JudaismForGentiles ago

All the illuminati, or whatever, symbols are in Norse religion (and others). One eyed god, human sacrifice, etc

justanotherone ago

The Coloboma connection was startlingly clear. It is of interest to them for multiple reasons. This is a strong lead to follow and it must not be buried!

zoupSER ago

"The new advertisements, which feature a logo of her distinctive eye, are expected to run until Christmas."



thisistotallynotme ago

I don't think the two are directly related to the false flag. While the iris anomaly is certainly new, the David Stone link has been discussed for over a month on /pol/ now.

popezandy ago

I've created a master list of important leads here


please upvote there is important buried information there. could be a fantastic resource for journalists.

BNjoeC ago

If the eye thing is significant; in that it's an identifier of a desirable trait it means they know way more than they should on Genes and/or have access to the top researchers.

Don-Keyhote ago

You can't honestly think you'll dissuade anyone, so its you who's wasting his time that would no doubt normally be spent diddling kids in your windowless van. What is confirmed is that your cunt mother is closely linked to my fat cock.

RebelSkum ago

As far as the children on Jimmycomet's Instagram I noticed that the dates of their posting wouldn't match up to Madeleine McCann's then-current age and facial features. They're different children, ultimately, but it's pretty serendipitous that several children on Jimmycomet's pages exhibit the same abnormality.

EyeOfHorus ago

It's apparent when you think like them.


Pizzatemp420 ago

It doesn't amount to a trillion anyway...

SaneGoatiSwear ago

they're all pro-satanica to me now.

all on the list.

RecycledUser ago

Another interesting note, might be related, if you look at the Walter Pearce IG pages, of 'models' who are 'available', someone had commented on one of them, that all his 'models' seem to have a black dot on their face... I did see that on a lot of them. Some form of branding? You'll be able to see them, and I'll post some links when I can

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Using The word "false flag" immediately puts everything into conspiracy genre. Who made that phrase famous? Controlled op tool alex emerick jones

Fifthestateknows ago

That "gunman " is well timed, gives the Senators a reason to sign off on the intelligence bill.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Something very evil. Look up "Designer babies from Nottingham." Test tube babies grown in a lab. They allow the consumer to select each chromosome that they want!!!! Coloboma of the Iris is a (1:1,000,000,000) anomaly!!! Then it is possible to have 1 of many different coinciding renal disorders which is even more rare!!!! They found out Madaleine had the disorder they were praying that they could find...I think they have to breed her with George Soros' sperm. If Iris Coloboma only happens 1 out of every trillion births, how often is a baby born to parents that both have the same defect??? Guaranteed it has never happened!!!! They would need to have a naturally completed DNA strand before they can duplicate it. The sad part is, this would likely mean that Madeline would be forced to give birth to a baby that is likely to have severe complications having 2 Dominant genes. The baby gets opened up and harvested for stem cellls...This is why the police sketches of her abducters match up to the Podestas. After all, John Podests has been clearing obstacles for George Soros for who knows how many years. He probably finds John to be very trustworthy. They know who did it. They know why they did it. They are not powerful enough to pursue it any further. England certainly loves the Adrenochrome too. They won't be of any help in this. We need a Genetics Doctor in our office, NOW!!!

JudaismForGentiles ago

The eye issue has to do with royal bloodlines. On Vikings you see ragnar's son with it, sigurd snake in the eye.

Osmanthus ago

Check out the movie "I Origins". It could blow your mind.

