ravagedblade1588 ago

Thank you all for the comments. I believe now we can start focusing on the real enemy here. They are starting to get afraid. Keep pressing!

Mageza ago

Good information, thanks. I do have more to learn about the Jewish connection. But I would suggest that we avoid talking about "the Jews" as one monolithic group, because that could be very easily interpreted as anti-semitic, even if it's actually not, and that would be very bad PR for pizzagate. I suggest talking about Jewish privilege and Jewish supremacy only, to make clear that it is this ideology we are opposing, and not Jews as people. Make it clear that we're opposed to racism in any form, and we're including racism by Jews against non-Jews.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

read my profile


i've been a lurker...for a long time

That's what they all say.

mind your own business

So which is it? Read your prof or mind my own business? Stop trying so hard. You aren't very good at this. You might lose that paycheck if you defeat yourself any further.

ExiledAnubis ago

Christian values you say?

Jesus said to him, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.” -- Matthew 22:37-40

“I give you a new commandment – to love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. Everyone will know by this that you are my disciples – if you have love for one another.” -- John 13:34-35

The topic creator here posted a message calling for unity within the ranks, avoiding dissension based on political views or walks of life, and you respond by spouting vitriol and literally condemning him to hell. Tell me, which of you two are better exercising the verses above, which are the actual foundation of all Christian values?

ravagedblade1588 ago

When they go to court, it will not matter what party they pretend to be on. Stop dividing and care about the children not politics.

ravagedblade1588 ago

Sadly being near the Potomac, they can just use the currents and wildlife to get rid of a body. Also, there is rumor they have connections to funeral homes.

ravagedblade1588 ago

(Oh boy, well ignoring the fact you are doing exactly what I saying should be happening let me answer your paragraph piece by peace.)

Go to hell (Ad Hominem, instead of address my statement as a whole you attack the person.)

, 4chan (the scum of the internet as you call them) (Last I checked I never said such a claim, assumptions do not help your argument to a person you know nothing about.) found this shit while you "progressives" were busy spreading degeneracy.

(Irrelevant who found it first, what matters is the content; this is not at all relevant to the scandal itself. Second part if you pay attention to the current political climate. Liberals and progressives are no longer the same thing. Notice in all the protests of the election they are claiming progressives for trumps win. Third, majority of the country doesn’t know about this, and I am sure majority of them are of various political and ideological beliefs. Again and other logical fallacy of bias generalization)

It seems to be entirely the left side involved in this pedophile ring and that's no coincidence. (I am not, various progressives are not, but historically republicans are also involved like Reagan and the Bushes, these are dating back well into the 70s and 80s. The logical fallacy here is you are committing is suppressed evidence; you are trying to ignore the wealth of evidence this being a bipartisan problem. Not to mention another over generalizing fallacy. )

You completely fail to see that it was degeneracy and destruction of Christian values (and being more PROGRESSIVE) that lead to this occultist, satanic shit. (Last I checked the religious values do not have that much of an impact. Majority of Criminals are Christians, What are Christian values, because what I know of Jesus your first three words are in direct violation of these values. So it seems you do not value Christian values. Also, Progressives are what fought against trusts, for civil rights, for better work conditions…and incase you didn’t know Progressives started in the Republican Party Teddy Roosevelt anyone? As for the occult shit, I don’t care I am a secular person, to me evil and harmful beliefs that hold bad progress is what I care about. )

You're a concern troll trying to skew the narrative or you don't really understand what we are fighting. (Care to elaborate how I am trolling (when I am attempting to unify), what narrative I am skewing I gather and only see evil people. When the court cases happen whatever party they pretended to be will not be relevant. I understand we are fighting evil and that is where we should focus on. All other items are irrelevant unless it benefits the children or brings these monsters to justice.)

This post is exactly what I am referring; let me tell you how this comes off to other people. IT comes off as you care little about the children and more about you ideals being right. So the person skewing this narrative isn’t me, empirical evidence by our own admission seems to projecting the exact thing you are trying to say about someone else. As for Christian values, you do not show them at all.

SnapeDoggyDogg ago

Being a Christian myself, I wonder what your concept of Christian values is. It seems like you're just saying that without actually knowing what you're talking about. You say that his first three words "go to hell" are a direct violation of Christian values. That is a massive stretch. A direct violation would be to commit adultery, or steal, or to commit some act of cruelty such as rape or murder. Saying go to hell is not an ideal, but honestly, it is not much worse than burping in public.

ravagedblade1588 ago

Being a Christian myself, I wonder what your concept of Christian values is. (I simply read exactly what Jesus said. Love Thy Neighbor as yourself, and love god with all your heart mind and soul. The plethora of other verses about how you treat your fellow man, the fact you are 100% supposed to emulating Jesus’ life. The bible says you will know my followers by their fruit. So the fruit I am receiving tells me they do not follow him. It is a fair observation as that is all I have to go off of.)

It seems like you're just saying that without actually knowing what you're talking about. (That is a mighty large assumption. What evidence provided shows I do not know? What facts specifically (citing biblical examples) that I am not getting?)

You say that his first three words "go to hell" are a direct violation of Christian values. That is a massive stretch. (Not at all, taking that as a face value, you are wishing me eternal damnnation and torment for what reason? What have I done specifically in my statement warrants such a comment? Would Jesus say that in response to a call for unity and peace?)

A direct violation would be to commit adultery, or steal, or to commit some act of cruelty such as rape or murder . (Also judging your neighbor, thinking bad thoughts about them, possessing cruel intentions are a few other psychological violations.)

Saying go to hell is not an ideal, but honestly, it is not much worse than burping in public. (Burping in public is nothing, but saying someone go to a place of eternal torture is not. Yes it is a figure of speech for some. However in this context with the other Christians overtones, I think I can make an educated guess on the motive.)

SnapeDoggyDogg ago

Christian values actually state that we are all sinners, and can never be perfect, but that we can call ourselves Christians so long as we're genuinely trying to repent and become better people. So, for somebody to recognize a sin and say that makes you not a Christian is really a huge misunderstanding of the religion. It's not useful to track down specific biblical examples, because that again misses the point. You're talking about the bible like is a constitution or a legal document. Religion is something far more personal and complex. Everyone has their own interpretation. Like, for example, I do not believe hell is to be taken literally as torment. Where is my proof? Jesus referred to a person as a temple, and he told people that the kingdom of heaven was now upon them. Clearly heaven and hell can be considered a state of mind/soul. Other proof is that Jesus and his disciples mentioned many times that the bible and the things Jesus said were at times deliberately obfuscated. it is not meant to be easy to understand. Actually the psychological sins all deal with attitudes that tend to last over a period of time. If this person had remained angry at you over a period of time, it starts to become judgement and a sin. But it is very clear that this person is not attacking your actions as an individual, but your idea. That is not judging a neighbor. That is judging an idea. To illustrate just how complex Christian values can be, consider that Jesus attacked the religious leaders of his time as being hypocrites. And when Jesus saw people conducting all sorts of financial deals inside the temple, he got angry and flipped over tables. Is he being judgemental? Depends on your perspective. But didn't he tell us to follow him? Yes. So it's not easy to figure these things out.

SnapeDoggyDogg ago

While I agree in principle with the ideas here, and believe it would be good for the members of this community, I do not believe it will make any difference to how this movement is perceived by the media. For years, the media labelled Bill Clinton's rape accusers as part of a right-wing agenda. So it's not like this strategy is something new, or like we have the power to change it.

ravagedblade1588 ago

Check out my post on public opinion we can change it. We have to use the same tactics they use.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

1.8 days

Womb_Raider ago

OH. I thought people were complaining about making this a Hillary Clinton issue.

I didn't know people were accusing Democrats at large of this conduct. The dem party is messed up, but so is the GOP. No reason to accuse one side or the other. Attack the individuals on an individual basis for their crimes.

Phobos_Mothership ago

"...different voat subreddits."

different voat subreddits

voat subreddits

Get out.

Phobos_Mothership ago

This is something I've been wanting to say for a long time now, good post OP.

WellSetTable ago

Check out my post on the front page just put it up

Mageza ago

I am a leftist who is inquisitive about Jewish conspiracy theory. I think there is a PC tendency to leave the "Jewish Question" off the table for sure, because it is an uncomfortable topic. But I think that going around saying "it's all the Jews! They're all behind it!" is equally toxic and unhelpful. For one thing, we know it's not all the Jews. Pedophilia is a huge problem in the Roman Catholic Church, for instance. I'm reading right now about the Franklin scandal, and a lot of these abusers are not Jews. Even people connected at the highest levels (George Bush Sr, Warren Buffett) are not Jews to my knowledge.

We can bring up the Jewish connection without turning this into a Jew-hunting exercise, which could easily (and rightly) be characterized as anti-semitic and discredit the whole pizzagate investigation.

