently and felt like I was behind enemy lines. They had overtaken threads about pizzagate trying to convince people that censorship is the answer (using the false flag as pretext). I held my ground, but I will say that it was pretty frustrating. They are brigading in there. We need to remember to keep upvoting real users and downvoating shills whenever we get the chance. It increases their costs, thinning their budget. They won't win this. Truth will out.

thisistotallynotme ago

It isn't paranoia if they're really out to get you.

Provided Trump gets into office on January 20th, you're pretty safe. His campaign team actively and heavily recruited from 8chan, running MAGA banners on the bottom, astroturfing memes, etc.

FBI/CIA/NSA all march to the beat of the Executive Branch. CTR has a month and a half left to do damage control. It'll be over soon, I promise. January 21st, CTR loses all ties to the ruling party. Considering the backlash, you won't see David Brock be able to go back to the Republicans like he did in 2000; His career is over, taken down by Alefantis and meme warfare.

TL;DR: unless you're positive Obama will declare martial law before January 20th, you're really safe to be browsing 8chan right now.

JastheMace ago

I stopped going to Reddit a long time ago, when they were exposed altering and deleting comments that were negative about Israel. Absolute shill site.

shesell ago

Could you tell me what CTR is? Thanks!

chako ago

Correct The Record

shesell ago


magol ago

I mean don't shills know we don't trust bbc or nyt, what's the point of even trying, or did he rely on upvotes to convince people?

ShoaNanas ago

I'm new to all of this "shills" stuff but i'm now believe they really exist. It's maybe naïve but, could it be a solution to officially forbid every "pizzagate is fake" comments/posts ?

Let's say we create 2 separate subvoat: v/pizzagate_is_real and v/pizzagate_is_fake. Then moderators can politely remove every "this is fake !" comment/post if they are on the wrong subvoat.

Shills will not be able to complain, they will have their subvoat, and the v/pizzagate_is_real will remain clean of this shit.

PicowattBulb ago

There are two things that play into the future here have to be protected and they won't give up. Namely, a possible election rematch in four years and the depth that this scandal may possibly reach and in tun, expose more people than the top elite want to at the moment.

darnforgotmypassword ago

CTR shitheads defending child rapists for minimum wage. Fucking disgusting.

squidicuz ago

I have thoroughly debunked all US media as fake news. They have a state backed license to lie to you. You can't even trust the weather report anymore!

Nothing is Coincidence anymore.

Htaed ago

Can we get a post with a list of shills?

sympathy ago

Correct The Record, a super PAC designed to defend Hillary Clinton('s interests) from "baseless attacks". It employs shills to push back against users on various social media websites.

AJ-Styles ago

Oh yeah it's coming in full force. TONS of sources/people are coming down hard calling the entire thing one big fake joke that got out of hand. It's fucking disturbing how indoctrinated some people are. "THE TV SAID IT'S FAKE SO IT CAN'T BE REAL!"

REB_Militia ago

Never forget..

hashtaggery ago

Cuck the Republic -- thems dudes needs a new hobby

stickittotheman ago

they aint dudes, theyre faggot pedo freaks

passwordsonvoatrbad ago

lol they don't have accounts that can downvote yet

anotherskeptic ago

Expose them, voting history should be public.

derram ago

https://archive.is/kAeJ7 :

PizzaGate has not been disproven, nor publicly discredited, by a single credible expert in the national security or law enforcement world - or in any field, for that matter. Dismissals of PizzaGate have weirdly relied on hearsay, assumption, unnamed editorials and outright misrepresentation. : conspiracy

This has been an automated message.

Drugs ago

Stay vigilant. Don't let them distract you

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

CTR, I have a message for ye. I read a few years ago that China was using the same methods. I thought fucking hell... that is scary. Bad enough that China is a propaganda police state, but now they are able to employ an army of citizens to maintain the oppressive, unaccountable rule over their own countrymen, to the detriment of their nation and freedom. To think they have found so many Americans willing to subvert their own democracy, freedom, and access to the truth for their own country, which is the most important country if the world wants to have any chance of a free and fair standard of living. It woould be morally repugnant if you were getting paid millions. I can understand that things have gotten bad, and I understand you have some way of justifying this. But consider this. It has been said by the greatest minds that once we decide the means justify the ends we are fucked (to paraphrase). Not only are we now using the ends to justify the means, but the ends themselves are horrific. Please reconsider, and work to bring down this immoral operation, it is enabling the murder of millions in Syria, Libya, Haiti, and America and Europe as well. It is the most well concealed practice of evil the world has seen. Don't contribute, please for the love of god and humanity, fight it.

SnapeDoggyDogg ago

Who is CTR?

Scoundrel ago

Funny how they make it so obvious.. just makes me more determined.

Long_Knife ago

Am I the only 1 that feels like calling people "shill" is a bad idea. I feel like they are just trolls and by calling them shills it gets them the reaction they want. I get called a shill for asking questions, which we should be asking questions imo. If you think someone is a shill just don't reply to them and move on.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Exactly. As long as we keep downvoating the obvious shills, telling them to collectively fuck off they will achieve nothing. Take no shit from these scumbags. spits

Tracybeanz ago

They still don't get it. They are using a 1954 playbook. We play future 4d chess. I was broadcasting last night. A whole two hours of talk about this very subject - and they take down our small, activist owned website which just happened to be on the list of "real" news sites that all of you are supposed to stay away from. HEY SHILLS!! This IS NOT GOING AWAY. And we are much smarter than you. I'm working with a millionaire tech guru truth activist who specializes in security to build us a real one. With real funding and real safety measures for this crap. It's coming.

goatsandbros ago

Persistance + wall of text including "reference" links is the classic shill post.

Nice catch!

pizzahthrowaway ago

Hey thanks for pointing this out to the sub, I too knew it was a shill when those 10 downvotes came in, INSTANTLY all together, I'm sure yours did too, kek

ZalesMcMuffin ago

That goes for me as well. (no upvoats, so can only post a reply)

RedGreenAlliance ago

I am very gratified to see how many smart awake folks there are on here. I've been treading a lonely path with my blog redgreenalliance.com, trying to share on social media and comment sections. Annoyed with myself i never found out about places like this./ Tried 4Chan once but i guess i got unlucky because it seemed like a bunch of angry basement dwellers getting off on a pseudo-language and being cleverer than everyone else. Since then i avoided places like Reddit and 4Chan. Only now have i given them a chance and i can see that first impressions were incorrect, even 4Chan is fking amazing and some of the work they are doing on this is stellar. Anyway thats my 2cents and good luck to all of you. Wherever this fight takes us, even if they tried to close this down, just redouble your efforts.