Sheilaaliens ago

New video just posted w/new research on pizza-obsessed convicted pedo Robert Casio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnerB18Yot8

goodguy1367 ago

People were saying that these people have those art works either in their Houses or they were in CPP do You know if this is true? If it is that just makes this a whole lot sickening

standalone ago

Real or not, it's too far fetched and crazy for people to believe it and is more likely to cause rejection than interest. We should keep investigating that, but I don't think it's a good idea to put that in the sticky post.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

both these connections are striking. combined with the email that refers to hotdog stand in Hawaii -which turns out might be ironic terminology for a large place, rather than an actual stand. As well as Soros being a contributor to Alefantis and Clinton. In an official case, i imagine this degree of odds, and direct links, would be a solid lead, to warrant much further investigation. ...I am hoping we will see some, if not a vast majority of those in law, the press, and other areas implicated, to distinguish themselves, by not giving into to such an obvious coverup, and seeing instead, what it further reveals, and where it leads to. At this stage, it would be a miracle, but one I really believe will happen, that we at least see some in these positions, excercise some objectivity.

xmen ago

What if Comet Ping Pong and his owner was connected to the Scientology Church ... ?

YingYangMom ago

Could the Hawaiian connection be the cause for this recent second amendment law move ? Infowars reports on this new move. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tzjH5WhFGw

dFrog ago

You HMF?

goodguy1367 ago

Can I ask that everyone please just take some time every day to send a loving thought and prayer to all these children and all the people working around the clock to help this investigation? You don't need to do much, just use a little bit of your day to get quiet and send them loving thoughts and prayers. Besides digging in to this that is the next best thing everyone can do it just send a loving thought and prayer out to all the children involved and all the people putting their life on the line. Darkness cannot survive where there is light, it doesn't take many to create the light and the interest this is getting will shine the light to where the darkness is! Just a few moments each day that's all we need. And no I'm not religious! I just know we are all one and connected, this is the best thing we can do to help these kids. Thank you

nomorepizza ago

Also I know it might seem fucked up, but send one of those loving thoughts to the perpetrators. Loving energy dissolves the illusions in your mind and has the potential to make anyone change their course.

goodguy1367 ago

Yep as fucked up as it seems it is the only way we can escape the illusion they have trapped us in, we must still send them love and forgive them for love and forgiveness are the only things that will get us out of this mess. Hating these people and wanting them dead is only going to make it worse for your thoughts attract more of the same. So as hard as it is we still must love and forgive them for they do not know what they have done or are doing, they are lost so we must shine the light on them.

Pizzatemp420 ago

...think about your figures for a moment before you post nonsensical numbers. Only 7 billion people on this planet. Soros and maddie are two different people, making that stat a bare MINIMUM of 1:3.5 billion. however, I know there aren't only two people in this world with the defect.

contrarianism ago

What Comey did to HRC...


Oh, look now we closed it !!

DopeandDiamonds ago

Didn't mean to be nosey. Just never run into anyone else besides him who had it.

It is a strange trait. Looks like it would be very serious but does not have any pact on sight. He did wear contacts but I do not think it had anything to do with that this though. I remember the first time I met him thinking he must be blind in that eye. I wonder why it only occurs in one eye.

popezandy ago

Thank you. These are the best avenues for investigation and need to be primary focus. Is there any way we can get some information on other pedophilia symbols, so that people with less investigating experience can try surfing for other pizza and or hotdogs and or ping-pong locations using pedophilia symbolism? I don't know how to discover that information, I know it's classified but since people have definitely found some literature (non cP thank God) so perhaps there are leads in that direction. They are consolidating right now so it's important to give more jobs to more people, widen our scope.

DarkMath ago

"appears to be broadcasting films".....Do you have a link to prove this? I can't believe you until there's a link to confirm.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

We need to find the link between Coloboma and Pheochromocytoma. There are many Eye / Renal disorders but I think I know what they are after! Coloboma with Pheochromocytoma is a Dominant kind of genetic disorder. They need George Soros and Madeleine Mccann to reproduce offspring! If they do this, they will breeded the most powerful Adrenaline pumping human...They can then take this completed gene and duplicate it! The ultimate production of Adrenochrome! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE--------https://jasn.asnjournals.org/content/14/2/516.full

warrior_of_light ago

How does anyone calculate the odds, mathematically, that three people with a rare genentic disorder all know eachother? Im seriously curious.

justanotherone ago

It's far far beyond chance. Too many Coloboma kids connected to these Pizza joints. The condition is 1 in 10,000, most people haven't seen anyone with it, to come across so many coloboma or in Madeleine's case likely mistaken Coloboma cases and other eye anomalies, and considering that we know satanists do have a thing for coloboma it's just beyond any doubt. Anyone arguing against this is ignorant, or a shill.

jordankelly ago

Also w/ regard to Madeline McCan - Tony Podesta and James Alefantis/David Brock bought new houses after Madeline McCans kidnapping.

more info: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1463878

DopeandDiamonds ago

Excuse my rudeness in asking. Have you ever met someone else with this or have family with it as well?