Mageza ago

100% agreed. I would hope that if nothing else, left, right and libertarians should be able to agree that abusing children is wrong. It doesn't get much more basic than that. And if this becomes politicized, that WILL be used to divide and conquer us.

lopus ago

Absolutely agree here. Now we see, that mostly the "left" ones are blamed, as it was the Trump-people who discovered the Pizza-code in the Podesta mails, while the left ones still were wondering, why Wikileaks/Assange was obviously fighting for Trump (or at least to avoid Hillary).
But we have to stop thinking in political parties here. There are the Bushes and the Clintons, for example. And let's think of the "Westminster Paedo scandal" from the UK! We will see, that there are lots of "Lords" and "Sirs" from the Tory-party involved, but on the other side we find the Liberals (Cyril Smith) or the Labour party ("Paedophile information exchange"). Even a crazy looking man like paedo Jimmy Savile, who looked like an old dragqueen, was very close to Maggie Thatcher. "They" are everywhere.

CeepsNo ago

No, I don't think the democrats, the clintons, or the clinton foundation should get off the hook after all of the lying and implying. They're the ones in bed with the same media that is covering up pizzagate, the same shitlibs that promote false rape on campus stories, the same media that bends over to SJW feminazis and assumes they are right. These are dishonest people. If liberals who don't like pedophiles can't deal with the cognitive dissonance, we can just laugh at them

ExiledAnubis ago

Man, I don't know how so many people can be so excruciatingly bigoted that they would misread this post that badly.

No, don't let them off the hook. That was never said or implied. Just take labels out of it because they serve no purpose. There is a cadre of evil jackasses that are responsible for this thing, the political FRONT that they put on is only what it is because that was convenient / expedient for their selfish desires. It has nothing to do with their actions because they clearly don't uphold the morals of their political affiliation that they claim.

Just saying that if you go to research this stuff with "ITS DEM EVIL LIBTARDS" as your mindset, you're going to ignore/miss evidence because of your bias and that is dangerous. THAT is letting people off the hook.

SnapeDoggyDogg ago

That's true. It's the leftist media that is politicizing everything.

ThinkItThru ago

Here is an idea for a meme as TruthTrumps suggests below. An image to depoliticize Pizzagate and get it onto what it is really about. But I'm no good with the graphics part, so here is a description in words: First, a verified child pedo piece of artwork from Podesta's impressive collection. Like the boy hanging in the shower. Above it says, "Pizzagate Is Not Right Against Left" then below the pic, " It's About Everyone Against Wrong" . Then, very important, a URL linking to published evidence that this is a piece of artwork owned by Podesta.

not-myself-today ago

I have ZERO ideological interest so it's taking me a while to get my head around the fact that so many people see the reality or not of Pizzagate as an IDEOLOGICAL question (huh?); the first layer is easy enough to spot (tho it still took me a while to believe it), and that's the "argument" that says it's all a right -wing fake news conspiracy to discredit the demoncrats & if you take it seriously you are either one of them or you fell for their dastardly ploy & you are a Sucker. The people who take this position don't consider the evidence worth looking at, because they already "know" it's all fake.

The second layer is not so obvious but it's the people who think that art & free expression is 100% good and by definition harmless and can't ever be seen as evidence of criminal or sociopathic behaviors (artists can't ever be sociopaths, coz, like democrats, they are all GOOD PEOPLE; I guess?). So for these sorts of people (who overlap with the first group), looking at Podesta, Alefantis and their buddies' weird instagrams and art collections as possible evidence of misbehavior makes you a Nazi-Christian moral crusader sharpening your pitchfork and dousing your torch in gasoline; like, automatically, to question the predominant neoliberal value set MAKES you a right-wing reactionary.

So the Partisan problem goes deeper than just political affiliation and there may not be a way to depoliticize Pizzagate, only to be aware of this ideological factor and how it is running almost all neurotypicals' hard-drives and shaping their thinking, uh, I mean their emoting, around the subject.

2impendingdoom ago

Our differences are created by the elites to keep us divided. Rwanda was a manufactured genocide based on faux racism instituted by Belgium so that they could exploit the resources there. The UN Peace keepers were not allowed to intervene in the massacres or politics despite that being their alleged purpose. After it was over Bill Clinton took credit for intervening but really he looked the other way the whole time. I may have some of these details wrong, I heard them in a lecture years ago from the Canadian who headed the peacekeeping. He suffered breakdown and became suicidal from his experience of it all, but the thing that was most poignant to me was how clearly it was a formerly fairly peaceful population that destroyed itself by manipulation by a third party that didn't have to shed any blood itself.

WellSetTable ago

Pizza Gate IS political. Admitting the lefts hands are all over this and it's media ignoring this as it has ALOT of things and John Podesta who served Democrats since his emails were involved will help these kids that were raped.

Pretending the left is not involved WILL NOT.

My God. I can't believe I'm reading this .

For the past eight years in this country America as that's where this is linked, we have had leftist bullshit smiley faces hiding behind equal rights, push riots, SJW shit like valuing Gay marriage over national security and lighting up the White House in a fucking rainbow.

Meanwhile how many times has this country been hacked ? Before this election??????

But let's blame Russia .

OPM is a good example. There are at least three million government workers that took out a law suit against Obama for this hack . The woman in charge Archuletta, was not fired she was not held responsible , and it was found out she didn't even have an up to date fire wall BECAUSE SHE WAS HIRED FOR BEING A LATINA AND A WOMAN!!!!

Not because of her skills. But noooooooooooooo liberals thought it didn't make a difference and that right there had most Americans SCARED . TONS of people yes TONs really thought we were in for it because of the lack of regard for cyber security.

And here we are today.

Reeling from democratic cries of Russians hacked us "ohhhhh boooo hoo " Guess what? That who cares about emails and being hacked caught up huh? Fucking Bernie Sanders even said we have heard enough about Hillarys emails.

Guess we have huh?

People have sat back and watch the left destroy America and justify a bunch of uneducated fucking fucked in the head scream at people, beat them up, and when BLM was done with Ferguson they went to certain cities on the HOLIDAYs and SCREAM at kids!!

There have been many reports on this but noooooooo let them scare the kids cuz cuz they waycist cuz they momma has preeevledge.

Let these groups BRING their own kids to these riots as they have but but that's okay cuz cuz waycist people and stuff.

No I'm sure it's been on VOAT and I could find it on The College Fix, it was reported a college did an event for cancer children and here we fucking go a group of liberal fucking shit heads had to complain about that because of White Priveledge . Recently at yet ANOTHER event for children with cancer Wanda Syko had to ruin it with her black bigoted but only whites people can be racist anti Trump rant .

OH then there's Melissa Perry talking about our kids don't belong to us, BLM saying that . Now who is wanting to separate families here ???

We got babies being left in cars, kids in local news being beat up, and child abuse knows no color as we had some white mother fucker rape a ten month old. He was found out because he had BLOOD around his GROIN.

A cute little boy from Chicago lured off a play ground and shot in the head in cold blood as gang revenge but WHITE PRIVELEDGE , man white people white people. Black Lives Matter riot America sucks !!!!


We have had women in Brooklyn throwing babies off of buildings that was almost an epidemic too.


WHERE WAS CNN MSNBC for these abused kids?? Don't give me where was the right shit plenty of these cases were reported by right medias. I'm not even a registered Republican. Here I am reading right news and I protested the Iraqi War!!!!

Where the FUCK were liberals for our children ????

Oh sure, let's have them share bath rooms with trannies. Let's not call boys boys any more or girls girls .


My GOD some one just posted in news about some civil rights worker in Germany who is telling Germans to accept Moslem child marriages for fucks sake!!!!

You want to help these children?? Then ADMIT that liberal SJW OVER reach that travelled all the way up to national security to school children's BATHROOMS, to accepting BLM as Civil rights group who attacked a white woman at a mall WITH her little girl I her arms IS WHY our children at least here in America have been let DOWN!!!

This is a DEMOCRAT problem!!! Bernie Sanders cares about the working class?? All of a sudden he's talking a different game now yet doesn't call out George fucking Soros paying for riots in America.

Remember when people came here to flee countries with riots?? Now we have people starting riots talking about tear it down burn it to the ground. These mother fuckers ever stop to consider they just might hurt a school or a hospital or actually hurt a child in their fucking leftist rage????

How long will it be before we wake up to seeing a child was hurt, or died at one of these monkey protests .?

These leftists wanted to weaken our Police , kill cops, how long if they keep doing this before it interrupts with a child in need of a cop in domestic abuse??

Any fucking lib media EVER ask this?


The past eight years has not been about our kids except to brain wash them into hating the country they live in, sagging their fucking pants and twerking, talking about sex Ed , and having them grow up too fast by confusing them by pushing the gay agenda

Look at that fucking picture of Mr Comet posing with lip stick on his face with his fat ass laying down!,, That's eight years of progress for you, fuck teaching our kids responsibility .

Those pictures in Comet Ping Pong ??

The red people one on top of a child like figure? Right fucking there while politically correct parents stuff their fucking faces with Pizza? THATS AN EXAMPLE Of A POLITICALLY CORRECT DUMBED DOWN society.

