Nightbringer ago

They also found DNA on the trunk of a car that the parents had rented after the girl went missing. The Portuguese police found some good evidences but the Scotland Yard was pressuring them, and their investigation went nowhere.

VirtueIn ago

To be fair, he seems to own at least a few places (Comet Ping Pong pizzeria, Buck's Fishing & Camping Restaurant, and Strand on Volta art gallery).

Does anyone know where to research on who owns particular businesses / restaurants? I figure some of these things will be through LLCs or shell companies that we'd have to track down, but it could be a good start to see what else Alefantis or the Podestas own.

LostandFound ago

oooo you might have hit on something juicy ... wonder if he is related to the much debated Andrew Klein

amCassandraAMA ago

your parent comment was deleted, can you remember what it said?

LostandFound ago

actually no, is there any way going through history I can see what I was responding too?

amCassandraAMA ago

sadly not, at least not that I know

j_m_d ago

Long time lurker, first time posting. Thought you guys might wanna see this. They say Madeline McCann may have been taken by a "European trafficking gang" lel

Birdzeyeview ago

I think the McCanns know what happened to their daughter. The videos of the cadaver dogs hitting on their car and the closet in their villa bedroom are compelling for me. This suggests that Maddie is dead and they always knew it, as dogs dont lie, and the video is available for anyone to see on youtube.

Nightbringer ago

I remember seeing him in the news quite a bit. Knowing what I know today, looking back it's pretty obvious he was being suppressed, he probably was on the right track. Haven't read his book, but with all that is going on, i'm considering it.

Nightbringer ago

Yeah... "art" dealer.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Good lead! Just a piece of advice! I know you didn't mean it this way but you might want to take the lol part out. Under normal circumstances it would be funny but when you think it might be true...not trying to sound critical! I hope this gets us these bastards! Every day they're free makes me sick!

thezodiac ago

Sorry, it was meant to be a joke, given the bizarre nature of the subject, but who knows?

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I completely know that!!:)

Hooliganscat ago

Speaking of houses.... Tony Podesta used Frank Snellings (married to Mary Landrieu) the Louisiana Democrat and member of the Appropriations Committee to sell his luxury home in 2013. Link:

In case your wondering, Mary Landrieu was the one that: 1) Proposed the legislation that would allow for US families to adopt Haitian Children after the earthquake. She introduced the Bill entitled the "Families for Orphans". (See pg 94-95)

2) She also introduced other interesting legislation related to children. S.2475 - Children in Families First Act of 2014

3) Also she was the one that sponsored the XL Pipeline legislation.

4) By using Mary Landrieus husband as realtor they made $50,000 when the house sold.

brokenwings1986 ago

What I'm wondering is where Alefantis is getting all this money for luxury homes and several businesses when he only runs a crappy pizza joint.

gerrycan ago

Are you aware of this? That guy, from England, now stays in the US and works for, amongst others the FBI.

B3nder ago

Don-Keyhote ago

Yea that's one reason of many we think they were involved. They were using the cheap hotel babysitting service almost all day except those few hours.

anonentity ago

That's why she cleaned the place up so well, all the DNA went down the drain.

Exposepizza ago

Found this strange "art" page feel like there might be something hidden

Kimcol4st ago

It seems very strange that this form of art would be art at all unless, of course, there is implied thought behind significance. Always remember the $$$ is available to those that roll that way. Always intertwining their perverse nature with objects. Just like the children they use are nothing more than objects

johnson444 ago

wow, one hell of a find

JastheMace ago

"Art Dealer" Is probably how they launder the money from the pedo/pizza ring, just like antiques stores for drug money. All hand written receipts.

GoldMoose16 ago

Art dealing has always been huge for money laundering.

thezodiac ago

Truth be told: John Podesta was in Washington DC in May 2nd 2007 according to this photo.

I start to doubt the McCann connection. Any thoughts?

CrackerJacks ago

Is there any way that page could be edited? if you're the uploader?

anonentity ago

Excellent find, now we are looking for a flight out of Washington probably his personal Lear jet, to Faro airport. Say a five hour flight. It narrows the search time ...well done.

anonentity ago

He would have deleted his e mails at that time, and would be unable to get good internet access at that time in PDL in Portugal. All communications would have been made by cell phone. That's where the e fits come from. The taxi driver dropped them all off at Faro at night where they took a jeep back out to the Jet. Its falling into place.