Their tactics are like trying to stop a fire by throwing gasoline and wood on it. So obvious, all they serve to do is confirm that we are MASSIVELY onto something.

Persoanlly i think the timing of the election, the implied child trafficking revelations which broke from multiple NYPD and FBI CIA sources, PizzaGate have CAUSED them to push this Fake News narrative which is so grating and scary that even mildly brainwashed people are waking up.


thezodiac ago

Keep shilling, lol.

Have you guys seen the Comet Ping Pong Facebook page? There are THOUSANDS of fake reviews being posted non-stop. They hired some firm to hide their pedo-shit. It's probably the same company who is behind these shills.

the_magic_man ago

That post is 100% right

Konran ago

Yeah - I'd suggest the same but only because people will dismiss the first poster due to the false narrative being spread that Wikileaks = Russian propaganda.

But otherwise - excellent stuff.

in4theLongRun ago

Fightback and truth bomb! For every comment that you post post a link to concrete evidence of child ritual abuse in history or government.

If people do read the links they will at the least become informed and will not be able to live in denial.

Here is some background info on the experiences of children pizzagate* style the idea that ritual abuse happens in high up places of government and society.Pizzagate can be real its happened before

in4theLongRun ago

also don't let them De-rail the investigation don't engage push forward - peace

SoullessTechnocrat ago

Going to be really funny when people start acting on all those dox on CTR that dropped on /pol/. I wonder how they would react if one of their friends didn't show up to work because hands were placed on them?

amCassandraAMA ago

I get a warm feeling thinking about that. They probably too, but it is pee running down their legs.

BerksResident ago

Had my suspicion on pizza throwaway too. Btw have reached out to David Icke via his contact page. Keep up the awesome work everyone.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

I recommend people use AVE to tag users with helpful notes

I use it here and RES on reddit to track identified shills and it is suprising how much more sense certain trends have when you can see the helpful note next to their name.

LostandFound ago

Thank for the post, what a great way to start the day always remember what Ghandi said


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Wage_Slave217 ago

Really? I got there then I got down voted hardcore by shills and am now at 95. Bastards.

Sushilover69 ago

Spreading the love to you two friends ❤️

voatcaesarpizza ago

When you can't win logically, call them racists. This was the shit Andrew Breitbart died fighting against.

DooDooDoodle ago

People we need to start complaining to the FEC about paid political shills on social media. Things have gotten so bad I can easily see the law which governs other media concerning paid speech being extended to these environments. Just imagine these shills having to have a disclaimer "this message has been paid for by David Brock and James Alefantis (who may or may not be a molester of young boys.


From a policy perspective, it is confusing that a super PAC is allowed to make political communications to voters without the accompanying disclosure that the Federal Election Commission usually requires—that familiar “This communication has been paid for by Correct the Record” that you hear during campaign commercials. But several years ago, the FEC made a decision to regulate the internet differently than other forms of communication. At the time, the regulator was concerned that “individuals might simply cease their Internet activities rather than attempt to comply with regulations they found overly burdensome and costly,” and so it chose to err on the side of free speech.

According to Ann Ravel, an FEC commissioner as well as its former chairwoman, the commission has largely declined to update its pre-smartphone era rules to keep up with changing times, and this has allowed savvy political actors to exploit gaps in the regulations.

 “The United States Supreme Court has clearly upheld disclosure and anti-coordination by these independent expenditure groups,” Ravel said. “So both of those two principles are clearly agreed to in the law, and it’s frustrating to me to see how we’re carving out a dual campaign-finance system that’s applicable to some but not others.”

ThrowMeAVoat ago

This is a great idea. This hurts free speech no matter what side you stand on.

DooDooDoodle ago

I don't think it hurts free speech for paid political actors to have to disclose that. They can say what they like, they just have to admit they are being paid so people will know to take their words with a grain of salt.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

It was directed at not disclosing that hurts free speech.

amCassandraAMA ago

that is an angle worth attempting.


the regulator was concerned that “individuals might simply cease their Internet activities rather than attempt to comply with regulations"

yeah that would be the point, to get these fucks offline

Urebeat ago

We need an admin to sticky this so all the new people to the sub see this, this is damming evidence that what we are doing is being purposely oppressed

justanotherone ago

I just learnt how to upvote, I thought you needed 100 upvotes to upvote, but you need 100 to downvote only. I also didn't think that the flat grey arrows were for voting with (since I mistakenly believed you have to have 100 vote for you to do so). So we need to get active in upvoting each other so we can downvote the shills! So please upvote PizzaGaters regularly!

AaronDover ago

Until some of these CIA shills are killed in a very public fashion they will not stop. We need to start making examples.

Crensch ago


All I can say from here is put a post on /v/protectvoat, ping all the pizzagate mods there, and see what we can work out to help.

MadMonkey ago

This started happening only a day after this: https://archive.is/Nq1HL

IlluminatiKing ago

Increased resistance only means you are breaking through. Great job! Keep digging!

LA6661 ago

Dude, your dedication impresses me.

micha_ ago

Excellent job.

Baconmon ago

I propose that voat be updated to allow subverses to have an option to have a special CCP just for that particular subverse.. For example, if you create a new subverse called "GoatPixxx" or some thing, you can check-mark the option "Subverse-specific CCP", and every one that posts in that subverse will have a CCP starting from 0, JUST for that specific subverse.. When they post in normal subs, their normal site-wide CCP is still used.. This would prevent CTR from gaining CCP in other subs like "aww", and using it against pizzagate sub..

MrNagasaki ago

That's some cointelpro shit, but I'm sure that many organizations and companies specialise in those services. Kind of doubt it's still literally CTR.

skeetskeet ago

fuck the msm. we gonna tear them a new one!

retractableclaws ago

You have to get 100 CCP - meaning other people have to upvoat your comments (not submissions) 100 times.

TheWorldIsSickWtf ago

Can the mods please ban them as soon as they see something like this?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

So much shilling... incoming VP Pence... are we turning into Brits??

Philhelm ago

I'll at least give them credit for sticking with their $15 minimum wage.

Lucienne ago

Imagine all the blue hair dye and horn-rimmed glasses they can buy with the blood money from protecting rich weirdos!

AliensInParis ago

Trying to upvote you but I'm out of upvoats. Nice find.

redditsuckz ago

Pizzagate Shills

32+ up-votes from SAME COMPUTER;



ZalesMcMuffin ago

I gots no upvoats right now, but wow.

Deathstalker ago

Not sure if all of this is true or not. I'll just wait until the South Park episode on it comes out to make up my mind.