"Dude it's just art like you know"

They got away with this because people are dumbed down. I will NOT dumb down and sit here while a bunch of Redditors flee here like fucking migrants try and down play the LEFTs involvement in this .

Trump won because people have had enough of liberal fucking bullshit and these emails had a lot to do with it!!!!!

No let's NOT drop them political aspect because it's TRUE.

Trust me if we find Repubs are involved with this I'll even be more pissed but as of now these emails were found from a Chief of Staff of president runner Hillary Fucking Clinton A DEMOCRAT.

You know I had enough of Reddit when San Bernadino happened and most commenters said three white men did it before the facts came out. But most knew what THAT was all about . Reddit is also known for its fucking leftist shilling.

If you care about these kids you will call a spade a spade .

And I can picture this little oh happy day hand holding stunt as a way to take the heat off of the liberal Democratic Party. John Podesta in particular as Reddit has been known to have a lot of Hillary shills. I can picture some if them here right now too.

Who have been in charge for the past eight fucking years and won't let go of the fact they lost because people are sick of them. Apparently voting does matter and our elites are scared shitless of Trump they should be so its not " their all the same " some are preaching here.

Pizza Gate is political as the left NEVER did a DAMN thing for children. Just a lot of hiding behind charities . JUST LIKE THE LEFT HID BEHIND " Hope and Change".

I'm not going to forget that .

Because democrats talked more about abortion, gay marriage, common core, tranny bath room sharing , and hate your country kids.

Fuck this!!!

ExiledAnubis ago

Calm your tits. The political Right has been just as involved in this garbage as the Left. Just because we're uncovering part of it where Leftists are heavily involved doesn't mean the Right is innocent. That's the whole thrust of this post - don't get biased, don't alienate allies by generalizing! (i.e.: The left is responsible therefore all leftists are evil!)

Calling these people out for what their doing is fine, holding them responsible for their actions is fine, but lumping in ~50% of the population with them because of some arbitrary political party that they don't even really subscribe to the actual beliefs of is NOT fine.

WellSetTable ago

Prove it. Running and getting your tits with whataboutery of the right takes responsibility off the left . You're not changing me on this one Titsmahoney . Until Wiki leaks shows the right is responsible for this to as I've stated I will be just as pissrd. Libetals did this lumping in of whites and conservatives for years. So get off your fucking high horse

ThinkItThru ago

SJW means 'social justice warior', a term used for people who show up at large protest events presenting a vehement leftist rebuke to right-wing speakers in an attempt to silence them through intimidation. It is a phenomena on college campuses where an enviroment of extreme political correctness in speach has resulted in actual curtailment of freespeach. As far as I know, red-pill and blue pill are from the movie Matrix and 'red-pilling' is meant to convey a conversion of a percieved "leftest' toward a more 'rightest" position. But I could be wrong.

ThinkItThru ago

I have voted Democrat in almost every election since I turned 18, excepting not for Hillary Clinton. My views on many subjects would be considered 'leftist' by most people. This issue is in no way about political parties and voting habits. This is about the horrendous exploitation of vulnerable people by Power Elite sociopaths. Once we dig them out of their rat-hole, we will find Democrats, Republicans, Libritarians, Anarchists, Nudists, Zorastrians, celebrities, mobsters, and regular Joes among them. Sociopathy as a disease of the brain does not discriminate.

This is an opportunity for people of every persuation, every ethnic background, every religious faith to come together in the name of human decency and stop criminal Power Elite individuals and organizations from raping, murdering, and blackmailing their way to the bank.

NerdyNoodle ago

SJW - social justice warrior Red pill = you chose the red pill (instead of the blue pill) like the character Neo did in the move The Matrix. Welcome to the rabbit hole! It means you are aware that things are not as they seem and now you can see the world as it really is, stripped of illusions.

Long_Knife ago

Honestly most of the people "investigating" pizzagate are exactly the reason no one will take it seriously. Too many far reaching crazy claims trying to link it to everything from Sandy Hook to super soldiers. I'm convinced the majority have weaponized ADHD or some other disorder that prevents them from focusing.

ravagedblade1588 ago

However, this is where PR and what not comes in. I made an another topic here detailing how we can start reaching out to the public in a positive light. After all the MSM is taking this seriously, so should we.

Orange_Circle ago

This goes to the top in the GOP as well. Anyone remember Bush kissing Gannon's head? Or more recently Lamar Alexandar's chief of staff being arrested for child porn and committing suicide?

postfascion ago

Watch conspiracy of silence on you tube, then check out the stuff on pizza gate. Remember though, if they are speaking on behalf of this or that political party, they could very well be suspect in my opinion. Thecorbettreport.com is very balanced, but there are others. SJW - social justice warrior. Red pill is a reference to the matrix (great film) as well as a youtuber (personally not sure of him) Lastly, you are very likely to come across the term Satanist. Be aware that not all witches are satanists and child abusers, many are fighting the good fight too.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

According to Sun Tzus art of war, this will eliminate a vector of attack from our enemies. No longer they can write off as a conspiracy movement of the right...but as a movement of justice and humanitarian force that is made up of a united front.

Excellent job OP thinking of our enemies tactics and moves will help us in the long run. We all need to read up on these kinds of books as well, especially learn about the historical fall of Rome.

stickittotheman ago

Holocaust size event? I vehemently disagree, PIZZAGATE most definitely is real!

KittyTigerlily ago

Peter Schweizer wrote Clinton Cash, which caused a bunch of anger among Dems and Repubs and just anyone else. But maybe in his investigation he could have uncovered some of this, but he had no hard proof at that time. It's possible. We are dealing with some real deviates, those Clintons and their friends.

KittyTigerlily ago

Well, you could stress the money laundering stuff, then say it includes all of this, plus the drugs and arms. Just my 2 cents' worth. What about that person that wrote the Clinton Cash? Maybe he knows some of this as well. It's just a thought, and maybe he could not prove it.

ravagedblade1588 ago

Yup, I did another post about my opinion on how we can approach this to the public. I am well verse in crowd psychology and marketing to some extent I want to lend my help for sure.

nadamurphy ago

https://sli.mg/5HK8jK theres some more info for ya.

nadamurphy ago

A shill is someone paid to discredit an idea or does it on their own accord. Their idea is that if they can make is look bad/crazy it will make our idea less reasonable because of the people involved. They just make bogus claims or discredit it or make it seem like it's already over. Check out the side bar for more information on them

therealwopD ago

I cannot believe I have never seen the video of Ted Gunderson (retired head of the FBI) speak about the illuminati and all of this satanists shit. Anything like this from the past that is connected to government and people in power, will show sheep that it never went away... it only got bigger. For some reason it seems like almost all of these things just fade away with lies and misinformation. The dark forces behind the scenes always seem to win the mind battle. At this point, there is no reason for there not to be an investigation. The blatant mass media cover up was my eye opener. Thank you to everyone that is helping in the mass effort to reveal these sick bastards to the many people that are blind to it.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BplUD6kQYuU Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings"

stickittotheman ago

Yup, watched him years ago, Ted reveals a lot... and stuff about the chemtrail "death dumps" he called them.

stickittotheman ago

Exactly what i thought when i read this. Let's depoliticize this so let's not point the finger at exactly who is doing it!!! Dont point the finger at the Clinton Foundation, ...or the Jews .... or the Gays .... i'm all about uniting on a common front but to ignore the evidence of who is actually behind this because of your political leanings is counter productive to the resolution of this problem. We have come this far already and now you want to go in reverse by censoring truth? Sorry i'm not on board with this ... unless of course we are talking about true patriots such as "Bro Nathanial" who are more than willing to point the finger at members of their own group because they know it is the right thing to do... an example would be hillary supporters that have "seen the light" and now realize how evil she is and have turned against her. Anybody that still supports this demon and claims to be on the side of good is an outright liar. Feel free to downvote me now!

thefloodcontrol ago

There a left wing people working on this? News to me.

WellSetTable ago

My post below is not going to make any friends but I don't care. Right now I see a bunch of Redditors coming here trying to change Voat discussion. This is a LIBERAL issue it IS political. After 8 years of liberal bullshit yes sir it is.

All of a sudden the Left is not responsible ?

ExiledAnubis ago

It's not "the left" - but it IS Hillary. I don't know where selapahiell quotemined that line, but that's not what anyone in here is claiming. Hillary is absolutely involved, along with many, many people in the political elite from BOTH sides. There is no Left / Right in this issue, there is only evil cultist elites and the rest of us.

WellSetTable ago

Yes it is. Eight years of leftist policies gave us riots re read my post. You're wasting your time and I'm not the only Voater or for that matter YouTuber that sees what you're doing. There is a Left issue. They ran the country for eight years.People voted for Trump because of these emails fucking lefties crying because Hillary won rioting beating up Trump supporters and now hey let's all get along. Besides you fucking people don't run the true investigation here because it's a fucking message board. Sure say it's not a left issue, and some on here will remind you IT IS

NotThe77th ago

I'm one of the anarco-greens that brake spirit cooking.

stickittotheman ago

Yea, the ones trying to ban Trump from twatter. They will be a huge help.

