Son_Of_Hate ago

A video game tournament. Duh.

killer7 ago

What happened?

sguevar ago

Trying to make the poll the least biased possible so we can addresse aged's problem in the best way possible.

killer7 ago

I meant what was the aged's problem? Out of the loop.

sguevar ago

Well basically trying to see if the v/gaming community gets engaged and decides whether they want a new low effort post rule, have a better block user feature in which even if the user posts on the subverse we are subscribed on we won't see his postings or get an NSFW tag on the loli posts Aged put in.

So working on that poll.

Personally I am tired of watching the victim posts of u/theoldones and the posts of his detractors, both parties calling for a brigading on each other.

This way I think we can get the matter put to rest and move on.

theoldones ago

i'll rethink some shit after getting a small amount of vacation off finally.

the last word i'll say about my behaviour is i just really dislike seeing problems go unaddressed

sguevar ago

Enjoy your vacations, I will remake the post with the poll corrected so v/gaming has a chance to correct this on it's own.

thantik ago

This is a great jewish way to try and get your opinion forced on others. Put up a poll. Word the poll in such a way that it's only legitimate outcome is to agree with you. Point at poll as the users agreeing with you.

Fuck off @sguevar.

sguevar ago

(G.G) You are entitled to your opinion, as stupid as it might be.

thantik ago

Look at your poll again, you dumb kike.

It's literally:

Should we implement a new rule? Yes/No

How many chances should they get when they break this new rule? (now pushing the assumption that a new rule gets made).

sguevar ago

The criticism is valid. Thanks for shining a light there despite the stupid approach you took.

On the questions what wording would you have chosen?

I don't the criticism at all and is more than welcome so we can get a unbiased poll to get past this stupid drama that is annoying all of us.

So how about if you give me your proposal for the wording on the poll, following the order of the questions and the different options they should have?


And you can leave the kike adjective behind because as you despise them so do I. You didn't like it, allow me to understand better your position and then we can come to an agreement.

thantik ago

At the very least, you should have added options for "No Rule" to the other questions in which you assumed that they voted for a new rule. This will get rid of the bias for answers of "1", which are the default.

Furthermore, I don't have the time to think about a proper set of poll questions at the moment. You have to carefully navigate in order to maintain neutrality in the questions and I just don't have the time to form a legitimate set of questions as I'm only posting on my lunch break from work.

sguevar ago

Understood I will work on it and make another test poll - I also went through it fairly fast as I am also at work.

Plus I would like to add the proposals another user provided as additional options to handle the issue.

Wahaha ago

Polls solve nothing and thus I won't participate. If you are that annoyed move to a different subverse where you can make the rules. This is Voat. Everyone can say whatever they want. If you have a problem with that go away. Then this place isn't for you.

sguevar ago

Coming from you I really couldn't care less.

Clearly you aren't very skilled at reading to see what the interest of the poll is but I will leave it at that.

Wahaha ago

How difficult is it to understand? No. More. Rules. If you are that annoyed move to a different subverse where you can make the rules. This is Voat. Everyone can say whatever they want. If you have a problem with that go away. Then this place isn't for you.

sguevar ago

How difficult is it to understand? No. More. Rules.

That is for the entirety community to decide not just you. And other users have given other proposals besides the rules that

Wahaha ago

(((Engaging in dialogue))). You don't need more rules for freedom of speech. "Thought you were a defender of [thing], why not talk about destroying [thing], goyim? It's just a dialogue."

sguevar ago

You can keep trying to project your (((jew in the letter))) nature towards me as a preaching to the choir way to address my question. However that just makes you look stupid.

The concern is a valid one and the v/gaming community has a right to see whether they want a new rule or decide what is the best way to address this matter. Your dismissive behavior is not productive at all but you are certainly entitled to have it.

Personally if you are unable to engage in a reasonable dialogue to determine whether u/Aged posts aren't gaming related then there is really not a good reason to keep this conversation right? As I stated before, coming from you I couldn't careless.

psymin ago

If you're doing a 3 strikes rule, possibly change the flair for the user so the user and everyone can know to apply scrutiny.

Might be a terrible idea.

Or how about hide comments by default from posters who have a negative ccp for the sub (If that is even a thing).

sguevar ago

If you're doing a 3 strikes rule, possibly change the flair for the user so the user and everyone can know to apply scrutiny. Might be a terrible idea.

That could be seen as downvote brigading or a motivation for such thing.

Or how about hide comments by default from posters who have a negative ccp for the sub (If that is even a thing). Only when the comments on said post are negative then it just hide them but if you click on show they show.

The proposals given by @Project2501 are quite interesting as well to be honest. So I do see them as an additional option to resolve the matter instead of adding new rules to the sub.