Free_Radical ago

The only thing that wins here is genuine content.


Most free speech imageboards have no voting, no identity and no history. That puts every single post on a level playing field so you have no way of knowing if you're talking to a wise oldfag or a brand-new CTR. It's a chaotic environment but anons quickly learn to examine evidence and reason while ignoring/mocking the rest.

BoosCoos ago

You know what the really crappy part is? The 100 mark is not a static milestone, your points have to STAY above 100 in order to downvoat.

So the CTR (or whoever) downvoat brigade can actually target specific users if they want to and try to push solid contributors under the 100 point mark to lower the # of users who can downvoat. They could make quite a mess...

HonkeyKong ago

This is a fantastic and horrifying revelation to me. Upvoated for awareness.

kekistocrat ago

I don't know much about the prestige of being a mod, but could the mods be helping with the upvoats on the shillfactor? It's through the roof! I've noticed some inconsistencies with some of the mods comments over the past few days. They seem like classic diversionary tactics. Have 90, tell 10 and the like...

Tangent-love ago

bring it faggots

Ocelot ago

Reddit adjusted the voting algorithm to be able to fuzz votes without heavily suppressing the true point value of the posts. There was a post about it in /r/announcements.

snowmandan ago

They've been brigading r/conspiracy on reddit with the same tactics of heavily up and downvoting one post supporting their agenda. It's honestly terrifying that this is real. This should be something we would read about in an edgy teenage tech novel, not something we have to actively fight against. But it's so ridiculously obvious what they're doing when they do it in the communities dedicated to the investigation. Pizzagate has been effectively censored in the_donald, but r/conspiracy is still hanging on. Never let up. We welcome any proof that pizzagate is false. We'd love for it to be untrue. However, until they can provide proof, this will not stop. Stay sane everyone.

Gorillion ago

I think the smart ones know, but when your retard pedo-networked boss tells you to shill, you shill. And you have to be of ultimate low standards to be a shill for a pedophilia network anyway, so it's not like they're going to argue the point. They shill, they get paid. They don't care if it's effective or not.

The email leaks, aside from the pedo shit, showed us just how fucking retarded the organizational structure was in Hillary's campaign. It took a group of people a whole afternoon to draft a single tweet that Trump demolished in seconds. The live in a bubble where nobody tells them their tactics are self-defeating. They hire PR companies at great expense to help change their public perception. The same companies that have failed at their job previously. They choose them because they're old college buddies, or their parents are connected, or do a great lunch meeting or some unimportant side-aspect to the actual business at hand.

That's what happens when you build an organization based on cronyism. The yes men and criminally minded rise, while the effective workers are pushed out because they make the others look bad or they get frustrated working with total morons and leave of their own accord.

Mtnchan ago

typical outcome of any non capitalistic non democratic systems, the republic was an illusion, information age ushering in the real republic, they've lost control of the narrative.

amCassandraAMA ago

I have seen leaks from the insides of CTR and I have the suspicion there ARE honest or at least people with a conciousness out there in the machinery that see no way out for them but are willing to be the sand in the gears. These people of course know the Streisand effect and are willing to use it to full force if it

1) good cover following orders literally

and 2) it ultimately it will help bring them down.

We shouldn't rely on them though. But there always are exceptions of every rule.

KnowThyself ago

I just had this image in my head of Hillary sitting at a computer reading this comment and just being absolutely destroyed. It's so true.


they choose them because they are also pedos, blackmailed into helping each other

in4theLongRun ago

Took the words right out of my mind! I used to work for a charity and its the same thing there that is why even thought they make millions nothing actually gets done beyond the minimum requirements to appeal to the public.

AaronDover ago

Shilling for pedos is punishable by death.

amCassandraAMA ago

If you studied the french revolution, being too legère with the guillotine can backfire.

I don't say I'm not okay with some henchman hanging, I just say be aware of what you call for can be utilised against you.

thezodiac ago

A shill disliked your post, lol

thatguyiam ago

All newbs are shills till proven otherwise. Only way to protect this community.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago


PrincessVB ago

Good point

snowmandan ago

This is part of the cycle of the rise and fall of empires. They are so disconnected with the public and the public is starting to realize that. Now we need to mend the divisions in America like political party or race, and focus on exposing truth and delivering justice.

darthveddit ago

We don't need to mend them, just ignore them, and focus on the task at hand.

thicktail1730947 ago

Yup. That's a big part of how they get mended. Show people that ignoring the arbitrary divisions makes them more powerful, not less, and they'll stop being divisive in other spheres of life as well.

Phobos_Mothership ago

It's even worse now screenshot from the same comment, taken just now

Also, here's my comment reply, which had gotten 32 upvoats which now has 32 downvoats as well ... :/

Dizzz ago

How do I get a job as a paid shill? Even better, how can I get 2 jobs, being a shill for both camps? lol I read about this but see no evidence of it. Is it really happening?

Alois_sticklgruber ago

No you haven't goy. Hey remember the franklin coverup, go dig there

Sephel ago

I'd love to help combat with downvoats, but I need about 30 more.. karma? What do we call it here? Here is my credible reddit profile for anyone willing to help me out on voat! - https://www.reddit.com/user/Sephel/

lawfag123 ago

Be sure to upvoat non-shills so we have downvoating power

PolybiusPizza ago

CTR = Cognitive Trash Receptacle

DarkMath ago

Wow, I was just conversing with old I_Am_Spartacus question how quick he was to paste in volumes of detailed evidence, almost as if he had everything ready to go. I replied as such and I just looked now and can't even find his earlier comments that I responded to.

The_Awakened_One ago

Look at the posters downvotes now: http://image.prntscr.com/image/a21bf4fb9431477bbe1dd69431d25e92.png

Now we know EXACTLY why Reddit stopped displaying downvotes!

sentryseven ago

Shit you're right. Do you know how hard it is downvote here? It took me like a month to get downvote credits.

fvckh1m_up ago

You wat , mate8? someng i shud no?

something_went_wrong ago

I'm not touching this one anymore with a ten foot pole.

fvckh1m_up ago

watch this shit

crystalclearme ago

That makes sense and helps a great deal. I too am quite new and can't downvoat all all.

starseedlover ago

You need 100 "comment contribution points" which means you need to get upvoats on YOUR comments.