Yuser_Manuel ago

I agree. And I'm seeing censorship everywhere I go too.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

You are the ones politicizing it. We The People just want to stop these child-abusers.

ejd4500 ago

I totally agree with this, especially point 2. If they can keep us fighting between ourselves, then they can continue to do what they want.

Their organization extends across party lines and so it matters not (mostly) which part is in power - they win either way and can continue.

So, let's do everyone involved in this a favor and take the attack to these monsters who are the antitheses to everything that's good in the world regardless of party, race, creed, religion etc.

If you ask me, this is about good vs evil, wholesomeness vs rot. Call it dark vs light, or truth vs lie if you want, I really don't care. But we need to wake up to the fact that the upper echelons of this structure have been playing us for fools, for a very, very long time.

It's time for us to "grow up" as a populace and a species and acknowledge that we have a cancer amongst us. A parasitical filth that uses our division against us, and literally feeds off of our most vulnerable for their own sick reasons.

No more.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

ITT: Nobody who has been on voat for even over a month. Eat shit and die. All of you.

ExiledAnubis ago

What are you on about, you moron? Yes, we're newcomers to Voat... because the reddit thread got deleted.

Encouraging division and calling someone a shill who is ACTIVELY pushing for a unified front of attack, wanting to stand side-by-side against these evil scumbags instead of backbiting makes YOU the idiot.

WellSetTable ago

Reddit is well known for shills too. Anyway I see this as an attempt to get any leftist reonsibilty off the hook .

ExiledAnubis ago

Anyway I see this as an attempt to get any leftist reonsibilty off the hook .

I don't know how you can misread this that badly. It has nothing to do with that at all. This is about avoiding generalizations such as "the political left is evil" which will only serve to alienate potential allies while providing no additional information toward our cause. These people are evil, they also happen to be leftist - they must be brought to justice regardless. There are many other pedophile ring cases historically (Franklin) that heavily involve the Right as well. Political affiliation is largely irrelevant. Not saying to ignore it, as any pattern can be helpful, just saying that it's not something worth focusing on so completely as so many posts seem to.

WellSetTable ago

The left IS evil we have seen this for eight years. Political affiliation on PIZZAGATE is relevant. Until Wiki Leaks or Assange shows that the right was also in on it a there's Voaters who I spoke with last night that won't let the left go unanswered for . Why do you think Trump one? People are fucking pose at Liberals right now. You missed my point.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

No. Obfuscating the truth of the issues (deflection and misdirection) is the most effective and most prolific of the shill strategies. If you aren't a shill (you are), then you are among the morons who can't notice this obvious bullshit. Pizzagate is only politicized because lefties won't acknowledge it. No pizzagater gives two shits what parties these sick fucks belong to, nor what parties other pizzagaters sympathize with. It transcends party politics. It's about fundamental morality. We all know that. And 166 upvotes is suspicious as fuck for a retarded garbage post like this. Again - eat shit and die you piece of human garbage.

ExiledAnubis ago

How can you be such a hostile jackass when we seem to agree here?

No pizzagater gives two shits what parties these sick fucks belong to, nor what parties other pizzagaters sympathize with. It transcends party politics. It's about fundamental morality. This is exactly what we're saying... we're on the same team here, and the TC was trying to say we should unify rather than cause division by generalizing ("all leftists are evil/shills").

Nothing here is obfuscating, deflecting, or misdirecting, it's saying unify and focus on the truth of the issues rather than chasing irrelevant rabbits. Quit stabbing your allies in the back and being a paranoid schitzo for a moment so we can actually make forward progress.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Hahaha I love it.

4 days!!!

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

4 hours

Depoliticize? WE are not politicizing pizzagate you shill FUCK. The MEDIA is politicizing it by NOT REPORTING IT. We don't hate the pedophiles because they're democrats. We hate them because they're PEDOPHILES. The liberal media, however, forgives their horrible crimes BECAUSE THEY'RE DEMOCRATS. THEY ARE POLITICIZING IT. Fuck you. Die a painful death.

TryOurSalsa ago

I made a post earlier saying something similar to this in a much more terribly worded way..

It got deleted as irrelevant. Thanks mod.

MillennialHarvestMes ago

I agree with this post. I will admit it bothers me LESS when the culprits are liberals, because I do not consider myself politically liberal, and so have no need to defend liberals. It becomes more difficult when they are conservatives, for some of us. Let's remember, there have been plenty of pedos that were affiliated with the Republican Party, and there's no point in making a list, because it is counter productive. I will say this: If you don't curtail your desire to implicate only one side, then you may miss vital clues. For instance, since it's true that "Bird's of a feather flock together", maybe we should take a closer look at the Republican "good buddies" of any liberal we come across that is involved here? May open up a whole new can of worms. Just my two cents.

TryOurSalsa ago

Thank you so so so so so much for this!

nadamurphy ago

Look, this video has been posted before and instantly written off as shilling and I completely disagree with that. https://youtu.be/2OrX0U4qwTM

There's a huge difference between shilling and providing a different subjective opinion and perspective on the issue. I worry that we're becoming an echo chamber that if presented with another opinion we immediately write off as a shill.

If you took the time to read this comment take the time to watch the video. Many of our theories debunked in there, unfortunately. I still believe there might be something to this though, so please don't give up.

thezodiac ago

What about the Bohemian Grove which is a republican thing?

madmanpg ago

I'd say there's a simpler way of looking at this.

John Podesta/Clintons/DNC - Pizzagate, 2016

Craig Spence/Bushes/RNC - Franklin Scandal, 1989

If Pizzagate is true, then the Franklin Scandal is likely true and likely related. Therefore, there is no room for partisan politics. NONE. These people are vile, monstrous criminal swine and breaking them down into neatly labeled groups is a waste of time, a distraction, and an easy out for anyone who can't handle the cognitive dissonance.

siriansun ago

Thank you! My biggest peeve of this all, is when people start mixing politics in it. There a satanic pedophiles on both sides, not just the DNC. This is about the victims, the predators and finding a way to get rid of the trash.

CosmicSponge ago

Here's a meme:

Republican, Democrat, Independent (pictures all spliced) into three

All pedophiles should be treated equally

sleepingbeautycan ago

I have been tweeting about Hastert and Paul Ryan and Ben Sasse. https://archive.fo/spr9d

anon123 ago

Here is where some of us are trying to make memes and counter articles to discredit MSM.


dookiehowzer ago


anon123 ago

Unfortunately we also need to discredit MSM and shed the "fake news" label. It's hard to accomplish both without exposing their bias in politics.

ravagedblade1588 ago

I will post an article on PR and "Propaganda" we will need to use their same tools.

Ryonne ago

Amen. I suppose a lot of us have a right-conservative bias because this originated with analyzing the Podesta emails dropped by Wikileaks, but it's grown far beyond that. It's no longer a political movement. It's a moral outrage. It's not just about Hillary Clinton. It's about deep political corruption and horrific evil that goes far deeper than any of us could have imagined. All political ideologies need to unite in saving these children and making sure those responsible are brought to justice.

LtSilverFox ago

If your not gonna say something supportive why say it man. It's that type of thinking that stops us from reaching our potential

nadamurphy ago

Also, I think we need a thread for debunked/opposing views on some of the emails.

I watched a video "debunking" pizzagate. While the guy in it gave a lot of alternate explanations for the emails, artwork, instagram posts. I don't think it discredits our entire theory.

I apologize if this appears "shillish" but after looking at some of the evidence for the other side of things I felt a bit disappointed in myself. Objectivity is key.

CeepsNo ago

good on you for actually taking the time to look at what the other side has to say. i wish more people were like you

urso ago

the US bipartisan issue is an illusion, both are heads of the same snake. I had that hope Obama would be different than Bush, i was mistaken, Obama was Bush 2.0, the same deception, just he can speak whole phrases, but his promises, none accomplished, he said to close Guantanamo, lies. Those figures in power are talking heads, reading from a teleprompter. I expect little more than entertainment from US presidents. I would not be surprised if Trump shows up he is as involved in this sea of mud as the democrats are, check the list of pedo-republicans, its big.

LtSilverFox ago

I 100% agree, just focus on what's important here don't forget the goal of pizza gates guy

Werwer12 ago

Agreed. Find connections to Republicans and I think that might help. They are definitely out there. It is absolutely not a left/right issue.

leon1234 ago

I think most of "politicizing" of Pizzagate is directly related to the party affiliations of those involved and their connections to the Democratic party. Personally, I don't feel it is political but just happens to be those atm. There is other evidence outside and beyond Pizzagate that shows Republican issues.

standalone ago

MSMs are masters at spinning things. No matter what you do, they'll always spin it. To be honnest, I don't have the feeling that the #pizzagate community is too politically polarized right now. Now that the election is behind, zealous political supporters of both sides have moved on to other topics and are now busy fighting around the recounting issue. Only people who truly care about the children are still here, with the exception of the occasional troll, and of course the paid shills who will be here no matter what and will try all possible strategies to hinder our investigation effort.

standalone ago

Eventually, those brave enough to go down the rabbit hole all the way down will come out the other side with a deep disgust and hatred of the very concept of centralized power and governement, and will start viewing "left" and "right" as meaningless flavours of the same bunch of crap.

l23r ago

I think the Pro Trump thing has become a bigger thing Voat wide recently because a lot of people came here from the Reddit T_D group, and the N....r thing was from Coongate.