An ex of mine had this and I never saw anyone else with it until the little girl went missing and I saw her picture. He did not have any family with it, as far as they knew and never met anyone else with it. I am confused with it in regard to it being genetic. My ex was not born with it but it had developed by six months and got worse until he was 2 years and it seemed to stop.

Would the thinking that harvesting blood/transfusing cause this is an otherwise normal eye or do you have this since birth or a very young age.

djklbd ago

I understand that, it's not like thats the first thing i'm going to dive into when discussing pizzagate with somebody who isn't familiar with it, i'm not that stupid. But this is an amazing possibility worth entertaining. And we can discuss that here amongst one another I think, no?

djklbd ago

It's not a stretch. We have uncovered that there may be legitimate scientific evidence to support that something within these children with Coloboma is significant to the elite in regard to life extension and cell revitalization. Also, did you not read the link about mice blood?

djklbd ago

I'm going to cross post this over at reddit.com/r/conspiracy, there is an enormous audience over there. We are with you all!

Wellwerefucked ago

I believe this could be accurate, before our only basis for the whole theory was a sick obsession with little kids... this development shoves it into the territory of something even more fucked up if thats even possible.

RecycledUser ago

Those are good points, but I tend to think since the thing was probably staged and well planned out, they had it in the works for days if not weeks. And they have to do whatever they can, before the official delegate process. So I think it just so happened that this false flag happened right after two bombshells.

Trump_makes_me_wet ago

location in Hawaii appears to be involved in disposing of human remains, and appears to be broadcasting films of torturing and raping children from an underground facility.

Was this actually confirmed yet with solid evidence? I know the site had some weird wifi shit going on and the weird residue in the bucket but is that the reasoning behind the claim that disposing human remains and/or showing films of the rape and torture of children? I read the whole hawaii connection post on here and the reddit users account, what am I missing?

zoupSER ago

it's quite a leap from the evidence indeed

On_the_Level ago

Wondering the same.

street1510 ago

FYI we already know Soros and Podesta are somewhat involved in human experimentation: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/37235

Melitica ago

Post kidnapping genetic testing report of her dna (from belongings), parents dna, sibling dna indicated that madeline had 99.98% chance of being the child of both parents from thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1457626 under comment by eyefore dated 12.02.2016 from source http://www.mccannpjfiles.co.uk/PJ/MADELEINES_DNA.htm which includes scanned copies of portuguese documents and testing of DNA by scotland yard.

Melitica ago

One in ten trillion what? Chances that there are two people with the same disorder?

That's not how statistics work. Every birth has a one in 10,000 chance. Soros and Madeline are simply two births. There is no multiplication.

urso ago

There is multiplication if the 3 person are put together by an unrelated factor, then you find this common characteristic

Melitica ago

What Three people? Madeline, soros and...?

AlefantisIsAFuckboi ago

Caris James, the girl from Alefantis' instgram

justanotherone ago

It's more than 3 people. There is no debate about it, these people ARE interested in Coloboma, Satanist say so!

Melitica ago

Doesn't have it.

UglyTruth ago

sonatine is almost correct (10^4)^3 = 10^12 = 1 000 000 000 000 so 1 in a trillion. Two births would be (10^4)^2 = 10^8 = 1 00 000 000 -> 1 in 100 million.

The probability increases when you have a set of people (or cases) that you can pick from when you are looking for the disorder.

Melitica ago

First the OP said one in a trillion compounded 3 times. Second, there aren't three people so I don't know where the 3 came from. Third, that's only true if you take two random people and ask what the chances are that both have this rare disorder.