@Obrez, what are your thoughts on these proposals: ?


As a side note, we CAN fix this shit hard way. We can simply ALL spam the gaming sub with "game related" pics 24/7. How would you like that? We can ALL play this game!

I think I am going to post pics of my favorite weapons in all the games I like. One by one, several per day. I might even get fancy with my posts, and post the weapon stats! Hey, it's "related to gaming," so you chumps can't censor me. Ha, fucking ha. Suck it, suckers!

sguevar ago

Yeah that is one of my criticisms on the justification given by the defenders of u/Aged

Obrez ago

To fill in the context for any users who have seen my name around this issue, I do want and have wanted u/aged's "content" removed from this sub since the beginning and I take issue with being called a defender of aged's, I'm not defending him as a person or what he does, merely I am resisting the notion that what he has been doing is against the rules, and actively saying that a rule should be added into v/gaming to make posting low effort smut (as he has been doing) a ban offense, this content is clearly unwanted but what he is posting is gaming related in that the characters are all from video games and v/gaming allows NSFW posts, banning NSFW posts isn't the answer because that could bite us in the ass when discussing real news in gaming or the release of certain games and for that same reason we must be careful in defining "Low Effort" if it is to become an element of a rule so it cannot be manipulated by any future moderation to shutdown discussion they don't like.

"Low effort" being defined as: Any content which is NOT

  • Presently relevant to the community at large and it's interests or current events
  • Original Content from the poster
  • Their commissioned work
  • Their cosplay, or photo they took of/with any other cosplayer(s)

"Low Effort" would not define a working game, a game in current development, articles written about said games or community discussion on a game.

I also take exception to the notion of vote brigading against u/theoldones, "brigading" implies coordination but in reality he has simply independently pissed off a fair number of individuals across voat with his scummy flame war anti-logic and ultimately impotent power tripping. The guy is just awful and has been involved in doxing, dox requests, witchhunts based on lies, brigading, openly making threats to users, spamming this and other subs with updates on his personal beefs, flamewars, and demands on who should be banned on the basis of his personal opinions (not the rules), ping spamming, requesting other users post/link what he defines as CP or Jailbait, he makes lists of his detractors and tries to sic mobs on them under false pretenses, his whole crusade against aged appears to be little more than him attempting to legitimize his scummy behavior and incompetent methodology and "logic" by going after a universally disliked individual (a tactic he has used previously). He also just blatantly lies to deceive people about inane things either because he wants people to embarrass themselves by regurgitating his convenient to believe fake news or is actually too stupid to realize he is the rube posting the fake news, he also seems to be running an alt(s) to upvoat his posts and downvoat his detractors, and has tried to gather steam behind IP banning all TOR and VPN exit nodes. He's cancer.

I digress, I think if aged is to be banned retro-active banning based on new rules is a bad precedent for the whole of Voat, if he is the autist we know him to be he will post even after the rules are changed and can then be banned straight away.

To some folks I'm sure I seem nit picky about all of this but I want voat to be better than reddit in all ways, at all times, and never susceptible to the machinations of power mods playing politics hearkening back to old precedents set carelessly.

For further context on any image of personal drama to some who might try to read between lines, know that I support sguevar, in this opportunity for dialogue and any other, because no matter our disagreements we can discuss our differences of opinion like adults, and that I have faith in Putt's leadership, because the three of us all agree on the end results, I'm just being picky on how we get there because I believe the devil is in the details, and sometimes that means playing devil's advocate to catch loopholes and loose ends before they get made.


I agree with this post, said better than I could. My issue with Aged is that he doesn't actually post anything about gaming, just lewd shit, and subs for that sort of shit already exist, so he's really spamming off topic shit. A picture of a video game character isn't gaming related, gaming is the activity of playing games, not appreciating pictures.

I have no idea what the issue is with theoldones on the gaming sub, I haven't seen or paid attention to it, but I've tried to have conversations with the guy before to no avail. Dude just seems to have an obvious motive with all discussions, it's off putting.

3dk ago

Adjust the rules. Send the fag a message. If he keeps posting, then ban him.

sguevar ago

Thanks, please fill the poll with that

Dortex ago

Ahh yes. Because a poll will fix our problems. Good job internet guy. You've fixed the purity spiral problem.

sguevar ago

Actually the poll will provide data to see if new rules are needed on the v\gaming community or not. If they are we can chose from the words of the users on the v/gaming community the best wording for said rules to avoid the spam u/Aged is engaging on.

If they are not, then there shouldn't be more posts complaining about the posts he is engaging and simply downvote and move on.

I think is a fairly easy to understand. What are your doubts about it?

Dortex ago

There is no possible outcome to this that would leave things better than they started.