Not everyone here is a Trump supporter - or a Hillary supporter (like me) I do think that making things non-partisan will make the group seem more legitimate, or at least take away the ability for the MSM to say that it's an attack on "poor ole Killary". There is shit out there showing it's not just Democrats who are into raping kids.


I voted for Hillary. I was an avid anti-gun smug asshole. Then I realized that our politics is so fucked that it doesn't fucking matter. Pizzagate woke me the fuck up.

We need a new government.

Then we can argue about relatively retarded things like who uses what restrooms. I realized that synthetic political division is nothing but a distraction from a worldwide monolithic conspiracy raping us in the ass. I would change my vote in an instant, so long as Trump is not in this international clique of hounds.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Well said!!

And that was the very reason the founding fathers made the constitution with the 1st and 2nd amendments being of utmost importance!

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Absolutely agreed. Franklin involved mainly Republicans, but there were Dem's involved as well. Alot of these politicians don't give a shit about politics, its power and being above the law that motivates them.

AdVict0riam ago

You folks are adorable.

angular_planes ago

Yes! I said this, got to the Top with upvotes and @kingkongwaswrong called it "concern trolling" and deleted the submission. (200+ upvotes, 10 down votes, from people blasting me with ad hominems)

Keep spreading the message though. If MSM can label this a "alt-right" conspiracy it's dead in the water. Forgive my concern!

angular_planes ago

Re-posting my submission below because fuck censorship:

I see brilliant posts all the time that are tarnished with partisan politics. Nobody should have to explain all the reasons this hurts our cause!

[EDIT] I appreciate the dedication and hard work of Trump supporters that uncovered and continue to investigate this story. I myself am a very "right-wing" person with some degree of faith in Trump. I understand the suspects of this investigation so far are all left-wingers [not true anymore] and if it were republicans this would be very different. Certainly not "fake news".

With all of that said... There is no reason a person can't be "liberal" and reject their pedophile politicians - although discovering that their leaders are pedos might be the biggest red pill they ever swallowed...

Millions of Americans will reject this story instantly if it is presented solely by the "alt-right" because they are "racist, sexist, xenophobic..." and this story is the best chance we have to wake those kinda folks up!

ExiledAnubis ago

Agreed 100%. We must remove as many potential angles of attack that our enemies have. Take their ammunition away and they are firing rubber bullets.

angular_planes ago

We also shouldn't let moderators delete honest, thoughtful submissions with overwhelming support...

HolyMoly0 ago

This should be stickied

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Go back to reddit you fucking faggot.

AdVict0riam ago

Oh good, a Holocaust denier. The only thing worse than a flat-Earther lol.


"You" are an algorithm...

stickittotheman ago

Oh look a holocaust propagandist. The only thing worse is a pedo freak.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

3 days

AdVict0riam ago

No, you're "3 days."

ExiledAnubis ago

Ignore him and downvote. This guy is a confirmed shill attempting to devalue this entire movement by posting retarded drivel that is easily exploited by our opponents/MSM.

djaeveloplyse ago

A good sentiment, but unrealistic, I think.

  1. The leftist rabble are PC SJWs, they will not accept truth. It is not by our choice that we are a primarily right wing, it is because the leftists will not join us that is the case.

  2. They will use that vector of attack regardless. Again, truth has nothing to do with it.

  3. Being highly motivated is also important, and politics is a powerful motivator. Turning away avenues of research out of an attempt to be apolitical is also bad.

Ultimately, the left does not care that children are being raped and/or killed. They don't even give lip service to caring. Like not caring that Hillary stole the primary from Bernie by blatantly cheating, they dismiss and excuse away all evidence of wrongdoing as right wing lies or justified for the greater good. Like it or not, the moral absolutism of rightists means that's where we are going to get 90% of our support.

KingKongVoats ago

The post is bullshit because this /v/pizzagate is a limited hangout the deletes any mention of RNC pedo's or that TRUMP is a PIMP of children for the Mob Casinos. ... When the mods here are executed, and left&right,liberal&conservative are free to speak, then we can talk non-partisan, now you all want to talk non-partisanship, but maintain the fucking censorship that skews the PEDO on DNC.

Almost all PEDO in USA history is RIGHT-WING sodomite non-gay men fucking children, men like J Edgar Hoover,

non-partisan is this..

liberals have sex consensually conversatives flip children into prostitution and BUY love

TruthTrumps ago

There are dems on this board who are every bit as outraged and sickened by this scandal as any conservative. At this point, a lot of them may be temporarily blinded because they think this is a right vs left issue....but once that can be proven wrong, I expect a lot more to come on board. (I don't expect that of rabid SJWs though.) When I first read that Scalia was involved in this stuff....I stepped back and thought "No way!". But after reading more about how deep this goes...I'm not so sure anymore. Same goes for Bush Sr. None of us wants to believe the dirt when it's on our side....not at first, anyway. There are a lot of people who are pointing the finger at Trump too. I'm praying they are wrong. I THINK they are wrong...but we don't know for sure. When he talked about "draining the swamp"...I'm hoping he meant this pedo ring....the root of all the other evil and corruption in our government.

djaeveloplyse ago

Totally agree. Among the elites, this is way deeper than the left/right divide. But, among the common people, PC culture is a very effective psychological control mechanism. Right-leaning commoners, whose ideological foundation already includes hatred of the elites, will be more open to hearing that they are true villains. I've actually had success with the explanation that this blackmail scheme they have running finally explains the phenomenon that no matter how righteous a Republican seems going in, after a few years in Washington DC they turn into Rinos.

ExiledAnubis ago

OP and myself are both "left" progressives (Bernie supporters) that are highly behind Pizzagate and were vehemently against Hillary. Again, this is not a Left/Right issue, this is a human rights issue. To answer your points:

1) Don't overgeneralize and alienate potential allies. You gain no additional allies by doing this and only stand to lose

2) They can try, but it only makes their job EASIER if we give them direct quotes that they can use to prove this point

3) If someone isn't highly motivated to take action by the thought of innocent children being raped and murdered for the entertainment of social/political elites, they are part of the problem.

3b) The entire point of removing bias from PizzaGate is to avoid turning away avenues of research, not the other way around.

djaeveloplyse ago

I agree that pizzagate itself is not a left/right issue (although from what I've seen the left is the more compromised of the two). However, I'm talking about the support we can expect from random people on the internet to help investigate and expose. You and OP are exceptions, not the norm, unfortunately. The left has gone down a bad road with PC and SJW culture, and common people steeped in those philosophies will be of no use whatsoever. They cannot think critically or rationally anymore. We will need absolute proof to wake many of those people up, and some will still never wake up at all.

  1. I don't agree. Criticizing PC SJW dogma for helping to hide these crimes can be a powerful tool to bring new people into acceptance of the situation. Many people see the PC SJW bent of the mainstream media already, and when they express doubt that the media would cover something like this up, pointing out their PC bias can cause a realization that indeed the media could be covering stuff like this up. It is always easier to use existing agreement to create new agreement compared to creating new agreement from scratch.

  2. It really doesn't make it harder or easier. In fact, it is easier to make fake accounts and post inflammatory stuff than it is to search for it among mountains of perfectly mild stuff.

  3. I agree. Most leftists are not highly motivated by this because they cannot conceive of it being true and maintain their worldview. Leftism relies upon enlightened philosopher kings to function, pedophilia invalidates that enlightenment (which is why they push the "social" issues as hard as they do in an attempt to creep such disgusting behavior into social acceptance).

3b. I understand that, but if there is a research avenue that only a leftist can see because they lack a rightists bias, we will need true leftists to see them. I welcome you here for that reason, and I respect you for not being a total slave to PC. However, to ask anyone to forgo what they see out of some desire to not be labelled crazy by the complicit media is still falling right into the PC trap. We cannot allow our search for the truth to be blunted by any attempt to mollify the media. When we find absolute proof, there will be no amount of insults they can level to make any difference, yet they will level every insult they possibly can, true or not, until then and beyond.

ExiledAnubis ago

The left has gone down a bad road with PC and SJW culture, and common people steeped in those philosophies will be of no use whatsoever. They cannot think critically or rationally anymore.

Yes, that is certainly true, I agree

Thanks for being civil in this discussion here, unlike quite a few others below. This is what we need, intelligent people having civil discussion, working together to focus on finding and documenting the truth.