When I go to downvoat something it tells me this:

Welcome to Voat! In order to downvote comments or submissions you need to have at least 100 comment contribution points. Every time someone upvotes one of your comments, you gain 1 comment contribution point. You currently have 72 comment contribution points. Tip: a good way to earn more contribution points is to take part in discussions or say hi in /v/introductions. This requirement was established as a measure to encourage new members to get involved and participate in discussions>

crystalclearme ago

Thank you! I hadn't read through it in a while. I will upvoat every comment of your's I see :-) I guess it means I need to comment more too? Ugh. I don't like commenting LOL

BirdLaw ago

Same shit is happening on reddit.com/r/milliondollarextreme posts talking about the cancellation of the show and criticizing Adult Swim, Tim Heidecker, Brett Gelman, and others involved. It's always been a tiny, almost dead sub and the last couple of days has been just like the shit OP is posting. So many downvotes and shill comments and concern trolling and "I'm liberal and sympathize with you guys, but come one" type of shit.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

And why haven't mods banned the shills?...

xeemee ago

And why haven't mods banned the shills?

cause it's pointless - it seems the genuine shills create many accounts from which they post once or twice, then abandon it, and apparently they may be using multiple IP addresses because there is already a filter in place to prevent multiple votes on the same post/comment from the same IP

Free_Radical ago

I'm not sure but they probably can't ID the 80+ accounts who upvoated the garbage. This should be forwarded to the admins. They could check if the CCPs were farmed.

Shilling is not free speech.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

how do they downvote? I thought u needed a certain amount of submission points, or whatever there called..to downvote?

thisistotallynotme ago

I suspect there's a bunch of astroturf accounts posting in some /v/ somewhere to build up to 100 karma, so they can do this.

I have 10 points before I'm allowed to downvote. We need to liberally upvote in this /v/ so we can have enough people that can fight back against downvote-bombings. I will continue to upvoat all non-shill posts I find.

BoosCoos ago

Yeah if you manage 100 accounts even on day 1 you can get 10 of them downvoat eligible. The growth is exponential from there because the first 10 accounts get extra upvoats. After day 2 you could have 29 accounts abke to downvoat, could basically get the rest of them there on day 3, and that's if you were just using the original 100 accounts and not cranking out new ones every day.

And I'm not saying people do this manually, you can write a program for it then tell multiple accounts to 'follow' the upvoats of an account or to upvote all from whichever accounts you were trying to push that day.

SaveTheChildren ago

I've been upvoating like crazy in here. I just got my downvoat ability a couple days ago.

fvckh1m_up ago

Not to worry what they think :) you are gifted to know you are right when you are, within. We all do, which makes us strong

Ziggystrife ago

Fucking roaches.

kendamagendale ago

Perhaps this is not CTR, but rather that damage control team with all the Obama insiders.

dmcindc ago

Well on this new voat thing, I can only give 10 votes per every 24 hours... so that really sucks, because I can't help any with voting.

anon123 ago

Is there any way we can combat them? Maybe appoint a mod to delete obvious anti-pizzagate upvoted posts? Or have our own little sock-puppet team that upvotes the pro-pizzagate posts?

voatcaesarpizza ago

The latter isn't a good idea because it's still vote manipulation. And removing anti-pizzagate posts will result in an echo chamber effect where criticism isn't taken seriously. I myself often criticize evidence here, if only to remind everyone of the burden of proof.

Honestly I think it's best if people just call out the shills and not pay much attention to vote scores.

Le_Squish ago

Report shill to /v/reportCTR. The Calvary will apply downviats as necessary.

thisistotallynotme ago

upvoat everyone that isn't an obvious shill for the next 30 days. that'll get a good base of people to counter this.

DooDooDoodle ago

That could allow accounts to pretend not to be shills to get enough karma to Downvote.

thisistotallynotme ago

You're right, but I can't think of a better plan. Patches and bugfixes are welcome.

fvckh1m_up ago

A couple of points to make.

I'm short on sleep, sort of.

This consumes me.,

This is way outside my comfort zone and nauseating.

The creation of two split camps in society is worrying, provided that most high powers are against us. (and I do stress, I am all about peace and love, harmony and respect, understanding and tolerance). Radicalization from within can be seen as directly slowing us down. So don't bother people is my advice, don;t talk about it. be anonymous, untraceable, and active. Make a point, spread the truth. Be an activist.

There are unseen and unheard terrors beneath the slumbering illusion of society, neatly folded into our daily lives.

It's difficult not to get emotional knowing there are so many people joining in to support each other's denial. It's difficult not to get emotional in the first place. That, still, is the reasonable and effective option. The alternative is reporting to your authorities, if you suspect child abduction and want to report child trafficking, there are specific places to do that. Good people like you and me have the actual tools and authority, and are working on fighting this problem out there. They are the real hero's. I can't give the links here, got deleted by mods before because they said they were trying to lay low, so you'd have to ask me to PM the info for that matter.

Nothing about this is fun, cynical, sarcastic. This is mortifying , childabuse is, to everyone, and the people who know and are in protection of the secret are mortified of us knowing. Less mortified because they have plans and are executing them to undermine consequent actions.

llm2016 ago

LOL @pizzathrowaway is one of the biggest shills here.

fujin ago

They're paid shills, they were testing the limits of the algorithm a week or so ago and farming CPP to be able to downvote. It's shitty but we can do our part to fight back and keep our Voat relatively clean.

awakenaware ago

These fake accounts are PATHETIC FUCKING SHITTARDS.. screw them. I mean bots are just bots, but people paid to be shill fucktards really I shouldn't be surprised I suppose. There are actually hundreds of thousands of people worldwide who are part of this conspiracy. Anyone who condones and enjoys and allows child abuse is part of this problem. They are a small percentage but that still means a lot of people in high and low parts of society.

angry_mob ago

oh ok thanks!

superesper ago

We should undertake a demoralization/repetetive-negative-entrainment psychological campaign against them. Every time you see an obvious shill comment, reply along the lines of:

Every time you post one of these comments you are protecting people who torture, rape, and murder children. You are a person who gets paid to protect child rapists.


Every time you see someone you love, you will think to yourself "I get paid to protect child rapists".

etc., in your own phrasing, with your own twist, or exactly the same, doesn't really matter. Even if there are four replies like that already on the comment, make another one. If there's one thing we've all learned from experience with shills, it's that they do check their inbox, diligently. The idea is to repetitively confront them with what they're doing over and over and over again and build a negative psychological response into their psyche. Never engage with their rhetoric. If they reply to you, no matter what they say, just write another one of those messages telling them very directly what they're doing.