OrwellKnew ago

rutkdn ago

Remember also that Washingtonian was the site that posted the news report about the "gunman" a few hours before it actually happened.

AreWeSure ago

That's a common issue with google news. it could arrive from server times, caching issues, if the proper time zone is used, if a page is loaded in a Content Management System before the article is published, Content Delivery Networks, etc.

The timing of these house purchases would be probably weeks away from the article date. Washingtonian is a monthly magazine. So the article is probably a monthly round up of house sales. The Podesta house was sold at least by April 27th according to other articles.

This link does seem to indicate they used to do a monthly round up of Luxury Home sales

I don't think it matters though, since I don't think there is anything special about a May 1st date.

thezodiac ago

Yes, I remember!

Truthology ago

quantokitty ago

WHAT? Seriously, WTF does this mean?

Really an unbelievable catch! Don't know how you did it, but this is just outright weird.

rutkdn ago

Someone else posted this on godlikeproductions last night it seems.

save_thechildren ago

Only thing that makes sense....

MommyLove ago

Can we please focus on this? What did FBIAnon tell us to focus on? The CLINTON FOUNDATION! Who just died in Haiti? Monica Peterson. What happened to her? Yesterday's false flag is PROOF they want to shut us up. We need to keep fighting. Read this, this is what #PizzaGate is doing!!!! They DON'T want this info out there. Keep speaking the TRUTH! The children are depending on us!

Don't let them bury the Truth. Watch this video...where do you think they are getting these kids from???

They admit it in their OWN data!!! 74% of likely sex trafficking victims were in the care of SOCIAL SERVICES or FOSTER CARE!!!

r3dtr1x ago

Obama ... kalorama... Coloboma. Weird.

oresd ago

Someone please explain why this is important? So 2 guys bought a house nearby each other. DC is not a huge city, and this neighborhood is popular with the political crowd.

Where is the nugget that causes someone to fall from their chair?

Don-Keyhote ago

Uh timing, its in the thread title

oresd ago

So both men bought house in the same month close by each other. People buy and sell houses all the time, so what? And it happened the same month a kid disappeared in another country. What is the value of this? This is confirmation bias.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

It's an interesting coincidence. Mark it down and move on. If it's significant, the meaning will appear later on. If not... you can bump this thread someday with an "I told you so" added.

MAGABoomer ago

the houses were likely not bought then, that's just the date of the article.

anonymousj ago

Were these home transactions for cash?

Don-Keyhote ago

Lol OK. Huge purchase from people linked to child trafficking after kidnapping. BTW I don't think individuals buy and sell houses "all the time".

oresd ago

I said people, not individuals. People meaning a population, which buys/sells houses all the time. Next time parse my words correctly.

Don-Keyhote ago

...wut? I wasn't parsing I was correcting. This whole subv is to separate general possible trends from suspicious individual activity you fuckin tard

hunk_quark ago

Maybe they got paid after madeline mcann nabbing and used the cash to buy the house?

research4real ago

It’s a very quiet neighborhood; that’s part of the reason why all of us like it there,” said Tony Podesta, a well-connected Democratic lobbyist and brother of John D. Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.

Mr. Podesta, who lives two doors from the house the Obamas will rent, invites neighbors for pizza parties in his backyard, where he has a pizza oven. Several times a day, a line of parked taxis snakes down the street, their occupants drawn to the Islamic Center on the block for Muslim prayers.

anonymousj ago

Well isn't that convenient. Obama can just walk half a block down the street to worship.

research4real ago

nice digging!

Kwijibo ago

I can't imaging getting that much money for one child.

UglyTruth ago

Judging by the amount of media coverage, the McCann case was an exception.

Queen_Puabi ago

Madeleine Paternity I thought this was interesting info. Something about the DNA of Madeleine McCann. Not sure McCanns ever sued over it after threatening to.

1st comment after article; “Madeleine has 19 unique elements in her DNA that I myself, as well as my collegues here in Birmingham also share…”,

webofslime ago

That is a church of scientology site.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

How the fuck wud they know her genetic makeup?

MAGABoomer ago

They had to run her profile against the twins to prove it was her DNA and not the twins...oops.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Hmmm....but how did them lads in England know, they wudn't be involved in the investigation?

ThrowMeAVoat ago

Wow! Never heard of that before. That could be huge. I wonder if someone could get in contact with either the bio-lab dad or the writer of that article. ..