When you start with the knowledge that one already has it, the outside chance is 1 in 10000. But that wasn't the methodology. It was a disease looking for a person to land on.

Knowing that Madeline has this weird thing and looking for someone who has it too. It is an odd coincidence that soros's eye looks like the same disease...which is not confirmed....but just odd and not an indication that Soros's is the paternal gene donor...which was the implication.

Air_Gate ago

Assuming 200 million Americans. That's 100 people every million or 20 000 people. Doesn't sound too astronomical. So what are the odds of 3 people having it being acquainted?

UglyTruth ago

Since it's a genetic defect the odds are better than average that someone with colobama will know a relative of theirs who has it. Then there's the problem that some people are more gregarious than others, so that affects the chance that they know someone who has it. TL:DR; Don't know, too difficult.

joey4track ago

He means in context of the investigation obviously

r3dtr1x ago

Here's a blog with a mother who claims that she's run into 3 other people in her neighborhood with coloboma. There are pictures of her daughter.


hedy ago

Thanks for catching the typo. But chances of what?

draegspir ago

Wow this is nuts. Thanks, going to spread it.

kingforpres ago

Oh I'm well aware everyone gets all crazy about using the word. Parasite is probably more appropriate, but with these sickos using youth blood in an attempt to increase their life span, it's fitting. I got so upset last summer when I read about one of those Richie rich people getting a sixth heart transplant at like 96 years old on a private island. I couldn't believe the media was even allowed to cover it.

Edit-- I was looking for a link and they say it was false. David Rockefeller maybe didn't get a sixth heart, but then again with that last name... Sorry for the bad or misleading info.

Don-Keyhote ago

I was just told in India there are villages where they convinced everyone to sell a kidney for 400$ each

kingforpres ago

That has to be for the common person's black market.

Don-Keyhote ago

Well they're sold elsewhere for a lot more but apparently the desperate villagers think that's a fortune

Laserchalk ago

The eye thing is a stretch. They seem to be circling a shape that isn't even there in some pics.

srayzie ago

I seen Madeline and Soros' eyes. But do you have pictures of the others that you mentioned?

joey4track ago

Click the first link in this post

srayzie ago

Oh wow. I see it

r3dtr1x ago

David Bowie had the same type of eye thing going on. He died at the very beginning of 2016. He left us with this, as his final performance. "Black Star"


In the villa of Ormen, in the villa of Ormen Stands a solitary candle, ah-ah, ah-ah In the centre of it all, in the centre of it all Your eyes** ​ On the day of execution, on the day of execution Only women kneel and smile, ah-ah, ah-ah At the centre of it all, at the centre of it all Your eyes, your eyes ​ {​Bridge I}​

Ah-ah-ah Ah-ah-ah

In the villa of Ormen, in the villa of Ormen Stands a solitary candle, ah-ah, ah-ah At the centre of it all, at the centre of it all Your eyes, your eyes Ah-ah-ah

{​Bridge II}​

Something happened on the day he died Spirit rose a metre and stepped aside Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried (I’m a blackstar, I’m a blackstar) ​ How many times does an angel fall? How many people lie instead of talking tall? He trod on sacred ground, he cried loud into the crowd (I’m a blackstar, I’m a blackstar, I’m not a gangstar) ​ I can’t answer why (I’m a blackstar) Just go with me (I’m not a filmstar) I’m-a take you home (I’m a blackstar) Take your passport and shoes (I’m not a popstar) And your sedatives, boo (I’m a blackstar) You’re a flash in the pan (I’m not a marvel star) I’m the Great I Am (I’m a blackstar) ​ I’m a blackstar, way up, on money, I’ve got game I see right, so wide, so open-hearted pain I want eagles in my daydreams, diamonds in my eyes (I’m a blackstar, I’m a blackstar) ​ Something happened on the day he died Spirit rose a metre then stepped aside Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried (I’m a blackstar, I’m a star's star, I’m a blackstar) ​ I can’t answer why (I’m not a gangstar) But I can tell you how (I’m not a flam star) We were born upside-down (I’m a star's star) Born the wrong way ‘round (I’m not a white star) (I’m a blackstar, I’m not a gangstar I’m a blackstar, I’m a blackstar I’m not a pornstar, I’m not a wandering star I’m a blackstar, I’m a blackstar)