The messages shouldn't be angry either. For two reasons, firstly, shills are trolls, secondly, (I'm not no god damn psychologist but bear with me) anger makes the message less effective at working it's way into the shill's psyche. When some angry person yells at you "fuck you, you're a fucking retarded asshole" that's just an angry person being angry and you can more or less laugh it off. Anger prompts an immediate denial/defense/dismissal response. When large number of people are repeating to you in clear, direct, unemotional language, that you are an accomplice to child torture, rape, and murder, presenting you with nonthreatening, straightforward sentences that just happen to be designed to build habits into your cognition (e.g. the second example), the knee-jerk anger defense reflex isn't triggered and the ideas are processed more deeply.

At some point the shill will either quit out of inability to deal with the cognitive dissonance, or, by some unlikely miracle, actually grow a conscience and realize what they're doing. It's my guess that the majority of shills are bad people but they're not psychopathic, mass murderer, pedophiles, they just have weak morals and want the pay, or they've bought some kind of political brainwashing. Most of them can be broken with repetition.

Pasting one of these replies is hardly any more effort than downvoating, and aside from the potential for breaking shills, it also leaves a public visual indication of the unified recognition that the user is a shill.

demoTheGorgon ago

The message should leave an out in case they're just a stubborn non-shill. "If I'm wrong .. Is your mental masturbation worth children being harmed? Should this not be looked into?" etc...

superesper ago

If it's not a shill it doesn't matter because then your message isn't true and they can disregard it.

demoTheGorgon ago

I still think it matters. If you don't give the out, then people who are still on the fence or in disbelief will get angry at being called shills when in fact they're not paid. They're just having a hard time believing. It matters because every time you send that message to a non-shill disbeliever, you're building up a further wall by accusing them of something they're not. Hence why I suggested leaving an out that nevertheless reminds/guilts them that it's about kids and not some internet fight.

Crensch ago

This response should be higher.

JoeJoe ago

There is something weird going on. I can't vote as I have a SCP of 12 and CCP of 9.

Yet my account says I have voted on something today.

Not the only weird CCP tally issue I've noticed on other accounts. Weird posts left, I look at their overview to see what their other posts look like, they have just joined have made 2 comments, have 6 points but on the sidebar it says 175 points.

Submissions I have made have also been deleted, it says by user, but I have not deleted it.

Is it easy to hack these forums. I'm not a savvy tech person.

Shook ago

It's because this is getting SERIOUS expose on MSM within just the last two days with this "shooting" (I question that ever happened). The shills are being released in FULL FORCE ladies in gentlemen. I have seen EVERY single news station I've tuned into in the last few days on TV discredit this whole thing as a simply false hoax, or fake news article. It makes me so fucking mad that I have refrained from even tuning in today and listening to more of their lies.

My point is, this is getting out, on youtube, social media, and word of mouth in general. The elites are getting worried. Not scared yet, but soon enough we will force them to be. Right now, we are in the stages of "damage control through media", and "discrediting the fake news hoax" bullshit. There is only so long they can play defense here.

happy_snek ago

They couldn't even keep their bots from spewing markup code on Reddit when they broke. They think an army of Eliza chatbots are gonna sway opinion? Just serves as validation to me that we're all on the right track.

md3inaustin ago


pizzagatewillnotdie ago

upvoted many of your posts, hopefully that will help with the private messaging issue.

md3inaustin ago

your awesome! Thank you!

Nigredo ago

I wish I could be so confident. Just look at /r/politics. STILL pushing "wikileaks = Russia!" citing Clapper's pre-election statements to that effect.

And I get massively downvoted for posting his post-election testimony before Congress where he stated that the evidence linking the two is "not strong."

That should be a full stop dismissal of the WL=RUSSIA conspiracy theory, but the shilling has been effective in tying them together.

happy_snek ago

Trying to maintain control over domains of discussion isn't as important as preserving the ability to keep talking. They've hijacked some places that many of us have frequented, but they can't get them all. We'll just pack up and move again. And they'll probably follow us again, because it's their #1 priority to disrupt our progress. They couldn't disrupt Reddit, so they pulled out an admin trump card instead. I think they've got a much tougher fight on Voat.

Shook ago

The thing is, these people are NOT internet savvy. Who knows who is the lowlifes scum of the earth that would accept the position of being a paid internet troll, but obviously most of the time these people are not very bright. You'd think Hillary would shill out a few more dollars for some internet training courses at the local community college lol. These shills are clueless.

ababcb ago

I often get the impression I am arguing with someone in India..

happy_snek ago

Bots are far cheaper than human beings, that's usually whom you're yelling at. They don't have an actual army of people (we do, though!), just paid people with software/bots to "multiply" their coverage on sites.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

you should post this at v/reportctr

goodguy1367 ago

I wonder just how many of the shills are on here now? 33 at least. Do they get home after a long day n say to their family/kids geez it was a long day but i surely did a good job defending pedos, get me a beer boy!

HonkeyKong ago

HA! Men drink beer. They make their pedo slaves pour them martini spritzers or some shit like that.

goodguy1367 ago

Fuck, we do, I take the beer part waaaay back. " fetch me a martini, mix it in a kids shoe"

HonkeyKong ago

mix it in a kids shoe


r3dtr1x ago

Sounds about par for the course. lol.

Shills gonna be shillin'

fvckh1m_up ago

why the sad face think we can't step up?

IAmJohnBarron ago


starseedlover ago

I've been on Voat for two weeks and I still can't downvoat anything. How the heck does one recruit enough downvoat-qualified accounts to launch a downvoat brigade?

ThePuppetShow ago

How the heck does one recruit enough downvoat-qualified accounts to launch a downvoat brigade?

Endless $

Godwillwin ago

Soros and the Clinton foundation have a LOT of money - the cf stole a lot of it from the Haiti earthquake recovery donations

fvckh1m_up ago


ThePuppetShow ago


fvckh1m_up ago

But wait, there$ mmore

ThePuppetShow ago

What does $r mean?

fvckh1m_up ago

I N F I N I T E C A $ H

Nately ago

yo seriously

h2d ago

Yup this is right in line with their usual tactics. I personally have a very long history of rooting these fuckers out and exposing them, and have studied their methodology and the patterns in line with their past behavior/typical underhanded manipulation & attempts to silence others. They will flood this place with a ton of "hate speech"-type posts, a lot of racist shit and flat-out trolling sort of posts -- in essence, "let's make this place as miserable as possible of an environment to try and dissuade readership/posting activity" is one of their main goals. They also use the racist posts and in particular, they love to use neo-Nazi type rhetoric and anti-semitic remarks because they have a very easy scarlet letter to pin on this whole investigation by painting it as the cooky conspiracy theory whipped up by a bunch of delusional racists. It'd be curious (from a psychological perspective) if what they were doing wasn't so fucking disgusting, seeing as the majority of the staff and people I've ever seen to be verifiably proven members of CTR and their affiliated groups/sub-groups were themselves, in fact, Jewish or of that background (like myself). So yes, please be sure to report people who are obvious trolls and agitators and use your downvotes wisely folks.