Trashaccount123 ago

Hey /u/ThowMeAVoat,

I'm in contact with the source related to this post: I hear that the OP of the previous link, who had been in pretty close contact with the source, uploaded the Hastert update and has since gone silent. The Hastert updates have substantially less sealed documents and contain much more of the actual records than the previous posts. If you want to make a new link that references the above mentioned post to spotlight the Hastert files that might be a good idea. Also, I hear that the Hastert type files are exactly the kind of thing the source can get. Here is a copy/paste of the update from OP before he went silent. Also, be safe.

Indictment: Prosecution's Sentencing Argument: (summary of the evidence here) Hastert's Plea for Leniency: Plea Agreement: Final Sentence: Full Docket:

If you want to continue these posts and keep suggesting cases more may follow. Also, to anyone who sees this message: I would like to send private messages, but lack the upvotes required.

webofslime ago

Richard Harding. Lobbyist who lives next to Comet Ping Pong. Rumored to have satanic material.


Trashaccount123 ago

Google isn't very helpful in finding out who Richard Harding is and I don't know of him. Can you give me some details as to where he was tried, roughly when it happened, more details on the case? A news article about it should do. Edit: never mind. I found it. forwarding message along.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

Thank you for the shout out! I totally missed the update. Also, have my upvoat - hope it brings you closer to your goal.

I'll try to make a new post when I have time and also think of more cases. I know autists here have been hard at work uncovering leads. There must be something we can get.

Godwillwin ago

i'm confused. who's gone and why? hastert doesn't have a connection to mccann, right? not asking snarkily. just confused.

Trashaccount123 ago

the person from the first post I linked. u/MakeAmericaDankAgain. I thought he would make a 2nd update post to put the Hastert stuff in its own posts. But he never responded to the person who passed him the documents after he put it up. And no, to the best of my knowledge there is no connection between Hastert and McCann. But Hastert was the Speaker of the US House for years before he went down for structuring (lots of child abuse used in his case but happened to long ago to prosecute on the molestation charges). While there is no direct link with any person of interest, it is detailed court docs on a politician-child molester.

Chronicallycurious ago

What an amazing find

srayzie ago

Explain please. What 19 unique elements?

JastheMace ago

The British Isles have been over run by many different military's/people's over a long time, it is no surprise that many of them share many unique traits, and not just regionally, in the modern era Brits have moved all over the island, if those traits aren't connected to the Royal line it is a meaningless distraction. Also, all 3 were invitro?? Really

Wage_Slave217 ago

Interesting "coincidence". What do you guys think it means though?

cantsleepawink ago

Excellent find. Unbelievable.

wellington33 ago

We knew it from a long time ago now. They all live in Kalorama. And Obama will live in Kalorama too when he leave the white house, so the gang will be all together. Better for us, my friend ;) it will be easier to catch them if they are all united in the same hood.

BTW, where do the clintons live?

therealwopD ago

Same article says that the Clintons D.C. home is only half a mile away :)

GoldMoose16 ago

They also have 2 other houses, one in DC, and I forget where the other is, but the other one s waterfront property. Big house.

therealwopD ago

Did they sell the d.c. house? Article made it sound like they have multiple houses.. (They are the Clintons and she was SoS)

Kwijibo ago

No they still own it.

wellington33 ago

HAHAHA I love it... Thank you guys. Thank you pizzagate. A lot of people in this world had lost all signal of hope. You are making life worthy again. Honestly, when I think of what you are doing, tears comes to my eyes, and i try to hold them, but they keep coming. I never thought we the people would be able of do something like this. You are giving energy and hope to thousands of people around the world. Cheer up guys, we are going to save those kids, no matter how dirty it get.

I love you.

Sephel ago

Can you explain? I'm in a spot where I'm losing all hope, and I still don't get whats going on. Give me some hope

2gut2befree ago


therealwopD ago

From the article at top of thread....... ....

"Lobbyist Tony Podesta and his wife, Heather, bought this eight-bedroom, seven-bath house in Kalorama for $3.9 million. The house has a pool and 12-zone stereo. Podesta, brother of former Clinton White House chief of staff John Podesta, heads DC’s Podesta Group. Photograph by David Pipkin. In DC: Journalist David Brock and restaurateur/art dealer James Alefantis bought a six-bedroom Federal-style rowhouse on California Street in Kalorama for $1.75 million. The house has a second-floor reception hall and three fireplaces. Once a right-wing journalist, Brock changed his politics in the 1990s. He’s the founder of Media Matters for America, a liberal watchdog group, and author of several books, including Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative. Alefantis co-owns DC’s Buck’s Fishing & Camping restaurant and the Strand on Volta, a Georgetown art gallery."