{​Bridge III}​

In the villa of Ormen stands a solitary candle Ah-ah, ah-ah At the centre of it all, your eyes** On the day of execution, only women kneel and smile Ah-ah, ah-ah At the centre of it all, your eyes, your eyes** Ah-ah-ah

Pause it at 5:11. It is absolutely obvious he is trying to show the world.


He also left us this cryptic blog


quote: "Never stop… thevillaoformen: We are complex and curious creatures not meant for stagnation."

EDIT: Upon further searching, he was linked to at least one underage girl. Lori Maddox.


Fifthestateknows ago

He is discussing The Order of the Black Sun. Michael Tsarion has a good lecture on it. Ruined the Soundgarden song for me, though. And when when you watch the band sing it.....shit is chilling.

nomorepizza ago

Damn, it's so weird for us that grew up in the '90s that we watched these really fucked up music videos with terrible themes. The Black Hole Sun video I think I watched 100 times on MTV when I was around 10 years old, and also Nine Inch Nails songs and videos, have really awful themes. What the fuck was going on in the '90s.

justanotherone ago

The 80's had that too, Alice Cooper, Ozzie etc.. Of course that hasn't stopped as there are still such bands today. Only difference was Soundgarden sounded good, black hole sun through dark AF is a good song.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

The song reminds me of the recent Grimerica podcast where they discuss the conspiracy theory of Paul Mcartney being ritualistically sacrified and replaced.

The decapitatesd skeleton going into a black sun and the bejeweled skull in a reliquary are such strong images that it makes me think Bowie made that video as a way to grieve a friend

dogwalker ago

I found multiple pedo logos on the tumblr page, there could be many many more. I didn't get to the end, I'm not sure how long it goes.

The one picture has the swirls in front of an entrance to a cave, this is potentially a huge lead more eyes need to see this.

Nice find,

Zen0 ago

David Bowie got in a bar fight when he was younger and it damaged his eye. Not a genetic condition. Bowie was into the Occult, but I don't think he was referencing this in the song, but who knows.

Melitica ago

david bowie's eye problem was the result of head trauma.

Melitica ago

How do you figure it is one in one trillion times three?

Coloboma occurs in 1 out of 10,000 (actually 0.5 to 2.2 out of 10,000) live births.

George Soros may indeed be at the heart of this but Madeleine McCann is a casualty - not the center.

Air_Gate ago

I worked it out to be 20000 people for a 200 million population

apparatchik1488 ago

Check this out RE Hawaii connection: https://voat.co/v/pizzagateunedited/1463496

Melitica ago

I don't think ironteacup comment was that eye was not "real" but that Madeline McCann eye is not "connected" to Soros. She had the eye thing...and so did he but the "discovery" puported to link the child to soros himself - as in genetically. It didn't. see thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1457626

justanotherone ago

I suspect the connection is that Soros was likely saved from the Germans because these assholes have always hung up on Colobomas. That's the only likely sounding connection IMO.

Chance903 ago

I am sorry but cittng voat as a resource is not strong enough for me. I hate to be at odds, with anyone here and I anot a Opthomologist , but I am sure that looks very much like Soros is in mid stages of glocoma.

Melitica ago

Hopefully in the mid-stages of something a lot worse too....but I agree.