PS: CTR people - fuck you!

Gorillion ago

The anti-Semitic stuff is normal to Voat. The users who are vocally racist are pretty consistent with it, so regular users know when to apply a filter to their comments.

What are you seeing that's different, that isn't immediately noticed and downvoated for being out of step with our regulars?

Honestly, I don't have an association between CTRs or shills and racist outbursts at all. In fact I'm pretty sure CTR operatives were under strict SJW guidelines for the type of triggering language they weren't allowed to use.

But to answer your "psychological" question:
We've seen quite a number of false flags out in the real world involving jews and blacks etc painting swastikas and neo-nazi epithets on their houses or places of worship and feigning personal attacks. Why wouldn't the online equivalent happily indulge in the same thing?

l23r ago

A good way around that would be to say NO RACISM and ban anyone who goes off about K-words or N-words or whatever. It doesn't have to do with free speech. It has to do with keeping Pizzagate about Pizzagate, maintaining a serious environment about a seriously fucked up issue, and keeping the damage shills do to a minimum... Voat and the internet at large has lots of places where you can talk shit about "the Jew problem" so if they are legit racists they can go to Stormfront and if they are doing it for the lulz they can go to Coontown. Either way, Pizzagate is not the place for that stuff.

EllenPaosEgo ago

Censoring wrongthink is your solution. Censoring anyone with leads that lead to wrongthink os your solution. Hello CTR do you also think I should be banned for poinint out most of CTR is jewish according to the 3 times they have been doxed, or that most of the people being investigated in pizzagate are jewish by blood. Censorship is not the answer, that is what made plebbit such a shithole and now you are invading Voat and brining the same issues here. This is the exact same tactic that was used to split GG when they found out the enemy they were really fighting. Learn from mistakes, why should we censor and go down the exact rout that defanged GG right when the man behing the curtain was exposed. Fuck you and your censorship, that only ever leads to abuses of power and the actual investigation being stifled. This is why most of those that migrated from plebbit have to be retaught most of the investigation because it was censored while they feast on the leads that get passed down from sites with less censorship.

l23r ago

The way you are phrasing it, saying "people being investigated in pizzagate are jewish by blood" is not crass and can be verified by looking at their surname or place of birth or other things. But most of what I've read is stuff like Teh Jooish Konspeeracee and seems like racists are using child sex crimes as an excuse to be more racist (because white Christians never molest kids)

Godwillwin ago

What's funny is that our investigation is revealing that the nazis/soros are at the very heart of this. We couldn't be more ANTI-NAZI, yet they call us Nazis.

How do these CTR people live with themselves? They are either really really really stupid and can't think for themselves or they are just plain evil.

EllenPaosEgo ago

Soros is a jew who works for the Rothchilds. CTR is run by Brock who is jewish, and 70% of those employed there are jewish. The "nazis" at /pol/ do most of the digging and hand down the larger leads that need to be sifted through down here. This is the dumbest dividing attempt I have seen. If you bite the hand that feeds you the leads this just continues as blogposts about "I am a liberal and I am shocked by this" posts that constantly reach the top and provide nothing to the investigation. Why blame nazis when your enemy has a hooked nose and is right in front of you. Why would you ignore the main leads just because the source comes from National Socialists.

fvckh1m_up ago

They attack a community that has the power of truth, futile, laughable, deeply sad, and not worth your attention. Can't divide us, kek.

starseedlover ago

I found it incredibly suspicious and triggered red flags for me right away. Seemed so out of character for this sub to "turn" like that.

angry_mob ago

what is CTR?

B3nd3r ago

"Correct The Record"


TL;DR: A Clinton Foundation botnet

angular_planes ago

clever name for a shill too

connornm777 ago

We've always had shills. This is just a bad/obvious shill.

djklbd ago

Agreed, there is tons of CTR present. /r/conspiracy is also flooded with them, but they are losing the battle.

Downvote accordingly and short, simple responses usually work.

jordankelly ago

/I_Am_Spartacus has got some 'splainin to do

Lucienne ago

How does it feel to be Baby Rape Apologists, CTR?

REB_Militia ago

The thing is, they likely don't think they are baby rape apologists. They probably believe pizzagate is actually fake, like a lot of idiots in this country/world do because they follow MSM.

ThePuppetShow ago

Imagine when that CTR employee list gets hacked. All these pedo protectors will be scattering like roaches.

thisistotallynotme ago

that employee list was leaked to /pol/ about 2 months ago. lurk there and you'll find infographics pop up with all the data you want.

LA6661 ago

I want to see this...but I refuse to visit /pol/. What do?

thisistotallynotme ago

You should probably stop using phrases like "what do?" that came directly from 4chan, then. :)

There's always 4plebs.org, which archives 4chan. though 8chan's /pol/ has less shills and more actual research (that isn't ever shown on this subverse), it isn't archived.

/pol/'s content doesn't seem to leave /pol/, so understand you're missing out on about 70% of the intel surrounding #pizzagate, as well as the real meaty active investigations. Regardless, have an upvote for not being a shill.

LA6661 ago

Well that's good to know, never figured the origin of that. Thanks for the info.

CJJacobs ago


HonkeyKong ago

No shit! I just got here and it's already happening. There must have been a serious influx of traffic on this site in the last week for these fuckers to show up already.

voteforfreedom ago


All yall need to do is REMARK that the BBC network ADMITTED that they KEPT the savile + harris case hidden from public scrutiny...and that the brit papers hid the fact that they both were pedos for DECADES although TOP staff knew about the allegations and chose to keep that shit under wraps. Savile and harris were constant figures in buckingham AND savile was a MARIAGE COUNCILOR for Di and Charles. Supposedly Prince Andrew also assisted Savile to defend him regarding allegations that the BBC covered UP...

Are we to believe that MI5 + MI6 did not know about the Epstein + Andrew + Lolita Express + Clinton (and Trump sadly, saying epstein is a great guy (convicted pedo) and did not KNOW that savile was a known pedo...even by BBC

If British intelligence did not know or ignored allegations that savile, andrew , charles, harris, clinton and trump were all linked with Lolita express and/or ignored that shit....then I call Bullshhhit

28leinad82 ago

use these posters: http://sli.mg/a/M41h9t

REB_Militia ago

I don't get what is so bad about the first one. That comes from an e-mail sent by a woman with the same last name as the kids...they're her relatives. It's literally an e-mail about a pool party. But all those other posters are great. Have an upvoat my friend.