I have yet to hear of "The Strand" ????

LargePepperoni ago

I saw they have some more disturbing art.

Exposepizza ago

new member here!

There was a previous post trying to figure out who a third person was in a Jimmycomet instagram photo.Its the same guy that had the "meat art" piece in his gallery PLEASE EVERYONE CAN WE LOOK INTO THIS GUY

apparatchik1488 ago

Yeah this is a new lead. probably a front for more CP

stickittotheman ago

Yea, must have been "payday" for the kiddie cabal. Money laundered into real estate.

Scoundrel ago

McCann, #carisjames (Jame's little female pet pedo child) and Soros ALL have coloboma.

francisco_DANKonia ago

it occurs in 1 in 10000 people. crazy

dFrog ago

What's the most recent photo of #carisjames we have? The Instagram photos are all a bit dated. Where is she now?

AFriend ago

Good Find Eggs, a new lead

Alefantis, who briefly owned a small art gallery in Georgetown a decade ago, now serves as board president of Transformer, a contemporary art gallery in Logan Circle.

jaredfogle12345 ago

wow how does a pizza shop able to afford such an expensive luxury house.

therealwopD ago

I would assume the money comes from David Brock

fckItsReal ago

At this point, it takes more work to say this is fake, than it does to prove its all real

WhatevsFloatsUrGoat ago

Occam's Razor.

JastheMace ago

You got that right.

grlldcheese ago

All of it.

micha_ ago

Any serious investigation by the FBI would check money flows as standard procedure, so this should definatelyland on their checklist without public investigators. Nevertheless another interesting "coincidence".

JastheMace ago

I'm pretty sure they weren't using credit cards and checks to purchase child sex slaves. It wouldn't be hard to disguise some or much of the profits as speaking fees/bonus money to the media matters shill, the pizza place, well it would be interesting to see how they 'average out' on the typical accounting software that compares you to all others in your career field/business nationwide.

thezodiac ago

Yes I noted that also. Never heard he was an art dealer. Starting to make sense now!

setter ago

If you are doing it in spiritual circles or private house or on TV shows, it is not art.

LostandFound ago

Really makes you wonder what a guy like that is doing spending all his time in a dingy pizzeria

AreWeSure ago

trying to pay his mortgage?

kingforpres ago

All the restaurants I ever worked in would have been closed down looking like that one.

Tomioka ago

Interesting point. Is the food safety inspections public records in DC? One of the PG-related food places was actually closed down after an inspection. Not exactly sure which, but likely L'Enfant Café.

kingforpres ago

When I said closed down it was because no one eats in dirty restaurants, and that one clearly is. For the health dept to close you down someone almost needs to Duke on the floor. Sorry for the confusion.

kingforpres ago

You realize how hard it is to fail a food safety inspection? I mean you almost have to try.

Tomioka ago

I know it often is hard to fail one. DC Department of Health is actually listing reports online:

I'm not used to reading these in English, but nothing really damning on Comet. No mention of the "kill room freezer", only a "reach-in freezer".

kingforpres ago

I never thought about it before but why hasn't someone filed a food safety complaint? Pizza is kind of tough to fuck up because of the meats all being precooked but if they're not keeping the coolers temped... I know it isn't a solution but maybe get someone in there looking around at least.

Kimcol4st ago

I agree this place is a dive

LostandFound ago

49th most influential person in DC working the pizza oven or slopping up drinks for all age gigs ... my arse. Pitty being really really weird isn't a crime but that's a while other slippery slope

kingforpres ago

I ran a few and I may not have been the most influential even in the building.

amCassandraAMA ago

thanks for the laugh, was needed

apparatchik1488 ago

Says here he is an art dealer. Anyone heard that before?


DooDooDoodle ago

Art dealing and pizza are both common ways to launder money. The Pizza Connection was a case in the 70s where the Mafia used a network of pizza joints to launder heroin money. There was a case in DC a few years ago where a police officer was caught buying luxury cars to launder heroin money.