Chance903 ago

I like to stay on point, relevant and not rooted in far out theories . I want us to be trusted and respected as researchers on Pizzagate.I think this is something we should all strive for. For example last week I found all the Pizza related songs that really seem related but I prefer not to take us to the fringe for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU1q1-Ufduo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmgq81Ww7K4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCMdezaTcQk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btL49IPAGdo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxcLB78KiSY http://www.salon.com/2014/02/15/the_7_best_songs_about_pizza_ever_recorded/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJEoASUMZbI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg8gfEO1QTM This is a small sample but I could not in good faith post it, as a stand alone...

jordankelly ago

You go ahead and stay on point, I'll be over here tweeting "@johnpodesta rapes babies"

Aysemari ago

Can someone look into this site, there's amazing info here http://themurkynews.blogspot.com/2008/04/chapter-six-closer-look-at-bush-family.html?m=1

Rawrination ago

Gotta remember the study done recently with mice and injecting them with young blood rejuvenating them. http://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2014/05/infusion-of-young-blood-recharges-brains-of-old-mice-study-finds.html

nomorepizza ago

I mean when you have this study, if you're an elite who is terrified of death because it amounts to losing all the power you've gained, why would you not try some of this shit? If I were amoral, and a billionaire, I would 100% buy some child blood and put it in my veins.

doubleherpes ago

Eye thing is a coloboma, which Wikipedia says is governed by gene PAX2, but I also found OTX2 as possible cause. Besides colobomas, OTX2 mutation can also cause combined pituitary hormone deficiency, which causes..... ABSENT OR DELAYED PUBERTY!



I do not think the false flag was a reaction to any one specific topic on here.

Agreed, whether it was or not is immaterial. What's important is these leads.

Dasmineoon ago

Ok i made an account just to provide this information (been lurking past 2 days). So you know how this eye disease thingo is linked to the pineal gland? I read that DMT is natrually made in the pineal gland. I also remember MK Ultra was all about psychedelics. Just some info thanks!

doubleherpes ago

I don't think it's that- DMT is ubiquitous in nature. It's in grasses, acacia trees, fish, all sorts of stuff. It's a signaling molecule. It's much easier to grow pineal tissue in lab cultures (legally) than it is to kill kids. Or just to genetically engineer bacteria to produce DMT in big industrial vats.

We already know that pedophiles like kids, and would therefore want a kid who stayed a kid longer. We don't need to invent any other motives on top of that. That's enough to bust them.

LolturdFerguson ago

In ancient sacrifice practices, the pineal gland was eaten to gain the power. It was also squeezed in to a mixture of wine, menstrual blood and semen to create a potion that would cause euphoria and hallucinations. Hence the torture. When someone is maliciously tortured, they release more adrenaline (and this is related to the pineal gland somehow. I saw this mentioned in an journal somewhere. If I can find the link I'll edit and post).

doubleherpes ago

Eye thing is a coloboma, which Wikipedia says is governed by gene PAX2, but I also found OTX2 as possible cause. Besides colobomas, OTX2 mutation can also cause combined pituitary hormone deficiency, which causes..... ABSENT OR DELAYED PUBERTY!


HI connection is also important, since they're probably using hydroelectric to power the dungeon, then dissolving the kids and pouring them down the drain.

I looked into the eye thing, I don't think it's that. I think it's the HI connection (if the gunman thing was even related at all but whatever).

Just fyi, the abducted girl had what's called a coloboma, which is governed by the PAX2 gene. While PAX2 does also regulate brain development (i.e. pain center, memory, pituitary secretions), I don't think it does anything important enough to make them look for these kids specifically (e.g. in order to milk their pituitaries). We have the technology to make all these hormones in vats of bacteria anyway, no need to abduct kids for that.

EDIT: As an aside, I think the Tavistock connection with inducing multiple or dissociated personalities using electroshock trauma is another important lead. Creating compliant sex slaves or whatever. However, I don't know if I buy that they have the ability to control Manchurian candidates using domino symbols a la the Monarch project- that seems too complex. Tavistock could also have figured out that inducing mass trauma could cause widespread psychological dissociation among the public. Police taserings and shootings? Televised terrorist attacks? Child abductions? Wars? Lots of things are traumatic for the general public.

zoupSER ago

elaborate on the "domino symbols" please

"play dominos on pizza or pasta?"