RedGreenAlliance ago

WOW great work i will be using these. Thanks!

voatcaesarpizza ago

Well done.

UglyTruth ago

Doubleplusgood. (love your work, for those who didn't read 1984).

sunajAeon ago

Thank you I am going to post these on media

Godwillwin ago

Fantastic! Well done!

Nightowl19632000 ago

Excellent work!

AgainstCotton ago

Wow, these are great. Make a thread?

arigold ago

nice! those are good looking and effective posters!! good job

toobaditworks ago

Those are some damning facts. A+

voteforfreedom ago

I don't use memes and shit I have not seen

I hope 2016 is the end of this type of shit, sorry no offense...I fucking hate autistic meme shit;

I find it easier to communicate with words without pic/font shit storm

no offense, thanks for your contribution

GoodGodKirk ago

you're calling for an end to movie posters? lol

sandernista_4_TRUMP ago

memes are concise and can convey a lot more information than strictly text. sorry but maymays are here to stay forever

fvckh1m_up ago

and the information, that too

veritas_vincit ago

Holy crap, man. "Thanks, but no thanks" would suffice.

Posters have been used for centuries to get the word out. Do as you like; very nice work, 28leinad82.

voteforfreedom ago

no offense, really, I am older than your grandparents for sure and have 0 fucking idea how to represent your dope shit

veritas_vincit ago

Alright then old-timer, here's the lowdown: it isn't about being cool, or swanky. "Dope shit" is icing on the cake, but it's mainly a rhetorical device, and not the main point. The main point is being concise. We live in the information age, and as a survival mechanism, people have developed short attention spans.

Know how you have fifteen seconds to make an impression during a job interview? Well, the same rule applies to everything nowadays. Nobody actually reads the "fake news" disinfo by the Washington Post or New York Times. They read the title, and maybe skim the body of the text, but that's it; they were convinced at "Fake News". After that, their brains turned off. The rest didn't matter.

Our users are a bit fool-hardy. They eschew popularizers like Milo Yiannopoulos, and think they need to make unwieldy posts full of facts. That's useful for people /who are already sold/. What we really need right now is bait, to make people listen.

Posters work great because they introduce someone to a shocking fact. Nobody has time to shut that fact down; it's staring them right in the face, the same way NYT headlines do.

voteforfreedom ago

I agree, sadly you have become a bunch of fags

not talking about homosexuals, cause I served with gay or religious people (like hacksaw ridge)
In every group you will always have the outsider...but today, you fucking little bitches have no idea how to mend garments, or treat wounds, slaughter animals...even the homo men I served with would call you fags....fucking useless IMO...

I tend crops. Know how to use TOR and still can fucking read

you need to buck the fuck up...cause your enemies (civil war) will fuck you up

would snap your cousin's neck if the time comes....

veritas_vincit ago

I find you oddly likable. You'd make for an awesome, cranky uncle.

I study rhetoric and persuasive writing; it's a passion. In all periods of history, clever methods have been necessary to sway the masses.

voteforfreedom ago

Thanks...but I am quite the happy fucker. I just don't have time for hate and shit

anon123 ago

They're trying to manipulate the comments in our threads by having their whole team infiltrate a certain thread, one of them makes an anti-pizzagate comment, and their whole team upvotes it.

AlbertonFreedman ago

It's not just anti-pizzagate, they are also responsible for all the BLAME THE JEWS bullshit the mods have been fighting.

PizzaAccount ago

Which is why I'm surprised anyone would do it that way. It's so obvious. The numbers of votes, both up and down, for that account are WAY off from what I've seen elsewhere in the sub.

ThePuppetShow ago

They have bots that create accounts that only upvote the accounts they're programed to. They do this all day long on disqus too. It's easier to tell there because you can see who upvoted the comment and most never comment.

DooDooDoodle ago

Why don't mods ban the shills?

ThePuppetShow ago

Freedom of speech. If we start regulating what people can say instead of beating them at their own game, we lose.

Crensch ago

It doesn't stop them from voting and making new accounts. It also will cause the mods to lose their CCP to old goats downvoting the shit out of us for it.

DooDooDoodle ago

That's why we need to start pressuring the FEC to force them to disclose paid political speech and coordinated political speech online.


From a policy perspective, it is confusing that a super PAC is allowed to make political communications to voters without the accompanying disclosure that the Federal Election Commission usually requires—that familiar “This communication has been paid for by Correct the Record” that you hear during campaign commercials. But several years ago, the FEC made a decision to regulate the internet differently than other forms of communication. At the time, the regulator was concerned that “individuals might simply cease their Internet activities rather than attempt to comply with regulations they found overly burdensome and costly,” and so it chose to err on the side of free speech.

According to Ann Ravel, an FEC commissioner as well as its former chairwoman, the commission has largely declined to update its pre-smartphone era rules to keep up with changing times, and this has allowed savvy political actors to exploit gaps in the regulations.

 “The United States Supreme Court has clearly upheld disclosure and anti-coordination by these independent expenditure groups,” Ravel said. “So both of those two principles are clearly agreed to in the law, and it’s frustrating to me to see how we’re carving out a dual campaign-finance system that’s applicable to some but not others.”


SluggishJ ago

Most likely option. When its a majority of them taking on a single thread, their strategy is much more effective. They can create an illusion (or try to) that the morale of the userbase in the thread is quite low. They enjoy demoralizing us by questioning the effectiveness of our strategies, the credibility of our findings, and the propagation of our evidence. The fact alone that this individual was talking about us posting "fake news" is all the evidence I need just based on the fact that we know the foundation of "Fake News" is bullshit and fake in and of itself. Nobody in their right minds, if read enough on the investigation and the context of it, would ever say anything is "fake news".

Their techniques are not new. If cognizant, you can sniff them out from a mile away. They are always quite far behind us in terms of dealing with them and moving forward. Their act is incredibly transparent and borderline pathetic.

voatcaesarpizza ago


djklbd ago

Well said, you outlined perfectly how they operate. They definitely network and upvote each others posts against pizzagate to make it look like tons of people aren't buying it, even though theres clearly way more people in support of the investigation and against it.

I also agree with the sentiment that they really don't have much of an effect on theclimate of the forum, we all just ignore them or shut them up. The key is to not engage, make them look bad if you do engage, and downvote them heavily. Short responses or no responses at all,.

Also, ask yourself this. This is a forum about a legitimate pedophile conspiracy. The kind of people who would frequent a forum like that have probably delved in conspiracies before and are able to think critically and question the accepted mainstream truths. Then why are there so many people AGAINST this investigation on THIS forum for reason? And why are they not even educated as to the basc rudimentary elements of pizzagate? At least do your research before pushing us away immediately. That makes it much more obvious that this is not natural common and organic skepticism, this is artificial. These people are literally making accounts on here to shit on us.