Putt ignored poll future:

  1. Poll wants new rule. 1.1 opponents reasonably claim sample selection bias and keep posting/downvoting.
  2. Poll doesn't want new rule. 2.1 Opponents reasonably claim sample selection bias and keep posting/downvoting.

Putt honors poll future:

  1. Poll wants new rule. 1.1. Opponents reasonably claim sample selection bias and keep posting/downvoting. 1 2.Voat has set precedent for making rules to appease the sensibilities of users.

  2. Poll doesn't want new rule. 2.1 Opponents reasonably claim sample selection bias and keep posting/downvoting.

sguevar ago

That is a reasonable concern, butI think we will have to deal with that at the appropiate time. So far my interest is to post the results after a week so the v/gaming subscribers have time to express themselves about this.

Dortex ago

Sample selection bias. You're not understanding what that it. That is not a randomly sampled poll. The kind of person that would vote on this is a niche within several other nested niches. And Putt. Is likely unwilling to keep responding to mobs.

sguevar ago

I am calling for all to vote. Including those that do not care about the situation to express that on the vote. I know you can see this as a fool's hope but with any outcome the results will be posted and we should see what the majority of the community wants.

There is nothing to lose to select the options "I don't care" on the poll.

And Putt. Is likely unwilling to keep responding to mobs.

Engaging in dialogue to reach common ground is not engaging in a mob. This is simply the perspective of someone that doesn't care to allow an individual to trump on the voices others. I am simply looking for all the members of the v/gaming to express themselves regarding this matter in an anonymous way so we can move forward.

knightwarrior41 ago

i dont give a shit

sguevar ago

Please fill the poll, that also shows as an option.

knightwarrior41 ago

i just did,thanks for the option.honestly,i hate lolicon and shota but it does not bother me when someone puts a picture or a drawing of a gaming FEMALE character in a sexy/nude pose as long as said character doesnt look prepubescent

VicariousJambi ago

I agreed with the ban.

The community obviously didn't want the content based on the downvotes. It was unsolicited. The posts were/are continual. He doesn't stop. He doens't stop posting content the users don't want. He knows this and doesn't care.

Do you know what someone constantly sending you bullshit you don't want is?


If it was in your email you'd call it spam. If it was your mailbox you'd call it spam.

It doesn't matter if its kinda sorta related to gaming. Getting mailed ads is kinda sorta related to my life. Its still fucking spam even if it's coupons for free shit.

I'm not really one for "censorship" but he's free to create his own little safe space to do whatever the fuck he wants to. He can enjoy getting his "free coupons" (loli) mailed to his own god damn house.

We are a COMMUNITY. I don't really care what my neighbors do in their own house, but I don't want that shit in the fucking street.

sguevar ago

Please fill the poll - the link is in the description. Thanks for your intake!

VicariousJambi ago

I did fill the poll, but it looks like one of those you can take multiple times.

sguevar ago

I trust the v/gaming community will handle it honestly and not try to tamper with the results. I will be able to know if such an attempt happens.

VicariousJambi ago

Alright, I'll honor it and not make a spam bot for this one :P

Although I haven't done that shit since like 2010 when it was way easier

sguevar ago

ROFL thanks

Diggernicks ago

Aged and theoldones fight to the death irl

fightknightHERO ago

Aged would be slaughtered like a fish

i would Pay to see that

gabara ago

I voted. I love to vote.

Octocopter ago

Putt made his decision enough fucking polls already. No rules broken = no reddit style bans. You want to do something actually useful? Petition to have gaming's rules updated.


Rule 1. Submissions must be related to gaming.

Incessant posting of pics of game characters in a sub clearly intended for posts, and discussion about game related material is abusing the rules.

It's like subscribing to a newspaper to read current event topics, but the paper is filled with cartoons, and memes "related to current events" on every page.

He is simply doing what all narcissistic personalities do when they see weakness. They exploit the weakness to exert control over others. It's a sickness. He cannot stop it.

He will continue to wave his dick in the faces of anyone who will let him, just because he can. It gives him pleasure. It satisfies his narcissistic illness. When people do not fight against narcissistic personalities, they get what they deserve.

B3bomber ago

That's why I said that stuff falls under Art first. If you do not know the game it's from, it's just someones drawn picture of some girl (real or imagined).

I'd also like the total personally block seeing certain peoples post option. Fucking spammers get rewarded a lot because one side agrees with their "view". "View" because they are obviously paid to post by that site or own it outright.

sguevar ago

The poll is precisely for that.

I believe @Puttitout stated that this was up for the community to resolve and this is the best way to resolve the matter as I am sure we are all tired of the approach that has been taken by both u/Aged's accusers and defenders.