PC SJW dogma has nothing to do with hiding these crimes against humanity. It is merely the perversion of the side that these international hounds arbitrarily decided to brainwash. Liberalism and SJW dogma have literally nothing to do with each other. Militant anti-racism uber PC bullshit was completely synthesized by these trillionaire mother fuckers. I am liberal as fuck, young, and intelligent. I don't buy the PC bullshit.

djaeveloplyse ago

Sure it does. PC SJW allows the masterminds to dismiss anyone who would expose them by yelling "racist sexist bigot!" They do so, and it works, the common leftist will accept that the accused is a racist/sexist/bigot, then never accept anything they have to say, even distort what is said to fit that warped viewpoint of them. It doesn't work on you, but it works on most leftists, and many on the right, too. I think you need to really take a closer look at how closely tied to each other modern "liberalism" and SJW/PC philosophy have become. You might want to find a different crowd to identify with, because if you aren't on board with intersectional identity politics, they sure don't identify with you.


You know... you're right.

ScottKnight ago

To be fair I wouldn't blame the left but some people in the US are extremely loyal to the democratic party and won't believe anything bad about them at all.

Because think, what we are doing right now is being social justice warriors

djaeveloplyse ago

I don't blame the left either, but their philosophy demands politically correct newspeak form its adherents, so they are just not going to be very useful to this cause. Once proven, many leftists will see the light, but until then most will dismiss it with absolute cognitive dissonance.

ravagedblade1588 ago

The real SJWs, however I like to think of us just being decent human beings. However, remember there are dogmatic believers on every ideology.

@djaeveloplyse "Ultimately, the left does not care that children are being raped and/or killed. They don't even give lip service to caring. " That tiny phrase is a sound bite to use against you. I understand your anger. Direct it towards the evil. In the end when justice comes party will mean little.

djaeveloplyse ago

I will not shy away from the truth simply because evil people might use it against me. The left genuinely does not care, just like they don't care about Bill Clinton's many credible accusations of raping adults.

ravagedblade1588 ago

Then explain the number of "left" leaning folks here? This is not a leftist issue There are various cases of these dating back to the 70s all involving both parties. Again think outside of your political perception this is a good vs evil.

djaeveloplyse ago

I didn't say it was a leftist issue at the top, I said that leftists among the common people who subscribe to PC will not be of much use.

ScottKnight ago

I think it's hard since its mostly the democratic party involved. The crimes aren't political but I think people should be free to use this as a political statement, even though it could be harmful to my libertarian views

NotThe77th ago

I suspect that is the FBI are let off the leash many republicans will see a court room.

TryOurSalsa ago

It makes it too easy to ignore the real issues. I am not a very political person and I am very passionate about getting the media to start reporting about this. I don't think they will touch it while it looks like its just "crazy trump supporters" being crazy. We have to make it so that they can't label this conspiracy as some crazy political scam.

postfascion ago


thezodiac ago

Good post. We must remember that Donald Trump was also a friend of Epstein. He might be involved.

pepe16 ago

I think an FBi investigation is already open, and they'd be insane to act unless Trump is the sitting president.

tucker123 ago

I strongly suspect there have been open investigations into several "subjects of interest" for at least a year now. I think they're using the time before the inauguration to solidify the respective cases. These are high profile cases with high profile individuals, who will come to court with an army of lawyers, so the cases have to be ironclad. As well, I can't recall much of anything ever happening in Washington over the holiday period, so those weeks can effectively be ignored.

Crimes against children are absolutely despicable. Agree, time to take politics off the table here. The kids deserve the best minds of both the left and right working to protect them.

Orange_Circle ago

I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt the FBI will do anything. They are compromised from Comey on down.

anon123 ago

FBI and Trump aren't going to say a word about Pizzagate until he's in office.

CeepsNo ago

I've been thinking the same thing

pirawrr ago

Yes, I agree with this. It's likely to work better strategically and likely that both Republicans and Democrats are involved in pedophilic rings and the cover-up.

ravagedblade1588 ago

Exactly, wars are won by unity. Push.

ravagedblade1588 ago

I will quote a movie here. "The task of depoliticizing is going to be almost impossible." "No, it's necessary" . Money is involved, and we will find the trail.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

What movie?

ravagedblade1588 ago

Interstellar is the movie.

contrarianism ago

This is not a left-right issue at all.

This is a good-evil issue. Our future depends on it.

WellSetTable ago


ravagedblade1588 ago

This is true, now i am not saying we all hold hands and sing kumbaya sp?. We all are brothers and sisters in arms against the same bad guy now. I am actually surprised the amount of censoring that is occurring for a "fake news" article right?

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Wonderfully said, and I couldn't agree more. Everyone, if you don't know about the Franklin Scandal read up on it now. You can start by watching this documentary Conspiracy of Silence. Documenting the Franklin Coverup Scandal involving prominent Republicans.


Also listen to this podcast Sword and Scale - Episode 5 and 6. It goes into great detail on the scandal as well.



This is a backup link of a great source of nonpartisan information as well


dindonufin ago

Hear, hear! #2 is all you need to say!

Hear, hear! #2 is all you need to say!

Hear, hear! #2 is all you need to say!

Louisa ago

Thank you! I'm a Hillary voting liberal and Pizzagate opened my eyes. It was hard to muck through the "libtard" posts and articles that were clearly just more BS to create division by the media - to get to the truth and actually have it hit me where it mattered. We need more people to wake up and politicizing this is way too easy to keep people in the dark.

I promise all of you - I don't know a single liberal that is actually as stupid as these articles put out make us seem. I would hate us too if we were. Most of us just want peace, freedom and reasonable taxes.

AdVict0riam ago

Fully agree. Making this a Rep vs. Dem/left vs. right exercise is counterproductive. This needs to be treated as a non-partisan issue since people on both sides of the "aisle" appear to be involved at this point.

ravagedblade1588 ago

Thank you all for the replies, when my close friend (who is alt-right) introduced me to this. I was angry...very. It is hard to believe this could be happening. Remember "Even if there is a 1% chance of being true, that is 1% to many".

rivercontrol ago

Hear, hear!

shillsmademeregister ago

You are right. The shills will never reach a certain threshold though. I have been following this sub for a week now but today I just couldn't hold back anymore after reading so many polarizing posts. I registered today. The revelations in this can of worms will reboot all geopolitical and religious aspirations worldwide believe me. All this political talk can faint if we can just get the word out.


Drop the dogmas, spread the truth.

ExiledAnubis ago

Nice and catchy - I like it!



oresd ago

Thanks for the sensible post. Every time Hillary gets mentioned I roll my eyes. Just stop. There are clearly pedophiles operating. Stop the political lynch mob and start focusing on evidence.

I believe the evidence will show that a global problem exists with charities based around kids that are havens and networks for abuse.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

5 days

It's like shooting fish in a barrel. Please kill yourself.

TopGun ago

I think everything leads back to the Clinton Foundation, actually, and that is where we should be focusing our energy if PizzaGate is actually real.

While the strongest evidence we have is on Podesta, a little background that you may or may not be aware is that the entire PizzaGate conspiracy theory actually originates from the tip of a mysterious 4Chan anon, FBIAnon.

FBIAnon was an anonymous user claiming to be a FBI agent. He made a couple of bizarrely correct predictions such as the FBI reopening the investigation on Hillary and, specifically, the Clinton Foundation months prior to it happening and attained a cult following.

FBIAnon's strongest message was 'Follow the Clinton Foundation'. FBIAnon was the one that told readers that the Clinton campaign was speaking in code and that the Clinton Foundation was involved in an international human trafficking ring.

So when the Podesta emails began leaking, his followers immediately searched for clues. That is where "Pizzagate" originally came from. His followers immediately leaped on the assumption that "pizza" = "child" when cryptic Podesta emails were published. From there, the rest is history. The PizzaGate community was formed and began making connections everywhere such as Comic Ping Pong, Alefantis, etc.

But what the community forgets is that everything and I mean everything that we have originates from a tip from FBIAnon. If FBIAnon is wrong, then there is a likeliness that this entire theory is trash. A lot of our guesswork is contingent on FBIAnon having made correct predictions about Clinton in the past.

So if you happen to be a staunch liberal, Democrat, or Clinton supporter, that is great! But, you need to be aware that the entirety of PizzaGate actually hinges on the Clinton Foundation. We may have gone on a couple of tangents; but, everything leads back to FBIAnon, who made a couple of correct, insane predictions, and pinned it on her. If that is too political for you, then this conspiracy theory is not for you.

Orange_Circle ago

Can't forget FBI Anon telling us to look at how Mark Cuban makes his money....

shillsmademeregister ago

Guys the CEO of Clinton Foundation Eric Braverman is missing for 39 days now. Someone of his caliber being missing for nearly 40 days is something newsworthy don't you think? Anyone know where Podesta is at least?