Philhelm ago

Right. Nobody here would use "fake news," unless sarcastically (or if mentioning CNN, MSNBC, etc.).

thezodiac ago

Yeah that's the ultimate shill detector, lol. Fake News is just the new buzzword they invented to discredit and bury the investigation.

anon123 ago

So it's obvious to me that they're not doing this to change the minds of people who believe in pizzagate. Rather, they want to make it so that anyone new to pizzagate and come here for the first time will have their mind changed because of all the upvoats. So then the question becomes what do we do about it?

ababcb ago

We aggressively call them out for being paid shills.

l23r ago

Educate people about their techniques and have a SHITLIST thing on the sidebar. There already is something but it needs to be a lot more visible. Maybe a graphic, or at the very least large text (like you see when you go to FPH)

Wage_Slave217 ago

/reportctr is a good place to start.

SluggishJ ago

I believe the best course of action would be to lend minimum or zero time to shill replies and shill threads if they really reek of the shit. Be weary of them splitting us into different groups based on major findings - I.E perhaps going down the MK Ultra connection route, or staying with the evidence we're working with so far. Upvote and reply to those who seem to be genuine in their intent while downvoting any obvious shill attempts. We may even have to keep an eye out for threads that won't even MAKE IT to the top just based on the potential of them effectively suppressing new evidence before it has a chance to be looked into.

Wage_Slave217 ago

/reportctr is a great place

fvckh1m_up ago

then they go home and sleep not to have to think about the failure they are that they organize this.

We_The_People ago

I find their reference to Spartacus interesting though.

Brother Spartacus was a name invented by Adam Weishaupt.

Adam Weishaupt created the Illuminati. He also wrote many books on it.

MeatballPizza ago

No worries. The election just showed us paid shills can't compete with citizen journalists. CTR was absolutely destroyed at The_Donald and eventually gave up.

Fake News is their attempt to use the FBI (via this week's false flag) and MSM (fake news) to shut up the conversation.

Welcome to the Streisand Effect. Attempts to shut up people makes the story bigger and BIGGER.

Bentastixc ago

Join the discussion: Could voat be designed to silence?


FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Remember their tactics:

1) Upvoting anti-pizzagate comment (Pizzagate is just a distraction guys, it was debunked by the NYT!)

2) Upvoting inaccurate information (Judas Goats, Comet Pizza doesn't even have a basement lol)

3) Making a toxic atmosphere (Insults, calling people stupid, telling others not to post)

4) Concern trolling (guys we're really getting out of hand, let's not have a witch hunt)

5) White noise (Guys can we chill on the anti-semetism, look at these Area 51 conspiracies)

6) Distractions (Trump is probably a pedophile too, maybe it's the Russians)

7) Demoralization (Looks like those Pedos got away with it again, time to close up shop, it's over)

Once you start to understand their tactics is really easy to identify (((them))).

md3inaustin ago


Kastonomy ago

MSM is basically the same as the band that played till the final moments of the Titanic sinking.

redditsuckz ago

Pizzagate Shills

32+ upvotes from SAME COMPUTER;



ThrowMeAVoat ago

This is gold. Thank you.

OrwellKnew ago

Lol Yep! Keep on truthing bro...we will win this

Phobos_Mothership ago

They just love to spend lots of money manufacturing support/narrative on the internet. The funniest part about it to me is that it seems like they think it works.

Bring_Down_CF ago

It DOES work though. I'm guessing you don't have many liberal friends, or friends outside of America, because they almost universally buy into this manufactured narrative. It's frightening what a tight grip the Soros thought-control machine has on people. Trump supporters and Brexiters are all uneducated racist, sexist, homophobes...they literally believe this, even after showing them evidence (like, ahem, myself for example) to the contrary.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Look at our board. Everyone was able to identify the shills. We'll be fine, stop panicking.

amCassandraAMA ago

read into Neurolinguistical programming (NLP). It basically works by anchoring a codeword into your memory, which is associated with certain adjectives. Once the key phrase is rooted deep enough by repetition, you can "awake" the emotional associations by associating the key phare with something new. It basically is pavlov conditioning.

Try It out, I just say "Fake.." and you will auto complete the codeword and associate it with the linked adjectives.

Lets try out another: "Conspiracy"

The MSM are then used, after they initially introduced the codeword by repetition, to freely use the codeword in context with people they are trying to discredit. It works that they just have to title someone as conspiracy theorist, and all his credibility vanishes instantly because we associate the word with anal sonding aliens and chem trails. The association is even bolstered out by PSYOP being done to make some stuff absurd out of proportion for being a good reference.

You have to be aware of the concept and be really aware of how language is being used and weaponized to not to fall for it.

Want to be blown away? The MSM ALWAYS refer to criminal conspirations of pedophiles as "pedo rings", never do they call it network. Why do they do that? I thought I learned in rhetorics that repetition is to be avoided, use synonyms and metaphors I learned.

What could be the effect of repeating Ring over and over? What is it associated with? A ring suggests closedness and being finite. We can run down the ring and get everybody, then there are no more connections we have to worry about. A single Pedo ring is just a local problematic, nothing to worry about if you live elsewhere.

If they would use network, mafia, conspiracy, cartel, whatever.. people would be more inclined to search further, ask questions and be concerned. Just because of the sheer number of these popping up

And there are dozens more of these codewords. Be aware about language. It is a powerful tool

Bring_Down_CF ago

Very good points.

you can "awake" the emotional associations by associating the key phrase with something new.

MSM isn't emotional enough.

Legacy Media.

Make it catch on.

Konran ago

I think we have reached peak Peter Principle. The current levels of their incompetence should eventually help lead to their downfall.

fvckh1m_up ago


GrislyAddams ago

This would make a good group name. A nice counterpoint to CTR

ETA my post didn't end up where I expected and I lost context.

Citizens FTW

DooDooDoodle ago

I think what we can take from this is that we need to investigate the traffic cam angle a LOT more if that's the topic that brought the shills out.

Can we organize to petition the police on this incident, and policies? Email everyone in the local government asking about it.

featureblue ago

I agree DooDooDoodle. Also, need way to find out if there were other cameras in the area to reveal what was trying to be covered up! Speculation....actor or producers were scoping the place out

We_The_People ago

No shit. Time to start deporting these motherfuckers.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Look out. You'll trigger SJWs to flood in here and hold protests defending the civil rights of the poor downtrodden shill accounts. :-)