17897995? ago

It's bigger then /v/gaming. Puttitout put it up for discussion on /v/voat because it impacts every single system subverse.

And frankly, its a tard war where both should be downvoted. That's what the votes are for. Disable thumbnails if you are really upset about the images, you will still be able to downvote away.

And all the voat users that have decided to clamour for censorship of legal, but offensive speech. A rant that mirrors my own views. For new rules. You are literally pushing for censorship that even Nintendo doesn't engage in. And yeah, no hentai. Guess what, he hasn't posted it. Go "no ecchi"/"no anime", no better then Steam censorship, and aged would then just start posting western art.

sguevar ago

And frankly, its a tard war where both should be downvoted.


I understand your position there, however you should fill the poll then. It also gives you the option for no new rules to be created.

The main thing here is that the v/gaming community decides what should happen and then honor the results.

If new rules are requested then that should be done. If not, then downvote and move on. And with that we should put to rest the entire matter once and for all.

17898256? ago

And you know what, I don't trust any poll outside of that was in beta on the preview site. Because I don't know you. I don't know

Everything I have to say on voat, stays on voat. Everything I have to say on /v/gaming stays on /v/gaming. Everything coming from an outside site is bullshit. No outside polls. If you didn't see the global sticky, its own damn fault. The fact that you didn't link it, but you're oh so informed makes me call another layer of bullshit.

sguevar ago

Understandable, if you have a better solution to approach the intake of the whole v/gaming community I am all ears.

I was one of the users that responded to that thread Puttitout made - and I quote what he stated:

So, good luck Voat. I'll be back when you Goats figure this one out. ;)

17898721? ago

Yeah. He had it sticky for a time. Reflected, read what goats said, and then unbanned aged.

Block users means blocking their content is still the best solution. It means theoldones never has to see another aged post again. I even gave a second option, if the rules do need updating, and that is just forcing all ecchi, aka rate T for Teen or above content, aka the questionable content, as NSFW. People can go into their settings and disable NSFW content for themselves. Content isn't banned. Aged isn't banned. But people can then opt out of NSFW content for themselves.

I am personally tired of voat unironically arguing against legal, but offensive speech.

SearchVoatBot ago

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sguevar ago

Block users means blocking their content is still the best solution. It means theoldones never has to see another aged post again. I even gave a second option, if the rules do need updating, and that is just forcing all ecchi, aka rate T for Teen or above content, aka the questionable content, as NSFW. People can go into their settings and disable NSFW content for themselves. Content isn't banned. Aged isn't banned. But people can then opt out of NSFW content for themselves.

I do agree on your proposals to be honest. But that would be something that Putt will have to handle there to modify the Block users and NSFW. I should add that not all drawings he posts are NSFW and are just lolicon content. If the NSFW tag is added to the lolicon content on all of Voat I would second that as well.

I am personally tired of voat unironically arguing against legal, but offensive speech.

I also agree with this. As the content is legal (sadly) I can't ask for u/Aged to be banned from Voat perse nor from v/gaming as per the legality of the content he posts. And I am open to denouncing him and downvote and move on. As I have done in the past. But this particular poll was created because I am tired of seeing u/theoldones making posts complaining about the matter and his detractors making posts complaining about his posts. Is simply moronic to say the least.

So we need to find a swift way to end with this nonsense so the community can reach a common ground and move on.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

Blocking users or NSFW content are both viable solutions for people who don't want to view /u/Aged content. But you're misunderstanding what /u/theoldones wants. He doesn't just not want to see the content himself, he wants to wage a personal crusade against the things he deems immoral. He won't be satisfied with such solutions.


Seriously, either update the rules or give us a "block user" feature.

Let's not turn into plebbit 2.0

FattyWhale ago

I'm surprised the blocking feature doesn't block submissions already.

sguevar ago

The poll's main objective is to see if new rules are required. And it give chance to the Voaters to chose the wording of the new rule(s).

It doesn't take you much time to fill it and it should get the situation straighten out with ease. I don't see the problem of this but I am opened for your criticism on the poll.

VicariousJambi ago

Spam is already a rule. No new rules needed, just enforce whats already there.

Kinda like real life.

srayzie ago

Thank you for the ping @sguevar. I’ve stayed out of it because I didn’t know the guy and respect @Puttitout’s decision. But, I do applaud your efforts. It’s great that you’re taking it to the community to get their Input.

sguevar ago

I hear you, I think it is important that there are objective bystanders here though. Thanks.

srayzie ago

Can I be a bitch and flip them all off?


sguevar ago

LMAO then that wouldn't be objective XD

srayzie ago

Oh I’ll try to be a good girl then. 😁

sguevar ago


srayzie ago

Ok <3