WhatevsFloatsUrGoat ago

Alefantis runs Strand on Volta, an art gallery in Georgetown. (And you can probably guess the type of art installations they have had over the years).

PaisaHunter ago

"THERE'S THE creepiness of a horror movie to Craig Doty's art, on view at Strand on Volta. Which is to say you might want to cover your eyes while peeking through the cracks of your fingers at the same time."

fartyshorts ago

Checked out some Craig Doty art and immediately was met with teenage boys wrestling shirtless, some contorted bodies and other weird shit. Just to give other readers an idea of what it is.

Psalm100 ago

Even "co-owns" it, which gives him that much more power and control over it.

Warnos44 ago

"art" .... spirit cooking is an "art" ...

speculation_station ago

Nope, but I didn't realize that he owned Buck’s Fishing & Camping as well as CPP. Do you know if he owns Besta as well?

DooDooDoodle ago

He owns a pig farm. 😧

Rev_Hale_Incarnate ago

He does not, BUT it is owned by Andrew Kline who works in the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the DOJ.

DooDooDoodle ago

That's a different Andrew Kline.

anonentity ago

Clue? Its not what's on the top its what's hidden below. I would imagine that anything incriminating is being moved, even the traffic cam is down, so we now have police involvement.

JastheMace ago

It was my understanding that he just runs it for the the bookstore/wine/snack place a few doors down that is owned by Hillary's long time speech writer. their right mind....runs your closest competitions business 2 doors down from your store??

thezodiac ago


Don-Keyhote ago

I suggest looking into the financial history of the mccanns themselves. Whether they sold her or were being blackmailed (witnesses heard her scream "they've taken her" whereas in my English you'd use a straight passive "she's been taken" if u don't know someone's been threatening you. So as a planned ruse it didn't come out well to me.)

Kimcol4st ago

I looked into the McCann two days ago. Everyone connected were spending funds into the hundreds of thousands of not millions. They were lieing and made a fortune from that little girls disappearance

Don-Keyhote ago

Lol I'm in praia da luz at thisvery moment and the bartender just said your exact comment XD

Says they been warned that the journalists gonna flock here next week. Wonder what they wanna ask. She also revealed that they were shown the tony Podesta efit but she never saw the john one

CrackerJacks ago

She was shown the efit of Tony Podesta by whom?

Don-Keyhote ago

A constant stream of journalists, flyers etc

bryoneill11 ago

Could make contact with the detective?

anonentity ago

Can you find out when the internet actually was working ok down there? like laptops weren't that common in 2007 along with wifi.

On_the_Level ago

Yes. Digging into their background might unlock more strange connections.

truthvibe ago

Absolutely... even the matter of her IVF conception is weird in this instance. Makes me think of Cathy O'Brien's daughter, born and bred for Psyops or something.

justa12 ago

Parents not using a straight passive phrasing when their daughter is taken, you've found the smoking gun!

Don-Keyhote ago


Kwijibo ago

They've taken her. Who is they?

JastheMace ago

Didn't you see the police sketch's of the kidnappers? Dead ringers for Tony and John Podesta.

Kwijibo ago

Yeah, but how could the mother know it was two kidnappers if she was not there when it happened?

Gorillion ago

Damn, didn't take you long to burn this account. Do you shills have bet going or something?

pizzagatepizza ago


Remember how Soros and Madeleine Mccann have the same eye condition (and even the children in James Alefantis' photos have it too).

We are getting closer to the connections.

francisco_DANKonia ago

it occurs in 1 in 10000 people

ddavidson ago

Are you sure about those kids in JA's instagram? I zoomed in, didn't see it.

amCassandraAMA ago

I certainly am.

oresd ago

This "theory" is completely ridiculous.

rutkdn ago

Except it's not. At all.

oresd ago

What evidence do you have?

rutkdn ago

All the evidence I have is what has been written here on the connection of the eye defect. Surely not 100% conclusive, but certainly way far from calling this theory ridiculous.

oresd ago

I'd love to know what makes it more substantive than some old man sharing a genetic defect in common with a 3 year old from England. 100% conclusive, try maybe .100% conclusive.

I see absolutely no merit in this. Certainly no closer to any connections.

Those babies eyes look normal to me. Whatever you think you see is the light in the room.

And this is confirmation bias. I strongly suggest you use your valuable time in other areas of inquiry that have more relevance.