doubleherpes ago

Allegedly (as this is all hearsay and could be a decoy project to discredit us), under Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists were smuggled into Allied countries to assist with military research. Aerospace, chemical/biological weapons, propaganda/psyops, computers/cryptography. Under the heading of propaganda/psyops projects were MKUltra and Monarch. MKUltra was revealed by the Church commission but only after they destroyed most of their records (presumably the most damning stuff). Project Monarch is another project that may or may not exist. Under Project Monarch (possibly helped by the Tavistock Mental Health Institute), Nazi scientists worked on behalf of Western intelligence agencies to create people who were so badly traumatized that their very psyches were shattered- induced Multiple Personality/Dissociative Identity Disorder. The new "alter" personalities could be trained to do things using basic conditioning (e.g. via electroshock and simple numerical symbols), where the person would not know that they were trained (because remembering the training would also reveal nightmarish torture).

Pretty much the most evil thing you could imagine, but done in a cold scientific way.

So who knows if it's real or not, but with all the confirmed CIA black prisons and Guantanamo torture, we have to consider the possibility that it's true and we've got mind slaves in some amounts in our population, and some infrastructure for the creation of new mind slaves (i.e. rooms full of electrified cages and staff to train the slaves).

Warnos44 ago

I know this is crazy. But. (haha) What if Madeiline is Soros' daughter via invitro fertilization. I mean, theoretically speaking there are a lot of people out there that aren't able to have children for whatever reason. Is it too far of a stretch to think that Soros believe's he's god? He decides to choose a woman to give his sperm to, unbeknownst to her, and then sends his top two goonies to steal her away. Idk. It's out there.

Melitica ago

debunked by genetic profile https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1457626

Warnos44 ago

Thanks, as I said it was a crazy thought, I hadn't read about it anywhere before.

anonymousj ago

@melitica exactlyhwere was that theory debunked? Maddie was born by IVF.

Melitica ago

genetic testing report of her dna (from belongings), parents dna, sibling dna indicated that madeline had 99.98% chance of being the child of both parents from thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1457626 under comment by eyefore dated 12.02.2016 from source http://www.mccannpjfiles.co.uk/PJ/MADELEINES_DNA.htm which includes scanned copies of portuguese documents and testing of DNA by scotland yard.

bidentime ago

IVF crossed my mind also but not sure how it all fits into the picture.

Warnos44 ago

the 7 is the position where her pupil is disformed

bdmthrfkr ago


anteracorp ago

Don't forget about the camera being moved...https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1462637...I feel like this doesn't get the attention it deserves. && no cell phone video...um really?

soitxx ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQf8o-bz1F0&index=11&list=PL2156946137EB5DB4 sorry to bring up this uber stargate-type-of-a-conspiracy again, but this is the video after which Fritz Springmeier was framed and jailed.

pizzagate2 ago

This evidence is super disturbing

NorwegianBlackMetal ago

George Soros is a 1000 year old vampire (jew)

Fifthestateknows ago

You just explained KISSINGER to me too. Lol

djklbd ago

They are not vampires in the hollywood sense. But, we're uncovering scientific support for the idea that blood transfusions with "younger blood" can reverse or slow the aging process. Ever wonder how these guys all live to be 90-100? There is clearly something significant about children with this eye disorder "Coloboma" to the elite.

Look up the PAX2 gene.

Air_Gate ago

And here I thought you guys were joking about the queen being immortal

kingforpres ago

This is my favorite!

DooDooDoodle ago

It's interesting the Madelaine McCann investigation was just reopened though.

hedy ago

Coloboma iris malformity was linked to premature puberty development in this post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1464087 This is interesting because many survivors explain that children are sought after for being "trainable" to be hyper-sexual. In the MK-U world, this is also a desirable characteristic so that they can be trained to seduce and perform.

jackthyme ago

I feel like Maddie McCann, CarisJames and other babies in the circle with the Coloboma gene are labgrown to produce the trait. I consider that Dr. John Quackenbush of Caris Life Sciences may hold answers as to how this could be done, hypothetically speaking. http://www.carislifesciences.com/bio/john-quackenbush-phd/

Don-Keyhote ago

The lab said Gerry McCann is not her father and I don't see what motive they have to lie

Air_Gate ago

Quack doctor? :D

jackthyme ago

Dr. Quackenbush wrote the book, 'The Human Genome'. He works for Caris.

djklbd ago


pray_the_gay_away ago

Drop the eye thing, it's a distraction. Dissolving bodies on the other hand is totally plausible.