ExiledAnubis ago

Agreed - Clinton Foundation is at the core of this rotten apple, but again, their political leanings are largely irrelevant to the actions they are party to. People that commit these atrocities do not align themselves with political views because they cherish them, they align themselves with a party because it is expedient to their selfish goals. Making it a partisan issue detracts from the facts at hand and encourages research bias, besides giving our opponents an easy opening to condemn us in the eyes of a large portion of the public.

Womb_Raider ago

Well, I think the Hillary bit is significant because she and Bill have hung out with Jeff Epstein on his sex island. Not to mention Clinton's campaign manager, Podesta, was involved.

It's hard to de-politicize something when political figures are intimately involved.

postfascion ago

Yeah, just because its bipartisan doesn't mean to say the evidence so far is nullified. They're all do fucking close in DC it surely won't take long for the spotlight to widen.

TryOurSalsa ago

Then they should only be broguht up when speaking of that specific evidence.

This isn't going to go anywhere until it can be de-politicized.

Womb_Raider ago

Didn't Clinton host campaign events at Comet Ping Pong?

oresd ago

There are no FACTS that connect anything here to the Clintons. That Epstien stuff is a totally different situation and shouldn't be brought up until a factual connection is made. That doesn't mean you ignore it, but rather focus attention where it's more valuable and more likely to result in a law enforcement investigation.

NotThe77th ago

The Clintons are right in the middle of this horror, that's nothing against the left, unless your idea of left is as fucking warped as they are.

tstr ago

Your reply is protecting them. There have been more than enough people that have come forward about Bill as well as how many times he was hanging with Epstein. You are NEVER going to find a body on the internet. Can't happen.

Womb_Raider ago

I think if you dug enough, you would find facts that did connect the Clintons.

Hillary had a campaign event at Comet Ping Pong. I think that's significant.

But we need proof. You're right. That's why we need to dig into every lead.

oresd ago

It's not significant. It's just a data point. My larger point is about the sensationalist nature of this talk and how people speak of it with such certainty, and how it distracts from real investigation.

Womb_Raider ago

I guess you have a valid point.

Hey_Sunshine ago

The hard part about connecting people to these cases and the people involved in them are bound with non-disclosure agreements makes it a lot more difficult to try and connect dots together.

There was a post last night that somebody made asking for researchers to look for connections between these civil litigation which are public record to these secret society of pedophiles the only problem is we're dealing with professional lawyers that let know how to play the game better than us lay people.

I really want to help and all but there's not much information to be gleaned from the public record because these people know how to cover their tracks better than most.

ravagedblade1588 ago

To continue to be civil. We have to separate the person from the party. While it is true they are part of the democratic party, I want to emphasize that your observation is true. As i stated historically there seems to be involvement all the way back into the Reagan years. It is logically safe to assume all parties mean little. So I say simplify the issue down to its basic components and that is..evil people doing evil things. When justice is served...what party they were a part of will be irrelevant.

TruthTrumps ago

Excellent post. Maybe somebody could come up with memes stressing the bipartisan point. There is speculation that people who may be (or are ) involve from both sides include Clintons, Podesta, Scalia, Danny Hastert, Bush Sr. We need to get the bipartisan aspect out there. Pizzagate and Clinton/Podesta involvement is only the tip of the iceberg in a world wide BIpartisan ( or multi partisan) pedophile ring among the elite in politics and royal society.

krisspykriss ago

This is part of the plutocracy. The great snap between lives of the rich vs poor is happening. Here are a few links to specific points in a long lecture. I cover the main points though and it distills the lecture down to a couple short segments. We have a wealth divide that is accelerating and there will come a point where there are two Americas. The average American and the elite. Firstly, on how everyone really does have an increase in income. https://youtu.be/QCu-XnVxhfk?t=20s Secondly, on the concept of a "snap" https://youtu.be/QCu-XnVxhfk?t=13m7s Thirdly, on the complete separation of the elite and the masses. https://youtu.be/QCu-XnVxhfk?t=19m25s

So we have a growing divide in America. It isn't about race, religion, political views, or any of the standard ways of viewing demographics. We have the elite and the masses. We also see growing contempt toward the masses. That is how we have things like Katrina, Flint Michigan, Pizzagate. The elites do not face failing infrastructure, declining education, the prison industry, the militarization of police. Just look at the Bundy Standoff vs NoDAPL. The Bundys were just mere local rich. They were not in the top .1% nor part of the deep state. They were just rich for their area and community. They had an armed standoff with police lasting weeks. No escalation by the government. The shootings were all responses to danger from armed individuals. The water protectors are facing much different conditions. The police are blowing people's arms off with concussion grenades, spraying down protesters with fire hoses in freezing conditions, severely injuring people with rubber bullets. Or to bring it back to Pizzagate, how many of us would have child protective services hounding us for posting images like the ones we have uncovered. Rules for the masses and rules for the elite. Would anyone other than someone as poilitcally connected have gotten away with running a private server (data base) storing State Department communications without being prosecuted? Rules for us and rules for them. Republicans do it too. Pence has his own email issues. This is why an America with two classes of people is bad for America. The poor are disenfranchised politically, economically, educationally, and even judicially. Try running a charity where most of the funds get funneled to you and your friends and see how quickly you get put in jail. Again, Clinton did it but so do Republicans like Trump.

What happens where two cultures in the same nation have such great disparity between them. BOTH sides loss compassion for each other. Both begin to look at each other with contempt. Both start seeing the others as less human. Is there growing contempt from the masses directed at the rich and powerful? YES! That is how Trump was elected. He ran on "Not one of Them". He spoke to the struggles of the working class. He spoke to the issues of the working class. But now that Trump is picking his cabinet, we see he is just the same hop and change BS that Obama promised. He isn't draining the swamp. He is putting in a different set of rich and powerful people. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. Obama was Bush Lite. So far it seems Trump is Bush Lager. The same deep state is there. The same elite preying on the masses. They just changed up some of the domestic platform and claim to be changing the imperial nature of the US. Obama is pushing hard to force Trump into a very precarious position before he hands over the keys to the White House. Trump may have little chance to stop the regional conflicts that are already ramping up. Regional conflicts in direct opposition with Russian forces. I am not sure Trump can prevent WW3, but I am hoping and praying he will. Time will tell.

So how does all this fit into Pizzagate? The elite have noticed an ever decreasing demand for labor. The elite have noticed an ever increasing world population. The elite knows these two vectors will cause a very real problem in the near future. While a world wide depopulation plan would be too conspicuous, the death of a thousand cuts can be very banal. Some leaded water here. Ignoring a disaster there. Ignoring violent crime in impoverished communities. Rationing health care based on income. It is a war of attrition. The next phase is a world war. The elite have bunkers and will have rescue efforts. The masses of poor will be left to fight amongst ourselves, attrition. There are only so many resources to allocate. Who will get them? Not us. Pedophilia, baby snatching, drugs, prostitution, fraud... all are focused on the masses and comes from the elite. They no longer even view us as people. We are sub human to them. A source to rape pillage and plunder. We are here for their own proclivities. Nothing displays dominance and fills a sociopath with feeling of power like rape and murder. They keep narc sheets on members to keep them inline with the cult of the elite. Politicians who rock the boat are time and again discredited through sordid revelations of their deeds.

The sooner we put aside the Red Team and Blue Team raw raw raw BS, the sooner we can come together 300,000,000 strong. Stop the violence against the masses. Stop the fake elections. Stop the corruption. Stop the war machine. Stop the drugs, prostitution, assassinations, systemic deaths (Flint, Katrina, and others), outsourcing and death by atrophy of the common American.

Why run a pedophile ring? Because in the long run, they are all dead anyway. Might as well use this resource while it is there for their own amusement. Are the elite really that heartless? Yes, yes they are. There are to many of us and they just want our number culled to a level required for them to continue their elite perks. We are their chattel now to do with as they wish.

ThinkItThru ago

Exactly. Thank you.

starseedlover ago

What would it be like if the "elite" had their own private island where they could do all the shit they wanted amongst themselves as long as they kept it to themselves and didn't bother anyone else. Would that be a solution? Or do you imagine that the "elite" would somehow get reformed and "fixed?" Or all of them executed?

krisspykriss ago

What would it be like if the "elite" had their own private island where they could do all the shit they wanted amongst themselves

That is what we have today. From private islands to gated communities to large ranches, they already are pretty separated from the general population. They won't rape and murder their own though. They need the masses to partake in such things.

Or do you imagine that the "elite" would somehow get reformed and "fixed?" Or all of them executed?

Part of the problem is the system itself. It is based off of complexity and fraud. We saw it in the savings and loan scandals. We saw it in the Dot Com Boom. We saw it in home loans. We are seeing it today in health care. We have had it for generations in politics. From Tweedism to campaign finance to blackmail. The system's complexity is reaching a max pain event. I will give an example. The CEO and top management of VW made a decision to cheat emissions laws. The majority voting stock owners such as the Porsche were left out of the loop. They were basically defrauded by the very management they selected. Their is a silent coup in equities with CEOs and managers becoming increasingly powerful and even keeping voting majority owners holding the bag. The system is cannibalizing itself right now. We have shifted from an entrepreneurial and growth economy to a capitol dominated economy. Now the highest wage earners and capital are each fighting one another on who gets the biggest slice of an ever shrinking pie... ownership of future returns.