Ryonne ago

There's no reason we shouldn't investigate both at the same time. Why are you so hasty to dismiss it?

smokratez ago

Stop sucking dick. It's removing your ability to think. These satanist pedo go nuts over this shit.

shortymcbossypants ago

I've seen you on this sub quite a bit, my question for you is what the hell crawled up your ass and died?

smokratez ago

Why do you want to know about my ass?

shortymcbossypants ago

I want to know what made you think you are Billy Badass and go around just being a little bitch in almost all of the threads on here?

shortymcbossypants ago

So again, what crawled up your ass and died?

Patchouli ago

Maybe they know each other and that's how they always talk? Why are you jumping to conclusions and insulting people?

shortymcbossypants ago

smokratez has been just obnoxiously rude like this in every single thread I've read over the past few days. I'll be the first one to tell you or anybody else, when I see rudeness whether from a keyboard warrior like this guy or a sanctimommy saying stupidly obnoxious things, I will be a bitch to them. Why is he making these rude comments to anybody, not just praythegayaway or me? Some of us actually get sick of seeing the same boring crap being spewed all of the time.

Patchouli ago

Wow you sound frustrated. Have you tried fixing your life instead of taking out on the internet?

xmen ago

Shooter's dad work for a childcare organism in haiti, is producing "movies" like one " coming soon" kinda goonies one, and had written for the SCI magazine... the sci magazine folks ! SCI like in Safari Club International

Seems like there a is link between them after all http://www.harrywelchjr.com https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safari_Club_International https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqPqKiI1A_g

mixelplfft ago

Via a link in a related post about shooters dad (perhaps I found it via his archived website), there was a vimeo link to one of his films. I'm no critic, but I can easily say his film was absolute garbage. I've seen students do much better work.

inspectordutch ago

too easy tho surely?

PaisaHunter ago

"I'm dreaming of your hot dog stand in Hawaii."

These people are sick. Who the fuck would help these kind of people?

joey4track ago

At first people thought it was just a lewd reference to sex. Turns out it is much more sinister than that. This is all just so disgusting.

Caratacus ago

I agree with you. Those are two very interesting/important areas which are still ripe with information. However, I think the false flag was bound to happen at some point, regardless of any correlations made.

soitxx ago

https://youtu.be/vHjbK1cGyGs?t=56 strange anomaly in their iris. hoax? CGI? many videos like this.

inspectordutch ago

gotta be cgi?

Godwillwin ago

the hawaii link is big. for sure.

i missed the eye thing though. haven't read about it, but seems like a big stretch and very conspiracy like. just sayin. one of my sons and one of my daughters have that eye freckle stain thing though. surely it doesn't mean anything??

doubleherpes ago


The gene that codes for coloboma, this iris defect, also causes delayed puberty.

Pedophiles want to delay puberty.

apparatchik1488 ago

Here is more info on the Hawaii connection https://voat.co/v/pizzagateunedited/1463496

Millennial_Falcon ago

A uveal coloboma is not a stain. It's a missing part of the iris.

Godwillwin ago

Ohhhhh. I haven't had a chance to look into it more. I apologize if I jumped to conclusions.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I do think we need to exercise some skepticism about this coloboma thing. It is interesting, though.

DooDooDoodle ago

Here is the thread the interesting part to me was the overlap between occult opinions of the pineal gland, "the third eye" and coloboma.


Caratacus ago

Have you sought medical guidance as to whether or not they have Coloboma? The chance, per child, is less than 1 in 10,000.....

soitxx ago

thank you, sir!