Or do you imagine that the "elite" would somehow get reformed and "fixed?" Or all of them executed

No, I am not advocating a great purge of the elite or reeducation camps. In the past all such attempts have just shifted the power from this set of elites to another set of elites. The great Russian Revolution was actually pretty meh. Russians were just as much surfs under the USSR as they were under the Czars. The structure of the economy never really changed much. They went from an authoritarian state with absolute power over the people to... an authoritarian state with absolute power over the people with different heads and a different bureaucracy. The same can be said for China or either Korea. ;)

So long as America worships greed and turns a blind eye to corruption. As long as we allow the wealth of this nation to funnel into fewer and fewer hands, the worse the situation will become. So no, just replacing the elite with new power brokers will not help. We need to acknowledge that there are long held and long lasting systemic issues that are creating the breeding ground for abuses of the elite. You cannot just drain the swamp. The very nature of the ecology of the swamp demands it be refilled with swamp creatures. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

So how can we fix this? It will take at least a generation. More transparency of government. More political influence of the masses. Negation of the elites power of money. Greater diversity in the teaching of economics. From Karl Marx to Ludwig von Mises to Adam Smith (who is often quoted but invariably used out of context). How bloody such a political revolution would be depends entirely on the elite's resistance. The very greediest and most powerful may make us pry their wealth and power from their cold dead hands.

archie01 ago

Great Post! I registered to up vote this post! It should form part of this subverses sticky post.

krisspykriss ago

Thanks. I should edit some of the grammar but honestly I hate editing minor mistakes. It really is becoming Us vs Them, but the elite keep trying to make the masses look amongst the common folks and ignore the rich man on the hill. That is why identity must be squashed now. Men, women, blacks, white, young and old, we are in this together.

ravagedblade1588 ago

I agree.....WE can sort out our differences when we rebuild. The issue here we are fighting psychopaths and sociopaths. They will do anything to win...and we need to be prepared to unite and do the same.

krisspykriss ago

Eventually we may need to cull the cullers. Time will tell.

Louisa ago

This! I wrote off the wikileaks emails at first because all I would hear about were the emails and scandals without ever mentioning any other scandals from the past that are just as bad or worse. Bush dumped emails too - we just didn't get to read them. And the Benghazi thing got so drilled into our heads as if that 9/11 was worse than the first. It become one big eye roll IGNORE for me. And I voted for Hillary. It wasn't until Reddit removed posts in front of my eyes that I decided to maybe check it out. Now I regret my vote. BUT what I'd regret more is giving anyone guilty a pass based on their political party. Hell no - no one gets a pass.

Cincosiber ago

As a recent convert that voted for H do you have any insite into a good way to reach people that still think how you thought?

Louisa ago

Sorry for my late reply. I knew too many people that died in the Oakland fire and have been gutted.

The people ready to discover what is really happening will need to have curiosity for the truth - so there are many people not ready to be seekers of it. I think you get there by asking simple questions without accusations. Never insult someone or question their intelligence. That will stop people from trusting you entirely.

One thing I've been doing is using humor. I've been leaving a graphic proving how this story about comet ping pong shooter was published before the event happened. "Hmm, I wonder if the MSM can give me lottery tickets since they seem to know about things before they happen."

And someone smart enough will figure it out and it will spark their curiosity.

Womb_Raider ago

Important question. These are the people we most desperately need to convince - the people who supported her.

Womb_Raider ago

Lol, you voted Hillary? Why the fuck did you do that?

Louisa ago

haha - It's true how you want to believe what you already believe and seek information that justifies it - not changes it. It was seeing Reddit censor before my very eyes that opened my mind.

Womb_Raider ago

Well, at any rate, I'm happy you saw the light. To be fair, it was pretty hard to find the truth if you didn't know you were being deceived.

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

The power of the MSM and their ability to manipulate perception was incredibly strong. Even I thought she looked like the more reasonable candidate until I started digging into PizzaGate and I voted for Gary Johnson. Now Trump doesn't seem half bad and my whole world view has been turned upside down in the span of a month. It's been a trying time for all of us.

NerdyNoodle ago

Leave him alone. He just woke up. Give him a chance to have his coffee.

postfascion ago

Womb raider... Dumb comment, and your name makes you sound like you've never seen one, let alone "raided". Excellent post OP. If we politicize this we are a) doing the victims a disservice b) limiting ourselves to only part of the story and c) very likely being played. Keep up the good work.

Womb_Raider ago

Ha. I'm neither. I've been on voat long before you children.

Am I not allowed to ask how someone was foolish enough to vote for Hillary?

I'll go ahead and give you a tag. Welcome to voat, you little cunt!

Edit: postfascism here edited their comment, but they were accusing me of being a paid shill.

postfascion ago

Edit? Dont think I did. OK, if you're not a shill, then you've bought into the left right paradigm, and patronise others for doing the same. Thanks for the welcome. . we aren't going anywhere.

Womb_Raider ago

It says in plain text "edited" next to your comment. You'll catch on eventually, I guess.

I've not bought into the left/right. You have nothing with which to substantiate that accusation, you're just making empty insults like a social justice warrior throwing a tantrum. You are weakening your argument and your reputation by spewing unjustified conjecture.

I'm glad you're not going anywhere. I have your account tagged and I'll be able to weed you out of the valuable users with ease.

Like I said, welcome to voat.

postfascion ago

You meant edited as in change my opinion, an assumption. I ain't infallible, my spelling isn't always correct.. That's the edit fucktard. You may not be on the payroll (apparently) but I stand by what I say. Also, like I give a fuck about any of your punitive measures. Big men in s small world. Fucktard millennial.

Womb_Raider ago

You must be lovely in real life.

WellSetTable ago

Yes you are allowed . This is not Reddit and the migrants don't get to change our policies.

Redditsdead ago

Yeah, I don't think she understands yet. I already pointed out to her that we have an Amalek. We are very used to those "tactics".

Royce_of_Veason ago

This is a tall order. I try to only pay attention to posts that don't assign blame. I not only ignore the Jew-bashing or bipartisan junk, but I think character evidence and circumstantial evidence are mostly dead ends. Transactions, whether they are financial, fraudulent, or otherwise, leave a trail. Even the absense of a transaction which should exist is a trail. Sadly after this is all said and done, human trafficking, child-sex crimes, black market organ sales, and global financial crimes will all still exist. But hopefully some of the biggest offenders will be incarcerated.

justforthissubverse ago

Exactly. Circumstantial evidence is only valuable when there is a verifiable crime. Circumstantial evidence "without a body" is not enough. However, the more circumstantial evidence is uncovered, the closer we can get to finding said body.

tstr ago

It's a shame because every time you guys find something that may be an important fact, "they" can see what you found as well. "They" also know what it links to so we are tipping them off on what to hide. I do hope this public investigation bears fruit but this is so far and wide I think most don't really grasp how large it really is. To bring it down and stop it completely is to bring down governments and many multi national corporations across many industries. To bring it down may mean bringing down parts western civilization. You have to realize to us it is pedophilia, but to some of them it is religious. They get energy from the prepubescent. It is a fundamental belief that goes back centuries. This didn't start 50 years ago, these same people have been doing this for centuries. Millennia. This is why I say we have allowed them to become so powerful and entrenched in our society that they can just do it in the open. There are laws ready to go on the books that would allow bestiality, polygamy, and yes pedophilia. That is how powerful they have become. Believe me I want it to end and hope it does but to truly end it once and for all means thinking in "final solution" terms.

Royce_of_Veason ago

This is true, and applies to character evidence as well. But with either, circumstantial or character, they usually are used to prove motive. Finding material proof of fraud or worse (murder/abuse/trafficking) would preclude a need for proving motive. So yes, keep digging in many places, but let's remember what offenses would stick and what findings would convict...

justforthissubverse ago

so much work to do. i fear we really need Leo to get these slippery bastards. search warrants, etc. are the only way I think we turn up anything material. but we need to keep looking regardless

ravagedblade1588 ago

Exactly, you point is summed up with a classical detective motivation. "No body no crime" We need to find the body.

Royce_of_Veason ago

And unless there are bunkers, shipping containers, or abandoned warehouses full of kids from Kosovo, Haiti, Virginia/DC, etc... our best bet is to prove fraud, coercion, collusion, and the like.

ravagedblade1588 ago

This is sad but true. I mean many mafia bosses were taken down by "Tax fraud" and various of more mundane crimes. I do want to press one thing to keep us motivated. "There is no such a thing as a perfect crime" .

ravagedblade1588 ago

Thank you, I've been lurking for a little while. I believe this is the most important elephant in the room. It it vital to the life span of this investigation. I think to much is at stake to not push for a common banner. As I been coining "If there is a 1% chance this is true, it is 1% to many".